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Double Dealing Character/Story/Reimu A's Extra
< | Main Scenario Extra Story |
Story |
世界内存在に響く鼓動 |
A Beat That Resounds Through One's Being in the World | |
幻想郷上空(嵐) |
Skies of Gensokyo (Stormy) | |
BGM: 魔力の雷雲 |
BGM: Thunderclouds of Magical Power | |
Benben Tsukumo and Yatsuhashi Tsukumo ENTER | ||
Benben |
悪いけどここで足止めさせてもらうよ |
Sorry, but we're going to have to stop you right here. |
Yatsuhashi |
鎮魂ライブの始まり始まりー! |
Let the soul repose performance beginー! |
Benben Tsukumo and Yatsuhashi Tsukumo DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
さっきの楽器の付喪神が やっぱり付喪神なのかな? |
If those instrument tsukumogami Surely this is the work of |
??? |
ようやく来たわね |
You've finally come, |
Raiko Horikawa ENTERS | ||
??? |
今頃来ても |
But you're |
Reimu |
やっぱり楽器の付喪神ねー でも残念ね 打ち出の小槌は回収期に入ったから |
I was right, an instrument tsukumogami. Unfortunately for you, though, now that the Miracle Mallet is recovering its power, |
夢幻のパーカッショニスト |
Phantasmal Percussionist | |
Raiko |
あら巫女ともあろう者が もう小槌の魔力を失っても |
Really? And you thought your I can stay like this |
Reimu |
え? |
Huh? |
Raiko |
打ち出の小槌の魔力が力の源だと そのまま享受していては だから考えた 打ち出の小槌の魔力を捨て それを教えたのよ |
I noticed right away that the Miracle Mallet If I had just accepted that, So I had a thought. What if I discarded the Miracle Mallet's power Then I told all the |
Reimu |
別の魔力を取り込む呪法だって? |
You replaced it with a different magic? |
BGM: 始原のビート ~ Pristine Beat |
BGM: Primordial Beat ~ Pristine Beat | |
Raiko |
あらあら 何故なら道具は全て使用者の魔力で さあ試すとするか さあ外の世界の |
My, my. Because tools operate entirely So, shall I test my Come, my drummer from the outside world! |
Raiko Horikawa DEFEATED | ||
Raiko |
あらららら |
How surprising! |
Reimu |
道具の割には中々やるじゃない でも一人前の妖怪までは |
For a tool, that was quite a fight. But you're not quite up to the level |
Raiko |
外の世界の魔力だけでは でもまあいいや |
So I can't stand up to you using just But that doesn't matter, |
Reimu |
それにしても別の魔力を 付喪神がそんな悪知恵を |
But a spell to replace I had no idea tsukumogami |
Raiko |
誰だって自分が生き残るのには それは悪知恵でも何でもないわ |
Everyone works hard to You can't call that "cunning". |
Reimu |
ところでどういう物なの? |
By the way, what exactly is |
Raiko |
小槌の魔力の様に勝手に 本来 道具の魔力は使用者の魔力なの だから私は外の世界から流れてきた 外の世界にいる |
The Magic Mallet was an exception, Originally, a tool's magic power is that of its user. So, possessed a drum that had The mystical power of a drummer from the outside world |
Reimu |
ふーん 何にしても大人しくしていれば |
Huh. In any case, if they behave themselves, I... |
Raiko |
あら有難うございます |
Oh, thank you very much. |
Reimu |
他の妖怪がどう動くかまでは |
Though I can't make any promises, |
< | Main Scenario Extra Story |
Story |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |
- ↑ This phrase is adapted from Heideggerian terminology "Being in the world."