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Double Dealing Character/Story/Reimu A's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
Stage 1
淡水真珠の涙 |
Tears of Freshwater Pearls | |
霧の湖 |
BGM: ミストレイク |
BGM: Mist Lake | |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
Cirno DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
こんな湖に暴れるような |
Were there really any youkai |
??? |
あなたは! |
It's you! |
Wakasagihime ENTERS | ||
淡水に棲む人魚 |
Mermaid Living in Fresh Water | |
Wakasagihime |
かの高名な巫女じゃ |
You're that famous shrine maiden, |
Reimu |
おっと人魚? なーんだ |
Oh, a mermaid? Is that all? |
Wakasagihime |
そうやって相手にされなく そろそろ |
It's been ages since anyone It's about time for us youkai |
BGM: 秘境のマーメイド |
BGM: Mermaid from the Uncharted Land | |
Wakasagihime DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
人魚は大人しい妖怪だと やっぱり何か このお祓い棒の事も |
And here I thought that mermaids Something is definitely This purification rod is |
Stage 2
柳の下の生首 |
Severed Head Under the Willows | |
柳の運河 |
Canal of Willows | |
BGM: 運河を行き交う人妖 |
BGM: Humans and Youkai Traversing the Canal | |
Sekibanki ENTERS | ||
Sekibanki LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
こんな人里近くで これは本格的に異変が |
Youkai are rampaging We've got a bona fide |
??? |
早速現れたわね |
You showed up fast. |
Sekibanki ENTERS | ||
ろくろ首の怪奇 |
The Rokurokubi Horror | |
Sekibanki |
私を退治しに来たというの? |
Have you come to exterminate me? |
Reimu |
探す手間が省けたわ さっさと片付けるわよ! |
Thanks for coming out on your own. I'll make this quick! |
Sekibanki |
……本当ね 大人しくしてたら |
...So, it's true. Humans really have gotten swollen heads |
Reimu |
雑魚が粋がってるんじゃ |
A small fry like you shouldn't be |
Sekibanki |
……非力な人間の癖に |
...Says the powerless human. |
BGM: 柳の下のデュラハン |
BGM: Dullahan Under the Willows | |
Sekibanki |
頭を見る度うなされよ! |
I'll give you a nightmare every time you see a head! |
Sekibanki DEFEATED | ||
Sekibanki |
な なによあんた |
Wh-What's with you? |
Reimu |
妖怪退治は専門だもん |
Well, youkai extermination IS my speciality. |
Sekibanki |
もしかして |
Could you |
Reimu |
そうよ! |
That's right! |
Sekibanki |
ははー |
Hahah... |
Stage 3
十五夜の妖獣 |
Beast Youkai of the 15th Night | |
迷いの竹林 |
BGM: 満月の竹林 |
BGM: Bamboo Forest of the Full Moon | |
Kagerou Imaizumi ENTERS | ||
Kagerou Imaizumi LEAVES | ||
??? |
私を退治しに来たのね? |
You've come to exterminate me, haven't you? |
Kagerou Imaizumi ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
何か…… みんな退治されたがって |
Huh... Actually wanted to be |
竹林のルーガルー |
The Bamboo Forest's Loup-Garou | |
Kagerou |
そう見えるのかしら? ただ単にみんなちょっと |
Does it look like that to you? I think everyone is |
Reimu |
嬉しいだって!? |
Happy!? |
Kagerou |
妖怪退治の専門家だって 私達みたいな単独行動の妖怪は |
Even if you declare yourself to be You haven't always fought |
Reimu |
だって…… 暴れてない奴まで 本当は問答無用に |
Well... I can't go around fighting But I really do want to attack them, |
Kagerou |
ふふふ |
Hahaha. |
BGM: 孤独なウェアウルフ |
BGM: Lonesome Werewolf | |
Kagerou |
暴れるしか無いわね |
There's no other choice but to get wild. |
Reimu |
暴れる妖怪には容赦しないわ! |
I won't have any mercy on wild youkai! |
Kagerou |
気の毒ねぇ |
What a pity. And on a night |
Kagerou Imaizumi DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
何の妖怪かと思ったら |
I wondered what youkai you were. |
Kagerou |
あーあ |
Geez... |
Reimu |
所詮は獣ね 弾幕はパワーだけじゃ あーあ お祓い棒が |
You're just an animal, after all. You have to use your head for danmaku, Great, now the purification rod |
Kagerou |
ひどいわー こんな出たくも無い日に出て |
You're so cruel... I didn't even want to come out today, |
Reimu |
出たくない日? |
You didn't want to come out today? |
Kagerou |
毛深くなるから…… |
Well, because I get all hairy... |
Reimu |
そ そう |
I-I see. |
Stage 4
嵐の中の不協和音 |
Dissonance Within the Storm | |
幻想郷上空(嵐) |
Skies Above Gensokyo (Storm) | |
BGM: マジカルストーム |
BGM: Magical Storm | |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
この不気味な嵐は一体…… こういう所に何らかの敵がいる! |
What the heck is this creepy storm? There's got to be an enemy around here! |
??? |
みーつけた |
I spy... |
Benben Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
古びた琵琶の付喪神 |
Tsukumogami of an Aged Biwa | |
Benben |
私の相手になってくれそうな人 |
Someone who looks like they could be my opponent... |
Reimu |
ほら妖怪がいた こうなりゃ何でも相手になるわよ |
See? I knew there'd be a youkai. I'll take on you or anyone. |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
Yatsuhashi |
ちょっと待ってよ 後から来て横取りだなんて狡いわ |
Wait a sec. First come first served, |
Benben |
良いじゃないの それにさっきの戦いをみてたけど この付喪神使いを倒すのは |
And why's that? You saw her first, ...to defeat this tsukumogami user. |
Reimu |
付喪神使いだって!? 人を妖怪みたいに言わないの |
Tsukumogami user!? Don't speak of me as if I'm a youkai. |
Benben |
ふーん…… てっきり |
Hmmm...... I thought |
Yatsuhashi |
まあいいや じゃあねー |
Well, whatever. See you laterー |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
あ ちょっ…… |
Hey, wai- |
Benben |
さあボサッとしてないで |
Well now, let's not stand around waiting. |
BGM: 幻想浄瑠璃 |
BGM: Illusionary Joururi | |
Benben |
何もかも逆さまな 最強の道具が誰なのか |
In this world of social upheaval Who is the strongest tool? |
Benben Tsukumo DEFEATED | ||
Benben |
うーん 降参よー |
Nngh. I surrenderー |
Reimu |
ちょっとちょっと 下克上の世界って |
Wait, wait. What did you mean by |
Benben |
え? だって…… 今まで大人しくしていたけど |
Huh? I mean... We've behaved ourselves so far, |
Reimu |
う うーん |
H-huh. |
Benben |
この嵐の中 |
You're also heading there |
Reimu |
あそこ? |
There? |
Benben |
空中に浮かぶ逆さ城…… |
That inverted castle floating in the sky... |
Stage 5
何もかも逆さまな世界 |
A Completely Inverted World | |
空中逆さ城内部 |
Floating Inverted Castle - Interior | |
BGM: 空中に沈む輝針城 |
BGM: The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air | |
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
Seija Kijin LEAVES | ||
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
??? |
何だ? ここはお前達のような人間が 即刻立ち去れい! |
What? This isn't a place Leave at once! |
Reimu |
はいそうですか…… 空中にこんなお城を建てて |
You can't possibly think I'd just say What are you thinking, |
逆襲のあまのじゃく |
Counterattacking Amanojaku | |
Seija |
……ほう 自我を持っている様だな
...Ah. It seems to have gained a sense of self. So that means that led you here, |
Reimu |
何だって? |
What? |
Seija |
困ったもんだ すんなり世の中を |
This is a problem. I might not be able to overturn |
Reimu |
あんた 本当に下克上を企んで…… |
Hey, Are you seriously trying to overthrow society...? |
Seija |
ふっふっふ これからは強者が力を失い |
Heh heh heh. From here on, the strong shall lose their power |
Reimu |
呆れたわ そんな誰も得をしない事を |
I'm shocked. I can't believe there are youkai who would |
Music stops | ||
Seija |
誰も得をしない 我ら力弱き者達が お前達には判るまい |
Nobody would benefit, None of you understand have been oppressed. |
BGM: リバースイデオロギー |
BGM: Reverse Ideology | |
Seija |
何もかもひっくり返る[1]逆さ城で |
In this inverted castle where everything is overturned, |
Seija Kijin DEFEATED | ||
Seija |
くう 時期尚早だったか |
Ugh. Maybe my attempt was premature. |
Reimu |
そんなんで下克上[1]する もっと強い妖怪だって |
That's it? And you were I've defeated tons of youkai |
Seija |
まだだ 我らの手に秘宝がある限り ……多少の代償に目を瞑れば |
Not yet. As long as we have that treasure, ...As long as we can turn a blind eye to the price. |
Reimu |
あっ ちょっ! ……逃げたつもりなのかぁ むしろ案内している |
Hey, wait! Is she trying to get away? Actually, it almost seems like |
Stage 6
小さき者の大きな野望 |
The Small One's Great Ambition | |
輝針城 天守閣 |
Shining Needle Castle - Castle Keep | |
BGM: 針小棒大の天守閣 |
BGM: The Exaggerated Castle Keep | |
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
Seija Kijin DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
すっかり夜が明けたみたいね もう闘いのお膳立ては整ったわ さあ出てきなさい! |
Looks like the daybreak just arrived. The stage for our battle is nice and set. Now, show yourself! |
??? |
だーれ? |
Who's theeere? |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna ENTERS | ||
??? |
あら博麗神社の巫女じゃない あれ……そのお祓い棒は という事は私の味方を |
Oh, if it isn't the Hakurei shrine maiden. Hm... it looks like your purification rod Does that mean you're here |
Reimu |
ああん? |
Huh? |
??? |
嬉しいわ−! 簡単に幻想郷をひっくり返せる[1]わ |
This is wonderful−! I'll be able to turn Gensokyo upside-down with no problem. |
Reimu |
やっぱり下克上[1]を企んでいるのね? 私がそんな話に乗るわけが |
So you really are plotting to overthrow society? You know I'd never go along with |
小人の末裔 |
Descendant of the Inchlings | |
Shinmyoumaru |
もの言わぬ道具は朽ちるまで 動く事も考える事も許されず…… 日頃から感謝だの そんな事言って満足している |
Tools can't speak, and they're worked They're not allowed to think of anything besides working... You thank them for their daily work, But the only ones who think that would be |
Reimu |
うーん? |
Ummm? |
Shinmyoumaru |
どう? 貴方の道具は今の方が 喜んで使っている貴方に訊くまでも |
So? That tool of yours seems You're using it so gladly that |
Reimu |
それはその…… |
Well, uh, that's... |
Shinmyoumaru |
さあ私と一緒に |
Now join me, and create a world where the |
Reimu |
だけど! 私は下克上の味方なんかする訳に |
But still! There's no way I can ally myself |
BGM: 輝く針の小人族 ~ Little Princess |
BGM: Inchling of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess | |
Shinmyoumaru |
貴方の様な生まれつきの強者は しかしそのお祓い棒を見れば 私の手には夢幻の力がある それが秘宝『打ち出の |
Someone like you, who was born into power, However, if you look at your purification rod, I have the power of dreams here in my hand. This is our treasure, the "Miracle Mallet"! |
Reimu |
打ち出の……小槌だって!? |
The Miracle... Mallet!? |
Shinmyoumaru |
私には貴方が弱者を理解し さあ、 |
I can see a future where you understand Now, my treasured mallet! |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
Ending No. 07 (Bad Ending) | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Ending No. 01 (Good Ending) |
Additional Information
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
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