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Dr. Latency's Freak Report/Story

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――"Youkai were living in that infinitely small world beyond."

So read the opening of the pair's self-published magazine.

The eighth edition of mysterious and addicting sounds played by the Shanghai Alice Illusionary Band.



#01 他愛も無い二人の博物誌 The Childlike Duo's Naturalis Historia
"Our Supernatural History"


"All right, most of the work is done."
"So all that's left is the personal account and the essay, then.
Or perhaps I should say, your parts are the only ones we haven't made progress on, Merry."
"Whoops. Found out, did you?"
"Remind me which of us suggested this project to begin with?"


Much like how an excess supply of goods causes the goods' value to drop, all of humanity coming into wealth is equivalent to rich people disappearing from the world.

 情報が電子に記録されるようになってから、膨大な情報が瞬時に手に入るようになった。それと同時に原始より絶対的な権力を持っていた、 () () () は価値を失った。

Ever since the digitization of information, one could obtain vast quantities of it nigh-instantaneously. At the same time, things like speed and volume, which had held absolute authority since primitive times, lost their value.


What gained value in exchange was quality.
More than anything else, special information held by only a select few was what excited society's qualitative celebrities.


#02 凍り付いた永遠の都 The Frozen Eternal Capital
"Unstained Dystopia"


"You're the one who said you wanted to make a book together, right, Merry?"
"Well, yes.
Writing it all out is just so tiring, though..."
"Work that's not tiring isn't enjoyable at all.
There's no dystopia more dull than a world where everything works out just how everyone wants it."


In a world where the digitization of info had progressed to its limits, there was no such thing as an e-book. "E-books" were nothing more than things created based on original, physical books. So when one said "book," they meant one made of paper.


At the suggestion of Maribel Hearn (Merry), the two decided to make a book about the mysterious worlds they had seen. It seemed that they had come to realize that the worlds they saw weren't just dreams.


#03 Dr.レイテンシーの眠れなくなる瞳 Dr. Latency's Sleepless Eyes
"Dr. Latency's Freak Report"


Shrine maidens, itako, mediums, psychics, economists...


People who could see supposedly-nonexistent things have been around since long ago. All of them had eventually been treated like frauds. The things Merry saw, too, had sometimes been diagnosed as delusions brought on by a virus.


However, while relaxing with drinks, they sometimes thought:
If things are denied because they can't be seen, then unobservable physical principles and astronomical objects far out of reach may as well be bunk, too.
Since those are all facts that dominate the world, couldn't they go so far as to call Merry's visions truth surpassing those facts?


To Renko Usami, Merry appeared to be a scholar of truth, who would open the eyes of all the delusion-spouting physicists.


"If writing it out is a pain, how about dictating it for now?
I can just transcribe it later."
"Oh, you can do that, Renko? You're a lifesaver.
Let's start right away, then. Lately, I..."


#04 九月のパンプキン September Pumpkin
"Parallel Communication"


Is it possible to see different things in the same place?


Merry said that she'd recently started to see multiple worlds at the same time. According to her, all people are seeing slightly different worlds. Particularly interesting was that despite this, they can apparently still communicate with each other.


Merry started to tell a mysterious story.
It was about a strange world that only some humans could see.


Not only was it extremely small, but our common sense didn't apply there. A bizarre world where elementary particles flew across boundaries of both time and space.


"...By 'only some humans,' do you mean physicists?"
"Correct. Good on you, Renko.
But, did you know that there are actually strange creatures lurking in that senseless world?"


#05 須臾はプランクを超えて An Instant that Exceeds Planck's Time
"Very Very Short Time"


Merry said that if we refer to the world we humans observe, which is dominated by photons, as "the world here," then there are also countless "worlds beyond" dominated by other types of particles. And in those "worlds beyond," there are life-forms living there as well.

 「その、目に見えないけど身近に存在して、 () () () によって現れる事もある生命体って、妖怪の事だと思うの」

"Those life-forms that are invisible, but exist very close to us, and can appear to us via fluctuations are youkai, in my opinion."
That suddenly makes it sound kind of crazy."
"Well, you could call them angels or devils or phantoms or cryptids, whatever's fine. But when I think of something that can't be seen, yet definitely exists as a phenomenon, I'd say 'youkai' is the best descriptor."


The existence of youkai certainly had been supported since long ago.
However, as the world was dominated by science and philosophy that demanded falsifiability, the topic of youkai faded away.


#06 シュレディンガーの化猫 Schrödinger's Bakeneko
"Schrodinger's Black Cat"


"So as I was thinking, 'where did the youkai disappear to?', I became able to see it. A world where youkai live even now."
"Perhaps that could be another brane world..."
"Another what?"
"Oh, just one of the worlds only physicists can see."


Whether for some geographical or geological reason, or even pure coincidence, places where different worlds were easily visible had been called 'holy ground' since long ago. Shrines and the like were definitely holy ground.


Merry said she saw a cat at a shrine.
However, the cat never caught anyone's attention and freely passed through objects.
Merry knew what it was at once. It was a youkai cat, she said, lurking within quantum gaps.


"Huh, a quantumly-unobservable cat...
Until it's observed, it's both alive and dead.
Just like Schrödinger's Cat."
"Although since I observed it, that determined it was alive."


#07 空中に沈む輝針城 The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air
"Gravitino World"


Apparently, the "worlds beyond" didn't just have living things, but all manner of strange objects that defied common sense.

 「どっちかって言うと () () の方」

"I saw a castle floating in the sky once, too.
Upside-down, at that."
"If the gravitons have a different structure, the world's properties would be different, too.
That might've been the kind of brane you saw."
"It felt mysterious and nostalgic.
And I really liked the wooden tenshu."
"Wait, tenshu?
Since you said castle, I thought you meant like Cinderella's."
"If I had to say which it resembled, it was more like Matsumoto."


Merry had been enjoying her talk about the mysterious world, but she shivered when she briefly remembered something else.
It seemed that not all of her memories were fun ones.


#08 禁忌の膜壁 The Taboo Membrane Wall
"Another Membrane"


According to physicists who can see hallucinations, this world is supposedly composed of very thin membranes, and a great many of them.


Perhaps Merry is seeing one of those brane worlds.


According to her, "there's a slight boundary between the world here and those beyond, and something that strongly resists travel between them along that boundary. If I could just get the hang of it, I could easily cross over."

 「多分、昔の () () () 人はそう名付けたんでしょうねぇ」

"Maybe that transit-resisting 'something' could be the Sanzu River?"
"The people from long ago who could see probably did name it that, yes."


Perhaps a brane is something like a dyed object exposed to the flow of a river.


The patterns dyed on the object flow down the river and transfer to another object. Merry's behavior might be that sort of thing, simply put. Of course, it's hardly simple to do.


But when the pattern seeps into the other object, what happens?
It'd probably be seen as just a stain, not a pattern.

 「え? どうしたのメリー。

"...if contaminants get mixed in, they've got to be eliminated"
"Huh? What's wrong, Merry?
You seem miles away."
"Oh, what?
Sorry, where was I?"
"You were talking about the things you saw in the "world beyond".
The theme of this book is the record of natural history to gather what you saw there, after all."


#09 故郷の星が映る海 The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects
"Unstained See"


I saw a forest rich with diversity.
I saw a proud, holy mountain, shut off to creatures who preferred the lower ground.
I saw a deep lake covered in an arcane mist.


Those sights weren't just beautiful, but natural too.
They were all hidden in the invisible gaps of the quantum world.


By the way, just what would happen if one went to a brane dominated by particles with different properties?


Merry remembered, and her face contorted in terror.

ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処

#10 ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処 Pure Furies ~ Whereabouts of the Heart
"Pure Furies"


"When they see me, the youkai living there will attack."
...Actually, you kind of have a habit of getting attacked by monsters, Merry."
"Well, I'm used to it by now.
I suppose it is only natural that they'd realize I'm a foreign presence.
Like I see youkai as fluctuations,
perhaps they see me as a phantom-like being."


She said the attacking youkai came soaring through the sky, just like formless quantum particles racing to and fro in a vacuum.

  河童? 天狗?」

"So, what kind of youkai were they?
Kappa? Tengu?"
"They were humanoid, actually.
Although physical form has no meaning in that world beyond anyway."


Before she could even think of trying to come to a mutual understanding, Merry awoke from her dream.


#11 永遠の三日天下 Eternal Transient Reign
"Everyday Affairs"


"Since we went to all this effort, how about we write it like a big climactic battle scene?"
"I thought this was a history record."
"I think writing it like an epic would still go over well!
All the history records from the Age of Discovery are practically tales of adventure, you know?"


"Well, you're the one transcribing it, Renko, so I guess it's fine."
"All right. With that in mind, let's resume gathering material,
Merry... or should I say, 'Dr. Latency'?"
"...Are we seriously going with that pen name?
It's kind of embarrassing..."


"I mean, you're a professor who saw the world within the quantum gaps!
It's totally fitting.
Not to mention it's genderless and feels both Western and Eastern too."


With the book's contents being what they were, all identifying details about the author were omitted.
Anyone could see that it was an odd publication, but maybe it would become popular with some fans of pseudoscientific texts.


Nonetheless, it was a true story.


あとがき Afterword
 どうもZUNです。4年ぶりの音楽CDです。 Hello, it's ZUN. It's been four years since my last music CD.
AIs have been evolving in amazing ways lately, haven't they?
You see AIs winning against Go champions, painting pictures you'd swear were done by a human, swiping prizes for novels, and so on.
 それらは技術的な情報の価値が下がっていく過程に現れる現象です。 These are phenomena that occur as the value of technological information grows lower.
 ちょっと前に、絵の描き方、曲の作り方、ゲームの作り方を講義するのが流行ったかと思いますが、人に教える事の出来る物は、AIにも習得できるということです。 Giving lectures on making art, music, games, etc. may have been popular a short while ago, but things that you can teach a human can be learned by an AI as well.
 最近は、(本当にそう思っているわけでは無いのですが)つい二言目には息苦しい世界になった、と言ってしまいます。 Lately, you get people saying day in and day out that the world is getting more stifling (although I don't actually think so myself).
 その理由は、芸能人、一般人関わらず一回のミスも許されない状況と、怯えて必要以上に謝罪をする企業ばかり見ているからです。 Their reason being that you see famous and ordinary people alike being punished harshly for a single mistake, and frightened companies issuing more apologies than they need to.
Why have things become like that?
The fact that nowadays, just about anyone can send out information... is the first of two reasons.
 第二の理由は、情報過多なのに今だ情報の価値が高いまま、だからでしょう。 The second reason is probably because even though there's an excess of information, its value is still very high.
 思い切って情報信仰を捨ててみると、蓮子とメリーの書いた同人誌(?)を楽しんだり出来るかも知れませんね。 If you try tossing your faith in information aside, you just might be able to get more enjoyment out of the fanzine(?) that Renko and Merry wrote.
上海アリス幻樂団 ZUN (楽しい事はGoogleで見つからない) Team Shanghai Alice: ZUN (really enjoyable things can't be found with Google)


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