- 東方ろりぽっぷ
- Release date: 2009-03-08 (Reitaisai 6)
- An album featuring instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night and Mountain of Faith.
- 東方バロック紀行
- Release date: 2009-08-15 (Comiket 76)
- An album featuring instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith and Subterranean Animism.
- 東方幻想奇談 ~闇色硝子~
- Release date: 2010-03-14 (Reitaisai 7)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and Subterranean Animism in addition to original compositions.