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Embodiment of Scarlet Devil/Story/Marisa's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
Stage 1
夢幻夜行絵巻 ~ Mystic Flier |
Fantastic Night Parade Scroll ~ Mystic Flier | |
BGM: ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 |
BGM: A Soul as Scarlet as a Ground Cherry | |
Marisa |
こういう気持ち、なんというか・・・ あいつだったら「気持ちいいわね」 わたしは夜は嫌いだけどな 変な奴しかいないし |
This kinda feeling, it's... Knowing her, she'd probably say, I hate the night, though. There's only weirdos around at this hour. |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
??? |
変な奴って誰のことよ |
Who are you calling a weirdo? |
Marisa |
誰もあんたのことって言ってないぜ |
Nobody said anything about you. |
宵闇の妖怪 |
Rumia |
それはまぁ、当然 |
Um, no, of course not. |
Marisa |
で、何でそんな手広げてるのさ |
So, why are you stretching out your arms like that? |
BGM: 妖魔夜行 |
BGM: Apparitions Stalk the Night | |
Rumia |
「聖者は十字架に磔られました」 |
Doesn't it remind you of |
Marisa |
「人類は十進法を採用しました」 |
It looks to me more like |
Rumia DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
人類以外は 指は十本じゃないのかしら |
I wonder if non-humans have enough fingers |
Stage 2
湖上の魔精 ~ Water Magus |
Nixie on the Lake ~ Water Magus | |
BGM: ルーネイトエルフ |
BGM: Lunate Elf | |
Daiyousei ENTERS | ||
Daiyousei DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
島は確かこの辺だったような気が もしかして移動してるのか? それにしても・・・ おおよそ夏だぜ |
I'm sure the island was Could it be moving? That aside... It's the middle of summer. |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
BGM: おてんば恋娘 |
BGM: Tomboyish Girl in Love | |
湖上の氷精 |
Ice Fairy of the Lake | |
Cirno |
もう二度と陸には上がらせないよ! |
You'll never walk upon land again! |
Marisa |
あんたね。寒いのは |
So you were the cold one. |
Cirno |
暑いよりはいいでしょ? |
Better than being hot, don't you think? |
Marisa |
寒い奴 |
Gee, that was a cool pun.[2] |
Cirno |
それはなにか違う・・・ |
No, I didn't mean... |
Marisa |
いっぱいいっぱいなんだろ? |
That's the best you can do, isn't it? |
Cirno DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
ああ、半袖じゃ体に悪いわ 早く、お茶でも出してくれるお屋敷 |
Ah, these short sleeves are bad for my body. I should find a mansion that serves |
Stage 3
紅色の境 ~ Scarlet Land |
Scarlet Border ~ Scarlet Land | |
BGM: 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea |
BGM: Shanghai Scarlet Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea | |
Hong Meiling ENTERS | ||
??? |
くそ、とりあえず逃げるぞ! |
Damn, gotta run for now! |
Marisa |
逃すぜ |
See ya later. |
Hong Meiling LEAVES | ||
Hong Meiling ENTERS | ||
??? |
あ、さっきはどうも |
Ah, thanks back there. |
Marisa |
お久しぶりですわ |
Long time no see. |
華人小娘 |
Chinese Girl | |
Meiling |
って、私たちいつから知り合いに |
Hey, since when have we |
Marisa |
さっきだろ? |
Since just before, remember? |
Meiling |
うーん、変な奴と会っちゃった |
Hmm. I did run into some weirdo, |
Marisa |
いいから邪魔だよ |
Whatever, you're in the way. |
Meiling |
番人だから、邪魔するのよ |
You know, a guard's job is to get in the way. |
Marisa |
やっぱ、あんた、番人なのか? |
So you are the guard, after all? |
Meiling |
番人してるだけの普通の人よ |
No, I'm just a normal person who happens to be guarding. |
BGM: 明治十七年の上海アリス |
BGM: Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17[3] | |
Marisa |
つまり、普通の人ね |
So then you're a normal person. |
Meiling |
あんた、どういう教育を受けたのよ |
What kind of an education did you have? |
Hong Meiling DEFEATED | ||
If playing either the demo or the full version | ||
Marisa |
やっぱり普通の人と戦うのは、 |
Just as I thought, fighting |
Meiling |
絶対うそだ~ |
That had to be a lie... |
Stage 4
暗闇の館 ~ Save the mind. |
Mansion of Darkness ~ Save the Mind | |
BGM: ヴワル魔法図書館 |
BGM: Voile, the Magic Library | |
Koakuma ENTERS | ||
Koakuma DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
わぁ、本がいっぱいだぁ 後で、さっくり貰っていこ |
Whoa, so many books. I'll take some on my way out later. |
Patchouli Knowledge ENTERS | ||
BGM: ラクトガール ~ 少女密室 |
BGM: Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Sealed Room | |
??? |
持ってかないでー |
Don't carry them off... |
Marisa |
持ってくぜ |
I'm gonna carry 'em off. |
知識と日陰の少女 |
The Girl of Knowledge and Shade | |
Patchouli |
えぇーと、目の前の黒いのを |
Let's see... How to take out the black thing in front of me |
Marisa |
(載ってるのか?) |
(That is actually written in there?) |
Patchouli |
うーん、最近、目が悪くなったわ |
Hmm, my eyes have gotten worse lately. |
Marisa |
部屋が暗いんじゃないのか? |
Isn't that because the room is so dark? |
Patchouli |
鉄分が足りないのかしら |
Perhaps I have an iron deficiency. |
Marisa |
どっちかっつーとビタミンAだな |
If anything, it's vitamin A. |
Patchouli |
あなたは? |
How about you? |
Marisa |
足りてるぜ、色々とな |
I have enough. Of a lot of things. |
Patchouli |
じゃぁ、頂こうかしら |
Then maybe I'll help myself. |
Marisa |
私は美味しいぜ |
I'm really tasty. |
Patchouli |
えぇーと、簡単に素材のアクを |
Let's see... How to easily remove |
Patchouli Knowledge DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
魔法が得意のようだな |
Seems like magic's your thing. |
Patchouli |
しくしく、貧血でスペルが |
(sob sob) I can't finish reciting |
Stage 5
紅い月に瀟洒な従者を |
An Elegant Servant for the Scarlet Moon | |
BGM: メイドと血の懐中時計 |
BGM: The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood | |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
??? |
あー、お掃除が進まない! お嬢様に怒られるじゃない!! |
Ah, the cleaning isn't getting anywhere! The mistress will be angry with me!! |
Sakuya Izayoi LEAVES | ||
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
??? |
また、お掃除の邪魔する~ |
You're getting in the way of my cleaning again... |
Marisa |
いやはやメイドとは 捕まえるとワシントン条約に |
Oh dear, a maid. I'll be arrested under the Washington Convention[5] |
紅魔館のメイド |
Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion | |
Sakuya |
ああ、魔法使いは生類哀れみの令 |
Marisa |
哀れんでぇ |
Have mercy. |
Sakuya |
で? あなたもこの館に雇われたの |
So? Were you also hired to |
Marisa |
ああ、そうでもいいな |
Ah, that sounds like it could be nice. |
Sakuya |
でも、あんたじゃ掃除も出来そう |
But you don't look like you |
Marisa |
出来ないぜ |
I can't. |
Sakuya |
じゃぁ、何係? |
Then, what will you be in charge of? |
Marisa |
むしろ営繕係だな |
More like building repairs. |
Sakuya |
何だよそれ |
That's silly. |
Marisa |
恋愛係は中等部なのか? |
So love duty belongs in junior high? |
BGM: 月時計 ~ ルナ・ダイアル |
BGM: Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial | |
Sakuya |
さて、早速仕事に取りかかって 言い忘れたけど私は、ここの |
Well then, I'll have you I forgot to introduce myself. |
Marisa |
ってことは、私があなたを倒せば |
So if I beat you, |
Sakuya |
そういって返り討ちに会った人は |
More people have said that and been killed by me |
Marisa |
あ、結構普通なんだな |
Ah. That must happen |
Sakuya |
あなたの時間も私のもの・・・ |
Your time, too, is mine... |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
If playing on Easy | ||
Marisa |
あー、疲れた |
Aah, I'm tired. |
Sakuya |
そろそろ帰ったら? |
Then why don't you go home? |
Marisa |
そうします |
All right, I will. |
Sakuya |
そう? |
Really? |
Bad Ending No. 02 | ||
If playing on Normal or a higher difficulty level | ||
Marisa |
メイドじゃなくても、メイド長に |
Can I become the chief maid |
Sakuya |
なれるわけ無いじゃない |
Of course you can't. |
Final Stage
エリュシオンに血の雨 |
Rain of Blood over Elysium[8] | |
BGM: ツェペシュの幼き末裔 |
BGM: The Young Descendent of Tepes[9] | |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
Sakuya |
あなたみたいな人も珍しいわね |
We don't see people like you around here often. |
Marisa |
おまえもな |
Right back atcha. |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
いるいる 何で強力な奴ほど隠れるんだ? |
There's definitely something here. Why do the strong ones always hide? |
Remilia Scarlet ENTERS | ||
永遠の紅い幼き月 |
The Eternal Young Scarlet Moon | |
Remilia |
能ある鷹は尻尾隠さず... |
A skilled hawk does not hide... |
Marisa |
...脳なさそうだな |
...You don't seem to have skills or brains.[10] |
Remilia |
人間だけよ 脳なんて単純で化学的な |
Humans are the only ones who need simple chemical |
Marisa |
おまえ、アレだろ? ほら日光とか臭い野菜とか 銀のアレとか 夜の支配者なのに |
You're one of those, right? Can't stand sunlight or smelly vegetables, or silver things. The masters of the night, |
Remilia |
そうよ、病弱っ娘なのよ |
Yes, I am indeed a sickly girl. |
Marisa |
面白そうだな、やっぱ飲むのか? |
Seems interesting. So you really drink it? |
Remilia |
当たり前じゃない |
Of course I do. |
Marisa |
今まで何人の血を吸ってきた? |
How many people's blood |
Remilia |
あなたは今まで食べてきたパンの |
Can you remember how many slices |
Marisa |
13枚 |
Thirteen. |
Remilia |
で、何しに来たの? もう、私お腹いっぱいだけど・・・ |
So, what are you here for? I'm already quite full, but... |
Marisa |
そうだな、私はお腹がすいたぜ |
I see. Well, I'm hungry. |
BGM: 亡き王女の為のセプテット |
BGM: Septette for a Dead Princess [12] | |
Remilia |
・・・食べても、いいのよ |
...Help yourself, then. |
Marisa |
ああ、そうかい 今の、植物の名前だぜ |
Ah, is that so. Just now, that was the name of a flower: |
Remilia |
人間って楽しいわね それともあなたは人間じゃ |
Humans are such fun. Or maybe you're |
Marisa |
楽しい人間だぜ |
I'm a fun human. |
Remilia |
ふふふ、こんなに月も紅いから? |
Fufufu. Is it because the moon is so red? |
Remilia |
暑い夜になりそうね |
It looks like it's going to be a hot night. |
Remilia Scarlet DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
Bad Ending No. 2 | ||
If player has not continued and is using Marisa-A | ||
Ending No. 5 | ||
If player has not continued and is using Marisa-B | ||
Ending No. 6 |
- ↑ The original Japanese is "the decimal system" instead of addition - "Cross" (十) is also the kanji for the number ten.
- ↑ Note: This exchange is a pun on the word 寒い(samui or sabui) which can mean both cold and dull or lame. Marisa literally replied with "lame one", referring to Cirno and her own cold/hot pun.
- ↑ Meiji 17: The 17th year of the Meiji era, 1884
- ↑ 成敗してくれるわ (Seibai shite kureru wa) is an old-fashioned expression of 成敗する (Seibai suru = punish or judge).
- ↑ Washington Convention: Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species.
- ↑ 生類憐れみの令 (Shourui Awaremi no Rei) literally means "creature compassion law", which was established by the fifth shogun of Tokugawa dynasty.
- ↑ Thorium: A naturally occurring, slightly radioactive metal. A type of nuclear fuel. Thorium series have 11 products in it.
- ↑ Elysium: a section of the Underworld in Greek mythology; the final resting place of heroic souls.
- ↑ Vlad "The Impaler" Tepes, a 15th century Romanian prince, also known as "Dracula".
- ↑ A pun on nou, which is both skill (能) and brain (脳)
- ↑ This conversation is almost an exact copy of the conversation between Dio Brando and William Zeppeli in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
- ↑ Septette: a musical composition written for seven performers.
- ↑ ああ、そうかい (Aa, soukai) = "Ah, is that so." 亜阿相界 (aasoukai) = Pachypodium geayi.
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
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