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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Gameplay
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The game may be played using either a keyboard or a gamepad.
Keyboard controls are as follows:
- The Arrow Keys move the character around
- Z causes a short barrage of shots to be fired; it may be held down for rapidfire
- X releases a bomb, also known as a Spell Card (presuming that any are left)
- C activates juice (if the gauge is over 1.0L)
- ⇧ Shift slows the character's movement, and changes the nature of the character's shot and bomb; it generally makes your attacks more focused
- Ctrl fast-forwards through any dialogue and replays
- 'Esc pauses the game and brings you to the in-game menu
- Q returns you to the title screen when the game is paused
- R returns you to the beginning of stage 1 when the game is paused
- P saves a screenshot
Basic Gameplay
Frantically Forbidden Fruit plays like a fairly typical vertically-scrolling danmaku shooting game, in which the player's character is always facing towards the top of the screen, shooting at anything that moves, avoiding and weaving between enemy bullets, and confronting difficult bosses at the end of a stage.
There are 4 levels of difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Lunatic. Each difficulty level features differences in the number of bullets fired by each enemy, rate of fire, variations in the bullets' pattern of movement, and the number and type of enemy Spell Cards used.
The player will traverse 6 increasingly harrowing stages through the course of a regular game.
A character's "shot" is the player's primary method of attacking enemies. The shot's attack area and behavior varies depending on the character and attack type the player has chosen, as well as the player's power level and whether the player is focused or unfocused.
Damaging stage enemies and bosses with the unfocused or focused shot also has a minor additional effect. The unfocused shot causes power items to appear as damage is dealt (if not already at full power), while the focused shot causes green items to appear that increase the point item value.
Point of Collection
There is a line most of the way up the screen called the point of collection. If you move your character at or above this line, all point items on the screen will be drawn to your character. In Frantically Forbidden Fruit, the POC is always available.
Bomb (Player Spell Card)
Frantically Forbidden Fruit features bombs (actually spell cards) with distinctive visual styles that differ between characters. A character's "bomb" is the player's limited-use method of getting out of difficult situations. A bomb's attack area, duration, and power varies depending on the character type the player has chosen, but it typically deals heavy damage to every enemy it touches, in addition to canceling out any bullets in the bomb's way, as well as automatically collecting every item on screen. The player also becomes invincible during a bomb and for a short time after the bomb's effect wears off.
The player's ability to use bombs is denoted by a gauge. The player has two types of bombs; for most characters, the second type has twice the cost of the first, the exception being Yuuka, who has two types with the same cost.
At the beginning of the game, you will start off with enough gauge to use two low-cost bombs.
Life Gauge
In this game, the player's life stock is represented by a combination of hearts and a health bar. With default settings, you will start off with 3 lives (i.e. 2 lives in stock).
The hit box for your character is quite small in comparison to your on-screen sprite. If you hold Shift, a dot will usually appear, showing the hitbox precisely. If the hit box of your character's sprite comes into contact with the hit box of an enemy bullet, laser, or the enemy itself, then you have been hit. In Paradise Mode, the life gauge will take damage; a number will be shown displaying the amount of health lost, and the same amount of power will be deducted. If the life gauge is empty, the player will lose a life. In Legcay Mode, the player will simply lose a life when hit.
If you have bombs in stock and the Bomb key is pressed within a short time of the player's character being hit, then the hit can be negated and countered with a bomb. This counter-bomb time is only a fraction of a second, after which you will take damage or lose a life as normal. The same can be done with juice if at least 1.0L is in stock.
In Paradise Mode, extra lives are awarded at 150 million, 300 million, 600 million, 900 million, 1.25 billion, 1.5 billion, 2 billion, 2.5 billion and 3 billion points. In Legacy Mode, extra lives are obtained by filling the health bar, which increases slowly on collecting fruit items. The health bar extends by 25 points on each extra life.
You can carry up to a maximum of 5 lives in stock at a time. If you receive an extra life when you already have the maximum, that life will be converted into a bomb.
When you lose a life, you also lose 0.50 Power points (0.20 are scattered for you to collect); however, your power can't decrease below 0.00. Also, all the bullets on the screen are cleared, and you become invulnerable for a short period of time.
Upon losing all their lives, the player is given the choice to continue right where they left off. However, if you do continue, your current score will be reset back to 0 and you will not be able to save a replay of your game.
Boss Battles
The main challenge and the main attraction that appears at the end of each stage. Each boss has multiple lives, which are represented by stars shown at the upper left of the screen. Bosses usually alternate between attacking normally and attacking with spell cards, switching once with each health bar. Markers on the health bar indicate the start of a spell card attack when the boss' health is depleted that far.
Normal attacks are typically incrementally stronger versions of the boss character's basic attack. Spell card attacks bedazzle the player with combinations of complex patterns that often involve the use of projectiles and obstacles crafted especially for use with that spell card. If the player manages to defeat a spell card attack without getting hit or using any bombs, a substantial score bonus is rewarded for the feat.
Each attack is accompanied by a timer. When time runs out, the boss will switch to their next attack pattern even if their health bar isn't empty. Waiting for a boss's attack pattern to self-destruct may be enough to beat them, but mere survival won't earn the player any score bonuses. The exception however is when the boss is invulnerable for the duration of the spell card; in this case the player will receive the bonus on survival.
When a boss attack is defeated without getting hit or using any bombs, the boss will release a bomb or life fragment (as mentioned above, every fifth bomb fragment dropped will be replaced by a life fragment).
When fighting a boss, a position marker shows up on the bottom margin of the screen, indicating where the boss is on the horizontal axis. Since your target can be completely obscured by bullets or darkness at times, use this marker to help you aim your shots. The marker will dim when the boss is being hit, and will flash red when her health bar gets sufficiently depleted.
Character Statistics
There are seven characters to choose from in the game. Each character has a different weapon for fast and slow movement, and each character has a special ability.
Status Effects
Screen Layout
- Your character
- Player Score
- High Score: your highest score for the current character, type, and difficulty
- Score: your current score
- The number of remaining lives and bombs / The approximate location of the point of collection
- Hearts: Lives in stock
- Purple bar: Health bar (Paradise) /
- Stars: Bombs in stock
- Green bar: Bomb bar (bomb points to next bomb
- Player Status
- Power: your shot power level, maxing out at 5.00
- Point value: the maximum points achievable of the point items
- Graze: the number of enemy shots that have grazed your hit box during the game
- Enemy Status
- Stars: the number of health bars the enemy has left
- Middle number: the amount of time left before the enemy's attack spell fails (self-destructs)
- Circular health bar during one star
- Spell Card Status
- Title: the name of the spell card being used
- Bonus: the constantly-updating value of the Spell Card Bonus
- History: the number of times you have "captured" the spell card currently being used, and the number of times you have faced it.
- The boss enemy (this been Rumia)
Listed below are the game systems in Frantically Forbidden Fruit, including the details for how points are given.
Any damage you deal to any enemy, whether it be caused by your shots or your bombs, will cause your score to increase. Actually destroying enemies will award you slightly more points. In addition, enemies shoot bullets for you to "graze" and release items for you to collect, and those are very important for scoring as covered below.
"Grazing" is the act of having a bullet pass near one's hitbox. The graze counter will increase at a slow rate for as long as the player remains near the bullet. If one continues to graze a bullet for a short time, the bullet will release a graze item, which adds 5 graze to the counter. In addition, after grazing for a short time an aura appears; while this aura is present items will fall more slowly.
In this game, grazing a bullet and then quickly moving to the POC (and collecting something) seems to have a bullet cancelling effect.
Fruit System
In Paradise mode, collecting fruit fills a jar of juice. Fruit items are collected from some enemies, after ending chapters, or collecting a number of items in the Point of Collection. In addition, collecting graze items and green items will give small amounts of juice corresponding to the bullet's colour.
If the player fills a bottle with at least 1.0L of juice and it is made mostly from an specific fruit, the player will be able to use the related power-up. You can have up to 3 filled bottles at any time. If the player has at least one usable bottle, they can use all the juice at once by pressing C. Power-ups are as follows:
- Apple: Dual Item (doubles the value of items)
- Orange: Bullet Power (turns bullets into power items)
- Banana: Super Graze (spawns graze items immediately on grazing)
- Watermelon: Hyper Shot (greatly increases shot power)
- Melon: SpellGauge Up (gives one fill of the bomb gauge)
- Grapes: Slow Enemy (slows down bullets)
- Peach: Life Max (completely fills health gauge)
A star fruit gives equal amounts of each fruit. If the bottle consists of equal amounts of multiple fruit the power-up will be chosen randomly.
Items get instantly collected while the juice effects are activated, and spell card bonuses increase greatly. In addition, the player cannot lose lives or power while juice effects are active. The length of the effect stacks depending on the amount of juice corresponding to the fruit.
Point Items
As its name implies, point items are a major source of points in the game. The higher up on the screen you collect them, the more points they're worth, up to a defined maximum. You can easily tell when you are collecting point items for their maximum value, since they'll show the value in yellow text. The auto-item-collect line is the same height as the height where point items reach their maximum value, so take advantage of this fact whenever you can for massive points. As in Undefined Fantastic Object onwards, auto-collected items are still worth their full value if you happen to leave the auto-collect area before items contact your hit box, or if they're auto-collected in another manner such as by bombing or dialogue.
The total added point item value is:
(number of green items collected × 2) + (graze counter)
This is rounded down to the nearest 10.
Difficulty | Start value | Maximum value |
Easy | 10,000 | 1,000,000 |
Normal | 20,000 | 2,000,000 |
Hard | 30,000 | 3,000,000 |
Lunatic | 40,000 | 4,000,000 |
Extra | 50,000 | 5,000,000 |
Item Collection Bonus
When auto-collecting a group of items, if there are 20 or more items collected, the player will receive a bonus to their score. The bonus is based on the value of items collected with a multiplier based on the number of items collected:
Items | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70-79 | 80-89 | 90-99 | 100-119 | 120+ |
Bonus multiplier | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.2 | 1.8 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 |
Fruit dropped | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
The bonus fruit is determined cyclically starting with apples.
Spell Card Bonus
Occasionally, a boss will attack using a Spell Card. You will know this is happening when the background changes and the Spell Card's name appears in the upper right corner of the screen. If the boss's health bar is depleted within the time limit and without getting hit or using a bomb, the Spell Card bonus will be added to your score.
The bonus starts at out at a value equal to:
1 million × stage number + 1 million × difficulty value + PIV
with difficulty value being:
Easy | 0 |
Normal | 1 |
Hard | 2 |
Lunatic | 3 |
Extra | 4 |
The bonus decreases over time, starting 5 seconds after the spell card starts. The bonus decreases at a constant rate of:
1.3 × (starting value - PIV) / 10) / (time limit in seconds - 5) per second
If a fruit ability is active, the spell card bonus will instead increase by an amount equal to the PIV every frame. The spell card bonus can have a maximum of 999,999,990.
If the spell was captured without timing it out, an additional 1,000,000 point bonus is applied.
Chapter Finish Bonus
The Chapter Finish bonus is awarded whenever the player passes a waypoint. The player's graze and the proportion of enemies defeated in the chapter are totalled, and the bonus is then calculated as follows:
(Chapter Graze + Items Collected) × Shooting Down % × 50
If this totals over 1 million, the player will be awarded one Star Fruit for every million points, up to a maximum of 7. In addition, for every 50,000 points, the item value is increased by 10.
Clear Bonus
At the end of a stage, the player is awarded a clear bonus.
(stage × 3 million)