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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Marisa's Legacy Extra
< | Extra Story Marisa's Paradise Scenario Marisa's Legacy Scenario |
Story |
Extra Stage
紅魔色の弾幕地獄 |
A Scarlet Devil-colored Danmaku Hell | |
紅魔館 雷雨 |
Scarlet Devil Mansion - Thunderstorm | |
BGM: 魔法少女達の百年祭 |
BGM: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls | |
Patchouli Knowledge ENTERS | ||
七曜の魔女 |
Witch of the Seven Luminaries | |
Patchouli |
誰かと思ったらお前とはね 今は構ってる暇がないの |
Well, if it isn't you, Marisa. I don't have time to deal with you right now, |
Patchouli Knowledge DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
結構派手な爆発だったな パチュリーの降らした大雨と フルーツ異変の調査も タイミングが良すぎると思うのは まぁいい |
That explosion was pretty loud. That explosion, and the downpour Patchouli's made... And I'm still in the middle of investigatin' the fruit incident. Am I overthinkin' here, or is my timin' just really good? Oh well. |
??? |
「狂化」メイド隊を |
You got past the Frenzied Maid Corps |
Clownpiece ENTERS | ||
Clownpiece |
タダで帰すなんて勿体ないわー |
It'd be a shame to let you head home as is! |
Marisa |
誰だお前 流れ的に、お前が |
Who're you? By the looks of it, you're a good suspect for the explosion. |
地獄の妖精 |
Fairy of Hell | |
Clownpiece |
物騒だねぇ、爆発「自体」は |
That's a bit dramatic, isn't it? |
Marisa |
なん…だと…? まさか、アイツを |
Wait...what? You mean, you drove someone crazy? |
Clownpiece |
だーいせいかい さあ、出ておいで |
Hit the nail head-ooon! Now, come on out, |
??? |
はーい |
Alriiight! |
Flandre Scarlet ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
…狂うとテンション上がるんだな |
...I guess things get more exciting when you go crazy, |
悪魔の妹 |
Sister of the Devil | |
Flandre |
魔理沙が相手になってくれるのね |
So, Marisa'll be my opponent? |
Clownpiece |
この人間は強いから |
This human is strong, |
Marisa |
おいおい |
Oi oi, |
Clownpiece |
もっとハードル上げていこーよ |
Let's raise the bar even higheeer! |
BGM: 星条旗のピエロは彼女なのか? |
BGM: The Pierrot of the Star Spangled Banner was Her? | |
Flandre |
あら面白そう |
Oh, that sounds fun~ |
Marisa |
二人がかりは反則 |
Pretty sure two against one is a foul... |
Clownpiece |
きゃははは、冗談冗談 |
Kyahahaha, I kid, I kid! |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Marisa |
あれ?結局1体1なのか |
Huh? So it's just one on one after all... |
Flandre |
まずはほんの小手調べ |
For starters, it would be boring to |
Marisa |
ふん、舐められたもんだな |
Hmmph, you underestimate me! |
Clownpiece and Flandre Scarlet DEFEATED | ||
Clownpiece |
はあ…はあ…はあ… な、なんで…? 折角強そうな助っ人を |
Hah, hah, hah... W-why...? How...? I thought I managed to find a strong helper... |
Marisa |
同時に戦うより連戦の方が |
Wouldn't it have been better to fight in succession |
Clownpiece |
何度も聞くけど、貴方様は ご主人様と友人様を同時に相手した |
I know I keep asking, I was surprised to hear that you dealt with |
Marisa |
フルーツがあるのなら |
As long as ya' have fruit, |
Clownpiece |
ええー… 地上にばら撒いたのは |
Eeeh...? You're saying you recover with them? Maybe it was a bad idea to scatter them all over the surface... |
Marisa |
ほー。その口ぶりだと、 |
Haa? |
Clownpiece |
そのとーり。 ご堪能していただけたかな? |
That's riiight... You enjoyed it right? That Paradise on earth? |
Marisa |
ふざけんなコラ 魔法の森が、魔法の密林に |
You're kidding! The Forest of Magic turned into a Jungle of Magic! |
Clownpiece |
あははー。 |
Ahaha~ |
Marisa |
お前、天界で何をした? |
What'd you do over in Heaven? |
Clownpiece |
んー、面白いモノが手に入ったのよ |
Hmm, well I picked up something interesting. |
Marisa |
なっ、どこでそれを…? |
Wha...Where'd you get that? |
Clownpiece |
貴方のゴミ屋敷から |
From that trash-filled house of yours. |
Marisa |
…何か見当たらないなと よし、お前は生かして帰さん |
...I thought I was missin' something. Aight, I'll let you live. |
Clownpiece |
ひえー |
Waaaah! |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Marisa |
…逃げられたか |
...That punk made a fast getaway. |
Flandre |
んぅ…? |
Mmmm...? |
Marisa |
お、起きたか |
Oh, you're awake. |
Flandre |
あれぇ、魔理沙? |
Huuuh, Marisa? |
Marisa |
ついさっきからだ |
Just a few minutes ago. |
Flandre |
なんか色々とボロボロなんだけど |
I'm worn out in all kinds of ways... |
Marisa |
あー?覚えていないのか? |
Aaah? Ya don't remember? |
Flandre |
あぁ、人間用の紅茶でも飲んでく? |
Aah, you want a cup of tea tailored towards humans? |
Marisa |
その前にパチュリーに ロイヤルフレア確実だろうけどな |
I think I oughta greet Patchouli before doin' that. I'm definitely gettin' a Royal Flare, though. |
Harvest Stage
真夏色に染まる秋天 |
Midsummer-dyed Autumn Sky | |
妖怪の山 残暑 |
Youkai Mountain - Lingering Heat | |
BGM: 四季の華は太陽に踊る |
BGM: The Four Seasons' Flowers Dance in the Sun | |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
あやややや、誰かと思いきや 丁度いい所に居ましたね |
Ayayayaya. I didn't expect You came at the perfect time. |
Aya Shameimaru DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
うーむ、この気候は一体… 元凶の奴と地獄の妖精をとっちめて 残暑ってレベルじゃないぞ まだ見落とした事がある |
God, what the hell's up with this weather...? This incident finally got resolved after I And yet the heat's still at midsummer levels! Are you tellin' me there's |
??? |
独り言が多い人間ねぇ |
You sure talk to yourself a lot. |
Minoriko Aki ENTERS | ||
Minoriko |
大きな迷子ですこと |
If you're going to get in my way like an overgrown lost child, |
Marisa |
帰れと言われて |
Nobody who's told to go home |
豊かさと稔りの象徴 |
Symbol of Abundance and Plenty | |
Minoriko |
全くこの忙しい時に… 間に合う訳ないでしょ |
We're really busy right now... There's no way this will be enough |
Marisa |
間に合わない? |
Not enough? |
Minoriko |
えーっと、それはねぇ… |
Uhh, that is... |
??? |
それは私から |
I'll explain. |
Marisa |
お、姉の方 |
Oh, it's your sister. |
Shizuha Aki ENTERS | ||
寂しさと終焉の象徴 |
Symbol of Loneliness and Demise | |
Shizuha |
よく覚えていてくれたわね 実は夏の妖精達が退いてくれなくてね |
You remember me! Truth be told, the summer fairies aren't going away. |
Marisa |
そういや人力だっけ… |
Come to think of it, this seems like manpower... |
Minoriko |
それを言うなら神通力でしょ |
We call that "divine power", |
Shizuha |
でね、あの甘い臭いが妖精達を勘違いさせて しかも果実が元気に育つものだから |
It would seem the sweet smell mislead the fairies into keeping On top of that, the fruits grew in such good health |
Marisa |
カミサマ理論はよく解らんが |
I have no idea what this "god's theory" is, |
Shizuha |
要は夏を弱めて秋を強めればいいの |
The point is to weaken summer and strengthen autumn. |
BGM: 稲田姫様に叱られるから |
BGM: Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me | |
Shizuha |
つまりは神遊びで、私達の力を |
In other words, we need to perform a Divine Game |
Minoriko |
そういうこと |
Something like that. |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Marisa |
なんだ、意外と簡単な |
What a surprisingly simple solution... |
Minoriko |
おっと、私達の力を 秋の本来の力を |
Oops, you wouldn't want to underestimate our power! Experience for yourself the true power of autumn! |
Minoriko Aki and Shizuha Aki DEFEATED | ||
Shizuha |
えくせれーんと! |
Excellent! |
Marisa |
やったぜ |
Hell yeah, I did it! |
Minoriko |
いやぁ盛大に負けたわー |
Nooo, we lost big time! |
Shizuha |
これで十分に夏を抑えられたわ |
It was enough to suppress the summer. |
Minoriko |
姉さん、そろそろ |
Sister, I believe it's about time to make the leaves red? |
Shizuha |
あら、本当だわ |
Oh, you're right. |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Marisa |
よしっ、未だによく解らんが …本当だろうなオイ |
Alright! I still don't understand what's goin' on, ...At least, I hope it is. |
Minoriko |
大丈夫、大丈夫。 取り敢えず、これで一応 |
It's fine, it's fine. At any rate, I hope we've saved our image as gods. |
Marisa |
もう手遅れな気がするがな |
I'm afraid it's too late for that, though. |
Minoriko |
だから手遅れになる前に弾幕で |
That's why we had you collaborate with our danmaku, |
Marisa |
…因みにこれ以上遅れたら |
...So, what would've happened if there'd been |
Minoriko |
昼は真夏日、夜は極寒の |
The climate would've been an extreme one. The daytime would've experienced |
Marisa |
夏と冬がごっちゃか… |
So summer and winter would've got mixed together... |
< | Extra Story Marisa's Paradise Scenario Marisa's Legacy Scenario |
Story |