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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Marisa's Legacy Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Marisa's Paradise Extra Marisa's Legacy Extra |
> |
Stage 1
紅蓮色の宵闇 |
Crimson Twilight | |
博麗神社 境内裏 |
Hakurei Shrine - Back Area | |
BGM:ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 |
BGM: A Soul as Scarlet as a Ground Cherry | |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Rumia LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
うーん…? どうにも、見る度に森が果物に 妖精も騒がしいままだし もう少し早く |
Eh...? By all accounts, the forest looks like it's being infested with And those fairies aren't calming down anytime soon. Maybe I should have dealt with this |
??? |
おっと食べてもいい人間 |
Oh, a human for me to eat. |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Rumia |
やあやあ |
Hi hi. |
宵闇の妖怪 |
Youkai of the Dusk | |
Marisa |
私はお前に食われる気は |
There's no way |
Rumia |
金髪魔法使いの林檎ソース和え |
"Blonde Magician with Applesauce" |
Marisa |
私よりお前の方が |
I think you'd be |
BGM:妖魔夜行 |
BGM: Apparitions Stalk the Night | |
Rumia |
え、私を食べる気なの? |
Eh? Are you going to eat me? |
Rumia DEFEATED | ||
Rumia |
あーれー |
Aah! |
Marisa |
おう美味しくいただいたぜ 私的には黒幕の情報とかの方が まぁ仕方ない、自分の箒で |
And here's my sweet reward. Though I wish it could've been Still gonna collect information |
Stage 2
浅縹色の梅雨 |
Indigo Monsoon | |
柳の運河 雨天 |
Willow Canal - Downpour | |
BGM:運河を行き交う人妖 |
BGM: Humans and Youkai Traversing the Canal | |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Nitori Kawashiro LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
なんてこった ココもフルーツだらけじゃないか… これじゃジュース屋は成り立たんぜ まさか私の実家も便乗とか |
Holy crap! At this rate, I won't be able to open my juice business. I just hope my family |
??? |
うわっ人間がまだいた |
Uwaa! There's still a human here! |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Nitori |
なんだ魔理沙か |
What, Marisa? |
河の便利屋さん |
Handyman of the River | |
Marisa |
異変解決に向けて行動中だ |
I'm going into incident-resolving mode, |
Nitori |
本当に今更だなぁ… 私の用事はもう終わったしね |
Really? At this hour? I've already finished my errands, anyway. |
Marisa |
そういえば、何でお前が そそくさと帰る所が |
By the way, Still, |
Nitori |
う、うーん 部外者には口外するな |
Well, let's see. I'm not allowed to disclose anything to outsiders. |
BGM:芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend |
BGM: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend | |
Marisa |
ならば仕方ない |
So it's like that, huh? |
Nitori |
…雨の日の河童と …どうやらやる気満々のようだな |
...Are you picking a fight with a kappa ...You seem to be full of determination. |
Nitori Kawashiro DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
珍しく強いね |
You're unusually strong. |
Marisa |
余計なお世話だ |
Mind your own business! |
Nitori |
褒めてるんだよこれでも |
I'm complementing you on that. |
Marisa |
そういや、渡されたけど どういう効果があるんだ? |
Well, it was given to me, but I haven't been usin' it What effect does that thing even have? |
Nitori |
果汁濃縮液を小型循環回路に流して |
It's a device that concentrates fruit juice and runs it through a small circulation network, |
Marisa |
ほう。やっぱり |
Huh. |
Nitori |
良く判ったね 魔理沙が手に持ってるそれは |
Well done. The one in your possession is a collaborative effort with the |
Marisa |
…鈴仙の事か。そういや 使わなくて正解だったかな |
...You mean Reisen? Guess I was right not to use it. |
Nitori |
一応人里でテスター募集して |
I've recruited testers in the Human Village to ensure |
Marisa |
そ、そうか。 |
I-is that right? |
Nitori |
まぁそういう訳で |
Anyway, that's why I'm leaving now. |
Marisa |
ってちょっとまてい! |
Wait, hold up! |
Nitori |
なんだよもう |
What now? |
Marisa |
まだ私は重要な情報を貰ってない |
I still haven't gotten any important info yet. |
Nitori |
…契約上、それは話せないね 山の裏側の滝の上とか |
...I'm under a contract, so I'm not allowed to speak. And definitely don't go near the back end of the mountain, |
Marisa |
妖怪の山の裏か… |
The backend of Youkai Mountain... |
Stage 3
萌葱色の疾風 |
Fresh Green Gale | |
妖怪の山 裏側 |
Youkai Mountain - Rear Face | |
BGM:夜の鳩山を飛ぶ -Power MIX |
BGM: Fly Above Hatoyama at Night - Power MIX | |
風雨のブン屋 |
Reporter of Wind and Rain | |
Aya |
あやややや!? |
Ayayayaya!? |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
まさか貴方自ら山に来るなんて… |
To think that you'd come to our mountain... |
Aya |
レッツ、スクープターイム! |
Let's scoop time! |
Aya Shameimaru LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
ここに依頼主が居る筈だが… あいつの言いぶりだと |
The commissioner should be around here somewhere... It didn't seem like that kappa was lying |
??? |
騒がしいわね! |
What a racket! |
Kasen Ibaraki ENTERS | ||
Kasen |
ここを何処だと思っているの? |
Just where do you think you are? |
片腕有角の仙人 |
The One-Armed, Horned Hermit | |
Marisa |
華扇じゃないか |
Well if it ain't Kasen. |
Kasen |
ここは私の修行場の一つよ。 |
This is one of my training grounds. |
Marisa |
ああ、そうかい 今の、植物の名前だぜ |
Ah, is that so? That sounded like a plant name just now. |
Kasen |
そんな事知ってるわよ |
I know that! |
Marisa |
生憎だが、異変解決行動中なんでな |
Sorry, but I'm in incident-resolving mode right now. |
Kasen |
二月も異変を放っておいて |
You've left this incident alone for two months, |
Marisa |
いやまぁその |
Um, that is, well. |
Kasen |
ふむ。よく考えたら よし。腕試しついでに |
Hm. Now that I think about it, Alright. On top of testing your strength, |
BGM:華狭間のバトルフィールド |
BGM: Battlefield of the Flower Threshold | |
Marisa |
残念ながら丁重に御免被るぜ |
Sorry, but I'll have to pass on that. |
Kasen Ibaraki DEFEATED | ||
Kasen |
折角力の使い方を もうこんなチャンスは |
So you finally figured out Opportunities like this |
Marisa |
うるさいな |
Oh, please. |
Kasen |
…シェイカーの力を |
Wait, did you come here |
Marisa |
アイテムを使わなくても |
A game should be able to be cleared |
Kasen |
月の異変の時に薬を使わなかった こうなったら仕方がないわね 私の調べだと、恐らく異変の黒幕は さあ、天空にそびえる要石 |
I heard you didn't use their medicine during the moon incident If it's come to this, all you According to my research, the incident's mastermind is likely Now, proceed to the depths of Heaven-- |
Stage 4A
紅緋色の雲路 |
Scarlet Cloud Route | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
華扇の話によると、 どうにも、おかしいな さっきの雨雲は自然発生じゃないな まぁいいか。休憩は十分とったし |
Accordin' to Kasen, Somethin ain't right, it's takin' a lot That rain cloud back there wasn't any normal phenomenon, either. Oh well, now that I've had a well-deserved break, |
??? |
んん?魔理沙? |
Mmm? Marisa? |
Marisa |
お、霊夢じゃないか |
Oh, it's Reimu, isn't it? |
Reimu ENTERS | ||
空飛ぶ不思議な巫女 |
Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden | |
Reimu |
あれ?もうそんな時間になるの? |
Huh? It's that late already? |
Marisa |
私も疑問に思ってたところだ 空飛んでる筈なのに、まるで |
I was wonderin' that as well. We're supposed to be flyin', but it looks |
Reimu |
まるで、というか 多分原因は目の前の金髪 |
Almost as if, or maybe we're just stranded. Maybe it's because of this blonde in front of me. |
Marisa |
んん? |
Hmm? I dunno what you're talkin' about. |
Reimu |
どうせ足止めするんなら |
Well, since we're stuck here, |
Marisa |
残念だな、魔理沙スタンドは |
Too bad for you, Marisa's Stand is |
Reimu |
ああ、持ってこなかったのねアレ… |
Oh, so you didn't bring that thing... |
BGM:少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio | |
Reimu |
まぁいいや、フルーツくらいは さぁ、フルーツと道を明け渡しなさい! |
Ah well, you should have at least collected some fruit! Now, hand over the fruits and get out of the way! |
Marisa |
おお、こわいこわい |
Ooh, scary scary~ |
Reimu DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
ぐぬぬ、ちょっと舐めてたかも 苦い汁は舐めたくないんだけど |
Damn, I think I might've underestimated you. But I don't like having to taste bitter juice.[2] |
Marisa |
その位なら無料サービスだ |
Consider that a free service, |
Reimu |
あーあ、ジュースのストックが また集めておこうかしら |
Oh, my juice stock has gone down by half. Maybe I should start stocking up again, just to cleanse my palate. |
Marisa |
そっちも腐るほど溢れかえってるな |
There's plenty of that stuff out there, too. |
Reimu |
美味しい所だけ持っていくのね |
I'm guessing you just took all the tasty ones, |
Marisa |
歯ごたえがありすぎて |
Those are too chewy. |
Stage 4B
黄金色の星雲 |
Golden Nebula | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
華扇の話によると、 妖怪の山って さっきの雨雲は自然発生の類ではない 単純に、妖精の仕業かも |
Accordin' to Kasen, Wait, was Youkai Mountain always this steep? Those rain clouds back there are definitely not any sort of natural phenomenon... It could just be the work of fairies, though... |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
普通の魔法使い |
Ordinary Magician | |
Marisa |
おや? ふむ…、これはドッペルゲンガーだな |
Oh? Hmm...Seems to be a doppelganger. |
BGM:魔女達の舞踏会 |
BGM: The Witches' Ball | |
Marisa |
まぁいい、隅々まで |
Alright, I suppose all I gotta do now is |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
まぁまぁ強かったな おっと、こんな所で さっさと殴り込みだ |
Well well, strong as she may be, Whoops, I've got not time to mess around here. Time to launch my attack! |
Stage 4C
菫色の小夜嵐 |
Violet Night Gale | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
華扇の話によると、 これはひどい さっきの雨雲といい、この果実といい 当分妖精がハッスルし続けるのか… |
Accordin' to Kasen, This is terrible! Between those rain clouds from earlier, and these fruits, The fairies are gonna keep hustling for a while... |
??? |
あら、魔理沙じゃないの |
Oh, if it isn't Marisa. |
Marisa |
うん? |
Hmm? |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
紅い悪魔のメイド |
Maid of the Scarlet Devil | |
Marisa |
電光石火のお前さんが |
Is a lightnin'-fast gal like you even allowed |
Sakuya |
売ってるのは葡萄酒と果汁だけよ |
All I'm selling is grape wine and juice. |
Marisa |
…まぁどうでもいい話だが |
...Eh, I don't really care. |
Sakuya |
実力行使による平和的解決と |
Please refer to it as "peaceful resolution through force". |
Marisa |
素晴らしい響きだな。 |
Sounds wonderful. |
BGM:フラワリングナイト |
BGM: Flowering Night | |
Marisa |
今回も解決役は |
I'll settle this one as well! |
Sakuya |
協力して解決する気は0なのね |
You show zero interest in co-operating to resolve this issue. |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
うーん、 |
Oooo, you're strong as ever. |
Marisa |
協力プレイは私も昔考えたが |
I thought about playin' co-op a long time ago, |
Sakuya |
貴方が? |
Are you referring to yourself? |
Marisa |
好きな方に解釈すればいいさ 他の奴の流れ弾に当たって |
Interpret it how you want, If I end up losin' all my remainin' lives after gettin' |
Sakuya |
そう、残念ねぇ |
Well, that's unfortunate. |
Marisa |
おおっと、私まで 待ってな黒幕 |
No sense in tryin' to sell oil to me, too. Hold on there, mastermind! |
Stage 4D
翡翠色の夕凪 |
Jade-colored Evening Calm | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
| ||
Marisa |
華扇の話によると、 これはひどい さっきの雨雲といい、この果実といい 当分妖精がハッスルし続けるのか… |
Accordin' to Kasen, This is terrible! That rain cloud from earlier, and these fruits... Those fairies are just gonna keep on hustlin' for a while, aren't they...? |
??? |
この辺も果実の木に |
So, this area's also infested with fruit trees...? |
Marisa |
ありゃ、早苗じゃないか |
Well, I'll be. It's Sanae! |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
威風堂々な現人神 |
Living God Backed by Majestic Winds | |
Marisa |
同じ時間に出た筈だが |
We probably left at the same time, |
Sanae |
まったくですよ |
Indeed, it is. |
Marisa |
あの雲に惑わされたらしいな |
Heard you got mislead by those clouds. |
Sanae |
あの雲自体が罠だったんですか? |
Was that cloud a trap in of itself? |
Marisa |
気付いてなかったんかい… |
So you didn't even realize... |
BGM:信仰は儚き人間の為に |
BGM: Faith is for the Transient People | |
Marisa |
あー、という訳でふがいない |
Ah, so therefore, this is no place for |
Sanae |
…え?私の事…? |
...Eh? You're talking about me? |
Marisa |
今から魔法使いシューティングの |
Henceforth, it's time for the magician shooter to begin! |
Sanae |
ああ、いつものアレですか |
Ohh, it's that thing you always do. |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
負けました |
I lost... |
Marisa |
勝ち抜いたぜ |
And I won! |
Sanae |
ああ、はい。 |
Ah, yes. |
Marisa |
違う、情報だよ情報 異変について何か掴んでるか? |
No, I want information! What do ya know about the incident? |
Sanae |
う、うーん。山の仙人から |
Uh, hmmm...All I can say is that the mountain hermit |
Marisa |
私も知ってるぜ |
I know that, too. |
Sanae |
そんな事言われましても |
But I can't even enter Heaven... |
Marisa |
そういやそうか 突入前に出来るだけ準備したかったが |
That reminds me... I wanted to be as prepared as possible before I went in, |
Stage 4E
常磐色の碧天 |
Evergreen-colored Blue Sky | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
| ||
Marisa |
華扇の話によると、 山頂ってこんなカラフルだったっけ? 最近異変が深刻すぎて |
Accordin' to Kasen, Has the summit always been this colorful? The incidents as of late have been pretty serious, |
??? |
こうなったら |
If things go on like this, |
Marisa |
おうおう、物騒な奴がいるもんだな |
Oh, there's someone real dangerous here. |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
Youmu |
あ、魔理沙 |
Ah, Marisa. |
半人半霊の庭師 |
Half-Human, Half-Phantom Gardener | |
Marisa |
まぁな、そういうお前も 確か同時に出かけて、幻想郷を |
Well, same to you. I think we both went out and looked around Gensokyo |
Youmu |
元を絶たないと |
I figured there'd be no end in sight |
Marisa |
うむ、確かにキリがないな |
Well, there certainly ain't no end in sight now. |
BGM:広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? |
BGM: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? | |
Marisa |
よって私が解決に行く |
So I'm headin' out to fix things! |
Youmu |
どうしてそうなるのよ |
How could you...? |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
二人で行けば早いんじゃないの…? |
Wouldn't this go quicker if we both went...? |
Marisa |
的が増えるだけなら |
If it just leads to more targets to shoot, |
Youmu |
ああ言えばこういう… あーあ、折角体力温存してたのに |
Aah, saying this and that... Oh, I was trying to conserve my energy, |
Marisa |
異変の最中に目線を合わせるのが悪い |
Makin' eye contact durin' an incident is a bad thing. |
Youmu |
理不尽なー |
How unreasonable...! |
Stage 4F
向日葵色の霞 |
Evergreen-colored Blue Sky | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
| ||
Marisa |
なんだ?この雲 このフルーツと関係があるのか? もう面倒くさいから、果物丸ごと |
The heck? This cloud ain't normal at all! Could it have somethin' to do with the fruits? It's all too much hassle now, so I'll just burn it all |
??? |
黒幕さんのお仕置きは |
I wonder what punishment would be suited for |
Marisa |
おおっと、幽香か |
Dagnabbit, it's Yuuka! |
Yuuka Kazami ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
あら、魔理沙 |
Oh, Marisa! |
四季のフラワーマスター |
Flower Master of the Four Seasons | |
Marisa |
お前も変な果樹異変を |
You're tryin' to deal with the |
Yuuka |
ええ、その通り。 ああ、火炙りなんかいいわねぇ |
Yes, exactly. Oh, I'll burn them at stake! |
Marisa |
何の話だぜ 今日の私は、まだ何もしてないぞ |
The fuck? I haven't done anything yet today, |
BGM:幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream |
BGM: Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream | |
Yuuka |
黒幕のお仕置きを考えてたんだけど 貴方の八卦炉 |
I was thinking of how to punish the mastermind. Your hakkero, |
Marisa |
誰が貸すか! |
I ain't rentin' it to anyone! |
Yuuka Kazami DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
あらん、残念 |
Oh dear, how unfortunate. |
Marisa |
どういう意味だソレは |
What do ya mean by that? |
Yuuka |
黒幕退治よ、く・ろ・ま・く |
Exterminating the mastermind. |
Marisa |
春雪異変の時に聞いたな |
I heard that phrase durin' the Spring Snow Incident. |
Yuuka |
今回も似たようなもんかもねぇ |
Perhaps it's something similar this time? |
Marisa |
お前… |
You... |
Yuuka |
さぁねぇ |
I'm not sure... |
Stage 4G
紫苑色の叢雲 |
Aster-colored Gathering Clouds | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
ほう、見事な満月だな こんな時じゃなければ 月見といえば団子兎がいたな 解決したら月見団子酒で あぁ、鈴仙に頼むという手もあるな |
Ho, that full moon look superb! I would've gotten dressed for a moon-viewin' Speakin' of moon viewin', I wonder if that dango rabbit's still on earth. I'd love to get drunk off some moon-viewin' dango sake Oooh, I could ask Reisen for some. |
??? |
イーグルラヴィの子達は |
I wonder what the Eagle Ravi girls are up to now. |
Marisa |
あー、月の下に兎とは |
Ah, a rabbit beneath the moon, what an elegant combo. |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
Reisen |
ああ、魔理沙か |
Ah, Marisa. |
地上に降りた月の兎 |
Lunar Rabbit that Landed on Earth | |
Marisa |
満月光線を浴びすぎると |
You're gonna die if ya' spend too much time |
Reisen |
死なないわよ |
I'm not gonna die! |
Marisa |
月光浴か? |
Are ya moonbathin'? |
Reisen |
…あーもう。 |
...Ah, geez. |
Marisa |
兎狩りだな このフルーツには謎が多すぎる |
I'm doin' some rabbit-huntin'. There's too many mysteries surroundin' the fruits, |
Reisen |
そう…。 |
Well... |
BGM:狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon |
BGM: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Marisa |
お前も調査対象に |
You're part of my research, though. |
Reisen |
えー? |
Eeh? What are you even trying to find out?! |
Marisa |
そりゃもちろん |
Well, about that, of course. |
Reisen Udongein Inaba DEFEATED | ||
Reisen |
ぐぬぬ、強いわね |
Grrr, you're strong. |
Marisa |
ふむ、特に怪しい情報とか すると、シェイカーと異変の件は |
Hmm, looks like there's no suspicious info or nefarious plans on ya. Then, I oughta consider the incident and the shaker |
Reisen |
酷い扱いね |
You treated me so awfully. |
Marisa |
余りにもタイミングが良すぎるんだよ |
It was just too well-timed. |
Reisen |
使わずにここまで来たっていうの? |
You mean to tell me you came this far without the shaker? |
Marisa |
いやまぁ |
No, well... |
Reisen |
…一応胃薬なら持ってるけど? |
...I've got some stomach medicine, though. |
Marisa |
貰えるんなら一応貰っておくぜ |
I'll take it once I can afford to. |
Reisen |
生で大量に食べ歩けば誰でもそうなるっての |
Tis what happens to people who eat a lot of raw food. |
Stage 5
夢心地の有頂天 |
Dreamy Bhavaagra | |
天界 天華楼内部 |
Heaven - Inside the Heavenly Flower Tower | |
BGM:夜更けの表六甲 |
BGM: Omote-Rokkō at Night | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
浅葱色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Pale Blue Eagle Ravi | |
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 『これより排除活動を開始する』 |
This is Seiran. Now proceeding with elimination. |
Seiran LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
空飛ぶ屋敷とは うむ、これは念入りに |
This flying keystone sure is suspicious. Hmm, looks like this calls |
??? |
あら、家主の許可は取ったの? |
Oh, did you get permission from the owner? |
Tenshi Hinanawi ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
異変の調査に許可なんて必要ないぜ |
Since when do I need permission for incident investigation? |
Tenshi |
今更になって調査に来たの? |
So you're just now coming here to investigate? |
非想非非想天の娘 |
Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception | |
Marisa |
うるさいな |
Oh, give me a break. |
Tenshi |
他の人間達と協力して来れば |
Maybe you wouldn't be having such a hard time |
Marisa |
弾幕戦だと多人数は不利だからな |
Having multiple players in a danmaku duel would put us at a disadvantage. |
Tenshi |
で、そんなどうでもいい事を |
So... you came all the way to Heaven |
Marisa |
んな訳あるか |
As if! |
BGM:有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven |
BGM: Catastrophe in Bhava-agra ~ Wonderful Heaven | |
Tenshi |
へぇ…。まさかそれが |
Really...? |
Marisa |
倒されたいのかお前は まぁいい。お望みというのなら |
You're just askin' for a beating. Well, alright. If that's your wish, |
Tenshi Hinanawi DEFEATED | ||
Tenshi |
ううーん |
Nngh. |
Marisa |
願いは叶ったか? |
So, did your wish come true? |
Tenshi |
実は貴方がここに来た時点で |
As a matter of fact, it was already |
Marisa |
あー、どういう事だ? |
Eeeh? What do you mean? |
Tenshi |
そうではないわ 全く総領(お父)様ったら甘すぎるわ |
That's not the case.
Marisa |
甘やかされ娘がそれ言うと |
Coming from a spoiled brat like you, |
Tenshi |
屋敷の魔改造まで許可出したのよ? |
He even gave them permission to drastically remodel |
Marisa |
あー、それはまあなんだ |
Huh. That's, well... |
Tenshi |
という訳でアンタには ここまでされたら |
I've already had enough, I can't take it anymore, they've gotten too far already! |
Marisa |
「お前がやればいいだろ」ってのは |
Either way, I guess I can't just say |
Tenshi |
出来たらとっくにやってるわ |
If I could, I would've done so by now. |
Marisa |
天人も難儀なもんなんだな まぁそういう事情なら、 |
Guess it's harder than it seems bein' a celestial. Well, in that case, I'll take this as an assignment! |
Tenshi |
きっと、連中は中庭にいると思うわ |
Surely, they're in the courtyard now. |
Marisa |
やれやれ、こうなったら |
Aw man, if this is how it's gonna go down, |
Stage 6
湖は浄めの月を映して |
The Lake Reflects the Cleansed Moon | |
天界 物見の湖 |
Heaven - Watchman's Lake | |
BGM:故郷の星が映る海 |
BGM: The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 ここから先は通す訳にはいかないの |
This is Seiran. I cannot let you go any further. |
Seiran DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
空飛ぶ屋敷に大きな湖…か そうか、妖精や生き物が少なかったのは 黒幕はコレで地上を監視してたのかね 情報を掴むのに苦労してたってのにな …まぁ考え出したらきりがないか |
First a flying mansion, and now a huge lake, huh...? I see, it's because of this lake reflectin' the lower world So the mastermind was usin' it to keep an eye on Earth. I'm surprised I could sneak in like this, ...Nah, I could stay here all day thinkin' of scenarios. |
??? |
お待たせいたしました |
Sorry to keep you waiting. |
Marisa |
お前が黒幕だったのかよ |
You? I know you stuck around on Earth, |
Ringo ENTERS | ||
橘色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Orange Eagle Ravi | |
Ringo |
ご挨拶ねぇ、早朝から押しかけてきて |
Isn't this a nice greeting? Barging in here so early in the morning, |
Marisa |
悪いが、天人様直々の依頼なんでな |
Sorry, but I've been given a personal request from Miss Celestial. |
Ringo |
はて、誰がそんな事を… 警戒されてたのは知ってたけど |
Now who would give an order like that... I know she's been keeping an eye on us, |
Marisa |
あ、殲滅するってのは私の嘘だ |
Eh, I was only kidding about the annihilation part. |
Ringo |
なぁんだ、大げさねぇ |
O...kay? That's quite an exaggeration. |
Marisa |
お前を倒しに来たって言ってるだろ |
I said I came here to beat you, didn't I? |
Ringo |
理由はフルーツの件かな? |
Are you here about the fruits? |
Marisa |
ああ、そうだ 魔法の森なんて、今や熱帯雨林一歩手前だ |
Yep, that's right. The Forest of Magic is on the brink of becomin' a tropical forest. |
BGM:穏やかならぬ宴の兎 |
BGM: The Rabbit of the Unpeaceful Banquet | |
Ringo |
生活の心配をする前に 地上で穢れたとはいえ、 |
You should worry about yourself I may have been tainted here on earth, |
Marisa |
弾幕の基本はパワーだ |
Danmaku is all about power! |
Ringo PAUSES | ||
Ringo |
おおっと、中々手ごわいね |
Oof, you're a formidable one. |
Marisa |
鈴仙相手で慣れてるからな |
I've dealt with Reisen so many times, |
Ringo |
あら、あの子の知り合いだったんだ |
Oh, so you know that girl. |
Marisa |
そういや、お前達は |
Speakin' of which, I heard that you lot are Reisen's colleagues. |
Ringo |
あの子は優秀な能力を持ってて 依姫様からも可愛がられてたってのに |
That girl's abilities were top-notch, Even Lady Yorihime loved her... |
Marisa |
ほほー 残念だな |
Hoho, that's interestin' to hear, but... We're in battle right now. |
Ringo |
私は呑みながらでも |
I've got more than enough time to |
BGM:玉兎と禁断の果実 ~ Eden's Apple. |
BGM: The Moon Rabbit and the Forbidden Fruit ~ Eden's Apple. | |
Ringo |
出でよ、フルーツダンゴバシラ! |
Come on out, Fruit Dangobashira! |
Ringo Summons Fruit Dangobashira | ||
Marisa |
おおーう、ハジけてるな中々 |
Oohh, now we're burstin' to life! |
Ringo |
私はね、団子を食べた数だけ 更に、これ等はただの団子ではない そして、この天華楼には さぁ、ここからが本番よ! |
As you may know, my strength increases Furthermore, this is no ordinary dango, And finally, this Heavenly Flower Tower is filled with Now, this is where the real battle begins! |
Marisa |
やれやれ、これは私も |
Aww crap, looks like I'll hafta be a |
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Marisa's Paradise Extra Marisa's Legacy Extra |
> |