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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Marisa's Paradise Extra
< | Extra Story Marisa's Paradise Scenario Marisa's Legacy Scenario |
Story |
Extra Stage
紅魔色の弾幕地獄 |
A Scarlet Devil-colored Danmaku Hell | |
紅魔館 雷雨 |
Scarlet Devil Mansion - Thunderstorm | |
BGM: 魔法少女達の百年祭 |
BGM: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls | |
Patchouli Knowledge ENTERS | ||
七曜の魔女 |
Witch of the Seven Luminaries | |
Patchouli |
誰かと思ったらお前とはね 今は構ってる暇がないの |
Well, if it isn't you, I don't have time to deal with you right now, |
Patchouli Knowledge DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
紅魔館で異変が起きるのは 紅霧異変以来か…? にしても、爆発の後に雨なんて おっと、そんなこと 爆発の原因を調べて |
Been a while since an incident Since the Scarlet Mist Incident, I think...? Though, I think rain after an explosion would only Whoops, no time to worry 'bout that! I gotta find out the cause of that explosion and |
??? |
「狂化」メイド隊を |
You got past the Frenzied Maid Corps |
Clownpiece ENTERS | ||
Clownpiece |
流石、友人様を倒した人間ね |
As expected from the human who defeated my Honorable Friend! |
Marisa |
誰だっけお前 |
Who're you again? |
地獄の妖精 |
Fairy of Hell | |
Clownpiece |
地獄の妖精、クラウンピースだよ |
I'm the Hell Fairy Clownpiece! |
Marisa |
まぁ冗談だが 紅魔館の妖精メイド達が |
Yeah, I was, You're the one who got the fairy maids runnin' amok |
Clownpiece |
だーいせいかい |
Hit the nail head-ooon! |
Marisa |
なんだと? |
What's that? |
Clownpiece |
さあ、出ておいで |
Now, come on out, |
??? |
はーい |
Alriiight! |
Flandre Scarlet ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
あー、嫌な予感しかしないな |
Oh, I've got a bad feelin' about this. |
悪魔の妹 |
Sister of the Devil | |
Flandre |
あら、魔理沙じゃない |
Oh, it's you, Marisa! |
Clownpiece |
みんなで一緒に遊ぼうって話さ! |
We were talking about playing together! |
Marisa |
お前等の「ごっこ」は …いや、待て |
Your "games" ain't exactly refined... No, hold on, |
Flandre |
退屈してたから、 |
I was bored, so I figured |
BGM: 星条旗のピエロは彼女なのか? |
BGM: The Pierrot of the Star Spangled Banner was Her? | |
Flandre |
でも、魔理沙がいるから |
But now that you're here, Marisa, |
Marisa |
なるほど、そういう事か 今の私は調子が良い |
Well, if that's the way it is, I'm in a good mood right now, so come at me, you two! |
Clownpiece |
きゃははは、それじゃ |
Kyahahaha, well then, |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Marisa |
あれ?流れ的に二人がかりかと |
Huh? I thought I'd be up against two, |
Flandre |
それだとすぐ壊れちゃうでしょ |
That'll fall through soon enough! |
Marisa |
ふん、舐められたもんだな |
Well, I'll be damned. |
Clownpiece and Flandre Scarlet DEFEATED | ||
Clownpiece |
はあ…はあ…はあ… な、なんで…? 折角強そうな助っ人を |
Hah, hah, hah... W-why...? How...? I thought I managed to find a strong helper... |
Marisa |
フランの弾幕なんて見切ってるからな |
I've seen through Flan's danmaku, |
Clownpiece |
もう、なんで弾に当たっても… |
You're so calm even when getting hit by danmaku... |
Marisa |
当たり前だ。 |
Ain't it obvious? |
Clownpiece |
ソレ、自慢すること |
I don't think that's something to brag about... |
Marisa |
まぁ、アレだ。それはともかくとして 詳しい話を聞かせてもらうぜ |
Well, that's that. But anyway, I'm pretty sure Now, I'd like to hear all about it. |
Clownpiece |
そういわれても、あたいが持ち出した あの兎を適当に狂わせただけだもーん |
Well, I just planted all the I just happened to make that rabbit go mad at the right time. |
Marisa |
お前、本当に何も まぁ妖精らしいっていえば だが、お前の悪戯で 後で改めて霊夢にお仕置きされておけ |
You really didn't think anythin' through, did you? Welp, if you say you're fairy-like, But your prank also destroyed the nature! You wouldn't wanna make an enemy outta all of Gensokyo, would ya'? |
Clownpiece |
うぇぇ、痛いのは 当分悪戯しないから |
Waaah, I didn't wanna hurt anyoooone...! I won't play any more pranks for a while, |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Marisa |
…まぁ気持ちは判らなくはないがな |
Well, at least ya understand how I feel now. Now, what's your deal? |
Flandre |
う、うーん…? 何だか面白い事をしていた |
H-huh? I was doing something interesting, wasn't I...? |
Marisa |
楽しい夢でも見てたんだろ 狂ってるとこうなるのか あ、深酒と大して変わらないか |
Must've had a nice dream. That's what happens when you've gone insane, Oh well, guess it ain't too different from drinkin' too much. |
Flandre |
なんか体が痛いわ |
My body's hurting all over... |
Marisa |
レーザーで炙ったり |
Well, I definitely didn't hit you with missiles, |
Flandre |
なんだか具体的ね… まぁいいわ |
That's kind of specific... Oh well. Since you're here, let's have some tea... |
Marisa |
あー、お構いなく |
Oh, don't bother with that. |
Harvest Stage
真夏色に染まる秋天 |
Midsummer-dyed Autumn Sky | |
妖怪の山 残暑 |
Youkai Mountain - Lingering Heat | |
BGM: 四季の華は太陽に踊る |
BGM: The Four Seasons' Flowers Dance in the Sun | |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
あやややや、誰かと思いきや 丁度いい所に居ましたね |
Ayayayaya. I didn't expect You came at the perfect time. |
Aya Shameimaru DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
うえーい暑いぜ もうそろそろ秋が なんで真夏の陽気のままなんだよ こうなったらローラー作戦で |
Bweeeeh. It's so hot. And it's almost autumn, too! So why's the sun still shinin' like it's midsummer? If it's come to this, then I guess I'll have to do a cleanin' campaign |
??? |
随分と楽しそうだ事 |
That does sound like fun. |
Minoriko Aki ENTERS | ||
Minoriko |
フルーツ塗れの夏を |
For someone who's spent all this time lazing around |
Marisa |
ごろごろしてる奴に |
I don't wanna hear it from someone who's just been slackin' off. |
豊かさと稔りの象徴 |
Symbol of Abundance and Plenty | |
Minoriko |
別に怠けてた訳じゃないけど 間に合う訳ないでしょ |
It's not that I'm slacking off. There's no way this will be enough |
Marisa |
間に合わない? |
Not enough? |
Minoriko |
えーっと、それはねぇ… |
Uhh, that is... |
??? |
それは私から |
I'll explain. |
Marisa |
お、姉の方 |
Oh, it's your sister. |
Shizuha Aki ENTERS | ||
寂しさと終焉の象徴 |
Symbol of Loneliness and Demise | |
Shizuha |
よく覚えていてくれたわね 実は夏の妖精達が退いてくれなくてね |
You remember me! As a matter of fact, the summer fairies aren't going away. |
Marisa |
そういや人力だっけ… |
Oh, so I guess it's just manpower... |
Minoriko |
それを言うなら神通力でしょ |
You're talking about supernatural power, but mine is |
Shizuha |
でね、あの甘い臭いが妖精達を勘違いさせて 果実も穣子の力が及ばない量だったし |
And this sweet smell seems to have misled the fairies into thinking The sheer amount of fruit is too much for Minoriko to handle. |
Marisa |
カミサマ理論はよく解らんが |
I have no idea what this "god's theory" is, |
Shizuha |
要は夏を弱めて秋を強めればいいの |
Basically, we need to weaken summer and strengthen fall. |
BGM: 稲田姫様に叱られるから |
BGM: Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me | |
Shizuha |
つまりは神遊びで、私達の秋の力を |
In other words, we need to show everyone |
Minoriko |
そういうこと |
It's just as she says. |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Marisa |
なんだ、意外と簡単な |
Wow, that's a surprisingly simple solution... |
Minoriko |
おっと、私達の力を 秋の本来の力を |
Oh, our power is not Now have a taste yourself, |
Minoriko Aki and Shizuha Aki DEFEATED | ||
Minoriko |
うーん、お見事! |
Yes, magnificent! |
Shizuha |
勝負は私達の負けね ほら、秋の力が |
This may be our loss, Look! Our autumn power has been completely restored. |
Marisa |
確かに秋が深まってるし 結局何だったんだ |
Fall is comin' along, alright. But just what was this incident all about, |
Minoriko |
貴方が神遊びの弾幕ごっこに |
The danmaku from you playing our Divine Game with us |
Shizuha |
お陰様で今の私達は 今なら一気に秋を進める それじゃあ穣子 |
Thanks to that, our autumn power Now we can proceed Alright Minoriko, |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Marisa |
お前の姉さんと会話したことは |
I never really talked much with your sister. |
Minoriko |
テンション上がってるのよ今 |
She's in pretty high spirits right now. |
Marisa |
紅葉だけに |
A change in spirit over |
Minoriko |
秋通り越して |
Knock it off with the puns before we end up |
Marisa |
まぁ、それは 終わらない夏はこれで解決した。 |
Oh, well, fine I guess. But can we really treat this as a solution |
Minoriko |
そうね、邪魔なフルーツも 次第に本来の収穫の秋も |
Of course. And we disposed of And we'll gradually be able |
Marisa |
もうお腹一杯だぜ。 |
I've had just about enough of that. |
- ↑ Both "autumn colors" (紅葉) and "uplifting" (高揚) are pronounced "kouyou". And in Japanese, bad jokes are described as "cold".
< | Extra Story Marisa's Paradise Scenario Marisa's Legacy Scenario |
Story |