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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Reimu's Legacy Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Reimu's Paradise Extra Reimu's Legacy Extra |
> |
Stage 1
紅蓮色の宵闇 |
Crimson Twilight | |
博麗神社 境内裏 |
Hakurei Shrine - Back Area | |
BGM:ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 |
BGM: A Soul as Scarlet as a Ground Cherry | |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Rumia LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
色んな果物の木が 暑さの所為で飛ぶ元気もなかったけど 妖精の激しさも収まってないし 幻想郷の生態系を壊すなんて |
What the?! There's tons of different fruit trees I didn't want to do any flying in this heat, The fairies are as intense as ever, and I don't Gensokyo's ecosystem could collapse at this rate. |
??? |
おっ暴力巫女だ |
Oh, it's Miss Violent Shrine Maiden. |
Reimu |
失礼な奴ね。 |
Well, aren't you rude. |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Rumia |
一体何にプリプリしてるのさ |
What are you getting so huffy about? |
宵闇の妖怪 |
Youkai of the Dusk | |
Reimu |
…暑いから夕方に出かけたのに |
...I figured I'd head out at night because of the heat, |
Rumia |
ストレスを抱えちゃうと さぁ私と戦って気分もストレスも |
Keeping stress bottled up won't make Now, come on and fight me! Blow off some stress, |
Reimu |
…ああ、そういうことか |
...ah, so that's how it is. |
BGM:妖魔夜行 |
BGM: Apparitions Stalk the Night | |
Reimu |
気が利くついでに こうなったら、妖怪相手に果物を |
Since you're so considerate, If it's come to this, I'll strike you youkai |
Rumia |
うわぁ。がめつい… |
Uwah. So greedy... |
Rumia DEFEATED | ||
Rumia |
きゃー |
Gyaah! |
Reimu |
ふぅスッキリした そういえば人里は ちょっと様子を見に行くか… |
Whew, that was refreshing. Come to think of it, I suppose I'll go check things out... |
Stage 2
浅縹色の梅雨 |
Indigo Monsoon | |
柳の運河 雨天 |
Willow Canal - Downpour | |
BGM:運河を行き交う人妖 |
BGM: Humans and Youkai Traversing the Canal | |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Nitori Kawashiro LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
里の八百屋を全軒回ってみたけど みんな知らずして、出処が判らない果物を まぁ買う方も買う方なんだけど こうなると、手掛かりは |
I went through all the grocers in town, Nobody knows a thing. They're just smiling and selling Well, the customers are going and buying the things, too. At this point, that kappa nearby |
??? |
なんだ |
What? |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Nitori |
なんでいつも光学迷彩を見破れる |
Honestly, why can this shrine maiden here |
Reimu |
妖力と背景歪んでる所為で |
I'm telling you, your aura and the |
河の便利屋さん |
Handyman of the River | |
Nitori |
うーん、妖力隠蔽用に まあいいか どっちにしろ接触するつもりだったしね |
Hmm. I did have it made with cinnabar Well, whatever. I was planning on contacting you |
Reimu |
あー? |
Ah? |
Nitori |
この果物の事が知りたいんでしょ? |
You want to know about these fruits, right? |
Reimu |
やかましい |
Oh, shut up. |
Nitori |
うーん。 |
Mmm. |
BGM:芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend |
BGM: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend | |
Nitori |
情報量としてアレをいただこうか! |
How about we do the usual, in |
Reimu |
よし倒す |
Right, down you go. |
Nitori Kawashiro DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
ぐぅ、相変わらず強いねぇ 衰えるまで尻小玉は取れそうにないね |
Ugh, you're as strong as ever. I don't think I'll be getting your |
Reimu |
涼める弾幕だったからね あと次に私の桃を狙ったら |
Your danmaku cooled me off, is why. Also, if I ever see you aiming for my rear, |
Nitori |
じょ、冗談だって冗談 まぁそれはさておき、約束だ 私は山に住むとある方から異変の収拾を 最近幻想郷のあちこちで あれの所為で、山の生態系は滅茶苦茶寸前。 どうやら鴉天狗曰く「幻想郷各地で ま、私の知ってる情報はこの程度さ |
I-It was a joke! That aside, I did promise. I'm here to keep the incident under control, by request You've seen the various fruits Thanks to those, the mountain's ecosystem is becoming a total mess. According to the crow tengu, they apparently Well, that's about all I know. |
Reimu |
ふむ…。妖怪の言葉を アンタをけしかけた奴も気になるわね |
...Hmf. It's irritating that I have to but I am interested in whoever sent you down here. |
Nitori |
契約上、それだけは話せない いいか、山の裏側とか |
That's the one thing I'm contractually obligated All right? Definitely don't go snooping around, |
Reimu |
……。 フリ…? |
...... Feigning ignorance...? |
Reimu |
ふーん |
Hmph. |
Stage 3
萌葱色の疾風 |
Fresh Green Gale | |
妖怪の山 裏側 |
Youkai Mountain - Rear Face | |
BGM:夜の鳩山を飛ぶ -Power MIX |
BGM: Fly Above Hatoyama at Night - Power MIX | |
風雨のブン屋 |
Reporter of Wind and Rain | |
Aya |
あやややや!? |
Ayayayaya!? |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
まさか貴方自ら山に来るなんて… |
To think that you'd come to our mountain... |
Aya |
レッツ、スクープターイム! |
Let's scoop time! |
Aya Shameimaru LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
山の裏側なんて こっちにも滝があったのね 仕事でも無きゃ あっ。そうだ |
I've never spent much time around the There's a waterfall here too, huh? I mean, I'd never come here Ah. Right. |
??? |
山が騒がしいと思ったら |
I thought the mountain was noisy tonight. |
Reimu |
う。この説教臭い声は… |
Uh oh. I know this preachy voice... |
Kasen Ibaraki ENTERS | ||
Kasen |
山に夜襲だなんて |
Conducting a night attack on the mountain? |
片腕有角の仙人 |
The One-Armed, Horned Hermit | |
Reimu |
やっぱり華扇か |
So it's you, Kasen. |
Kasen |
この辺一体は滝行をする時に そういう霊夢こそ、珍しいわね …もしや、ついに自発的に |
I borrow this whole area from the mountain youkai I should be saying the same thing to you, honestly. ...perhaps you've finally come to do |
Reimu |
うるさい。私だって異変じゃなきゃ |
Shut up. I wouldn't even be here |
Kasen |
異変って…。ああアレの事か |
The incident...? Ah, that. |
Reimu |
えっ? |
Eh? |
Kasen |
貴方が夏バテしてる間に 一応山の住人として |
While you were lazing around all summer, the I'm technically a mountain resident too, |
Reimu |
うぐ。仕方ないじゃない 今日だって、日中が死ぬ程暑いから |
Ack. What was I supposed to do? I even went out at nightfall specifically |
Kasen |
んんまぁ、天狗の連中も それは言及しないとして その上、幻想郷の生態系を破壊しかねない |
Mmm, well, okay. Even the tengu have to I won't fault you for that, but ignoring the incident On top of that, you basically co-signed this suspicious |
Reimu |
これ以上は我慢の限界だし、私だって だから、いつも通りに敵倒して あんた、なんか知ってそうだしね |
Okay, I've had just about enough of this. I was That's why I went out to defeat enemies and You know something too, don't you? |
Kasen |
…河童が口を滑らせたか |
...so the kappa blabbed, did she. |
BGM:華狭間のバトルフィールド |
BGM: Battlefield of the Flower Threshold | |
Reimu |
やっぱりあんたか |
So it's you after all! |
Kasen |
そうしてもいいけど、情報を上げる前に |
I certainly don't mind, but before I give you |
Reimu |
あーもー面倒くさい! |
Aaaaaugh, god, what a pain! |
Kasen Ibaraki DEFEATED | ||
Kasen |
つ、強い… |
Such strength... |
Reimu |
変なジュースなんかに |
I don't have to rely on |
Kasen |
まさか貴方 |
Wait, what? |
Reimu |
うん。なんか怪しかったから |
Yeah. I mean, that thing was suspicious. |
Kasen |
はー… 月の異変の時に薬を使わなかった |
Hah... I heard you didn't use their medicine during the moon incident |
Reimu |
ジュースにはしてないけど、 |
I'm not turning the fruits into juice, |
Kasen |
あのシェイカーは成分活性化と同時に 服用すれば、何度ミスしても |
That shaker doesn't just refine the active ingredients. It also If you had used it, you'd become tough enough to not suffer |
Reimu |
そもそもミスしたくないし |
I don't intend to get hit in the first place. |
Kasen |
んもう、ああ言えば こうなったら 私の調べだと、恐らく異変の黒幕は さあ、天空にそびえる要石 |
Argh. Of course you'd respond If it's come to this, all you According to my research, the incident's mastermind is likely Now, proceed to the depths of Heaven-- |
Stage 4A
紅緋色の雲路 |
Scarlet Cloud Route | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
あの要石…、やっと天界が にしても、さっきの雷雲は一体何…? さっき落とした龍宮の使い |
That keystone... so it looks like Still, just what the hell was that thundercloud from earlier? And that oarfish back there got away... |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
んん? |
Huh? |
空飛ぶ不思議な巫女 |
Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden | |
Reimu |
…ドッペルゲンガーか |
...A doppelgänger? |
BGM:少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio | |
Reimu |
どこの誰が真似てるのか知らないけれど |
I don't care where you came from or who you're mimicking, |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
何とか倒せたけど… でも、最後に勝つのは さて、ちゃっちゃと この桃の事も気になるし |
I managed to beat her... Even so, the original Now, I've gotta go in These peaches are worrying me a bit, too. |
Stage 4B
黄金色の星雲 |
Golden Nebula | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
あの要石…、やっと天界が にしても、さっきの雷雲は一体何…? さっき落とした龍宮の使い |
??? |
さっきの雨雲は まるで、誰かが まぁいいか。休憩は十分とったし |
Reimu |
んん?魔理沙? |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
お、霊夢じゃないか |
普通の魔法使い |
Ordinary Magician | |
Reimu |
あれ?もうそんな時間になるの? |
Marisa |
私も疑問に思ってたところだ 空飛んでる筈なのに、まるで |
Reimu |
まるで、というか 多分原因は目の前の金髪 |
Marisa |
んん? |
Reimu |
どうせ足止めするんなら |
Marisa |
残念だな、魔理沙スタンドは |
Reimu |
ああ、持ってこなかったのねアレ… |
BGM:魔女達の舞踏会 |
BGM: The Witches' Ball | |
Reimu |
まぁいいや、フルーツくらいは さぁ、フルーツと道を明け渡しなさい! |
Marisa |
おお、こわいこわい |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
相変わらず滅茶苦茶だな ほら、フルーツは |
Reimu |
まーだ持ってたりしないわよね? |
Marisa |
もう汁も出ないぜ にしても、天界だけかと思ってたが |
Reimu |
何か意図があるのかもしれないわね どっち道、こんな結界で しかも変な浮島まで 天界が密に関わってると見て |
Marisa |
撒くもの撒いて「引き籠り」ってのは |
Reimu |
つー訳で、ちょっと殴りこんでくるから |
Marisa |
…お手柔らかに |
Stage 4C
菫色の小夜嵐 |
Violet Night Gale | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
はー、やっと 夕方に出た時は山の上に これも異変の一部なのかな ええい、こうなったら |
??? |
ああ、丁度いいところに来てくれたわね |
Ah, you got here just at the perfect time. |
Reimu |
あら、咲夜じゃないの あんたも迷ってたの… |
Oh, Sakuya? Did you get lost, too? |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
紅い悪魔のメイド |
Maid of the Scarlet Devil | |
Sakuya |
残念ながら、ああいうのは |
Reimu |
その割にはここまで |
Sakuya |
それで、何度試しても |
Reimu |
ふーん、どれどれ… 天人の連中が異変を察知して 結構複雑な封印をされてるから 一人分の抜け穴なら |
Let's see... |
Sakuya |
そう…、通れるのね |
BGM:フラワリングナイト |
BGM: Flowering Night | |
Reimu |
私も異変解決に来てるんだけど… ああ、こんな時はアレだったわね |
Sakuya |
あらあら、久しぶりにアレね 貴方の時間を貰えば |
... But I should be fine |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
う~ん |
Urgh... |
Reimu |
もっと暇持て余してる奴から |
You should've taken from someone |
Sakuya |
…こんなに頭が回るのに |
Reimu |
ほっとけ こうなったら、犠牲になった |
Let it go. |
Sakuya |
まだ死んでません |
Stage 4D
翡翠色の夕凪 |
Jade-colored Evening Calm | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
はー、やっと 夕方に出た時は山の上に これも異変の一部なのかな それを踏まえたうえで、 |
??? |
この辺は流石に果実の木も さて、もうひと踏ん張りして |
??? |
ありゃ、早苗だ まさかアンタにも |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
威風堂々な現人神 |
Living God Backed by Majestic Winds | |
Sanae |
「も」って事は |
Reimu |
多分魔理沙辺りは今頃着いてるかな |
Sanae |
なるほど、私も |
Reimu |
そう、うかうかしては これ以上天界の連中に |
BGM:信仰は儚き人間の為に |
BGM: Faith is for the Transient People | |
Sanae |
あの、なんで私に |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
ぎゃー |
Gyaa! |
Reimu |
立ちはだかる障害は排除するわ |
Obstacles in my path are gonna get removed. |
Sanae |
あともう少しで勝てたのに… |
Just a little bit longer and I would have won... |
Reimu |
まぁ、あんたの仇は |
Sanae |
…弾撃ってきたの |
Reimu |
いやまあその… |
Um, that is, well... |
Stage 4E
常磐色の碧天 |
Evergreen-colored Blue Sky | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
うーん早速まずったかな 夕方に出た時は山の上に これじゃ入れないじゃない |
??? |
あ、霊夢 |
Ah, Reimu. |
Reimu |
誰かと思ったら妖夢じゃない 異変の情報は |
Well look who it is. It's Youmu. How much information have |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
半人半霊の庭師 |
Half-Human, Half-Phantom Gardener | |
Youmu |
天界に犯人が居るっぽい |
It seems like the culprit is in Heaven. |
Reimu |
…門前払いされたって訳ね |
Youmu |
えっ、何故それを… |
Reimu |
天人の連中も 結構複雑な封印をされてるから せいぜい一人分の抜け穴を |
Youmu |
あ、通る手段はあるんですね |
BGM:広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? |
BGM: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? | |
Reimu |
一人分って言わなかった? |
Youmu |
え、通してくれるんじゃ |
Youmu |
そもそも、異変解決は |
Incident resolution is a shrine maiden's (my) duty in the first place! |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
くっ いっぺん修行し直そうかしら… |
Ugh... |
Reimu |
修行場なら良い場所あるわよ |
If you're looking for a place to train, |
Youmu |
うーん、ここは貴方に任せるべきか |
Reimu |
ところで、冥界の方は 山の上すらこんな有様なんだし |
Youmu |
そうならないように |
Reimu |
ま、ここは私に任せて |
Youmu |
…ぐぬぬ |
Grr... |
Stage 4F
向日葵色の霞 |
Sunflower-colored Haze | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
空に大きな要石が… あれが天界なのかしら ま、月に比べれば狭いはずだし さっさと解決して甘い臭いを払わないと |
??? |
豆の木エレベーターでも |
Perhaps I should try making a beanstalk elevator. |
Reimu |
そうはさせるかい |
You think I'm gonna let you do that? |
Yuuka Kazami ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
やっとお出ましね |
So you finally showed up, |
四季のフラワーマスター |
Flower Master of the Four Seasons | |
Reimu |
ただでさえ変な果樹が これ以上余計なもの生やさないでよ |
Don't go planting anything else! On top of these weird fruit trees that are |
Yuuka |
その変な果樹を放って置いたのは |
Reimu |
うぐぐ、やかましいわ! 悪いけど、今私、気が立ってるの |
Uuugh, shut up! Sorry, but I'm pretty annoyed right now. |
BGM:幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream |
BGM: Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream | |
Yuuka |
あらあら、血気盛んねぇ いいわ、遊んであげる |
My my, you sure are full of energy. Alright, I'll play with you. |
Reimu |
やらいでか! |
Yuuka Kazami DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
しまった、私が遊ばれてたわ |
Damn... I was the one who got played with. |
Reimu |
こんな所で遊んでる |
This is no place to be |
Yuuka |
仕方ないわねぇ |
Oh well, |
Reimu |
にしても、アンタが なんか企んでるんじゃないの? |
Still, it's pretty unusual to see you You're up to something, aren't you? |
Yuuka |
いいえ、全然 私の代わりに黒幕を倒してもらおう |
No, nothing at all. I'm not letting you take care of the culprit |
Reimu |
やっぱ企んでるじゃないの |
I knew it... |
Stage 4G
紫苑色の叢雲 |
Aster-colored Gathering Clouds | |
妖怪の山 謎の雲 |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
あの大きな要石は一体… 雲が晴れたと思ったら どうみても怪しいし 突然湧いて出たフルーツといい |
The hell is that giant keystone...? Just when I thought that cloud cleared away, This is suspicious all around. First these fruits that sprang up out of nowhere, |
??? |
そう…、生態系や特性を無視して実をつける もしかして関係あるのかしら |
Yes... no matter how I look at it, unnatural fruit trees that ignore the ecosystem Could they be related? |
Reimu |
何ブツブツと独り言を |
What are you muttering to yourself about? |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
Reisen |
ああ、霊夢か |
Oh, Reimu! |
地上に降りた月の兎 |
Lunar Rabbit that Landed on Earth | |
Reimu |
あんたが勝手に それも、妖怪の山の天辺で |
You were muttering something on your own, Not only that, at the top of Youkai Mountain. |
Reisen |
ただの状況整理の独り言だから |
I'm just reviewing the current situation to myself. |
Reimu |
まー別にどうでも良いんだけど でも、この異変は |
Well, I don't really care about that. But what I do care about is this incident. |
BGM:狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon |
BGM: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Reimu |
あんたも一枚噛んでるみたいだし |
And it looks like you're involved in it. |
Reisen |
あれ、なんか不穏な空気が |
Ah-- I have a bad feeling about this. |
Reimu |
さぁ、知ってる事を |
Now, you're gonna tell me what you know! |
Reisen Udongein Inaba DEFEATED | ||
Reisen |
あぁ、無慈悲… |
Ugh, you're merciless... |
Reimu |
妖怪に慈悲はかけないわ |
I don't show youkai any mercy. |
Reisen |
…聞きたい事 |
...Wasn't there something |
Reimu |
あ、そうだ 怪しいことが起こり過ぎなのよ |
Oh, yeah. There's way too many strange things happening. |
Reisen |
んん?アレ…? |
Hm? "Those things?" |
Reimu |
変な色の雲と、変な要石 |
That weird-colored cloud and that weird keystone. |
Reisen |
素で気が付かなかったわ… |
...I honestly didn't notice them. |
Reimu |
兎に角、私はアレを調べてくるから アンタはここでお留守番ね |
Anyway, I'm gonna go investigate "those things." So why don't you stay here and look after the place. |
Reisen |
そんなー… |
Oh come oooon... |
Stage 5
夢心地の有頂天 |
Dreamy Bhavaagra | |
天界 天華楼内部 |
Heaven - Inside the Heavenly Flower Tower | |
BGM:夜更けの表六甲 |
BGM: Omote-Rokkō at Night | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
浅葱色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Pale Blue Eagle Ravi | |
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 『これより排除活動を開始する』 |
This is Seiran. Now proceeding with elimination. |
Seiran LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
なんか、この建物 うーん、誰が飛ばしてるのかしら 私の勘だと、ここだって 出てきたのは兎だけだし |
This building is rising in Hmm, I wonder who could be flying it. My intuition tells me that But all I saw was a rabbit. |
??? |
ああ、侵入者って |
Ah, so you're the intruder, Reimu. |
Reimu |
お、やっと見つけたわ |
Ah, I finally found the boss. |
Tenshi Hinanawi ENTERS | ||
Tenshi |
やっとここまでたどり着いたのね |
You finally managed to get here. |
Reimu |
あー? |
Huh? |
非想非非想天の娘 |
Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception | |
Tenshi |
私の屋敷が天界から「天華楼」として それからずっと軟禁状態よ 全く、名居一族には失望したわ |
Last month, my mansion got cut off from Heaven and I've been under house arrest since then. It's totally disappointing to see the Hinanawi clan |
Reimu |
ちょっとちょっと、 |
Hold on a minute, |
Tenshi |
異変の解決に来たんじゃないの? |
Didn't you come here to solve this incident? |
Reimu |
まぁ決まってるけどさー… |
Well obviously I know, |
Tenshi |
珍しく迷っているのね しかし、時として迷いは |
That's not like you to hesitate. But sometimes, hesitation |
Reimu |
あーもー面倒くさいなー |
Ugh, so annoying! |
Tenshi |
そうこなくっちゃね さあ、行くわよ |
Now you're talking! Now, let's go! |
BGM:有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven |
BGM: Catastrophe in Bhava-agra ~ Wonderful Heaven | |
Reimu |
知ったことかい |
Do you know something? |
Tenshi Hinanawi DEFEATED | ||
Tenshi |
つ、強い… |
Jeez... |
Reimu |
どいつもこいつも |
Everyone keeps sticking their nose |
Tenshi |
まぁ退屈はしてないんだけどね |
Hey, I'm not doing this out of boredom. |
Reimu |
あー? |
Huh? |
Tenshi |
今の天界は甘い毒に侵された 実行している兎の連中には |
Heaven has become a phony paradise, Though our rabbit colleagues, hard at work, |
Reimu |
やっぱりあのフルーツ |
So these fruits |
Tenshi |
判ってるだろうけど、私は 試食を進められた時も |
Just so we're clear, Even if they offered me a tasting, |
Reimu |
…で、黒幕はどこにいるのよ |
...So where are the perpetrators? |
Tenshi |
多分中庭の物見の湖辺りかなぁ |
Probably out by the Watchman's Lake in the courtyard. |
Reimu |
…なーるほどね |
...I see. |
Stage 6
湖は浄めの月を映して |
The Lake Reflects the Cleansed Moon | |
天界 物見の湖 |
Heaven - Watchman's Lake | |
BGM:故郷の星が映る海 |
BGM: The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 ここから先は通す訳にはいかないの |
This is Seiran. I cannot let you go any further. |
Seiran DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
この景色… 天界にこんな所があるなんて… あぁ、私の勘が疼いているわ さぁ、出てらっしゃい! |
This scenery... A place like this in Heaven... Ah, my intuition is throbbing. Now, come on out! |
??? |
お待たせ |
Sorry to have kept you waiting~ |
Reimu |
そんなに待ってないけど |
I wasn't really waiting all that long. |
Ringo ENTERS | ||
Ringo |
いやー、博麗の巫女って 動き始めた当日に |
No way~, the Hakurei Shrine Maiden? To think you were able to get this far on the same day you moved out. |
Reimu |
あんたは確か… |
I know you... |
橘色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Orange Eagle Ravi | |
Ringo |
鈴瑚だよ |
It's Ringo! |
Reimu |
まぁ鍋にすればよかったかな |
Huh, I wonder if I should've |
Ringo |
おお、こわいこわい |
My, how dreadful. |
Reimu |
私が刈るのは異変の根源よ |
I'm "hunting down" the source of this incident. |
Ringo |
あ、あぁ… 物見の湖からだと、広範囲まで |
Ah, oh... Just so you know, it's pretty difficult to manage |
Reimu |
心当たりが、言い訳含めて |
So you've got a hunch about what happened, |
Ringo |
…私の話は聞かなくていいのかい? |
...Shouldn't you listen to what I have to say? |
BGM:穏やかならぬ宴の兎 |
BGM: The Rabbit of the Unpeaceful Banquet | |
Reimu |
いいえ、もはや問答無用 |
Nope, there's no use in arguing now. |
Ringo |
やはり、取り付く島もないか |
So there's no persuading you after all. |
Reimu |
そういうこと。 |
You've got it. |
Ringo PAUSES | ||
Ringo |
流石、都を救っただけの事はある |
Only someone this strong could have saved the capital. |
Reimu |
地力で敵う相手なら |
When going up against someone based on sheer strength, |
Ringo |
…ところで、このフルーツだけど それらに含まれる身体強化能力を、 |
...On that subject, did you know that these fruits Allow me to introduce my secret weapon, one that's able to draw out all |
BGM:玉兎と禁断の果実 ~ Eden's Apple. |
BGM: The Moon Rabbit and the Forbidden Fruit ~ Eden's Apple. | |
Ringo |
出でよ、フルーツダンゴバシラ! |
Come on out, Fruit Dangobashira! |
Ringo Summons Fruit Dangobashira | ||
Reimu |
………。 なにそれ、ふざけてんの? |
...... What is this, some kind of joke? |
Ringo |
私はね、団子を食べた数だけ 更に、これ等はただの団子ではない そして、この天華楼には さぁ、ここからが本番よ! |
As you may know, my strength increases Furthermore, this is no ordinary dango, And finally, this Heavenly Flower Tower is filled with Now, this is where the real battle begins! |
Reimu |
ちょっまっ |
Wait a sec- |
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