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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Reimu's Paradise Extra
< | Extra Story Reimu's Paradise Scenario Reimu's Legacy Scenario |
Story |
Extra Stage
紅魔色の弾幕地獄 |
A Scarlet Devil-colored Danmaku Hell | |
紅魔館 雷雨 |
Scarlet Devil Mansion - Thunderstorm | |
BGM: 魔法少女達の百年祭 |
BGM: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls | |
Patchouli Knowledge ENTERS | ||
七曜の魔女 |
Witch of the Seven Luminaries | |
Patchouli |
誰かと思ったら貴女ね 今は構ってる暇がないの |
Well if it isn't you, I don't have time to deal with you right now, |
Patchouli Knowledge DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
紅魔館から爆発音がしたから 妖精しか見かけないわねー… あの兎の話だと、抜き続けない限り 何時になったら異変が終わるのよ |
I came all the way here in the rain But all I see around here are fairies. According to that rabbit, these weird fruits are gonna keep multiplying When is this incident |
??? |
「狂化」メイド隊を |
You got past the Frenzied Maid Corps |
Clownpiece ENTERS | ||
Clownpiece |
流石、友人様を倒した人間ね |
As expected from the human who defeated my Honorable Friend! |
Reimu |
むむっ、あんたは確か |
Hm... I know you. |
地獄の妖精 |
Fairy of Hell | |
Clownpiece |
地獄の妖精、クラウンピースだよ |
The Fairy of Hell, Clownpiece! |
Reimu |
なーんであんたがここにいんのよ |
What are you doing here? |
Clownpiece |
だーいせいかい |
Absolutely! |
Reimu |
あー? |
Huh? |
Clownpiece |
さあ、出ておいで |
Now, come on out, |
??? |
はーい |
Yeeeah! |
Reimu |
…おかしな奴がまた増えた |
...More weirdos. |
Flandre Scarlet ENTERS | ||
悪魔の妹 |
Sister of the Devil | |
Flandre |
で、ピース。呼んだって事は |
Hey, Piece. You're saying you called me |
Clownpiece |
もっちろーん |
Thaaaat's right! |
Reimu |
「コレ」とか言うな …あー、わかったわかった |
Don't call me "this thing"! ...Ah, I get it. |
Flandre |
あら、っていう事は |
Ah, that means I can do what I want, right? |
BGM: 星条旗のピエロは彼女なのか? |
BGM: The Pierrot of the Star Spangled Banner was Her? | |
Flandre |
うふふ |
Hahaha. |
Clownpiece |
きゃははは |
Kyahahaha. |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Reimu |
…なんか引っ込んじゃったけど |
Hmm, she retreated. |
Flandre |
もっちろん。 |
Of course. |
Reimu |
じゃあ余裕ね |
You must really be confident. |
Clownpiece and Flandre Scarlet DEFEATED | ||
Clownpiece |
はあ…はあ…はあ… な、なんで…? 折角強そうな助っ人を |
Hah, hah, hah... W-why...? I lost, even after finding a |
Reimu |
なんか前より弱くなってたわね |
You're somehow even weaker than last time. |
Clownpiece |
くぅ、純化の力が切れていなければ… どっちにしろ、友人様には |
Ugh, if only I wasn't cut off from the power of purification... But anyway, that's too much to ask of Honorable Friend... |
Reimu |
まー、取り敢えず |
Well, for now could you please return the ones |
Clownpiece |
放っておけば自然に治るよ |
They'll go back to normal on their own if left alone. |
Reimu |
うぎぎ、まーたそのパターンかい |
Geez, you're following that pattern again. |
Clownpiece |
あーもう疲れたよぉ |
Ahhh... I'm so worn-out. |
Reimu |
悪戯のタネを全部寄越せば |
If you've shown me everything about |
Clownpiece |
はーい… |
Right... |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Reimu |
おい、何時まで寝てるの |
Hey, how long are you gonna lie there for? |
Flandre |
うーん…? 何だか面白い事をしていた |
Hmm...? I was doing something interesting, wasn't I...? |
Reimu |
さあ?夢でも 狂ってる間の記憶はなし、か ま、あんまり異変と関係なさそうだし |
Who knows? You have no memories of what you did when you were mad, Well, you don't seem to have much to do with the incident, |
Flandre |
あいたたたー、なんか |
Owowowow, my body hurts all over! |
Reimu |
不可抗力だったの |
Your loss was inevitable. |
Flandre |
むむむ、折角遊べると思ったのに あ、でもワンゲームだけなら |
Nngh, I thought I finally got a chance to play, Ah, but I might be able to |
Reimu |
もう、1コインも |
You don't have any more coins left! |
Harvest Stage
真夏色に染まる秋天 |
Midsummer-dyed Autumn Sky | |
妖怪の山 残暑 |
Youkai Mountain - Lingering Heat | |
BGM: 四季の華は太陽に踊る |
BGM: The Four Seasons' Flowers Dance in the Sun | |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
あやややや、誰かと思いきや 丁度いい所に居ましたね |
Ayayayaya. I didn't expect You came at the perfect time. |
Aya Shameimaru DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
あっついわねー もう10月の下旬だってのに… まるで秋が来るのを 春度の次は秋度でも |
Soooo hot... This heat is sticking around forever. It's as if the I wonder if someone's gathering Autumn now, |
??? |
本当迷惑してるわ |
Tell me about it. |
Minoriko Aki ENTERS | ||
Minoriko |
このままだと私達の信仰が |
If things keep going the way they are, |
Reimu |
あ、焼き芋(の神様) でもこの暑さじゃなー… |
Oh, a sweet potato (god). But there's no way I can eat sweet potatoes in this heat... |
豊かさと稔りの象徴 |
Symbol of Abundance and Plenty | |
Minoriko |
だから食べないでってばー! |
Don't eat me for crying out loud! |
Reimu |
あー冗談よ。暑すぎて食欲もないわ |
Hey, it was just a joke. It's too hot for me to have an appetite anyway. |
Minoriko |
巫女の口からその言葉を聞くとは… |
To hear such language coming from a |
Reimu |
ああん? |
Huh? |
Minoriko |
やれやれ、こうなったら |
Well, if it's come to this, |
??? |
はいはい |
Yes, yes! |
Reimu |
あ、紅葉の方の奴 |
Ah, you're the one in charge of the fall colors. |
Shizuha Aki ENTERS | ||
寂しさと終焉の象徴 |
Symbol of Loneliness and Demise | |
Shizuha |
神様を忘れる巫女が居ますか。 実は夏の妖精達が退いてくれなくてね |
A shrine maiden forgetting about gods? As a matter of fact, the summer fairies aren't going away. |
Reimu |
え、じゃあやっぱり |
Eh, so the incident is |
Minoriko |
具体的に言うと、あのフルーツの所為ね あの甘い臭いが妖精達を勘違いさせて しかも果実が元気に育つものだから |
Specifically, those fruits. Their sweet smell is confusing the fairies, Not only that, but because these fruits are springing up so vigorously, |
Reimu |
…あー、重症だってことは判ったけど |
Look, I know you're really sick, |
Shizuha |
決まっているでしょう? |
Isn't it obvious? |
BGM: 稲田姫様に叱られるから |
BGM: Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me | |
Shizuha |
その為には神遊びで、私達の力を |
For that, you will need to show everyone |
Minoriko |
そういうこと |
It's just as she says. |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Reimu |
何だか知らないけど |
I don't really get it, |
Minoriko |
もちろん。 残暑で腑抜けた巫女に |
Of course. Are you, a foolish shrine maiden in the lingering heat, |
Reimu |
…言ってくれるじゃないの |
...Why don't you tell me. |
Minoriko Aki and Shizuha Aki DEFEATED | ||
Minoriko |
うーん、お見事! |
Yes, magnificent! |
Shizuha |
私達の負けね |
This may be our loss, |
Reimu |
あー? |
Huh? |
Minoriko |
貴方が神遊びをしてくれたおかげで |
Thanks to you playing the Divine Game, |
Shizuha |
地上に居る山のオーディエンスも 今なら一気に秋を進める それじゃあ穣子 |
And because our mountain audience on the ground Now we can proceed Alright Minoriko, |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Reimu |
え、えーっと… こんなんで解決扱いに |
Uhhh... Can we really treat something like |
Minoriko |
いいのいいの。 ま、これで一応 |
It's perfectly fine! Well, with this, I guess we autumn gods |
Reimu |
要は私、秋の広告塔に |
So basically, you used me |
Minoriko |
宣伝にはうってつけだもん |
You're perfect for advertising. |
Reimu |
はあ、そうですか なーんか、無駄に疲れたわ… しかも何時の間にか |
Huh, is that right. Whew. all this fighting in the rain and staying out so late And the sun went down |
Minoriko |
秋の日は釣瓶落としだもの |
They say that the autumn sun sets as quickly as a bucket dropping into a well. |
Reimu |
はぁ…。 |
Haa... |
- ↑ Likely a reference to the story of Perfect Cherry Blossom, in which the main characters gathered essence of Spring.
< | Extra Story Reimu's Paradise Scenario Reimu's Legacy Scenario |
Story |