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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Reisen's Legacy Extra
< | Extra Story Reisen's Paradise Scenario Reisen's Legacy Scenario |
Story |
Extra Stage
紅魔色の弾幕地獄 |
A Scarlet Devil-colored Danmaku Hell | |
紅魔館 雷雨 |
Scarlet Devil Mansion - Thunderstorm | |
BGM: 魔法少女達の百年祭 |
BGM: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls | |
Patchouli Knowledge ENTERS | ||
七曜の魔女 |
Witch of the Seven Luminaries | |
Patchouli |
…珍しいわね 申し訳ないけど今非常事態なの |
...Well, that's unusual. Pardon me, but we're in a state of emergency right now, |
Patchouli Knowledge DEFEATED | ||
Reisen |
爆発の規模にしては 半壊くらいしてると思ったけど にしても、このタイミングで もし妖精の悪戯なら |
For how big the explosion was, I thought it'd destroy at least half the mansion. It's still odd to see a commotion at this If this is because of a fairy prank, then could it possibly be...? |
??? |
「狂化」メイド隊を |
You got past the Frenzied Maid Corps |
Clownpiece ENTERS | ||
Clownpiece |
流石は、元・月の兎(せんし) |
As expected from a former |
地獄の妖精 |
Fairy of Hell | |
Reisen |
地獄の妖精…!? さては、先程の爆発は |
The Hell fairy...?! So, that explosion from earlier was your doing, |
Clownpiece |
半分正解。爆発「自体」は さあ、出ておいで |
You're half-correct. Now, come on out, my trusty helper Flandre! |
??? |
はーい |
Alriiight! |
Flandre Scarlet ENTERS | ||
Reisen |
…そうか、そういう事だったのね |
...Okay, I see how it happened. |
悪魔の妹 |
Sister of the Devil | |
Flandre |
んもぅ、待ちくたびれちゃったわ |
Come ooon, I'm getting tired of waiting! |
Clownpiece |
オーケーオーケー じゃあフランドール |
Ok, roger! Ok Flandre, just give that there rabbit what for |
BGM: 星条旗のピエロは彼女なのか? |
BGM: The Pierrot of the Star Spangled Banner was Her? | |
Clownpiece |
全てを破壊する吸血鬼の力 |
Show her the power of the vampire |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Reisen |
煽るだけ煽って逃げた… |
She just fanned the flames then ran away... |
Flandre |
さて、準備は良いかしら? |
Now, are you ready? You're gonna have to |
Reisen |
壊されてたまるもんですか 地上の兎の底力、 |
I won't be destroyed! Behold the true strength of an earthly rabbit! |
Clownpiece and Flandre Scarlet DEFEATED | ||
Clownpiece |
はあ…はあ…はあ… こ…これが… 吸血鬼を凌駕するなんて |
Pant...pant...pant... W-what...? I didn't hear anything about you outranking a vampire... |
Reisen |
弾幕ごっこって 二人がかりは反則臭いけど あんたのご主人達の方が さて、貴方の悪戯した内容 |
That's the rule of danmaku games, you know? It may seem like foul play, but you weren't able to Your masters were madder than you... Now, tell me all about your little "prank". |
Clownpiece |
悪戯っていうか… |
It wasn't a prank, it was... |
Reisen |
…質問を変えるわ |
...I'll change the question. |
Clownpiece |
知らなーい。 |
I don't remembeer... |
Reisen |
妖精に情報を期待したのが まぁいずれにしろ この悪戯の代償は |
I guess I was wrong to expect information Well, one way or another, I'll have to The cost of this prank will be high, got it? |
Clownpiece |
ぐぬぬぬぬ ごめんなさーい! |
Crap...! I'm sorryyyy! |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Reisen |
逃げ足はっや… んーまぁ、力が強いとはいえ |
She ran away... Hmm, well, despite her strength, I wonder if this'll |
Flandre |
う、うーん…? 何だか面白い事をしていた |
H...huh? I could've sworn I was doing something interesting... |
Reisen |
あら、おはよう |
Oh, good morning. |
Flandre |
今時の悪夢って体に出るのね |
Nightmares these days are so physical, aren't they? |
Reisen |
まぁその、夢は現実を蝕むって言うしね |
Well, um...they say that dreams can eat away at reality. |
Flandre |
バグ?何それ面白いの? |
Baku? Is that interesting? |
Reisen |
…そうではなくて |
...Not exactly. |
Harvest Stage
真夏色に染まる秋天 |
Midsummer-dyed Autumn Sky | |
妖怪の山 残暑 |
Youkai Mountain - Lingering Heat | |
BGM: 四季の華は太陽に踊る |
BGM: The Four Seasons' Flowers Dance in the Sun | |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
あやや、鈴仙さんと 果実異変詳細の御用命は、 |
Ayaya, Miss Reisen! If you have any details concerning the fruit incident, |
Aya Shameimaru DEFEATED | ||
Reisen |
うーん、雑魚にしては こんなことなら、シェイカーを 買い物だけの筈だったし |
Hmmm, these fairies are pretty powerful I wish I'd brought the shaker for this... I was only supposed to be shopping. |
??? |
ブツブツ独り言が多い兎ね |
You talk to yourself a lot, miss rabbit. |
Minoriko Aki ENTERS | ||
豊かさと稔りの象徴 |
Symbol of Abundance and Plenty | |
Minoriko |
この猛暑で頭が溶けたのかな? |
Has the heat wave melted your head? |
Reisen |
いや、そうではなくて… |
No, it's not that... |
Minoriko |
なんですって? |
What? |
Reisen |
え?まぁ。 |
Huh? I guess so... |
Minoriko |
これはひょっとしたら おーい、姉さーん! |
Could this possibly be...? Oi, sister! |
??? |
はいはい |
Yes yes, I'm on my way. |
Shizuha Aki ENTERS | ||
Reisen |
な、何なのよ一体 |
What the-- |
寂しさと終焉の象徴 |
Symbol of Loneliness and Demise | |
Shizuha |
貴方に頼みごとをしたくってね 夏の妖精達が暴走して 腕が立ちそうな貴方に |
I wanted to ask you a favor. The summer fairies have run amok, Since you seem capable, I'd like you to mop them up for us. |
Reisen |
それなら粗方 |
If that's what you want, |
Shizuha |
あらまぁ、すでに解決済みなのね これで秋に進める |
Oh my, you already solved it! This'll give us another avenue to advance to autumn! |
Reisen |
はい? |
I'm sorry, you said something |
BGM: 稲田姫様に叱られるから |
BGM: Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me | |
Minoriko |
なんだ無自覚なのね |
You seem pretty unaware of what needs to happen, |
Shizuha |
そう、秋の力を強める為に さぁ穣子、弾幕ごっこの準備よ |
Indeed, to strengthen the power of autumn, Come on, Minoriko, get ready for the danmaku game! |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Minoriko |
まー、そういう訳なんで |
Now, that's why we'll have to be your opponents. |
Reisen |
「達」って事は |
You don't mean "we" as in both of you at once, do you? |
Minoriko |
おっ、今度は鋭いわね さあ、秋神の二柱分の力を |
Oh, you're being sharp lately, aren't you? Now, savor the power of us two autumn deities, |
Minoriko Aki and Shizuha Aki DEFEATED | ||
Minoriko |
うーん強い! |
Mmm, you're tough! |
Shizuha |
楽しんでもらえたかしら |
I hope you've enjoyed our Divine Game. |
Reisen |
も、もう結構です… |
N-no more, please... |
Minoriko |
こっちも秋の力が |
Looks like we have enough autumnal power |
Shizuha |
さて、穣子。 |
Well then, Minoriko. |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Reisen |
い、何時の間にか日没間際… |
I-It's almost sunset all of a sudden... |
Minoriko |
秋に進んだからよ |
It's because we've advanced to autumn. |
Reisen |
こ、こうしちゃいられないわ! ひぇぇ師匠に怒られる |
I...I can't stand this! Waaa, my master'll be angry at me! |
Minoriko |
野菜なら分けてあげるわよ |
If it's for vegetables, then I'll be happy to share. |
Reisen |
ほ、ホント? |
R...really? |
Minoriko |
…人参ばっかりか |
All I see is "carrots". |
- ↑ Referring to the Japanese proverb, "The autumn sun sets as quickly as a bucket dropping in a well" (秋の日は釣瓶落とし).
< | Extra Story Reisen's Paradise Scenario Reisen's Legacy Scenario |
Story |