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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Sakuya's Paradise Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Sakuya's Paradise Extra Sakuya's Legacy Extra |
> |
Stage 1
紅蓮色の宵闇 |
Crimson Twilight | |
博麗神社 境内裏 |
Hakurei Shrine - Back Area | |
BGM:ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 |
BGM: A Soul as Scarlet as a Ground Cherry | |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Rumia LEAVES | ||
Sakuya |
夕方になると、 とはいえ、紅魔館の 折角取れた農作物は、 それが、例え出処不明の |
The heat is a lot Even so, the cost of air conditioning It'd be a waste not to harvest these crops Even if they're fruits |
??? |
ああ、良い香り~ |
I smell something sweet~ |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Rumia |
おっと、メイドだ |
Ooh, a maid. |
宵闇の妖怪 |
Youkai of the Dusk | |
Sakuya |
あらま、妖怪。 妖怪が何か用かしら? |
Ah, a youkai. What business do you have with me? |
Rumia |
その籠の中身を |
I'd like those fruits from |
Sakuya |
それはお買い上げと言う意味? |
Does that mean you'd like to purchase them, |
BGM:妖魔夜行 |
BGM: Apparitions Stalk the Night | |
Rumia |
えー。 |
Eeh. |
Rumia DEFEATED | ||
Rumia |
きゃー |
Gyaah! |
Sakuya |
代償は何時だって高い物よ タダより高い物は |
Compensation is always expensive. In this world, |
Rumia |
ひえー |
Hyaa! |
Sakuya |
さて、この近辺のフルーツは 少し場所を変えてみましょうか |
Now then, I've collected Perhaps I should try somewhere else. |
Stage 2
浅縹色の梅雨 |
Indigo Monsoon | |
柳の運河 雨天 |
Willow Canal - Downpour | |
BGM:運河を行き交う人妖 |
BGM: Humans and Youkai Traversing the Canal | |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Nitori Kawashiro LEAVES | ||
Sakuya |
これだけ稼げれば今日は十分かしら 里の中にも紅魔館を贔屓にしてくれる …雨は予想外でしたけど |
This should be enough for today. It's a good thing we have regular customers in the village ...Though I wasn't expecting it to rain. |
??? |
おやおや珍しい人間が |
A human? How unusual. |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Nitori |
紅魔館のメイドが雨中で |
The Scarlet Devil maid is |
河の便利屋さん |
Handyman of the River | |
Sakuya |
あら、もしかしてここって |
Ah, |
Nitori |
いんや違う違う 無関係な人間に |
No no. I don't have time to talk business |
BGM:芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend |
BGM: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend | |
Sakuya |
貴方のその顔は、何か |
Your face suggests that |
Nitori |
え゛っ |
Ah, |
Sakuya |
嘘つきは泥棒の始まりよ |
Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief. |
Nitori Kawashiro DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
あーれー |
Oh maaan. |
Sakuya |
この程度、おゆはん前ですわ …そういえば河童って |
That was a piece of pie. Speaking of food... |
Nitori |
ヒィ! |
Huh?! |
Sakuya |
あっちょっとまって |
Hey, wait! |
Nitori |
…冗談の割には |
I doubt it! |
Sakuya |
貴方の情報を対価として |
I will leave you alone |
Nitori |
…契約の関係で、簡単に ん?よく見たら、例のシェイカー |
...Some things I can't discuss while Eh? On closer look, |
Sakuya |
ああ、これの事? |
Oh, this thing? |
Nitori |
それは我々山の河童と このフルーツ異変の為に |
That shaker was a collaboration between us kappa It was a special commission |
Sakuya |
依頼、っていうと |
"Commission..." |
Nitori |
おっと、それは話せないね 私はこれから帰るが |
Ah-- That's classified information I have to go back now, but let me just say, |
Sakuya |
成程、ついて来いってことね |
Alright then. I'll go with you. |
Stage 3
萌葱色の疾風 |
Fresh Green Gale | |
妖怪の山 裏側 |
Youkai Mountain - Rear Face | |
BGM:夜の鳩山を飛ぶ -Power MIX |
BGM: Fly Above Hatoyama at Night - Power MIX | |
風雨のブン屋 |
Reporter of Wind and Rain | |
Aya |
あやややや!? |
Ayayayaya!? |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
まさか貴方自ら山に来るなんて… |
To think that you'd come to our mountain... |
Aya |
レッツ、スクープターイム! |
Let's scoop time! |
Aya Shameimaru LEAVES | ||
Sakuya |
さてさて、河童を追いかけて うっかり見失ってしまいましたわ 何か手掛かりになるようなものが |
Well, it's a good thing but now I've completely lost her. How could I be so careless? Perhaps I can proceed further if |
??? |
あらあら。誰かと思ったら |
My, my. Look who we have here. |
Kasen Ibaraki ENTERS | ||
Kasen |
どういう風の吹き回し? |
What brings you here? |
片腕有角の仙人 |
The One-Armed, Horned Hermit | |
Sakuya |
貴方は神社に良くいる山の仙人ね |
You're the mountain hermit who's always at the shrine. |
Kasen |
ここは私の修行場の一つだけど… |
This is one of my training grounds, though... |
Sakuya |
五月蠅い天狗なら倒してきたから |
If you're talking about that noisy tengu, I beat her already. |
Kasen |
……さては、手加減したな? こうなったら仕方がない |
...Well, surely, you went easy on her, didn't you?
BGM:華狭間のバトルフィールド |
BGM: Battlefield of the Flower Threshold | |
Kasen |
この私が直々にお相手致しましょう! |
Let me entertain you personally, then! |
Sakuya |
あらあら、口封じですか? |
Oh dear, you're muzzling yourself, aren't you? |
Kasen Ibaraki DEFEATED | ||
Kasen |
くっ |
Gk! |
Sakuya |
圧倒的な結果ね |
That was a landslide victory. |
Kasen |
まさか貴方も この強さならば、あるいは… |
I'm surprised you knew Perhaps with that strength, you can solve this incident. |
Sakuya |
ちょっと待って |
Hold on a minute. |
Kasen |
よく聞いてちょうだい。 空から降ってきて、芽生えた果実を 一度芽生えた物は、取る度に復活するわ |
Listen closely. It's very important that you take these fruits that fell from If they've sprouted once, they'll regenerate after each harvest. |
Sakuya |
う、うーん? |
Ah, okay? |
Kasen |
あまり好ましくないのは事実だけど とにかく。一刻も早く 恐らく異変の黒幕は |
You should avoid it, in fact. Anyway, we need to eliminate the The incident's mastermind is likely up there-- |
Sakuya |
空の上…。そうか 犯人は天界に居たのね? |
Above the sky... I see now. Because the criminal is up in Heaven, right? |
Kasen |
その通り。さぁこれ以上は時間の無駄。 |
Correct. Now, enough wasting time. |
Stage 4A
紅緋色の雲路 |
Scarlet Cloud Route | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
うーん、天界に来るのは 前より倍の時間が掛かってるわね 招かれざる者を拒んでいるような… |
Hmmm, it's been a while since I went to Heaven... It's taking twice as long to get there than it did before. It's as if they're refusing the uninvited... |
??? |
華扇に時間を盗られたのが |
Perhaps letting Kasen steal my time wasn't a good thing. |
Sakuya |
この聞き覚えのある声は霊夢ね |
That voice sounds familiar. |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
空飛ぶ不思議な巫女 |
Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden | |
Reimu |
なんだ咲夜か |
What do you want, Sakuya? |
Sakuya |
雷雲の中から見知った人影が見えたから |
I saw a familiar silhouette within this thundercloud. |
Reimu |
まさか山頂で合流するとはね |
I didn't expect to meet up with you at the top of the mountain. |
Sakuya |
2Lのジュースに換算して 今も各種取り揃えてるけど |
Enough to fill approximately 64 cups with 2 liters of juice? We still have a variety of products, so I'm happy to |
Reimu |
あー、そうねー …って、そんな事 折角黒幕の場所が判ったんだもん |
Ah, oh well. ...But, now's not the time for that! Now that I know where the mastermind's located, |
Sakuya |
貴方にしては珍しく焦っているのね |
It's unusual for you to be in a hurry like this. |
Reimu |
いやまぁそうかもしれないけど 悪いけど、先を急ぐわ! |
Well, maybe so, but I still can't leave the mastermind unchecked! Sorry, but I have to move on! |
BGM:少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio | |
Sakuya |
こういう時は強引ねぇ でも、私だって痛い目には |
You're as pushy as ever when it comes to these things. But, I don't want for you get hurt, either! |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
う~ん… |
Oof... |
Sakuya |
貴方が吹っかけてきた勝負でしょうに |
You're the one who started this. |
Reimu |
ううん、シェイカー使っておけば |
No, maybe I should have used the shaker... |
Sakuya |
ジュースは分けて差し上げますけど |
I'd share some juice with you, |
Reimu |
あー、じゃあいってらっしゃい |
Ah, have a good day then. |
Sakuya |
今宵は躁鬱が激しいのねぇ |
You've been having such violent mood swings tonight. |
Reimu |
何だかフルーツを食べてたら 夜中だからかもね |
Eating those fruits kinda got me riled up... Maybe it's because it's in the middle of the night. |
Sakuya |
私は至って冷静のつもりだけど… もしかして、シェイカー越しで そうだとしたら |
I feel like I've been perfectly calm, but... Could that be because I've been ingesting those If so, then these might be forbidden fruits. |
Reimu |
うへぇ。人が山盛り |
Egh, you can't just say that to someone who's |
Sakuya |
…………。 |
.... |
Stage 4B
黄金色の星雲 |
Golden Nebula | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
うーん、天界に来るのは 前より倍の時間が掛かってるわね 招かれざる者を拒んでいるような… |
Hmmm, it's been a while since I went to Heaven... It's taking twice as long to get there than it did before. It's as if they're refusing the uninvited... |
??? |
あれ、咲夜じゃないか |
Oh, if it ain't Sakuya. |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
どうした? |
What's up? |
普通の魔法使い |
Ordinary Magician | |
Sakuya |
これでも急いでいましたわ |
I was in a hurry to get here, |
Marisa |
油でも売ってたか? |
Are you sellin' oil? |
Sakuya |
私が売ってるのは葡萄飲料だけど… で、今私は天界を 貴方はどうやって |
I'm selling grape beverages, but... So, now I'm on my way to Heaven. And what brought you here? |
Marisa |
あー?決まってるじゃないか |
Oh? Pushin' through with my power, of course. |
Sakuya |
力技で山頂まで飛んで来たの? |
You flew all the way to the summit via brute force? |
Marisa |
今日は珍しく調子が良いからな だが、無駄話をしている暇はないんでね さもなくば撃つ! |
I'm feelin' unusually strong today, so let's push on. But I've got no time for idle talk! Or I'll shoot! |
Sakuya |
あらあら ご機嫌過ぎて少し不気味ねぇ |
Oh, dear. It's actually a bit creepy how good you're feeling. |
BGM:魔女達の舞踏会 |
BGM: The Witches' Ball | |
Marisa |
まあアレだ、ちょっとくらいなら |
Well, ya know what, I wouldn't mind |
Sakuya |
…急いでいるんじゃなかったの? |
...I thought you were in a hurry? |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
う~ん… |
Uugh... |
Sakuya |
本当貴方らしくもないわね |
This really isn't like you, is it? |
Marisa |
少し調子に乗り過ぎたかな |
Maybe I got a little overzealous... |
Sakuya |
ジュースを少し置いていくから |
I'll leave some juice for you, so you can rest here. |
Marisa |
あー、無駄な力使わせて悪かったな |
Hey, sorry to make you waste your energy. |
Sakuya |
行かせてもらうっちゃもらうけど |
Very well, I'll take it from here, but... |
Marisa |
多分生で果実を食べ過ぎた所為だな |
Maybe I just ate too many raw fruits. |
Sakuya |
まあ。アレに浄化機能があるなんて |
Oh my, I didn't know that thing had a purifier. |
Marisa |
少しは疑わなかったのか…? |
You didn't even slightly suspect that...? |
Sakuya |
原理不明で生えてる妖しい果物を |
I suspected it as much as the people munching on |
Marisa |
ぐっ…。 |
Gghh... |
Stage 4C
菫色の小夜嵐 |
Violet Night Gale | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
やっと雲が晴れてくれたわ 天界って大きな要石 全体像を見るのは |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
紅い悪魔のメイド |
Maid of the Scarlet Devil | |
Sakuya |
あら? |
BGM:フラワリングナイト |
BGM: Flowering Night | |
Sakuya |
突入前に、時止めの練習 |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
うん、この辺で十分でしょう さあて、 |
Stage 4D
翡翠色の夕凪 |
Jade-colored Evening Calm | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
やっと雲が晴れてくれたわ 天界って大きな要石 全体像を見るのは |
??? |
おっかしーなー たしか、まっすぐ空を目指していれば |
Sakuya |
あら、どうしたの? |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
威風堂々な現人神 |
Living God Backed by Majestic Winds | |
Sanae |
あぁ、咲夜さん |
Sakuya |
…何が? |
Sanae |
天界に入れないんですよ! |
Sakuya |
そんな事を言われてもねぇ… 前来た時は、普通に入れたのだけど |
Sanae |
それは私も知ってますよ うぎぎぎ、黒幕手前で |
Sakuya |
まぁまぁ落ち着きなさいな |
Sanae |
いや、焦ってはいないですが |
Sakuya |
貴方の時間はまだ余裕があるようね |
Sanae |
いや、そうですけども… |
BGM:信仰は儚き人間の為に |
BGM: Faith is for the Transient People | |
Sakuya |
ちょっと付き合ってもらおうかしら |
Sanae |
え、えー… |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
敗れました… |
Sakuya |
運も腕も肝も私の方が足りてるようね |
Sanae |
随分余裕ありますね… |
Sakuya |
余裕とは、自分で作る物なのよ |
Sanae |
う、うーん… |
Stage 4E
常磐色の碧天 |
Evergreen-colored Blue Sky | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
やれやれ 天界ってこんなに遠かったのね さて、もうひと頑張りしなきゃ… |
??? |
うーん、天界で一体何が…? |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
Sakuya |
あら妖夢 |
半人半霊の庭師 |
Half-Human, Half-Phantom Gardener | |
Youmu |
そういう貴方こそ… ここに辿り着いたという事は… |
Sakuya |
私にも良く判らないんだけど 平和が一番だというのにね |
Youmu |
私も天界に行かなければ 本来は地上人の立ち入りは |
BGM:広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? |
BGM: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? | |
Youmu |
ここは私に任せて |
Sakuya |
残念だけど、このまま手ぶらで |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
うーん… |
Sakuya |
ナイフが刺さりにくかったわね 砥石貸してくれる? |
Youmu |
仕方ないなぁ… |
Sakuya |
異変が解決したらちゃんと返すわよ |
Stage 4F
向日葵色の霞 |
Evergreen-colored Blue Sky | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
やっと頂上のようね 妖怪の山ってここまで 天気も変わりやすいし… |
??? |
急いては事を仕損じるっていうし |
Yuuka Kazami ENTERS | ||
Sakuya |
あら? 花でも咲かせに来たのかしら? |
四季のフラワーマスター |
Flower Master of the Four Seasons | |
Yuuka |
メイドに用はないの |
Sakuya |
行き成り失礼な挨拶ですね |
Yuuka |
あんまり無駄話してる暇もないのよね |
BGM:幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream |
BGM: Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream | |
Sakuya |
まさか天界に行く |
Yuuka |
植物を弄ぶ輩に、私が |
Sakuya |
残念だけど、これは 妖怪に用はないのです! |
Yuuka Kazami DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
うーん… |
Sakuya |
本当に何しに来たのよ貴方 |
Yuuka |
私をそこらの妖怪と 面白半分で首突っ込んだのは |
Sakuya |
あ、否定しないのね 兎に角今回は私に |
Yuuka |
しっかり頼むわよぉ? |
Stage 4G
紫苑色の叢雲 |
Aster-colored Gathering Clouds | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
やっと抜け出せたのね 出たはいいんだけど まるでシジフォスのようね |
??? |
確か雲を抜ければ |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
Sakuya |
あらあら 竹林に住んでいるのに |
地上に降りた月の兎 |
Lunar Rabbit that Landed on Earth | |
Reisen |
あそこは私の庭みたいなものよ |
Sakuya |
まあ瑣末な事は置いておくとして |
Reisen |
仙人様から話を聞かなかった? |
Sakuya |
このフルーツについては |
Reisen |
んー…。そういう事は |
Sakuya |
本当に最低限の情報しかないのねぇ |
Reisen |
勝手にがっかりされても困るわ |
BGM:狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon |
BGM: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Sakuya |
イマイチすっきりしないわね |
Reisen |
どうしてそーなるのっ! |
Reisen Udongein Inaba DEFEATED | ||
Reisen |
どう?スッキリした? |
Sakuya |
ええまぁ でも、異変については |
Reisen |
見るからに怪しい場所が後ろでプカプカ その頑丈さなら |
Sakuya |
シェイカー渡したの貴方でしょうに まぁ私も薄々勘付いてはいたわ |
Reisen |
島じゃなくて要石… |
Sakuya |
そんな些末なことは |
Stage 5
夢心地の有頂天 |
Dreamy Bhavaagra | |
天界 -天華楼内部- |
Heaven - Inside the Heavenly Flower Tower | |
BGM:夜更けの表六甲 |
BGM: Omote-Rokkō at Night | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
浅葱色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Pale Blue Eagle Ravi | |
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 『これより排除活動を開始する』 |
This is Seiran. Now proceeding with elimination. |
Seiran LEAVES | ||
Sakuya |
広い建物ね 黒幕の拠点と踏んで潜入したけど まぁ困ったらワイン売りに変身して |
This building sure is spacious. I infiltrated this area thinking it was the mastermind's Well, just in case, I'll disguise myself as a wine seller |
??? |
お、いつぞやのメイド |
Oh, you're that maid from back then. |
Tenshi Hinanawi ENTERS | ||
Tenshi |
こんな夜中にワインの訪問販売なんて こちとら勝手に家改造されて |
How nice of you to do some door-to-door wine-selling at this hour! Those guys have been remodeling my house as they like, |
非想非非想天の娘 |
Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception | |
Sakuya |
うーんテキーラの方がよかったかしら |
Hmm, perhaps tequila would've been better, then. |
Tenshi |
うふふ、天人を酔い潰すには それこそスピリタスでも |
Heehee, even tequila isn't enough to For that matter, you're gonna have to bring some |
Sakuya |
まぁライムも塩もないんですけどね |
Well, I don't have any lime or salt. |
Tenshi |
オレンジならあるから |
I've got some oranges, so why not use those as substitute? |
Sakuya |
えーっと、お酒の話を |
Erm, I haven't come here to talk about alcohol. |
Tenshi |
最初から知ってるわよ ご心配なく |
I knew all along that you're here because of the fruit incident. No need to worry, however. |
Sakuya |
それは良かったわ |
That's good to hear. |
Tenshi |
それは良かったじゃない |
Oh, that's great! |
Sakuya |
寝起きとはいえ、随分余裕なのね |
You've just woken up, and yet you |
BGM:有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven |
BGM: Catastrophe in Bhava-agra ~ Wonderful Heaven | |
Tenshi |
私はこれでも天人だもの |
I'm still a celestial, so there's no reason for |
Sakuya |
そう、試してみたいのね |
So you want to test me? |
Tenshi Hinanawi DEFEATED | ||
Tenshi |
ううーん |
Hmmm... |
Sakuya |
よっぽど構って欲しかったのかしら |
Maybe you were just seeking attention... |
Tenshi |
そっちもノリノリで |
Hey, you were getting hyped for it too.. |
Sakuya |
ソレはともかく |
But anyway, what exactly is this place..? |
Tenshi |
ここは天界から分離した天空の楼閣 元々は比那名居一家の屋敷だけど |
This is the "Heavenly Flower Tower", It used to be home to the Hinanawi clan, |
Sakuya |
それはまあ そのリフォーム主は |
Well, that's surprising! Is the remodeler the same person who's behind the incident? |
Tenshi |
ご名答。流石頭が切れるね 今回の異変の首謀者は まぁあいつ等にしたら 天人連中も大らかすぎるのよ |
Correct. You're pretty smart. The masterminds behind this incident are the "moon rabbits." Though, I don't think they're aware of that. The celestials have been far too accommodating, |
Sakuya |
よく解らないけど貴方も大変なのねぇ さて、私は私のやる事を |
I don't know about your situation, Then, I guess I'll just finish what I've started. |
Tenshi |
訪問販売の続き? |
You mean your door-to-door salesmanship? |
Sakuya |
そうではなくて |
Not exactly. |
Stage 6
湖は浄めの月を映して |
The Lake Reflects the Cleansed Moon | |
天界 -物見の湖- |
Heaven - Watchman's Lake | |
BGM:故郷の星が映る海 |
BGM: The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 ここから先は通す訳にはいかないの |
This is Seiran. I cannot let you go any further. |
Seiran LEAVES | ||
Sakuya |
もう朝日が登り始めているようね 中々幻想的な場所ねぇ 所で、さっきから見かけてる青い兎は |
Looks like the sun's already starting to rise. What a fantastic place. Now I wonder if that blue rabbit I keep seeing has |
Ringo ENTERS | ||
??? |
いらっしゃいませ |
Hello, and welcome to the Heavenly Flower Tower. |
Sakuya |
あら、新しい兎が… |
Oh, a new rabbit... |
橘色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Orange Eagle Ravi | |
Ringo |
早朝から物騒な人間だねぇ |
What a dangerous human this early in the morning. |
Sakuya |
そんな事してどうするの? |
What do you mean by that? |
Ringo |
ほほぅ、巫女は狩るのね |
Hoho, so shrine maidens also hunt rabbits. |
Sakuya |
さて、茶番はこれくらいにして |
Well, so much for that farce. |
Ringo |
あくまでも一戦交えるつもりなのね |
You're just trying to pick a fight with me, aren't you? |
Sakuya |
まぁ、悪魔の館で働いてますからね |
You know, I work in the devil's mansion. |
Ringo |
うーん、その必要はないね 何より貴女、どちらかというと |
Hmm, no need for that. But above all else, you look like you'd be |
BGM:穏やかならぬ宴の兎 |
BGM: The Rabbit of the Unpeaceful Banquet | |
Sakuya |
そんな事一言も言ってないんだけど… でも、話が早いのは助かりますわ それに私、どちらかというと |
I never said anything of the sort... But I appreciate you being so quick to talk. And if anything, I'm a better entertainer! |
Ringo PAUSES | ||
Ringo |
ほう、中々やるね これが、地上の「おもてなし」か |
Ho, you're pretty good! So this is what "hospitality" is on earth. |
Sakuya |
フルーツの早剥きは得意ですので |
I'm good at peeling fruits, |
Ringo |
…ところで、このフルーツだけど そして、身体強化の恩恵を受けられるのは |
...On that subject, did you know that these fruits Also, you're not the only one here who's been |
BGM:玉兎と禁断の果実 ~ Eden's Apple. |
BGM: The Moon Rabbit and the Forbidden Fruit ~ Eden's Apple. | |
Ringo |
出でよ、フルーツダンゴバシラ! |
Come on out, Fruit Dangobashira! |
Ringo Summons Fruit Dangobashira | ||
Sakuya |
あら、美味しそう |
Oh my, that looks delicious! |
Ringo |
私はね、団子を食べた数だけ 更に、これ等はただの団子ではない そして、この天華楼には さぁ、ここからが本番よ! |
As you may know, my strength increases Furthermore, this is no ordinary dango, And finally, this Heavenly Flower Tower is filled with Now, this is where the real battle begins! |
Sakuya |
残念ね、今の私はソレイケモード |
Unfortunately for you, I'm in my "go-for-it" mode right now. |
- ↑ When rendered in katakana, the pronunciation for name Reimu (レイム) is one letter off from "lime" (ライム raimu), as here ラ has been replaced with レ.
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