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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Sanae's Paradise Ending

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The Moriya Shrine, located on top of a mountain.

It's a relatively new shrine situated on Youkai Mountain.
The fruits that covered the mountain began to subside, finally liberating
the mountain of the sweet-smelling, lunatic atmosphere.
Sanae, returning with the rise of the morning sun, went to report the incident...

早苗 「ただいま戻りましたー。


Sanae: "I'm back now~
Kanako, Suwako, are you here?"
神奈子「あらお帰り。徹夜したってのに元気ね」 Kanako: "Oh, you're finally home.
You're doing rather well for someone who stayed up the whole night."
早苗 「三徹くらいなら余裕です。所で諏訪子様はどちらに?」 Sanae: "I can handle a triple all-nighter. Now, where's Suwako?"
神奈子「まだ寝てるよ。ったく寝坊助め…」 Kanako: "She's still asleep. And boy, is she a sleepyhead..."
神奈子「それはともかく、異変はどうなったの?」 Kanako: "But enough of that, any update on the incident?"
早苗 「黒幕の方は判りました。ついでに果実の出所も!」 Sanae: "I figured out who the mastermind is. And the source of the fruits too!"
神奈子「ふむ、詳しく聞かせてもらおうかしら」 Kanako: "Hmm, care to explain that in detail?"
早苗 「あ、じゃあ今から報告書の方を…」 Sanae: "Oh, I'll go write my report now."
神奈子「書かんで良い。墨と紙が勿体ない」 Kanako: "No need. It'll be a waste of ink and paper."


Sanae reported on all of the information she's seen and heard throughout the incident.

The shaker, the effects of the juices, the Eagle Ravi...
...And the renovations made to Heaven.

早苗 「えーと、これこれこういう訳でした」 Sanae: "Alright, um...That's what happened."
神奈子「ふむ、月の兎が天界にねぇ。成程、誰も判らない訳だ」 Kanako: "Hmm, a moon rabbit in heaven? I see, that's why nobody had any idea what was happening."
早苗 「見た限り彼女達に『悪意』はなかったみたいですけど


Sanae: "As far as I can tell, there didn't seem to be any malicious intent, but
it seems like there was another person who was responsible for scattering the fruits."
神奈子「という事はまだ完全に解決してないのか…」 Kanako: "So, the incident hasn't been completely resolved yet..."
早苗 「そういえば、メロンの方はどうなってます?」 Sanae: "That reminds me, you have anything on the muskmelons?"
神奈子「相変わらずの成長速度と確実性よ。成果も上々」 Kanako: "Same quick growth speed and certainty as usual. Good results all around."
早苗 「いや、その…。まずいんじゃないかなと」 Sanae: "No, I mean...I don't think that's a good thing."
神奈子「…うん?味に何か変調でもあったの?」 Kanako: "Hmm? Were there any deviations in the taste?"
早苗 「ちょっと気になる話を小耳に挟んだもので」 Sanae: "I overheard something that made be a little concerned."
神奈子「…ふーん、中毒性ねぇ。私等が食べた時は何ともなかったけど」 Kanako: "...Huh, so they have addictive properties? I didn't feel anything when I ate them, though."
早苗 「私も詳しいことまでは聞かなかったので…」 Sanae: "I didn't ask for any specific details, either..."


Kanako: "In that case, perhaps we should stop shipping out muskmelons.
When Suwako wakes up, I'll ask her for a reanalysis.
Either way, more research is needed on the subject."

  Ending No.07  物欲の力は神をも超える

Kanako's decision was quick once she heard of Sanae's concerns.

When she visited the cultivation house, she immediately declared that shipment
would be suspended, and all the muskmelons that were cultivated would be managed in the Moriyas' inventory.
The kappa had opposed the suspension, as cultivating the muskmelons made them money,
but Kanako didn't say much on the matter. Nay, she couldn't say anything.
Is there anyone who hasn't been touched by greed for the madness-filled fruits?

Ending No.7 - The Power of Material Desire Exceeds That of a God
Congratulations on clearing Paradise Mode!