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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Sanae's Paradise Extra
< | Extra Story Sanae's Paradise Scenario Sanae's Legacy Scenario |
Story |
Extra Stage
紅魔色の弾幕地獄 |
A Scarlet Devil-colored Danmaku Hell | |
紅魔館 雷雨 |
Scarlet Devil Mansion - Thunderstorm | |
BGM: 魔法少女達の百年祭 |
BGM: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls | |
Patchouli Knowledge ENTERS | ||
七曜の魔女 |
Witch of the Seven Luminaries | |
Patchouli |
誰かと思ったら まぁこの際仕方ないわね |
If it isn't the shrine maiden Well, whatever. |
Patchouli Knowledge DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
この辺一帯に凄い大雨が… 吸血鬼が雨乞いなんて 爆発事故の火消しにしては 兎に角、これ以上酷くなる前に |
It's pouring down rain all around this place... But to think that vampires would pray for rain... Seems like a little overkill At any rate, I gotta do whatever it takes |
??? |
「狂化」メイド隊を |
You got past the Frenzied Maid Corps |
Clownpiece ENTERS | ||
Clownpiece |
流石は月の都を救った地上人 |
As expected from the earthling who saved the Lunar Capital. |
Sanae |
おや、貴方は確か |
Hey, I remember you. |
地獄の妖精 |
Fairy of Hell | |
Clownpiece |
あたいは地獄の妖精 いつぞやは世話になったね |
I'm a fairy from hell, I owe you one for everything you did back then, |
Sanae |
一人で倍の弾幕出す気なの? |
You're gonna bring out danmaku "twice over" by yourself? |
Clownpiece |
そー思うじゃん? さあ、出ておいで |
You think so? Come on out, |
??? |
はーい |
Yeah! |
Sanae |
えーっと、 |
Uhh, |
Flandre Scarlet ENTERS | ||
悪魔の妹 |
Sister of the Devil | |
Flandre |
あら、レミリアお姉さまから |
What, haven't you heard about me |
Sanae |
ええ、全く あ、お姉さまって事は |
Uhh, nope. Not at all. Oh wait, if she's your big sister, |
Flandre |
そうよ、全てを破壊する力を持つ |
Yep. The sister of the devil who holds the power |
Sanae |
破壊とはまた物騒ですね |
That... doesn't sound good. |
Clownpiece |
おやおや、あたいの事は無視かい あ、そうだ。 その緑の巫女さん |
Hey hey, are you ignoring me? Oh hey. Let's finish off this green shrine maiden |
BGM: 星条旗のピエロは彼女なのか? |
BGM: The Pierrot of the Star Spangled Banner was Her? | |
Flandre |
へえ、面白そうじゃない |
Hey, that sounds like fun. |
Clownpiece |
さーて、あたいは |
Alright, I'll watch |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Sanae |
ああ、二人同時じゃないのね |
Aa, not a two-on-one battle! |
Flandre |
随分と余裕そうだけど |
You seem to have some leeway, |
Sanae |
貴女が疲れ果てるまでは つまりは先手必勝! |
Until you wear yourself out, hopefully. In other words, victory goes to the one who makes the first move! |
Clownpiece and Flandre Scarlet DEFEATED | ||
Clownpiece |
はあ…はあ…はあ… な、なんで…? 二人同時だというのに |
Hah, hah, hah... Wha, why...? How could she afford to take on two people |
Sanae |
これが現人神の力です 地獄には神も仏もないけど |
This is the power of a living god. There aren't any gods or Buddhas in Hell, |
Clownpiece |
うーん、もう疲れたし と言う訳で、てったーい! |
Nnng, I'm so worn out. Retreeeat! |
Clownpiece EXITS | ||
Sanae |
あ、逃げた |
Oh, she ran away. |
Flandre |
うーん…? なんか、体中が痛いし …部屋に戻って寝よう |
Hmm...? My body hurts all over, the inside of the mansion ...I'm going back to my room to sleep. |
Flandre Scarlet EXITS | ||
Sanae |
ふぅ、やれやれ 絶対異変と関与してましたよね 一旦私も出直そう |
Aw jeez. That clown fairy definitely had I'll go take a rest too, and try again later. |
Harvest Stage
真夏色に染まる秋天 |
Midsummer-dyed Autumn Sky | |
妖怪の山 残暑 |
Youkai Mountain - Lingering Heat | |
BGM: 四季の華は太陽に踊る |
BGM: The Four Seasons' Flowers Dance in the Sun | |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
おやおや、早苗さん 丁度いい所に居ましたね |
My my, if it isn't Miss Sanae. You're in just the right place! |
Aya Shameimaru DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
山の麓は真夏日…!? 今は10月の下旬の筈なのに、 神奈子様達は |
It's midsummer in the foothills...?! It's supposed to be late October, I wonder if Lady Kanako and the others know about this. |
??? |
多分気付いてないよ |
They probably don't even notice. |
Minoriko Aki ENTERS | ||
Sanae |
あ、穣子様 |
Ah, Lady Minoriko. |
豊かさと稔りの象徴 |
Symbol of Abundance and Plenty | |
Minoriko |
今は季節の変わり目だから |
Right now, we're in the turning point of the seasons, |
Sanae |
でも問題なのは変わってないですよね |
But the problem hasn't changed. |
Minoriko |
問題、ねぇ 異変に便乗して |
Problem, eh? Didn't you people take advantage of |
Sanae |
うぐっ |
Ugh... |
??? |
こらこら、 |
Oh, come on, don't be mean. |
Shizuha Aki ENTERS | ||
Sanae |
あ、静葉様 |
Ah, Lady Shizuha! |
寂しさと終焉の象徴 |
Symbol of Loneliness and Demise | |
Shizuha |
早苗さんだって異変の解決に 夏の妖精達の暴走くらい |
Even you did everything you could to solve the incident, But we have to at least do something about the rampaging summer fairies. |
Sanae |
あ、それなら天狗もろとも |
Oh, and I also knocked down that Tengu, |
Shizuha |
あらまぁ仕事が早い |
Goodness, you work quickly. |
Minoriko |
ほーう、中々やるわねぇ |
Wow, you're pretty good. |
Sanae |
雑魚一掃しただけなのに |
All I did was wipe out a few small fry, |
Shizuha |
これで異常猛暑の解決は |
Now we're just a stone toss away from |
BGM: 稲田姫様に叱られるから |
BGM: Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me | |
Shizuha |
さあ始めましょう |
Now, let's begin! |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Sanae |
えーっと、もしかして |
Um, I wonder if I should ask this... |
Minoriko |
大安売りでね。 何故なら、私達は秋の風を |
At a special bargain. Because we need to bring back the autumn breeze! |
Minoriko Aki and Shizuha Aki DEFEATED | ||
Minoriko |
うーん、流石ね |
Ooof, just like I expected. |
Shizuha |
勝負は私達の負け。 季節の遅れが |
We lost the match. Seems like we'll be able to greatly |
Sanae |
こういうのって普段集めた |
Aren't these things usually done |
Minoriko |
夏の妖精の相手をしていたら |
We were pretty worn out from dealing with the summer fairies. |
Shizuha |
けど、今の私達は これで、一気に紅葉が それじゃあ穣子 |
But thanks to you, the power of our This'll help the leaves turn red in a flash! Well then, Minoriko, |
Shizuha Aki EXITS | ||
Sanae |
えーっと |
Erm... |
Minoriko |
向かってるわよ |
My sister just headed off. |
Sanae |
穣子様は |
So you weren't doing anything, |
Minoriko |
フルーツで痩せた土から あ、甘くないサツマイモなら |
I can't force harvests from Oh, but how many sugar-free sweet potatoes would you like? |
Sanae |
体重的な意味で遠慮いたします |
Weight-wise, I'll have to pass. |
- ↑ A reference to a short story by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa titled "The Spider's Thread" (蜘蛛の糸 Kumo no Ito). In it, the Buddha had noticed a sinner in Hell by the name of Kandata, who was a cold-hearted criminal save for a single act of kindness, in which he chose not to crush a spider beneath his foot while walking through the forest. The act had moved the Buddha so much that he decided to take a single strand of spider silk and lower it into Hell. Kandata noticed the thread and started to climb it, but after a while he noticed other sinners following after him. Worried that the thread might break, he declares that the thread is his and his alone. The thread breaks at that moment, sending all the sinners falling back down into Hell.
< | Extra Story Sanae's Paradise Scenario Sanae's Legacy Scenario |
Story |