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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Youmu's Paradise Ending
冥界のお屋敷、白玉楼。 死後、霊達が行くことになる世界の一つ。 |
Hakugyokurou, a mansion located in the Netherworld. One of the realms that spirits would head to after death. | |
妖夢 「ふぅ、結構危ない所だったのね…。 幽々子様、ただいま戻り…。何してんですか」 |
Youmu: "Phew, that was a pretty dangerous place...
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幽々子「あら…戻っちゃったの…残念ねぇ」 | Yuyuko: "Oh, you're back. That's too bad..." | |
妖夢 「は、はいぃ?」 | Youmu: "Y...yes?" | |
幽々子「こんな美味しい異変を終わらせるなんて勿体ないわ」 | Yuyuko: "It'd be a shame to end such a delicious incident." | |
口惜しそうに愚痴る冥界の姫、西行寺幽々子。 彼女は冥界の門前に迫っていた果実をもぎ取り、 |
Yuyuko Saigyouji, the princess of the Netherworld, grumbled bitterly. She plucked the fruits that were looming in front of the gates and enjoyed them in Youmu's absence. | |
妖夢 「えーっと異変の件なんですけど、黒幕の場所が結構厄介でして…」 | Youmu: "Um...Regarding the incident, locating its mastermind was quite tricky..." | |
幽々子「あらま、妖夢でも辿り着けたのね。良かった良かった」 | Yuyuko: "Oh dear, you made it there too, Youmu! Good for you, good for you!" | |
妖夢 「呑気に言ってる場合じゃないですよ。何せ奴らは天界に…」 | Youmu: "This is not the time to be drinking. Either way, she's in Heaven..." | |
幽々子「細工をして浮き島にしたんでしょ? ここから見えてたもの。勿論貴方の姿もね」 |
Yuyuko: "You made it to a floating island, didn't you?
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そう、実は冥界から天華楼の事は筒抜けだったのだ。 幽々子の仕事は冥界の管理人であり、天界や地獄とも繋がりがある。 |
Yes, it was true. The matter of the Heavenly Flower Tower had been transmitted to the Netherworld. Yuyuko's job was to manage the Netherworld, which happened to be connected to Heaven and Hell. | |
妖夢 「なんだ思いっきり遠回りしてたんですね、私…。はぁ…」 | Youmu: "Oh, I was taking a drastic detour there...Sigh..." | |
幽々子「まぁまぁ、悪くはないんじゃない? 収穫はあったでしょう」 | Yuyuko: "Now now, it's not all that bad, is it? I'm sure you had your pick of the crop." | |
妖夢 「ええ、無駄ではありませんでしたけど…。」 | Youmu: "Yeah, it wasn't fruitless, but..." | |
幽々子「それに貴方の行った場所は、天界のようで天界ではない場所。 天の土地を戴いて作った紛い物の楽園。砂上ならぬ天上の楼閣ね」 |
Yuyuko "And besides, you went somewhere that looked like Heaven, even though it wasn't exactly Heaven.
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幽々子「もしも本当の天界に辿り着いていたら、更に二度手間だったわね」 | Yuyuko: "If you had made it to the actual Heaven, you would have had to put in double the effort." | |
妖夢 「あ。そういえば、妙な結界がありました。ではアレは…」 | Youmu: "Ah. Come to think of it, there was a strange boundary. Then there was that thing..." | |
幽々子「無関係な地上の人間を追い返す為の処置でしょうね。結果オーライだけど」 | Yuyuko: "I guess it's a measure to turn away irrelevant humans from below.
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妖夢 「…所で、うちの幽冥結界は何時になったら治るのでしょうか?」 | Youmu: "...By the way, when will the Barrier of Life and Death be fixed?" | |
幽々子「さあねえ?」 | Yuyuko: "I have no idea, do you?" | |
幽々子「さて、解決祝いにデザートを一緒に食べましょうか」 | Yuyuko: "Now, let's have some dessert to celebrate the incident's resolution, shall we?" | |
妖夢 「そういうと思いまして、地上の果実を追加で沢山持ってきました」 | Youmu: "I thought of that, which is why I brought lots of additional fruits from the earth." | |
幽々子「うふふ、よく解っているじゃないの あ、そうだ。飾り切りでお願いね」 |
Yuyuko: "Hehehe, you know exactly what I mean~ Ah, yes. Some decorative slices, please!" | |
妖夢 「……承知いたしました」 | Youmu: "...As you wish." | |
幽々子の頼みでフルーツの飾り切りパフェを披露する羽目になった妖夢。 本人は美味しそうにスプーンをつついて果肉を堪能しているが、 |
Youmu had been forced to present a parfait, decorated with cut-up fruits, at Yuyuko's request. She was enjoying a succulent spoonful of pulp, but Youmu's face had a less fulfilled expression. Ending No.9 - To Be Continued in the Extra Stage |