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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Yuuka's Legacy Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Yuuka's Paradise Extra Yuuka's Legacy Extra |
> |
Stage 1
紅蓮色の宵闇 |
Crimson Twilight | |
博麗神社 境内裏 |
Hakurei Shrine - Back Area | |
BGM:ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 |
BGM: A Soul as Scarlet as a Ground Cherry | |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Rumia LEAVES | ||
Yuuka |
この辺一体も 空気も、リンゴとミカンの 熟れ過ぎて腐る前に |
It appears that the fruit infestation is And the air's filled with nothing but the sweet smell I must do something about them before they get too ripe and rot... |
??? |
うわあ出たぁ |
Wow~ Someone came! |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
んもう、失礼な |
Dear, that's so rude. |
Rumia |
風見幽香だ |
You're Yuuka Kazami! |
宵闇の妖怪 |
Youkai of the Dusk | |
Rumia |
てっきり |
I thought for sure a human |
Yuuka |
あら、あの人間達なら |
Oh, those humans? They're more bloodthirsty than I am, |
BGM:妖魔夜行 |
BGM: Apparitions Stalk the Night | |
Yuuka |
そう、こーんな具合に |
Yes, something like this. |
Rumia |
ひえー |
Eeeep! |
Rumia DEFEATED | ||
Rumia |
ぎゃふん |
Ok ok, I give up~! |
Yuuka |
ま、健闘した方ね 軽いウォーミングアップ 果実もこれで全部回収出来たかしら そうね、まずは人里から |
Oh, you fought well, didn't you? As a light warmup, I'd say. Hopefully I'll be able to collect all the fruits before Alright, I'll start with the Human Village. |
Stage 2
浅縹色の梅雨 |
Indigo Monsoon | |
柳の運河 雨天 |
Willow Canal - Downpour | |
BGM:運河を行き交う人妖 |
BGM: Humans and Youkai Traversing the Canal | |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Nitori Kawashiro LEAVES | ||
Yuuka |
里の付近の果物は でも、コレはあくまでも一時凌ぎ まったく面倒な異変を いい加減隠れてないで |
The fruits near the village have been collected, But this is merely a temporary fix. Quite the troublesome incident, is it not? Why don't you stop hiding and come out already? |
??? |
既にばれてたか |
Guess you already knew. |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
私じゃなくても見ればわかるわよ |
You don't need me to tell you that. |
Nitori |
そのつもりじゃなかったけど |
It's not on purpose! |
河の便利屋さん |
Handyman of the River | |
Yuuka |
無駄話もいいけど、 異変の情報で知っている事を |
I don't mind killing time, You will tell me everything you know |
BGM:芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend |
BGM: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend | |
Nitori |
おおっと。 |
Oh, wow. |
Yuuka |
ええそう。 |
Yes, I am. |
Nitori |
うへぇ |
Eeep! |
Nitori Kawashiro DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
ぐわぁあああ |
Guwaaaaaa! |
Yuuka |
はいごちそうさま |
Yes, thank you for the meal! |
Nitori |
ヒェー |
Hieee.... |
Yuuka |
逃 が す か |
R u n. |
Nitori |
あーもー 妖怪の山の裏側。 |
Oh noooo. The rear side of Youkai Mountain. |
Yuuka |
最初から素直に言えば |
You should have said this from the start. |
Nitori |
ただ、今のあの近辺は 例え風見幽香であっても 私がゲロった事は |
But, right now that area's in a state of high alert. Even someone like you would have to Don't tell them I confessed, ok? |
Yuuka |
ふむ…覚悟はしてたから問題ないけど |
I see...I've prepared myself, so this won't be a problem. |
Stage 3
萌葱色の疾風 |
Fresh Green Gale | |
妖怪の山 裏側 |
Youkai Mountain - Rear Face | |
BGM:夜の鳩山を飛ぶ -Power MIX |
BGM: Fly Above Hatoyama at Night - Power MIX | |
風雨のブン屋 |
Reporter of the Wind and Rain | |
Aya |
あやややや!? |
Ayayayaya!? |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
まさか貴方自ら山に来るなんて… |
To think that you'd come to our mountain... |
Aya |
レッツ、スクープターイム! |
Let's scoop time! |
Aya Shameimaru LEAVES | ||
Yuuka |
なるほど、厳戒態勢でしたわ ま、私に掛かれば あんたは楽しませて 出て来な、茨木華扇 |
I see, so the kappa wasn't lying when she Well, if it were up to me, this would I wonder who'll come to entertain me? Come on out, Kasen Ibaraki. |
??? |
なんだ、私が目当てだったのか |
What? You're looking for me? |
Kasen Ibaraki ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
じゃあ、なんだと思ってたのよ? |
What did you think I was doing then? |
片腕有角の仙人 |
The One-Armed, Horned Hermit | |
Kasen |
業を煮やして |
I was thinking that you'd gotten impatient and started picking fruits. |
Yuuka |
こんな歪で不自然で作為的な果物 |
And what makes you think I'd want to |
Kasen |
流石にもう勘づいているのね |
Of course you'd take notice already. |
BGM:華狭間のバトルフィールド |
BGM: Battlefield of the Flower Threshold | |
Yuuka |
それは同意するけど 今、幻想郷から緑が消え 本来は無駄話してる 邪魔をするなら容赦はしないわ! |
I agree with you, Right now, the greenery has disappeared from Gensokyo, I'm not even going to waste my time trying to Stand in my way, and I'll show you no mercy! |
Kasen Ibaraki DEFEATED | ||
Kasen |
くっ、思ってた以上に |
Damn, I lost quicker than I expected... |
Yuuka |
勝ったけど、遅いわねぇ |
I won much too late, however. |
Kasen |
もう十分な筈だけどね… |
I think that's enough... |
Yuuka |
それには及ばないわ この果実を生み出した場所は それにコレは自然に育ったものではない |
You've missed by that much. It would seem that Heaven, not earth, And these fruits have not been naturally grown, |
Kasen |
そんな事まで判るとは知らなかったわ |
I didn't think you'd understand that much. |
Yuuka |
気分はジャックと豆の木ね |
This feels like Jack and the Beanstalk. |
Kasen |
…丁重にお断りするわ |
...I respectfully decline. |
Stage 4A
紅緋色の雲路 |
Scarlet Cloud Route | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
やっと頂上に辿り着いたけど のんびりし過ぎたかしら 豆の木エレベーターでも |
At last, I've finally reached the summit... Perhaps I took it too easily. I might just make a beanstalk elevator |
??? |
そうはさせるかい |
I won't let that happen! |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
やっとお出ましね |
At last, Miss Hakurei "Lazybones" Shrine Maiden |
空飛ぶ不思議な巫女 |
Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden | |
Reimu |
ただでさえ変な果樹が これ以上余計なもの生やさないでよ |
As it is, there's strange fruit trees I'd rather you don't go planting anything else on top of that! |
Yuuka |
その変な果樹を放って置いたのは |
And who do you think was the one who left |
Reimu |
うぐぐ、やかましいわ! 悪いけど、今私、気が立ってるの |
Uugh, you're so fussy! Pardon me, but I'm feeling on edge right now, |
BGM:少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio | |
Yuuka |
あらあら、血気盛んねぇ いいわ、遊んであげる |
My my, you're so hot-blooded. Very well, I'll play with you. |
Reimu |
やらいでか! |
Challenge accepted! |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
ぐぬぬぬ |
Crap! |
Yuuka |
あら、健闘してたわよ? |
Oh? But you put up such a good fight. |
Reimu |
仕方ない |
Seems like I've no other choice. |
Yuuka |
なぁんだ、もう諦めちゃうの? |
Wow, so you're just going to give up now? |
Reimu |
やかましいわ |
Oh, hush. |
Yuuka |
「あの浮島に潜入して |
"Then I could've infiltrated that floating island |
Reimu |
……むぅ。 |
......Yeah. |
Yuuka |
じゃあ私が退治してくるから |
Well then, I'll eradicate them myself, |
Reimu |
…あまり派手に暴れないでよ |
...Don't cause too much of a ruckus, ok? |
Yuuka |
ハイハイ |
Gotcha. |
Stage 4B
黄金色の星雲 |
Golden Nebula | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud- | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
山頂も酷いわねぇ 山の連中もいい加減ねぇ 黒幕さんのお仕置きは |
The summit is in a terrible state. The mountain group has gotten careless, too. I wonder what punishment would be suited for |
??? |
おおっと、幽香か |
Dagnabbit, it's Yuuka! |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
あら、魔理沙 |
Oh, Marisa! |
普通の魔法使い |
Ordinary Magician | |
Marisa |
お前も変な果樹異変を |
You're tryin' to deal with the |
Yuuka |
ええ、その通り。 ああ、火炙りなんかいいわねぇ |
Yes, exactly. Oh, I'll burn them at stake! |
Marisa |
何の話だぜ 今日の私は、まだ何もしてないぞ |
The fuck? I haven't done anything yet today, |
BGM:魔女達の舞踏会 |
BGM: The Witches' Ball | |
Yuuka |
黒幕のお仕置きを考えてたんだけど 貴方の八卦炉 |
I was thinking of how to punish the mastermind. Your hakkero, |
Marisa |
誰が貸すか! |
I ain't rentin' it to anyone! |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
ぐぬぬぬ |
Aw crap! |
Yuuka |
流石の火力だけど 私だったら、雁字がらめにして |
Stunning as your firepower may be, If it were me, I'd put my opponent in a headlock |
Marisa |
ルール違反な気がするがな 八卦炉は貸せんが、 |
I feel like that might be against the rules. Can't lend ya' my hakkero, but I'll lend ya' this. |
Yuuka |
紙切れとマッチ? |
A piece of paper and a match? |
Marisa |
天空迷路の考察メモと |
It's some study notes on the sky labyrinth |
Yuuka |
あら、着火物と発火燃料なんて |
Oh, so it's a flammable and some ignition fuel. |
Marisa |
せめて読んでから燃やせよ…? |
Can ya' at least read it before ya' burn it...? |
Stage 4C
菫色の小夜嵐 |
Violet Night Gale | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain -Mysterious Cloud- | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
やっと頂上に辿り着いたけど ちょっとのんびりし過ぎたかしら 見た目は滑稽だけど、ターザンの要領で |
At last, I've finally reached the summit... Perhaps I took it too easily. Funny as it'd look, I probably could've climbed the |
??? |
こんな夜中に花の妖怪が |
I find it funnier to see a flower youkai |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
こんな夜中にメイドってのも |
And I find it rare to see a maid here |
紅い悪魔のメイド |
Maid of the Scarlet Devil | |
Sakuya |
異変の解決任務中ですわ |
It may seem that way to you, but I'm on my way |
Yuuka |
名付けて「侵略果樹異変」ね |
Namely, the "Invasive Fruit Tree Incident". |
Sakuya |
いやまあその。霊夢がまったく |
No, well, you see...Since Reimu wasn't taking action, |
Yuuka |
危機意識が欠如してるわねぇ ま、巫女すら鈍らせる異変とあらば |
Your sense of crisis is lacking... Well, with an incident that can even falter the shrine maiden, |
BGM:フラワリングナイト |
BGM: Flowering Night | |
Yuuka |
という訳で、私がこれから 貴方は地べたから |
For that reason, I'm off to conduct an assault on Heaven. Now, go and look up at the moon |
Sakuya |
まぁ怖い |
Oh dear, that's scary. |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
あーれー |
Heeey! |
Yuuka |
中々粘ったわね |
Very persistent, aren't you? |
Sakuya |
黒幕が天界に居る事は |
I knew the mastermind was in Heaven, but... |
Yuuka |
あの仙人を真に受けるのは癪だけど この間は酒の件で |
I'd hate to take that hermit seriously, I was swamped by her sake the other day... |
Sakuya |
ああ、あの不思議な升の事ね |
Oh, you mean from that mysterious shou box. |
Yuuka |
そういえばこのフルーツ こんな怪しい果物、人の身で |
Come to think of it, eating these fruits seems A human mustn't be reckless in eating these suspicious fruits. |
Sakuya |
妖怪は平気なのね… |
So it's totally fine for youkai... |
Stage 4D
翡翠色の夕凪 |
Jade-colored Evening Calm | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
無駄に高いわねぇ 登山道を配備すべきよね もうすこし登り易くなるように |
This mountain, it's so There really should be a mountain trail here. Perhaps I should modify it to make it easier to climb. |
??? |
勝手な真似は止めなさーい! |
Hey, you can't just do whatever you want! |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
あら、奇遇ね |
My, what a coincidence. |
威風堂々な現人神 |
Living God Backed by Majestic Winds | |
Sanae |
絶対わかってて これ以上幻想郷を滅茶苦茶にするなら |
Oh, you definitely know what's going on! Keep making a mess of Gensokyo, and the Moriya Gods'll |
Yuuka |
冗談よ冗談。 まるで私が異変の犯人みたいな |
I kid, I kid. You're making it sound like I was the one |
Sanae |
え、違うんですか? |
Huh? You mean it wasn't you? |
Yuuka |
赤い巫女が腑抜けてるから まだまだ新人さんねぇ |
I was counting on that You, you're still a rookie, aren't you? |
BGM:信仰は儚き人間の為に |
BGM: Faith is for the Transient People | |
Yuuka |
という訳で、この異変 貴方はとっとと |
Therefore, I'll be the one to solve this incident. Now, I suggest you head home right away! |
Sanae |
えっちょっ |
Hey, hold on a sec! |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
うわー |
Waaah! |
Yuuka |
さ、道を開けなさい |
Come now, make way for me. |
Sanae |
ま、まさか天界に |
Y-you don't plan on going to Heaven, do you...? |
Yuuka |
如何にもそのつもりよ |
That's exactly what I'm planning. |
Sanae |
え、じゃあこの異変の犯人って |
Huh, so you're telling me |
Yuuka |
疑うのは勝手だし、 私なら、果物に 食べると身体強化なんて |
Suspect me all you want, I would never do something so tactless to How could eating those things possibly strengthen your body? |
Sanae |
あのフルーツにそんな力が…? |
Those fruits really can do that? |
Yuuka |
私は平気だけど |
It's not a problem for me. |
Sanae |
う、うーん… |
E-erm... |
Stage 4E
常磐色の碧天 |
Evergreen-colored Blue Sky | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
やっと頂上に辿り着いたけど やあねぇ、急ぐのは まぁ、私が解決に動いてる時点で |
At last, I've finally reached the summit... Well, hey, it's not my nature to be in a hurry. Hmm, I guess it is too late of a time for |
??? |
こんな夜中に |
I didn't think I'd find you here |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
あら、こんばんは |
Oh, hello there. |
半人半霊の庭師 |
Half-Human, Half-Phantom Gardener | |
Youmu |
ちっとも良くないですよ 早く天界に入らないと |
It's not even close to fine! If I don't get to Heaven soon, the mastermind might escape! |
Yuuka |
ふぅん、貴方も大変ねぇ…? それじゃ、もっと大変に |
Hmm, you're in a tough spot, yes? In that case, shall I make it harder for you? |
BGM:広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? |
BGM: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? | |
Youmu |
ちょ、ちょっ |
H-hey! |
Yuuka |
本来はもっと早く気が付くべき異変を 貴方が駄目なようなら |
You should have noticed the incident earlier, If you don't serve your purpose, |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
くっ… |
Ghh... |
Yuuka |
はーやっぱりダメねぇ |
Ha, I knew it, you're hopeless! |
Youmu |
うぐぐ、言い返せない |
Agh, I can't bring myself to argue. |
Yuuka |
下に仙人がいるから この間の酒の力を |
There's a hermit down below. Or maybe you can borrow the power of that sake |
Youmu |
あの升に頼るくらいなら |
I'd rather use the shaker than rely on that shou box... |
Yuuka |
この果物を食べまくる ただ、連中に匹敵するまで |
You could always try eating this fruit, too. But you'll have to eat hundreds of them before you can |
Youmu |
うわぁ… |
Waaah... |
Yuuka |
良薬は口に苦(くる)しってね |
The best kind of medicines taste bitter, you know. |
Stage 4F
向日葵色の霞 |
Evergreen-colored Blue Sky | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
やっと鬱陶しい雲が晴れたわ タイミング的に天界の連中ね んもぅ、煽られるのは嫌いなのに |
At last, those gloomy clouds have cleared up. Though, in terms of timing, it seems it's a bit I'd hate to aggravate them. |
Yuuka Kazami ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
あらあら |
Oh my, is that another me? |
四季のフラワーマスター |
Flower Master of the Four Seasons | |
Yuuka |
ドッペルゲンガーって |
Doppelgangers don't seem to be |
BGM:幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream |
BGM: Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream | |
Yuuka |
まぁ邪魔なだけだし |
Well, she's a hindrance anyway, so it's only fair |
Yuuka Kazami DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
ホラホラ、天へお昇りなさい あぁ、でも私も まったく不愉快な要石ですこと 報復手段考えておかないとね |
Look look, Miss Doppelganger has ascended to Heaven~ Ah, but I have to ascend to Heaven as well. That keystone is truly unpleasant. I'll have to think of a way to retaliate. |
Stage 4G
紫苑色の叢雲 |
Aster-colored Gathering Clouds | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
やっと邪魔な雲が晴れたわ 山の連中の仕業かしら… |
At last, those obtrusive clouds have cleared up. I wonder if it's because of the mountain folk... |
??? |
詳しい調査もまだ終わっていないし |
I haven't even done a detailed survey yet. |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
あら、月夜に兎なんて風流だこと |
Oh, a moon rabbit on a moonlit night. |
地上に降りた月の兎 |
Lunar Rabbit that Landed on Earth | |
Reisen |
風見幽香…? |
Yuuka Kazami...? |
Yuuka |
なんだか果物が大量発生する 私も解決に動こうかなって |
I heard there was some sort of incident involving So I thought I, too, would work to resolve it. |
Reisen |
花の異変の時と大分違うわね |
This is vastly different from the Flower Incident. |
Yuuka |
この果実達はね、穢れた手に つまり不自然な自然なの そう、これは植物達に対する |
These fruits appear to have been tampered with It's unnatural, in other words. Yes, this is a declaration of war against the plants... |
Reisen |
それで妖怪の貴方が解決に行くの? |
So you, a youkai, are going out to resolve this? |
BGM:狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon |
BGM: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Yuuka |
もう人間達に任せておけないの |
I don't care what you think, |
Reisen |
こうなったら仕方がない… |
I've got no choice when it comes to these things... |
Reisen Udongein Inaba DEFEATED | ||
Reisen |
くっ… |
Damn... |
Yuuka |
見得張っておいて情けないわねぇ そもそも貴女も人間じゃないでしょ |
You look so pathetic, acting all high and mighty. You're not even human. |
Reisen |
一応人間達にも渡してあるわよ |
I've given those shakers to the humans, |
Yuuka |
私は使っていないわ |
I'm not using one. |
Reisen |
…ああ、これはもしかして |
...Ah, I've got a feeling that maybe nobody's using them. |
Yuuka |
当たらないといいわねぇ |
Hopefully it won't get to you. |
Stage 5
夢心地の有頂天 |
Dreamy Bhavaagra | |
天界 -天華楼内部- |
Heaven - Inside the Heavenly Flower Tower | |
BGM:夜更けの表六甲 |
BGM: Omote-Rokkō at Night | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
浅葱色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Pale Blue Eagle Ravi | |
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 『これより排除活動を開始する』 |
This is Seiran. Now proceeding with elimination. |
Seiran LEAVES | ||
Yuuka |
妖精の気配を感じない… フルーツを生み出す場所なら それとも、妖精も取り付く島 こんな不自然なモノをばら撒いて |
I don't sense any fairies... If this place grows fruit, there should also be fairies too. Or perhaps this island is something that Spreading this unnatural stuff around and threatening |
??? |
真夜中に不法侵入してきて |
Trespassing in the dead of night, and yet |
Tenshi Hinanawi ENTERS | ||
Tenshi |
なんとまあ行儀が悪いこと |
How ill-mannered of you! |
Yuuka |
私は貴方に用があったの |
I've been searching for you. |
非想非非想天の娘 |
Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception | |
Tenshi |
ふぅん |
Hmmm... |
BGM:有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven |
BGM: Catastrophe in Bhava-agra ~ Wonderful Heaven | |
Yuuka |
大自然からのお仕置きを 貴方が取れる選択肢は二つ お仕置きを甘んじて受けるか |
I've come here to deliver a scolding You have two options. Either take your punishment in stride, |
Tenshi |
へぇ、すごい自信ね その自信、私の鋼の肉体で |
Oh really? Pretty confident of you. With my body of steel, |
Yuuka |
揺らせるものならね |
Well, good luck on trying to sway me. |
Tenshi Hinanawi DEFEATED | ||
Tenshi |
な、なんて強さなの… |
W...What is that strength? |
Yuuka |
つもりじゃなくても |
Even if you don't mean to, |
Tenshi |
ソレ文面じゃないと |
I think that might be hard to |
Yuuka |
まぁ、お仕置きは半分済んだから でも、その前に |
Well, now that you're halfway through your punishment, But first, can I ask you for some information? |
Tenshi |
う、うーんそう言われても |
W-well, when you put it that way... |
Yuuka |
じゃあ黒幕の場所を教えて |
Well, tell me where the mastermind is. |
Tenshi |
…物見の湖ってのが中庭にあるわ 多分連中はあそこに居る筈よ |
...The courtyard has something called the Watchman's Lake. Perhaps you can find those guys there. |
Yuuka |
ふぅん まぁ、居なかったら天界を |
Hmmm... Well, if they're not there, |
Tenshi |
…お手柔らかに |
...Please go easy on me. |
Stage 6
湖は浄めの月を映して |
The Lake Reflects the Cleansed Moon | |
天界 -物見の湖- |
Heaven -Watchman's Lake- | |
BGM:故郷の星が映る海 |
BGM: The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 ここから先は通す訳にはいかないの |
This is Seiran. I cannot let you go any further. |
Seiran LEAVES | ||
Yuuka |
ここにも、樹木由来の妖精は居ないのね 継ぎ接ぎだらけのキメラツリーじゃ 私は花の妖怪だから、厳密にいえば まぁ代弁位はしてあげてもいいわよね |
So there are no tree fairies here, either. Chimera trees littered with patchwork. I'm a flower youkai, so technically speaking, Well, as a flower master, |
??? |
いらっしゃいませ |
Hello, and welcome to the |
Ringo ENTERS | ||
Ringo |
花の妖怪が天界に何の用で? |
What's a flower youkai doing in Heaven? |
橘色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Orange Eagle Ravi | |
Yuuka |
ソレにも文句はあるけど 地上に天界の果実を撒いたのは |
I have a problem with them too, You're the ones who've been scattering Heavenly fruits |
Ringo |
うーん、結果的には でも、アレは一時的な効果でしかない |
Hmmm, I was wondering about But that's only a temporary effect. |
Yuuka |
呑気ねぇ、貴方 私は貴方を引きずりおろしに来たの |
So naive, you are. I've come here to drag you down, |
BGM:穏やかならぬ宴の兎 |
BGM: The Rabbit of the Unpeaceful Banquet | |
Ringo |
夜明け早々、また随分乱暴ねぇ |
So early in the morning, and you're acting violent once again. |
Yuuka |
貴方が作った種が原因でしょうに |
It was your seeds that bore the crop, |
Ringo |
どうやら、相当お怒りな様子だね |
You seem to be very upset with me. |
Yuuka |
ならば私が理由を作りましょう |
Then I'll give you a reason to take action, |
Ringo PAUSES | ||
Ringo |
あいたた、理由なき |
Ouch, violence without reason |
Yuuka |
理由ならあるでしょ 本当は人間の仕事だけど |
Oh, there's definitely a reason. That's actually the humans' job, |
Ringo |
なるほど、それで巫女じゃなくて妖怪か やれやれ、こうなったら |
I see, so you're not a shrine maiden, but a youkai. Oh dear, I guess I'll just have to use that thing. |
BGM:玉兎と禁断の果実 ~ Eden's Apple. |
BGM: The Moon Rabbit and the Forbidden Fruit ~ Eden's Apple. | |
Ringo |
出でよ、フルーツダンゴバシラ! |
Come on out, Fruit Dangobashira! |
Ringo Summons Fruit Dangobashira | ||
Yuuka |
余裕があるんだか |
I can't tell if I'm able to handle that |
Ringo |
私はね、団子を食べた数だけ 更に、これ等はただの団子ではない そして、この天華楼には さぁ、ここからが本番よ! |
As you may know, my strength increases Furthermore, this is no ordinary dango, And finally, this Heavenly Flower Tower is filled with Now, this is where the real battle begins! |
Yuuka |
やる気があるのは良い事ね |
I like your enthusiasm. |
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> |