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Frantically Forbidden Fruit/Story/Yuuka's Paradise Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Yuuka's Paradise Extra Yuuka's Legacy Extra |
> |
Stage 1
紅蓮色の宵闇 |
Crimson Twilight | |
博麗神社 境内裏 |
Hakurei Shrine - Back Area | |
BGM:ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 |
BGM: A Soul as Scarlet as a Ground Cherry | |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Rumia LEAVES | ||
Yuuka |
雑魚掃除はこんなもんかしら 本当はあの子達が早く解決してれば こうなったら さーて、久しぶりに |
Is this what it's like to hunt down small fry? You know, this wouldn't even be so bad Oh well. Now, I'll take the liberty to rampage for |
??? |
おっと |
Hey! |
Rumia ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
あら、宵闇風情 |
Oh, what a dusky atmosphere. |
Rumia |
げげっ |
Ggh, |
宵闇の妖怪 |
Youkai of the Dusk | |
Rumia |
てっきり |
I thought for sure |
Yuuka |
残念でした |
Well too bad. |
BGM:妖魔夜行 |
BGM: Apparitions Stalk the Night | |
Yuuka |
さ、渡すもの全部渡して |
Just let me pass |
Rumia |
うわーん |
Waaah! |
Rumia DEFEATED | ||
Rumia |
ぎゃふん |
I'm beat... |
Yuuka |
ま、開幕はこんなもんね どうやら私の腕も、まだ 他の子達が取逃した果物は うーん。ちょっと面倒だけど |
Well, I suppose this is how the opening goes. Seems like my skills haven't dulled yet. I wonder if I can collect the fruits that Hmm, seems somewhat troublesome. |
Stage 2
浅縹色の梅雨 |
Indigo Monsoon | |
柳の運河 雨天 |
Willow Canal - Downpour | |
BGM:運河を行き交う人妖 |
BGM: Humans and Youkai Traversing the Canal | |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Nitori Kawashiro LEAVES | ||
Yuuka |
ここも果物だらけなのね… こんな状況でも商売に利用する さて、そこの河童 |
Even this place is covered all over in fruit. Even in a situation like this, business is booming. Now, you there, kappa! |
??? |
ちぇっ |
Tsk. I've been discovered. |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
私にそんな玩具は |
That toy doesn't work on me. |
Nitori |
なんで貴方がここにいるのさ |
Why are you here, |
河の便利屋さん |
Handyman of the River | |
Nitori |
異変の解決に動くのは |
I thought humans were the only ones |
Yuuka |
コレが余ってたからね |
Well, someone left this lying around. |
Nitori |
そ、それは例のシェイカー!? |
Wha-- is that the shaker!? |
Yuuka |
植物の異変だもの でも黒幕までは流石にわからない |
I was getting sick of this plant incident, But I still don't know who the mastermind is. |
BGM:芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend |
BGM: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend | |
Nitori |
うっ。 |
Ah... |
Yuuka |
そう。ならば |
Alright. If that's how it's going to be, |
Nitori |
うわー |
Aaah! |
Nitori Kawashiro DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
あーれー |
Ohhh man. |
Yuuka |
はいごちそうさま |
Thanks. That was delectable! |
Nitori |
ぐぬぬ…解決側に居る筈なのに |
Grr... Why am I getting crushed when |
Yuuka |
さあねえ。 |
Who knows, |
Nitori |
さて話の続きだけど 妖怪の山の裏側には |
Now about our discussion. I was told not to let anyone get |
Yuuka |
あら、随分乱暴な説明なのね |
My, that's a pretty rough explanation, isn't it? |
Nitori |
人間ならまだしも、貴方ならもう |
I mean, a human would at least have |
Yuuka |
山登りする前に、少しでも |
Before I do even a little bit of mountain climbing, |
Stage 3
萌葱色の疾風 |
Fresh Green Gale | |
妖怪の山 裏側 |
Youkai Mountain - Rear Face | |
BGM:夜の鳩山を飛ぶ -Power MIX |
BGM: Fly Above Hatoyama at Night - Power MIX | |
風雨のブン屋 |
Reporter of Wind and Rain | |
Aya |
あやややや!? |
Ayayayaya!? |
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
Aya |
まさか貴方自ら山に来るなんて… |
To think that you'd come to our mountain... |
Aya |
レッツ、スクープターイム! |
Let's scoop time! |
Aya Shameimaru LEAVES | ||
Yuuka |
ふぅ。 天辺まで行くには 甘露地獄と化した地上よりは いいわよねぇ、山の連中は |
Whew. I still have a long way to go The air is more bearable here than it is Isn't that just nice? These mountain folks |
??? |
そうでもない |
That's not true. |
Kasen Ibaraki ENTERS | ||
Kasen |
これでも、山の連中は大分参ってるよ |
It may seem that way, but they're actually quite troubled by all this. |
片腕有角の仙人 |
The One-Armed, Horned Hermit | |
Yuuka |
天狗達も日和ったものね |
The tengu are just sitting on the sidelines, aren't they? |
Kasen |
「無駄な喧嘩は売りたくない」 |
It's the mountain people's collective will to |
Yuuka |
だから、人間達をけしかけようとしてたのね? |
So is that why you tried using more roundabout means to instigate those humans? |
Kasen |
けしかけるとは人聞きの悪い言い草ね |
"Instigate" is a harsh way of putting it. |
Yuuka |
十分とは言えないと思うけどねぇ 二月も巫女達を動かす事が出来なかったのは |
Besides that, |
Kasen |
へぇ、言ってくれるわね |
Hmph. How nice of you to say. |
BGM:華狭間のバトルフィールド |
BGM: Battlefield of the Flower Threshold | |
Yuuka |
何度も言ってるけど これ以上回りくどい方法を 幻想郷のよすがの緑は |
I know I've said this plenty of times, I've grown weary of being kept on this roundabout path anymore. I, Yuuka Kazami, will return |
Kasen Ibaraki DEFEATED | ||
Kasen |
くっ、強いな |
Damn, you're strong. |
Yuuka |
さぁ、通してくれるわね? |
Now will you let me through |
Kasen |
ま、待ちなさい! |
Wait a minute! |
Yuuka |
さっき、この果実が教えてくれたわ 天候の異変ならば |
These fruits told me where to go a long time ago. There's only one place to go when |
Kasen |
そう、天界だけど… |
Yes, Heaven. |
Yuuka |
多分関係はあると思うから |
I think there's a connection. |
Kasen |
…お手柔らかに |
Well, just don't be too hard on them... |
Stage 4A
紅緋色の雲路 |
Scarlet Cloud Route | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
| ||
Yuuka |
頂上には着いたけれど 急いては事を仕損じるし |
I've reached the summit, Well, haste makes waste, so why not take our time? |
??? |
あー? |
Aah? |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
どうしてアンタがここにいるのよ |
Why're you here? |
空飛ぶ不思議な巫女 |
Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden | |
Yuuka |
魔抜け巫女の代わりに、 |
I thought I'd solve the incident on behalf of |
Reimu |
…喧嘩を売ってるのね |
...You're selling me a fight, aren't you? |
Yuuka |
勘の鈍った巫女に用は無いわ |
I've got no use for a shrine maiden with dulled senses. |
BGM:少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio | |
Reimu |
あんたに無くても私にはあるの |
I have something that you don't, |
Yuuka |
あらあら、遊んでほしいのね? |
Oh dear, you want me to play with you, don't you? |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
うーん… |
Ooooh.... |
Yuuka |
やはり鈍いわねぇ、鈍すぎるわ |
I knew you were dull, too dull in fact. |
Reimu |
仕方ない、ここは |
Guess I've no choice. |
Yuuka |
最初から素直に道を譲れば さて、天界を目指さなければ |
If you'd just given way from the start, then Now, off to Heaven I go. |
Reimu |
あー、そのことなんだけどね |
Oh, about that... |
Yuuka |
ん? |
Hmm? |
Reimu |
今天界は結界に覆われていて |
Right now, Heaven's covered in a barrier, so if you don't |
Yuuka |
へぇ、こりゃまた面倒なトラップね でも、目の前に ある意味、戻されて正解だったかもねぇ |
Really? Sounds like another nasty trap. But, there's something even weirder floating In a way, it's probably a good thing if they |
Reimu |
あー、もう勝手にしなさいよ… |
Ah, feel free to do what you want... |
Stage 4B
黄金色の星雲 |
Golden Nebula | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
頂上には着いたけれど 少し休んだら |
I've reached the summit, I need to pick up the pace, |
??? |
あー? |
Huuh? |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
なんでお前がここにいるんだ |
I'm guessin' you're here 'cause of the |
普通の魔法使い |
Ordinary Magician | |
Yuuka |
そう、植物の異変だから。 |
Yes, it's the plant incident. |
Marisa |
…別に構わんが、相手は |
...I wouldn't really mind, |
Yuuka |
それがどうかしたの? |
What does it matter? |
Marisa |
その余裕は何処から来るんだろうな |
Huh, where'd that leeway come from? |
BGM:魔女達の舞踏会 |
BGM: The Witches' Ball | |
Marisa |
まあ、いい |
Well, fine. |
Yuuka |
あら素敵な響きねぇ |
Oh my, that sounds lovely! |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
うーん… |
Uughhh... |
Yuuka |
傷に塩塗るような事言うけど |
They say it's like rubbing salt in a wound, |
Marisa |
…新しいスレイブの 操作精度を上げる為のメンタルリンクを 要改良だぜ |
...I was experimentin' with a new slave, too. Didn't think you'd damage me by usin' a mental link to Damn, I gotta work on myself. |
Yuuka |
貴方はそこで休んでいなさい さて、天界を目指さなければ |
You go ahead and rest, I'll take it from here. Now, off to Heaven I go. |
Marisa |
あー、そのことだが 今天界は迷路結界に覆われている |
Yeah, about that... Heaven's covered in a labyrinth barrier right now, |
Yuuka |
へぇ、こりゃまた面倒なトラップね |
Really? Sounds like another nasty trap. |
Marisa |
それは私にもわからんが |
Not sure about that, |
Yuuka |
御忠告どうも |
Thanks for the tip. |
Stage 4C
菫色の小夜嵐 |
Violet Night Gale | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
頂上には着いたけれど 急いては事を仕損じるっていうし |
I've reached the summit, Well, haste makes waste, so why not take our time? |
??? |
あら? |
Oh? |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
Sakuya |
花でも咲かせに来たのかしら? |
Have you come here to make the flowers bloom? |
紅い悪魔のメイド |
Maid of the Scarlet Devil | |
Yuuka |
メイドに用はないの |
I've got no use for a maid, |
Sakuya |
行き成り失礼な挨拶ですね |
That's an impolite way to greet someone, don't you think? |
Yuuka |
あんまり無駄話してる暇もないのよね |
I've no time to waste on idle chitchat. |
BGM:フラワリングナイト |
BGM: Flowering Night | |
Sakuya |
まさか天界に行く |
Surely you're not saying you're |
Yuuka |
植物を弄ぶ輩に、私が |
I'd like to give a good beating to the people |
Sakuya |
残念だけど、これは 妖怪に用はないのです! |
I'm sorry, but that's a human's job. I've got no use for a youkai! |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
うーん… |
Oooh... |
Yuuka |
その人間達がだらしないから |
Those humans have been so careless, |
Sakuya |
この強さなら天人にも通用しそうね |
That kind of strength would be perfect against the celestials. |
Yuuka |
最初から素直に道を譲ればいいのよ さて、天界に急がないとね |
You could have just yielded from the start. Well, I guess I better hurry along to Heaven. |
Stage 4D
翡翠色の夕凪 |
Jade-colored Evening Calm | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
頂上にやっと着いたけど そういや、山の上にも ちょっと遊んでいこうかしら |
I've reached the summit, Which reminds me, I hear that a new shrine Time to have a bit of fun without leaving a trace. |
??? |
そんな事させませんからね! |
I won't let you do that, |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
Sanae |
守矢神社の平和は |
I'll protect the peace of the Moriya Shrine! |
威風堂々な現人神 |
Living God Backed by Majestic Winds | |
Yuuka |
幻想郷の平和は守らなくていいの? |
Shouldn't you be protecting the peace of Gensokyo? |
Sanae |
もう既にこの有様ですから |
We're already in a bad situation, |
Yuuka |
攻撃は最大の防御ね |
"The best defense is a good offense." |
BGM:信仰は儚き人間の為に |
BGM: Faith is for the Transient People | |
Yuuka |
攻撃が通ればの話だけれど |
If the attacks land, that is. |
Sanae |
神の奇跡を舐めると |
Underestimate a god's miracles, |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
うーん… |
Ughh... |
Yuuka |
妖怪を舐めると大火傷するわよ |
Underestimate a youkai, and you'll get burned big time. |
Sanae |
な、なんて頑丈なの… |
Y-you're sturdy... |
Yuuka |
これでも妖怪ですから さあ、退いてちょうだい |
I'm still a youkai, after all. Alright now, I've got work to do, |
Sanae |
な、何をする気ですか…? |
W...What are you going to do? |
Yuuka |
お騒がせ者に |
Give those troublemakers a bit of punishment. |
Stage 4E
常磐色の碧天 |
Evergreen-colored Blue Sky | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
頂上には着いたけれど ここにも例の果樹が生えている… |
I've reached the summit, These fruit trees are growing here as well... |
??? |
むむっ? |
Mmm? |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
Youmu |
なぜここに貴方がいるの? |
Why have you come here? |
半人半霊の庭師 |
Half-Human, Half-Phantom Gardener | |
Yuuka |
貴方も庭師なら |
You're a gardener, aren't you? |
Youmu |
いや、さすがに幻想郷中は どうせすぐ復活しちゃうんで |
No way. As you can see, there's not enough time I'll be returning soon enough anyway, |
Yuuka |
もたもたしてると |
You know, if you're too slow, then |
BGM:広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? |
BGM: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? | |
Yuuka |
例えば、私とかにねぇ? |
Like me, for instance? |
Youmu |
おっと、いきなりですか |
Whoops, that came out of nowhere. |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
うーん… |
Oof... |
Yuuka |
はい、解決役いただき |
Alright, I'll take care of this. |
Youmu |
負けた以上引くしかないですけど… 一応相手は、天人ですからね? |
Now that I've lost, I've got no choice but to pull out... You're dealing with a celestial, right? |
Yuuka |
いくら天界相手でも、無差別に そう、関係ある奴だけ |
I don't care how much of Heaven becomes my opponent, Well, I'll just drag down the relevant ones. |
Stage 4F
向日葵色の霞 |
Evergreen-colored Blue Sky | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
やっとお山のてっぺんね 流石の私も疲れてきちゃったわ あら |
Finally, I've reached the mountaintop. Sure enough, I'm feeling exhausted. Oh? |
Yuuka Kazami ENTERS | ||
Yuuka |
幻覚が見えてくるなんて |
I must be really exhausted if I'm having hallucinations. |
四季のフラワーマスター |
Flower Master of the Four Seasons | |
Yuuka |
仕方ない。早く関係者を倒して… |
It can't be helped. |
BGM:幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream |
BGM: Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream | |
Yuuka |
さっさとご飯食べて寝ましょっと |
Now let's have some dinner before bed! |
Yuuka Kazami DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
あぁ眠いったらありゃしない 元を正せば霊夢が異変を 後でみんなお仕置きね |
Aah, I'm so sleepy. It's Reimu's fault for letting I'll punish them all later. |
Stage 4G
紫苑色の叢雲 |
Aster-colored Gathering Clouds | |
妖怪の山 -謎の雲- |
Youkai Mountain - Mysterious Cloud | |
BGM:龍神飛至蓬莱山 ~ Oriental Mythology |
BGM: Dragon God Flying to Mount Hourai ~ Oriental Mythology | |
Iku Nagae ENTERS | ||
Iku Nagae DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
まだ着けないのかしら あの挙動不審の浮島も気になるし 黒幕ならもっと堂々と |
I wonder if they've made it to Heaven yet. And that floating island is bothering me with how shady it looks. The mastermind's going to have to be more imposing |
??? |
まさか、黒幕に気づかれた…? |
You don't think the mastermind is on to us, do you...? |
Yuuka |
あら、スパイ兎? |
Oh, a spy rabbit? |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
Reisen |
うへぇ、黒幕より厄介なのが… |
Yikes, you're more troublesome than the mastermind... |
地上に降りた月の兎 |
Lunar Rabbit that Landed on Earth | |
Yuuka |
兎でも迷子になるのねぇ |
Today I learned that even rabbits can end up getting lost. |
Reisen |
ふ、普段は迷いませんから! |
I-I don't usually get lost! |
Yuuka |
まあ冗談はさておき、貴方も |
Well, all jokes aside, you're going to Heaven, aren't you? |
Reisen |
え?ええ |
Huh? Yeah. |
Yuuka |
…それ、貴方の情報じゃないでしょ |
...That's not something you had on hand, isn't it? |
Reisen |
いやまあその |
I mean... |
Yuuka |
貴方の師匠が何企んでるか この異変をこれ以上放置されると |
What's your master up to? If this incident is allowed to go on any longer, |
Reisen |
ただいま現在進行形で解決中ですから |
I'm working on resolving the incident right now, |
BGM:狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon |
BGM: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Yuuka |
…そう、ならばここで勝負よ 花の妖怪として見極めさせて |
...Then, let's have a match here. Let me see if you can be recognized as a flower youkai! |
Reisen |
なんで戦闘になるんですか、そこから |
Why do I have to go into a battle, thence? |
Reisen Udongein Inaba DEFEATED | ||
Reisen |
ぐぅ… |
Ghh... |
Yuuka |
残念だけど貴女は不合格ね 私に勝てないなら |
Sorry, but you didn't pass. If you can't beat me, then you can't beat the celestials. |
Reisen |
まさか予備のシェイカーを あぁ、師匠になんて言い訳すれば… |
I didn't think you'd make use of a stolen Oh, what do I tell my master...? |
Yuuka |
私が解決すれば万事オッケーじゃない? |
If I can solve the incident, then all is well, yes? |
Reisen |
…終わったら返してくださいよソレ |
...Please give it back when you're done with it. |
Yuuka |
前向きに検討しておくわ |
I'll consider it going forward. |
Stage 5
夢心地の有頂天 |
Dreamy Bhavaagra | |
天界 -天華楼内部- |
Heaven - Inside the Heavenly Flower Tower | |
BGM:夜更けの表六甲 |
BGM: Omote-Rokkō at Night | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
浅葱色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Pale Blue Eagle Ravi | |
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 『これより排除活動を開始する』 |
This is Seiran. Now proceeding with elimination. |
Seiran LEAVES | ||
Yuuka |
そろそろ頂上を超えた辺りかしら 私の知識が確かならば まるで逃げるかのように まぁ、コレが外れだったなら |
Seems like I'm about to pass the summit, If my knowledge is correct, this floating island is a part of Heaven. I'm just curious as to why someone would show up like she was running away... Well, if this was a failure, then let's just |
??? |
その必要はないわ |
That won't be necessary. |
Tenshi Hinanawi ENTERS | ||
Tenshi |
私がさせないからね |
I'm not gonna let you do it. |
非想非非想天の娘 |
Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception | |
Yuuka |
あら、不良天人がお出迎えなんて |
My, a delinquent celestial's come to welcome me. |
Tenshi |
人間達を招いたつもりだったのに 私からしたら大外れよ |
I thought I'd brought forth those humans here, I'm afraid you're out of my league. |
Yuuka |
腑抜けた人間達よりは |
Rest assured, I'm much more useful than those |
Tenshi |
う~ん… |
Hmmm.... |
Yuuka |
あら、これから何をするか |
Oh, you know what I'm going to do now, |
Tenshi |
判りたくはなかったけど |
I'd rather not find out, but if you insist, then |
BGM:有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven |
BGM: Catastrophe in Bhava-agra ~ Wonderful Heaven | |
Yuuka |
いい加減ね |
Enough of you! |
Tenshi |
あれは私の意思じゃないわ |
It wasn't my choice! |
Yuuka |
貴方の事情なんてどうでもいいの さあ、お仕置きを受ける |
I don't care about your situation, Now, are you ready for your punishment? |
Tenshi Hinanawi DEFEATED | ||
Tenshi |
ひ~ん |
Hieeen! |
Yuuka |
嘘つきね |
You're a liar. |
Tenshi |
いやまぁ、なし崩し的に |
Well, I mean, it just sorta happened by accident... |
Yuuka |
止める事も出来た筈よねぇ |
You know, you could have prevented that if |
Tenshi |
仕方ないじゃない あいつ等を受け入れたのが しかも娘の意見なんてガン無視して こんなの |
It couldn't be helped! It was Besides, he'd ignored his daughter's opinion and How could I have prevented that?! |
Yuuka |
はぁ…、呆れたわ。 |
Huh...I'm stunned. |
Tenshi |
ぐぬぬ |
Grrr.... |
Yuuka |
あ、念のため言っておくけど |
Oh, and for the record, the Heavenly fruits were |
Tenshi |
な、なんですって? |
W-what? |
Yuuka |
早急に回収してもらいたいけれど さぁ、黒幕はどこ? |
I'd like for them to be collected as soon as possible, Now, where's the mastermind? I'd like to twist her arm. |
Tenshi |
…中庭から見える物見の湖 |
...Maybe she's over by the Watchman's Lake? |
Yuuka |
そう… |
Yes... |
Tenshi |
一応私のお気に入りスポットだから |
And in case you're wondering, that's my favorite spot, |
Yuuka |
善処してみるわ |
I'll try my best. |
Stage 6
湖は浄めの月を映して |
The Lake Reflects the Cleansed Moon | |
天界 -物見の湖- |
Heaven - Watchman's Lake | |
BGM:故郷の星が映る海 |
BGM: The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 ここから先は通す訳にはいかないの |
This is Seiran. I cannot let you go any further. |
Seiran DEFEATED | ||
Yuuka |
この湖、ただの水たまりかと 成程、地上の景色を映せる水鏡か しかし、悪趣味な庭ね 明らかに品種改良や おまけに薬漬けと来たもんね |
I thought this lake was an ordinary pool of water, but... I see, this is a water mirror that reflects the earth. But this garden is in such bad taste. This is clearly beyond the level of And they're drugged on top of that? |
??? |
あらら? |
My my my... |
Ringo ENTERS | ||
Ringo |
妖怪がここまで来るとは |
I didn't think a youkai would get this far. |
橘色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Orange Eagle Ravi | |
Yuuka |
嘘おっしゃい |
You're lying. |
Ringo |
四六時中って訳じゃないよ それで、夜明け早々 |
Not all the time. So, what the heck would a youkai want |
Yuuka |
そう、シラを切るのね |
So you're just going to feign ignorance? |
Ringo |
ふむ…、地上の流儀に あぁ、弾幕勝負って事かな? |
Hmm, if I were to go about this in an earthly manner... Ah, you want to have a danmaku match? |
BGM:穏やかならぬ宴の兎 |
BGM: The Rabbit of the Unpeaceful Banquet | |
Yuuka |
ふん、月の兎ってどいつも自分勝手ねぇ 貴方が作って撒いた種のおかげで |
Hmph, moon rabbits are so egotistical! Because of the seeds you've raised and scattered, |
Ringo |
う、うーん |
U-um, |
Yuuka |
そんな事はどうだっていいの 不自然な自然は、自然の手で |
I don't care about any of that, Unnatural nature must be eliminated by nature's hands! |
Ringo |
どうやら相当御怒りのようだね |
You seem very angry with me. |
Yuuka |
もはや問答は無用 |
Enough dialogue. |
Ringo PAUSES | ||
Ringo |
あいたた、凄い力だ |
Owie, that's some power! |
Yuuka |
言っておくけど、まだ本気じゃないわ |
Just so you know, I haven't gotten serious yet. |
Ringo |
ふむ、そういう事なら 身体強化の恩恵を受けられるのは |
Well, in that case, I guess I'll have to use my trump card as well. You're not the only one here who's been |
BGM:玉兎と禁断の果実 ~ Eden's Apple. |
BGM: The Moon Rabbit and the Forbidden Fruit ~ Eden's Apple. | |
Ringo |
出でよ、フルーツダンゴバシラ! |
Come on out, Fruit Dangobashira! |
Ringo Summons Fruit Dangobashira | ||
Yuuka |
随分余裕があるみたいね |
Fighting with food on your back? |
Ringo |
私はね、団子を食べた数だけ 更に、これ等はただの団子ではない そして、この天華楼には さぁ、ここからが本番よ! |
As you may know, my strength increases Furthermore, this is no ordinary dango, And finally, this Heavenly Flower Tower is filled with Now, this is where the real battle begins! |
Yuuka |
うふふ、面白くなってきたわね |
Hehehe, now things are getting interesting. |
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> |