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Touhou Wiki:Wiki Tutorial

From Touhou Wiki
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Who is This For?

Anyone and everyone. Whether you're old or new, this will serve as a quick reference.

What is in This Tutorial?

Specific, to-the-point lists of things that will allow you to edit wiki articles proficiently and artistically.

Things to Look Out For

All articles, by default, can be edited by anyone at any time. If you make a change and come back the next day to see that someone removed it, don't be discouraged. Perhaps they removed it for a reason. You should post on their talk page asking why they removed it. Usually, they leave a comment for their actions in the history log, so that would be a good place to look first.

Further Reading

The complete reference guide to wiki editing may be found here. If after going through this tutorial you feel like learning more about general wiki syntax, this would be a good place to go.

The Basics

A wiki article is no different from writing a normal text document. You can format it easily with wiki-code to make your article look nice.

Font style and indents

  • Bold: Surround your text with triple apostrophes.
Usage: '''Bold Text''' gives Bold Text.
  • Italics. Surround your text with double apostrophes.
Usage: ''Italicized Text'' gives Italicized Text.
  • Indents: Place colons before a line to indent.
Usage: This line uses a single indent like :Usage.
Multiple colons can be used to increase the indent level. This line starts with ::Multiple.


  • Headings are used to separate an article's content into separate sections.
  • To insert a heading, surround a section title with equals signs.
Usage: ===Headings=== produces the heading for this section.
  • There are multiple levels of headings. The heading level is determined by the number of equals signs used on each side.
    • In most cases, level 2 (==Level 2 Heading==) headings are used for major sections. Level 2 headings are underlined and also come with a yin-yang orb graphic. Level 3 (===Level 3 Heading===) and level 4 (====Level 4 Heading====) headings are used for subsections.
  • Using headings will also help organize an article, since MediaWiki will automatically build a table of contents when an article has more than 3 headings.


Unordered Lists

A list of items with circle bullets.

Usage: Type a * before each item. Each item goes on its own line. Multiple *s can be used to increase indent level.



  • one
    • indented
  • two
  • three

Ordered (Numbered) Lists

A list of items with numbered bullets.

Usage: Type a # before each item. Each item goes on its own line. Multiple #s can be used to increase indent level.



  1. one
    1. indented
  2. two
  3. three



Internal Links

Internal links are links to articles on this wiki. To link to an article, surround an article name with two sets of square brackets.

Usage: [[article name]]
Example: [[Subterranean Animism]] gives Subterranean Animism

You can use the | (pipe) character in links to display something different.

Usage: [[article name|display name]]
Example: [[Subterranean Animism|SA]] gives SA

Interwiki Links

Interwiki links are links to articles on other wikis. Creating an interwiki link is similar to creating an internal link, but with the addition of a prefix before the article name. A list of available interwiki prefixes can be found at Special:Interwiki.

Usage: [[prefix:article name]]
Example: [[wikipedia:Touhou Project]] gives wikipedia:Touhou Project

Using the | (pipe) character with interwiki links is recommended, as it removes the "prefix:" part from the displayed link.

Usage: [[prefix:article name|]]
Example: [[wikipedia:Touhou Project|]] gives Touhou Project
Interlanguage Links

Interlanguage links behave a bit differently from interwiki links. Making an interwiki link using a language code (such as zh, fr, or ja) will not create an interwiki link on the page, but will actually add an entry to the "In other languages" section of the sidebar.

Usage: [[language:article name]]
Example: [[zh:东方神灵庙]] will place a link like 中文 under the "In other languages" section of this article's sidebar.

If you want to insert a link to such an article, add a : (colon) before the prefix. Once again, using the | (pipe) character is recommended.

Usage: [[:language:article name|]]
Example: [[:zh:Touhou Project|]] gives 东方维基

External Links

External links are for anything outside of this wiki. The URL must include a protocol prefix (such as http://).

Usage: [URL]
Example: [http://www.google.com] gives [1]

You can specify the text you want to display for the link. Unlike internal or interwiki links, the | (pipe) character is not used.

Usage: [URL custom text]
Example: [http://www.google.com google] gives google

At this point, you should know enough about wiki editing to understand most of the articles on the wiki.

Advanced Topics


  • What is a template
  • How to use templates

Special Pages

  • Uploading files


Tables are pretty simple to make. Wiki comes with its own table syntax so you don't have to use HTML. If you are familiar with HTML and CSS, the syntax pretty much just replaces <table>, <tr>, and <td>. You can use in-line CSS styling to decorate the table.

Start a table: {| border=1 solid
Table row: |-
Table Column: |This is my first cell || another cell!
Close a table: |}

Together, we have

{|border=1 solid
|This is my first cell || another cell!

Which gives

This is my first cell another cell!

By combining these codes together, you can create tables quickly and easily.