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Hidden Star in Four Seasons/Story/Reimu's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story |
Stage 1
朝靄の先の真夏日 |
A Midsummer Day Beyond the Morning Mist | |
真夏の上空 |
Midsummer Skies | |
BGM: 希望の星は青霄に昇る |
BGM: A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky | |
Eternity Larva ENTERS | ||
Eternity Larva LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
暑いわねぇ ここだけ見ると何も異常は |
It sure is hot... Just glancing around here, there doesn't seem |
??? |
どしたの? |
What's up? |
Eternity Larva ENTERS | ||
神に近づく蝶の妖精 |
The Butterfly Fairy who Approaches God | |
Larva |
巫女が出てくるなんて 力が有り余ってるんで |
If the shrine maiden's out and about, I've got more power than I know what to do with, |
Reimu |
やれやれ、この 妖精なんかに手伝ってもらうほど |
Good grief. Looks like the only ones benefiting from I haven't sunk so low as to need help |
BGM: 真夏の妖精の夢 |
BGM: A Midsummer Fairy's Dream | |
Larva |
そう? 血がたぎっているからね! |
Oh? My blood's totally boiling |
Eternity Larva DEFEATED | ||
Larva |
こうさーん |
I surrenderrrr. |
Reimu |
ふう、思ったよりも手強かったわ |
Whew. You were tougher than I thought. |
Larva |
私だってここまで力が出せるとは 夏の青空が私をそうさせたの 今なら新世界の神にでも |
I didn't think I had that much strength This blue summer sky got me pumped up. Right now, I feel like I could even |
Reimu |
そう…… 異常気象と共に妖精がおかしくなるのは |
I see... It doesn't seem like a coincidence that the fairies |
Stage 2
紅い山の孤独 |
Solitude on the Scarlet Mountain | |
紅葉した山 |
Mountain in Autumn Colors | |
BGM: 色無き風は妖怪の山に |
The Colorless Wind on Youkai Mountain | |
Nemuno Sakata ENTERS | ||
Nemuno Sakata PAUSES | ||
Nemuno |
なんだ? ここはうちのなわばりだべ |
What? This here's s'posedta' be my territory. |
Reimu |
あー? |
Wha? |
浮世の関を超える山姥 |
The Yamanba who Surpasses This Floating World's Barriers | |
Nemuno |
そうだ、よそ者が |
Yeah. Outsiders like yourself |
Reimu |
なわばり、ってこの辺は天狗の あんた天狗じゃなさそうね |
"Territory"... I thought this area was You sure don't look like a tengu. |
BGM: 山奥のエンカウンター |
BGM: Deep-Mountain Encounter | |
Nemuno |
誰でもいいべ これ以上ここに留まるというなら |
Who am I? Ain't nobody's problem. If you stick around here any longer, you're |
Nemuno Sakata DEFEATED | ||
Nemuno |
あんた強いな |
Y'sure are strong! |
Reimu |
え、えーっと、博麗神社で |
Er, well, ahem. I work as the shrine maiden |
Nemuno |
巫女? でも強いやつは嫌いではない |
Shrine maiden? I can't help but like strong folks, though! |
Reimu |
そうか、聞いたことがあるわ 人知れず山の中に住んでいて 社会を持たず、他所とも関係を持たない もしかして、あなたは |
Aha, I've heard of you before. Living alone in the mountains... There's these super-isolated youkai whose lifestyle is unknown, You're a yamanba, aren't you? |
Nemuno |
そう呼ばれることもあるな で、秋の日は釣瓶落としだ 山の秋はすぐに寒くなるぞ |
Yeah, I've been called that a couple a' times. The autumn sun sets as quick as a well-bucket droppin' now. It's gonna get freezin' cold up here on the mountain. |
Reimu |
遠慮しておくわ |
I'm afraid I'll have to pass. |
Stage 3
神獣泳ぐ桜色の海 |
The Sakura-Colored Sea the Divine Beast Swims Through | |
博麗神社の夜桜 |
Evening Cherries at the Hakurei Shrine | |
BGM: 桜色の海を泳いで |
BGM: Swim Through a Sakura-Colored Sea | |
Lily White ENTERS | ||
Lily White DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
こうしてみると 少し春っぽいかなーとは思っていたけど |
Now that I take a good look at it... The sky above my shrine is in quite the state, too. I did think it was a little spring-y around here, |
Aunn Komano ENTERS | ||
??? |
あれ? |
Oh? |
神仏に心酔する守護神獣 |
The Guardian Beast Devoted to Shintoism and Buddhism | |
Aunn |
私が神社を見張っていましたが ちょっと妖精が興奮状態なくらいで これといって危険な侵入者は |
I've been keeping watch over this place, but the excited fairies are all that's come by. There haven't been any dangerous |
Reimu |
えーっと |
Uhhhh. |
Aunn |
嫌だなぁ |
Aw, come on! |
Reimu |
……コマ犬なんて居たっけ? |
...Did we have any komainu here? |
Aunn |
ええ、ひっそりと神社とか というわけで 侵入者の心配はありませんから |
Why, yes! I quietly keep watch over As such, There's been no sign of any intruders, |
BGM: 一対の神獣 |
BGM: A Pair of Divine Beasts | |
Reimu |
っていうか、どう考えても アンタが何者なのか |
Yeah, uh, hello?! YOU'RE obviously I'm gonna find out who you are, |
Aunn Komano DEFEATED | ||
Aunn |
ひどーい 私はただ、神社を |
How mean! All I've been doing is protecting |
Reimu |
どうやら、嘘は吐いていないようね |
Hm. You don't seem to be lying after all. |
Aunn |
今までも簡単な敵から ボランティアって奴? |
Yes! I've been protecting shrines and temples It's, like, volunteer work? |
Reimu |
そう、全然気が付かなかったわ |
Huh, I see. I hadn't noticed at all. |
Aunn |
いーえ、気付かれないように でも、今回は何故か居ても立っても 桜に浮かれてたのかなぁ? |
No, that's all right! Contributing my help in such But this time, for some reason, no matter how long I tried Maybe I was entranced by the cherry blossoms? |
Reimu |
……しかしコマ犬かぁ 後、残った季節は一つしか無いんだけど 勘が鈍ったのかなぁ それとも、今まで戦った奴らの |
...That aside, though, a komainu? There's only one season left to check out now, Is my intuition starting to fail me? Or maybe... I overlooked something big |
Aunn |
これからまた出かけるんですね 神社の留守はお任せ下さいなー |
It seems you're headed out again then! You can leave the shrine in my capable hands! |
Reimu |
妖精に山姥、コマ犬…… うーむ……まさかねぇ |
A fairy, a yamanba, a komainu... Hrrmm... Wait. Nah, no way. |
Stage 4
視界ゼロの邂逅 |
A Curious Encounter at Zero Visibility | |
魔法の森上空 (推測) |
Sky Over the Forest of Magic (assumed) | |
BGM: 幻想のホワイトトラベラー |
BGM: Illusionary White Traveler | |
Mai Teireida ENTERS | ||
Mai Teireida LEAVES | ||
Mai Teireida ENTERS | ||
Mai |
もしかして君が 派手にやったつもりだったんだけど |
Could you be one of the I was trying to be real flashy about all this, |
Reimu |
あんた、一体何者よ! |
Just who are you?! |
??? |
力がみなぎるわー! |
I'm brimming with power! |
Narumi Yatadera ENTERS | ||
森で垂迹した魔法地蔵 |
The Magic Jizo who Manifested in the Forest | |
Narumi |
何故だろう、こんなに魔力が これは目の前の人間に |
My, what's going on? I've just got to try this out |
Mai |
あはははは それじゃあ僕は帰るねー |
Ahahahaha! Welp, time for me to head on back! |
Reimu |
ちょっ、まっ! |
Wait-- HEY! |
Narumi |
なんだか判らないけど |
I'm not quite sure why, |
Reimu |
あんた、邪魔よ! やっと尻尾を掴みかけたんだから |
Hey, you! You're in the way! I've finally got ahold of the culprit, |
BGM: 魔法の笠地蔵 |
BGM: The Magic Straw-Hat Jizo | |
Narumi |
誰かと思ったら 単身で魔法の森に入ってくるなんて 巫女と闘えるこんな機会 |
Why, who's this? You're pretty reckless, coming into the There's no way I'm throwing away a chance |
Narumi Yatadera DEFEATED | ||
Narumi |
あらら |
Oh my, my, my. |
Reimu |
邪魔しないでよ 唯でさえ視界が悪いと言うのに |
Quit getting in my way. The visibility here is already awful to begin with. |
Narumi |
さっきの奴……? |
Someone was just here...? |
Reimu |
さっき貴方の後ろにいた奴よ |
The girl who was floating behind you a minute ago. |
Narumi |
私はずっと一人だけど…… 森にずっと一人…… |
Well, I'm always alone... Aaall alone in the forest... |
Reimu |
あ、いやその しかし、どういうことかしら ……春夏秋冬全ての場所に 普段は隠れている奴らが これが偶然の訳が無い! |
Oh, well. Uh. Really, though, what's going on here? ...In all four seasons' locations... There's been people who normally stay hidden, No way this is just some coincidence! |
Narumi |
あー、なんだか背中が熱いわー こんなに吹雪いているのに |
Ahh, my back feels hot for some reason~. Even though we're in the middle of a blizzard... |
Reimu |
背中…… あんたの背中に |
Your back...? Uh, there's some kind of |
Narumi |
え? |
Huh? |
Reimu |
尻尾を捕まえたわ! |
I've got them in my sights now! |
Stage 5
童子は狂気を跳ね踊る |
The Douji Hop and Dance in Madness | |
後戸の国 |
BGM: 禁断の扉の向こうは、この世かあの世か |
BGM: Does the Forbidden Door Lead to This World, or the World Beyond? | |
Satono Nishida ENTERS | ||
Satono Nishida LEAVES | ||
Mai Teireida ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
見つけたわ! |
There you are! |
Mai |
あれ!? あー、もしかして、さっきの地蔵の |
What the?! Ohhh. Guess I forgot to close that |
Satono Nishida ENTERS | ||
Satono |
もー、舞ったら まだ指令も出てないのに |
Oh, Mai. You went and pulled a human in |
Mai |
まー、でも潮時だよ 『よくやった、丁度良いんじゃない?』 |
Eh, well! The tide should turn in our favor now, anyway. If you ask me, Master's gonna say |
Reimu |
ちょっと! |
Hey, hello! |
Mai |
ふっ、僕は |
Heh! Why, I'm Mai Teireida. |
Satono |
私は |
And I'm Satono Nishida. |
危険すぎるバックダンサーズ |
All-Too-Dangerous Backup Dancers | |
Mai |
改めて |
Hello once again, |
BGM: クレイジーバックダンサーズ |
BGM: Crazy Backup Dancers | |
Mai |
早速だけどテストを |
Now, this might be a bit sudden, |
Reimu |
テスト? |
Test? |
Satono |
貴方が弱すぎると |
Now, if you're too weak, our |
Mai |
本気で行くよ! |
So you'd better give us all you've got! |
Satono |
手加減はしないけど |
We're not gonna hold anything back, |
Satono Nishida and Mai Teireida DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
よし勝った! |
There! I won! |
Mai |
まあまあね |
That was alright. |
Satono |
そうねぇ |
Yeahhh. |
Mai |
よーし、おめでとう! |
Alright, congrats! |
Reimu |
何なのよ、いちいちイライラするなぁ あんたらが異変を起こしたんでしょ? |
Geeze, what's with you two? What a couple of pests. You two caused the incident, right? |
Mai |
異変って四季異変のこと? あれは僕達がやったわけじゃ無いよ |
You mean the 'four seasons' incident? Nah, that wasn't us. |
Reimu |
え、マジ? |
Wait, for real? |
Satono |
マジマジ |
For really real! |
Reimu |
そ、そんな馬鹿な話が やっと尻尾を掴んだと |
C-Come on! That's Ugh, I was so sure I'd |
Satono |
私達は背後で踊ることで |
See, we can draw out a target's latent abilities to |
Mai |
僕達は普段隠れていた奴らの 君のようなアグレッシブな人材を |
We received orders to seek out potential And to capture any aggressive |
Satono |
四季異変は私達の踊りの結果 |
The season incident was caused by the fairies, sprites and |
Reimu |
……んー、えーっと? それってやっぱり四季異変は |
...hmm, uh...? Well, so, then the season incident was |
Satono |
そうなのかなー? |
Are you sure about that~? |
Mai |
さてと、テストも合格したし 君を招待しよう! |
Well, you passed the test, sooo... We hereby invite you |
Stage 6
開けるなかれ、見るなかれ |
Open It Not, Gaze Not Upon It; | |
後戸の国 |
BGM: イントゥ・バックドア |
BGM: Into Backdoor | |
Reimu |
はあはあ…… 背中の扉の先がこんなに広いなんて 世の中不思議な事だらけねぇ |
*pant, pant*... I hardly expected there to be such a big place behind a door in someone's back... The world really is full of wonders. |
??? |
おお、よくぞ来られた |
Ah, I see you've arrived. |
Okina Matara ENTERS | ||
Okina |
お前が二童子の言っていた人間だな |
You're the human who my two servants mentioned, I see. |
Reimu |
出てきたわ! |
There you are! |
Okina |
異変? 四季が狂っていた事なら 則ち自然現象である |
Incident? If you mean the out-of-order seasons, A natural phenomenon, essentially. |
Reimu |
そんな言い訳なんて聞くつもりは無い! |
I'm not here to listen to any of your excuses! |
Okina |
まあ待て どうせこの後お別れなんだ 私は |
Well, wait a moment. We'll be parting ways after this anyway, My name is Okina Matara. |
究極の絶対秘神 |
The Ultimate, Absolute Secret God | |
Okina |
能楽の神であり この幻想郷を創った そろそろ、 |
I am the god of the back door, a god of noh performance, And I am one of the sages Sooner or later, I need to find some successors |
Reimu |
後任? |
Successors? |
Okina |
しかし……あのポンコツ二人組は 博麗神社の巫女とはな まあ勿論、不合格だ |
However... that lousy pair certainly brought The Hakurei shrine maiden, of all people! Well, it should go without saying that you don't meet the qualifications. |
Reimu |
ああん? アンタが用はなくても 異変の解決が私の仕事なのよ! |
What? You might not have any business with me, Resolving this incident is my job! |
BGM: 秘匿されたフォーシーズンズ |
BGM: The Concealed Four Seasons | |
Okina |
馬鹿だねぇ 断言しよう! お前の |
How very foolish. Let me declare this! As long as you have that door of the seasons on your back, |
Reimu |
ふん、つべこべ言わずに行くよ! |
Hmph! Stop quibbling already, let's just go! |
Okina |
まあ良いだろう 狂乱狂気の弾幕に踊る |
Fine, very well. Show me the noh of darkness that you dance |
When Okina Matara declares her final Spell Card: | ||
季節装備を敵に奪われた! |
The enemy stole your season options! | |
Okina Matara DEFEATED (...?) |
< | Prologue | Story |
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