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Hopeless Masquerade/Story/Byakuren's Scenario
Stage 1
挑戦者現る! |
A Challenger Appears! | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Futo |
頼もう! |
I beseech thee! |
龍脈を司る風水師 |
Feng Shui Master who Controls Dragon Veins | |
Futo |
寺の看板を賭けて |
Wager thy temple's signboard |
Byakuren |
いいでしょう |
All right. |
Futo |
逃げるつもりなのか? |
Dost thou intend'st to flee? |
Byakuren |
貴方の看板は |
No, I simply don't |
BGM: 大神神話伝 |
BGM: Omiwa Legend | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
命蓮寺炎上か!? |
Myouren Temple in Flames!? | |
Futo |
看板を賭けないなら |
Should I not attain thy signboard, |
Mononobe no Futo DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
命蓮寺の住職、動く! |
Myouren Temple's Head Priest Mobilizes! | |
Byakuren |
ふむ 私が皆の道徳を |
Hmm. I must restore |
Stage 2
托鉢戦闘 |
Battle Alms | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
人間代表の魔法使い |
The Human-Representative Magician | |
Marisa |
何だ? |
What? |
Byakuren |
ええ ここに居る皆に 丁度 |
Yes. I would like to And conveniently, |
Marisa |
な やられ役だと? いっそ簡単に |
Wh-- Who you callin' "expendable"? I'd rather lose |
BGM: メイガスナイト |
BGM: Magus Night | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
聖氏、大口叩いて簡単にやられる |
Hijiri's Words Louder Than Actions | |
Marisa |
酒の席の話にもならんな |
Not even worth braggin' about at a drinkin' party. |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
命蓮寺の有難い教えが広がる |
Myouren Temple's Welcome Teachings Spread! | |
Byakuren |
まずは人心を |
The first thing to do is to |
Marisa |
くそ |
Crap. |
Byakuren |
大丈夫です 私に破れた事は |
It's okay. There's no shame to be had |
Stage 3
体系化されていない争い |
An Unorganized Fight | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Reimu |
親玉自ら敵地に 余程自信があるのか |
The boss herself You must be pretty confident, huh? |
八百万の代弁者 |
The Advocate of the Myriad Gods | |
Reimu |
それとも馬鹿なのか |
That, or just stupid. |
Byakuren |
体系化された我が仏教が 幻想郷で一番 どうしても倒して ほんのついで…… |
I don't expect that our but apparently this archaic so I must defeat Although it's... |
Reimu |
神の力を舐めると |
If you disrespect the gods' power, |
BGM: 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path |
BGM: Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
命蓮寺に祟り? |
Myouren Temple Cursed? | |
Reimu |
八百万回呪われよ! |
Now, receive a myriad of curses! |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
神社でも仏教が圧倒的人気 |
Buddhism Overwhelmingly Popular, Even in Shinto Shrine! | |
Byakuren |
神の力って |
The gods' power, you say? |
Reimu |
今日は声が聞こえなかった |
I couldn't hear any voices today, |
Byakuren |
これで不良神社も |
I wonder if this will make this |
Stage 4
派手さを競うレジェンド |
The Legends Competing for Show | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Miko |
よく来たな |
You've arrived! |
宇宙を司る全能道士 |
Almighty Taoist who Controls the Cosmos | |
Miko |
我が本拠地で最強の術者を |
You want to determine the strongest |
Byakuren |
邪悪な術を扱う貴方とは |
Yes. Regardless of these conditions, With you, and your evil spells. |
Miko |
笑止千万! 私から見れば人間を御しやすく |
How utterly absurd! To me, your religion, |
BGM: 聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator |
BGM: Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
道観に訪れる人間が多数! |
Many Humans Visiting the Taoist Temple! | |
Miko |
私でなければ |
I am the only one |
Toyosatomimi no Miko DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
今、出家がナウい! |
Priesthood "In" This Season! | |
Byakuren |
何事も一睡の夢 不老不死など |
Everything is a wink of a dream. Things such as |
Miko |
私の負けね 気付いているか? |
I lost. Have you noticed the |
Byakuren |
ええ もちろん |
Yes, of course. |
Miko |
悔しいが…… その役は |
It's vexing, but... I will yield |
Stage 5
不気味な再戦 |
Unsettling Rematch | |
BGM: 人気のない場所 |
BGM: Unpopular Location | |
Byakuren |
あら |
Oh, |
八百万の代弁者 |
The Advocate of the Myriad Gods | |
Reimu |
もう一度お手合わせを |
How's about I ask you |
Byakuren |
もう一度……って 貴方もこれ以上恥の上塗りを |
Again...? You don't want to get embarrassed |
Reimu |
それはどうかな? ほれ |
Don't be so hasty now. Y'see? |
Byakuren |
?! どういうことかしら |
?! What is going on? |
Reimu |
そうじゃ |
That's right. |
Byakuren |
これはどういう事か |
I simply must get you to tell me |
BGM: 佐渡のニッ岩 |
BGM: Futatsuiwa from Sado | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
野原に行き倒れた住職 |
Head Priest Collapses in the Fields | |
Reimu |
お祓いしてやろうかの |
How about I give you a nice purification? |
Reimu Hakurei (?) DEFEATED | ||
Byakuren |
ふっふっふ 変だと思ったら |
Hmhmhm. I thought something was odd. |
Reimu? |
ほう じゃあもうこの姿で |
Oh, Guess I don't need |
Crowd disappears | ||
Byakuren |
見事に化けたものね |
That was a remarkable transformation. |
Stage 6
ムーンサイドフェスティバル |
Moonside Festival | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa APPEARS | ||
Mamizou |
あっはっは |
Ahaha! |
いつも驚きを提供する化け狸 |
The Bake-Danuki who Always Provides Surprises | |
Mamizou |
まんまと騙されおったわい |
I caught you hook, line and sinker. |
Byakuren |
全く本物と区別が 恐ろしい変化能力… |
I absolutely couldn't tell you What a terrifying transformation ability... |
Mamizou |
どうもどうも |
Thank you, thank you. |
Byakuren |
ちょっとだけ霊夢さんが |
Although, for a moment, |
Tanuki appear | ||
Mamizou |
さあ改めて |
Now, how about |
Byakuren |
もう幻想郷の人気は こんなにもまつろわぬ狸が |
I thought I had but I never thought there were |
BGM: 幻想郷のニッ岩 |
BGM: Futatsuiwa from Gensokyo | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
狸囃子で乱痴気騒ぎ |
Drunken Revelry With Belly-Drumming | |
Mamizou |
儂が住職になってやるわい |
Now I'm the head priest 'round here. |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa DEFEATED | ||
Mamizou |
降参じゃ! これ以上は明日に響く |
I give! Any more and I'll feel it tomorrow. |
Byakuren |
無益な殺生はしたくない 私は人の心を救えれば |
I don't want to do any unnecessary killing. As long as I can save the hearts of the people, |
Mamizou |
…… 人の心……か |
...... The hearts of people, huh?
Byakuren |
……どういうことです? |
...What do you mean? |
Mamizou |
知ってるかい? 今の人間の里は 感情が存在しない そこには希望どころか |
Don't you know? Right now, in the dead of night, turns into a dreadful place There are humans |
Byakuren |
感情が存在しない? いくら希望を失ったとしても もしかして…… 黒幕がいる……? |
A place without emotion? No matter how much hope they have lost, Perhaps... who is causing the people's hearts to harden? |
Stage 7
喜怒哀楽の源流 |
Wellspring of Joy, Anger, Pathos and Humor | |
BGM: 丑三つ時の里 |
BGM: The Village in the Dead of Night | |
Byakuren |
これは…… 昼間の活気が嘘のようね まるで心が感じられない |
I can't believe it... You'd never think that it was so lively during the day. I can't sense any feelings at all. |
A girl appears | ||
Byakuren |
誰? |
Who are you? |
??? [Womanly Mask] |
…… |
...... |
Byakuren |
人間じゃ無いわね |
You aren't human. |
??? [Old Woman Mask] |
私の希望…… |
My hope... |
Byakuren |
? |
? |
??? [Hannya Mask] |
希望の面を |
Where did you take |
Byakuren |
き 希望の面? |
M-Mask of Hope? |
??? [Monkey Mask] |
あれ 人が居た |
Oh, uh, someone's here? |
Byakuren |
私は聖白蓮 命蓮寺の僧侶ですが…… |
I am Byakuren Hijiri. I am a monk of the Myouren Temple... |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
私の名は |
My name is Hata no Kokoro. |
表情豊かなポーカーフェイス |
The Expressive Poker Face | |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
全ての感情を司る者だ! |
I am the one who controls all emotions! |
Byakuren |
感情……ですか つまり今の里の現状は…… |
Emotions... you say? Therefore, the village's current state is... |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
……希望の面が失われて |
...My Mask of Hope was lost, |
Byakuren |
お面? 貴方のお面は つまり希望を司るお面を失って |
Mask? It seems your masks aren't So you're saying that, because the mask that controls hope was lost, |
Kokoro [Surprised Mask] |
ご名答! |
Exactly correct! |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
それで希望の面を何処に |
So, I'm asking you, |
Byakuren |
知らないわよ |
How am I supposed |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
そんなこと言っても |
So you say, |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
この感情が暴走した世界で |
You alone have maintained hope |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
貴方が私の希望の面を |
You must be the one who stole |
Byakuren |
仏教には 盗人扱いされては |
In Buddhism, there is a precept that I certainly can't abide someone |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
信じられるもんか! |
And I'm supposed to believe you? |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
返して貰えない |
Could you kindly |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
私の感情も暴走してしまい このままでは…… |
My emotions are also out of control, If this continues... |
Music stops | ||
Byakuren |
…… 私は決して盗んでなど 困っている妖怪を |
...... I've certainly never but I can never abandon |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
さっさと希望を返しやがれ |
Give my hope back already, |
Byakuren |
救うにしても |
I'm going to save you, |
BGM: 亡失のエモーション |
BGM: The Lost Emotion | |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
希望は私の元で平等に さあ返して貰おう! いや全ての人間の希望を! |
Hope has to be be managed evenly, by my hand! Now, return to me! No, the hope of every human being! |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
○日未明、住職の無残な姿が |
Head Priest a Horrible Sight on Morning of XX/XX | |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
希望のかけらも無い弱さだ…… |
Your weakness is hopeless... |
Hata no Kokoro DEFEATED | ||
Byakuren Ending |