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Hopeless Masquerade/Story/Kokoro's Scenario
Stage 1
聖輦神楽 |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
……やあやあ |
...Greetings. |
圧倒する妖怪行者 |
The Overwhelming Youkai Ascetic | |
Ichirin |
決闘するのに 私と最強の称号を賭けて闘え! こんな感じでいいわ |
You don't need an introduction Fight me for the title of the strongest! Something like that is fine. |
Kokoro [Laughing Mask] |
受けて立つわ! |
I accept your challenge! |
BGM: 時代親父とハイカラ少女 |
BGM: The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
散り散りになった仮面 |
Masks Scattered Everywhere | |
Ichirin |
弱いのは問題外 |
Unquestionably weak. |
Ichirin Kumoi DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
能楽が僅かにブームの兆し? |
Slight Signs of a Noh Fad? | |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
勝つのは楽しいわー |
Winning is fun~ |
Ichirin |
楽しい時は笑顔が良いよ |
You should smile when you're having fun. |
Kokoro [Laughing Mask] |
スマイルスマイル! |
Smile smile! |
Stage 2
水中神楽 |
Underwater Kagura Dance | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
河の便利屋さん |
Handyman of the River | |
Nitori |
おやおや いつもお買い上げ |
Oh, my. Thank you so much |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
私と最強の称号を賭けて闘え! |
Fight me for the title of the strongest! |
Nitori |
え? 最強の称号? |
Eh? The title of the strongest? |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
ふっふっふ |
Heh heh heh. |
BGM: 芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend |
BGM: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
川に浮かぶお面が発見される |
Masks Found Floating in River | |
Nitori |
いつの間にか |
When exactly did I |
Nitori Kawashiro DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
早くも公演には追っかけが |
Her Performances Already Have Groupies! | |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
見て貰うのも楽しい |
Going out to meet people is fun too. |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
みんなが闘う理由が |
I understand why |
Nitori |
最強の称号が奪われたー |
I lost the title of the strongest~ |
Stage 3
乙女神楽 |
Maidenly Kagura Dance | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Kokoro [Surprised Mask] |
見つけたぞ! |
Found ya! |
Koishi |
だーれ? |
Who is it~? |
空想上の人格保持者 |
Imaginary Personality Holder | |
Koishi |
あ 貴方は! |
Ah, it's you! |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
今度こそお前を |
This time I'll |
Koishi |
わーい |
Yayー |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
ふっふっふ鍛えてきたぞ |
Heh heh heh, I've been training for this. |
Koishi |
私には希望があるもん! |
I've got hope in me, you know! |
BGM: ハルトマンの妖怪少女 |
BGM: Hartmann's Youkai Girl | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
無残に散らばったお面に群がる野次馬 |
Crowd Gawks at Miserably-Scattered Masks | |
Koishi |
いつでも挑戦受け付けるよ! |
I'm ready for a challenge any time! |
Koishi Komeiji DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
人間にも広がる能楽ブーム |
Noh Fad Spreads Beyond Humans! | |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
勝った! |
I won! |
Koishi |
うえーん |
Wah, |
Kokoro |
もう昔の希望の面は 感情と言うものが |
I don't need that old I've got my hands on these |
Stage 4
夢幻の神楽 |
Fantastic Kagura Dance | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
わーい |
Yay! |
龍脈を司る風水師 |
Feng Shui Master who Controls Dragon Veins | |
Futo |
面霊気じゃないか 今は更生中だと聞いたが? |
If it isn't the Menreiki. I'd heard you were in the midst of your rebirth? |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
そうだよー |
That's right~ |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
みんなを見て感情の勉強中なのー |
I'm studying everyone's emotions~ |
Futo |
随分と明るくなったな ……多少知性が落ちた気もするが |
You've brightened considerably, to be sure. ...seems your intelligence has dwindled as well, though. |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
さあ私と最強の称号を |
Now, fight me for the |
Futo |
いいだろう! |
Very well! |
BGM: 大神神話伝 |
BGM: Omiwa Legend | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
お墓に大量のお面、苦情も? |
Pile of Masks & Complaints Near the Grave? | |
Futo |
それが悔しさだ |
That is chagrin. |
Mononobe no Futo DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
もはや説明要らない神楽ブーム! |
Kagura Fad Needs No Further Explanation! | |
Kokoro [Laughing Mask] |
楽しいー |
How fun~ |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
決闘は楽しいことだらけね |
Duels are full of fun, huh. |
Futo |
人生楽あれば苦あり |
In life, where there is joy, there is sorrow. |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
またまたそんなぁ |
Aw... you flatter me. |
Stage 5
星屑の神楽 |
Stardust Kagura Dance | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
私を楽しませてくれる |
So, where's the next |
Marisa Kirisame APPEARS | ||
人間代表の魔法使い |
The Human-Representative Magician | |
Marisa |
いたいた 最近凄いな |
There you are. You've had a ton of |
Kokoro [Lion Mask] |
勢いって? |
Influence? |
Marisa |
人気だよ |
Popularity. |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
人気…… |
Popularity... |
Marisa |
どうだ |
So, how 'bout it? |
Kokoro |
するするー |
I'll do it~ |
Marisa |
……なんか変わったな |
...uh, you've |
BGM: メイガスナイト |
BGM: Magus Night | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
踏みにじられたお面 |
Trampled Masks | |
Marisa |
私こそが最強だ! |
I'm the strongest! |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
猿でも判る能楽、これで貴方も通に! |
Even Idiots Can Understand This Noh Play! | |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
よーし五個目の最強ゲットだぜ! |
Ta-da! You got "the Strongest #5"! [3] |
Marisa |
負けたか…… |
I lost... |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
うーん |
Hrmm... |
Marisa |
どうした? |
What's wrong? |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
手足がだるいの |
My limbs feel heavy... |
Marisa |
五戦目なんだろ? ただの疲れだな |
This is your fifth duel, right? You're just tired. |
Kokoro [Laughing Mask] |
これが |
This is the |
Marisa |
違う! |
Wrong! |
Stage 6
新生暗黒神楽 |
Nascent Kagura of Darkness | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
疲れかー |
She said I'm tired, huh... |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
そうなのかな? |
Is that really it? |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa APPEARS | ||
Mamizou |
どうじゃ? |
So how is it? |
いつも驚きを提供する化け狸 |
The Bake-Danuki who Always Provides Surprises | |
Mamizou |
人と会って少しは |
Have you grown a bit from meeting people? |
Kokoro [Laughing Mask] |
したよ! |
I have! |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
今なら誰と闘っても |
Right now I wouldn't |
Mamizou |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Kokoro |
さあ最強の称号を賭けて |
Now, fight me for the |
Mamizou |
ま それも妖怪らしくて |
Well, this is pretty youkai-like |
BGM: 幻想郷のニッ岩 |
BGM: Futatsuiwa from Gensokyo | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
野原に散ったお面 |
Masks Scattered in the Field | |
Mamizou |
まだまだじゃのう |
Still a long way to go. |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
ついに完成! 究極神楽 |
At Last! The Ultimate Kagura! | |
Kokoro [Monkey Mask] |
うーん疲れたー |
Ah, so tired~ |
Mamizou |
疲れの表情も覚えたか 合ってるとは思えんが 悩みは吹き飛んだようじゃな |
You even learnt the facial expression for tiredness? I don't think it suits you, though. It's like your worries have been blown away. |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
悩み…… |
Worries... |
Mamizou |
後は放って置いても |
Even if we just leave things be after this, |
Kokoro [Surprised Mask] |
! |
! |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
……まだだ! |
...it's not enough! |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
私にはまだ越えなければ |
There are still hurdles |
Mamizou |
む? |
Eh? |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
そうだ今判ったぞ 私の敵が何なのか! |
That's it! I've got it! I know now who my enemies are! |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
感情をもてあそぶ宗教家達め! 決別の時が来たぞ! |
The religious leaders, who toy with people's emotions! The time has come to part from them! |
Stage 7
ファタモルガーナの悲劇 |
Tragedy of Fata Morgana | |
BGM: 丑三つ時の里 |
BGM: The Village in the Dead of Night | |
Reimu |
な! もう感情の暴走は収まったと |
What! I thought we fixed the whole |
Hata no Kokoro APPEARS | ||
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
よくきたな 我こそは秦こころ |
So you came. I am Hata no Kokoro, |
八百万の代弁者 |
The Advocate of the Myriad Gods | |
Reimu |
知ってる それより最近変な風に これは一体どういうこと? |
I know. More importantly, even though I heard that What exactly is going on here? |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
我は気付いたのだ |
I've realized something. |
Kokoro [Surprised Mask] |
目眩ましのような弾幕 ど派手な光線 圧倒する体術 |
The dazzling danmaku, the flashy laser beams, the overwhelming martial arts... |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
感情をかき乱していたのは |
It was all done by you religious leaders |
Reimu |
そうよ |
Yeah, |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
私はそれを正せねばならぬ |
I must correct this. |
Reimu |
やる気ね! |
How eager! |
Byakuren Hijiri APPEARS | ||
Byakuren |
また暴走したのですか まだまだ感情が安定しないですね |
Are you going out of control again? Your emotions still haven't stabilized, |
Kokoro [Surprised Mask] |
ぐっ |
Guh. |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
丁度良いところに来たな ケチョンケチョンにしてやるぞ |
You arrived just in time. I'm gonna pulverize you all. |
Toyosatomimi no Miko APPEARS | ||
Miko |
話は全て聞いた! 元をただせばこいつの不始末は 今すぐただの道具に戻してやろう |
I heard everything! This girl's misconduct is my I shall return her to a group of ordinary tools at once. |
Kokoro [Monkey Mask] |
お前まで…… ま、纏めて倒してやる |
You too...? Well, I can defeat you all at once. |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
宗教家とは決別せねば |
If I don't part from the religious leaders, |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
三人おそろいとはかえって |
Having the three of you together |
Reimu |
あのー スポーツマンシップに則って |
Excuse me... In the interests of sportsmanship, |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
怖じ気づいたか? |
You scared? |
Music stops | ||
Byakuren |
ほら |
Well, |
Miko |
そうだ |
Indeed, |
Reimu |
そ そうなのね よし! |
W-well, okay. Okay! |
BGM: 亡失のエモーション |
BGM: The Lost Emotion | |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
--- |
(No lines) |
Reimu |
宗教の本義とは すなわち 面霊気! 貴方を大人しくさせるのが |
The basic principle of religion That is to say, Menreiki! Making you behave yourself is our job! |
If player loses | ||
Reimu |
ス、スポーツマンシップとは…… |
S-sportsmanship is... |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Kokoro Ending |
- ↑ Kagura is a type of Shinto dance that shrine maidens perform when calling to the gods. It is likely that Noh performances were influenced by them. Technically, the term "kagura" has a double meaning here: it can mean either "to entertain" or "to call".
- ↑ This is a medieval Japanese phrase, approximately used until the Kamakura era, for starting a battle between samurai.
- ↑ This is a reference to various video games such as Pokemon or Zelda where you routinely collect things. Also a fairly standard joke about otaku purchasing things ("Touhou Shinkirou getto!")
- ↑ This can be read as a complete sentence. It can also mean "I am the ruler of my own emotions."
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |