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Hopeless Masquerade/Story/Mamizou's Scenario
Stage 1
宗教戦争の余韻 |
Lingering Sounds of Religious War | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Mamizou |
やあ |
Hey. |
圧倒する妖怪行者 |
The Overwhelming Youkai Ascetic | |
Ichirin |
調子って? |
How is what? |
Mamizou |
ほら面霊気の事じゃよ |
You know, the thing with the Menreiki. |
Ichirin |
面霊気…… それでしたら…… |
Menreiki... About that... |
Mamizou |
ちょっと待て その続きは決闘の後じゃな |
Hold on. Let's continue this after our duel. |
Ichirin |
なんでやねん |
What? Why? |
BGM: 時代親父とハイカラ少女 |
BGM: The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
化け狸、空から降ってくる |
Bake-Danuki Falls From the Sky | |
Ichirin |
なんで負けるねん |
Why'd you lose? |
Ichirin Kumoi DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
注目の新勢力は妖怪狸? |
Up-and-Coming Challenger is a Youkai Tanuki? | |
Mamizou |
ギャラリーが期待して 闘わぬ訳にはいかんて |
We have to live up to the We can't just not fight. |
Ichirin |
まあ決闘癖が付いちゃい で |
Well, you've gotten into So, |
Stage 2
新しい希望の面 |
New Mask of Hope | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
龍脈を司る風水師 |
Feng Shui Master who Controls Dragon Veins | |
Futo |
おやお主は…… |
Oh, it art thou...? |
Mamizou |
あれからどうなったのか |
So, I wanna know what happened |
Futo |
どう……って |
What is... "that"? |
Mamizou |
面霊気のことじゃよ |
The thing with the Menreiki. |
Futo |
む しかし その前にやらねば |
Ah. However, there is something |
Mamizou |
構わんぞい |
No problem. |
BGM: 大神神話伝 |
BGM: Omiwa Legend | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
圧倒的人気の道教に死角なし? |
No Blind Spots for Overwhelmingly Popular Taoism? | |
Futo |
面霊気の事だが…… |
About the Menreiki... |
Mononobe no Futo DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
ここに来て真打ち登場か!? |
Star Performer Arrives on Scene?! | |
Futo |
強いな |
You are strong. |
Mamizou |
なあにこれでも |
Aw, c'mon, |
Futo |
面霊気の事だが… 太子様が新しい希望の面を 今頃は付喪神も取れて |
About the Menreiki... The Crown Prince granted her The tsukumogami should be turning back |
Mamizou |
ほう……? はて |
Hmm...? Well, |
Stage 3
命蓮寺の狸囃子 |
Belly-Drumming at the Myouren Temple | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Mamizou |
さてさて |
Now then, |
霊長類を越えた阿闍梨 |
Acharya who Surpassed the Primates | |
Byakuren |
おや |
Oh, |
Mamizou |
最近どうじゃ? |
So how is it going? |
Byakuren |
信仰者も増えて |
We've had an adequate |
Mamizou |
いやまあ |
No, I mean what happened |
Byakuren |
ええだから あらら観客から |
Ah yes, Oh my, the crowd is calling |
Mamizou |
人気者は辛いのう |
It's tough, being so popular. |
BGM: 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind |
BGM: Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
牛に引かれて命蓮寺 |
Led by a Cow to Myouren Temple [1] | |
Byakuren |
まあ上手いこといってますよ |
Well, it's nice to hear that. |
Byakuren Hijiri DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
絶好調の化け狸! |
Bake-Danuki in Peak Form! | |
Byakuren |
まだ決闘を期待する |
It's tough having so many fans |
Mamizou |
儂ぁ構わんよ |
Eh, I don't mind it myself. |
Byakuren |
こころさんですが |
Miss Kokoro has been coming to |
Mamizou |
修業じゃと? |
Train, you say? |
Byakuren |
このお祭り騒ぎももうじき |
The festive atmosphere |
Mamizou |
うーむ |
Hmm. |
Stage 4
神霊廟の狸囃子 |
Belly-Drumming at the Divine Spirit Mausoleum | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Mamizou |
ここに居るのかいな 新しい希望の面を |
Is this where she is? The one who made |
宇宙を司る全能道士 |
Almighty Taoist who Controls the Cosmos | |
Toyosatomimi no Miko APPEARS | ||
Miko |
おお何時ぞやの媼か |
Oh, it's the old lady from earlier. |
Mamizou |
お おうなじゃと? |
Ol- old lady? |
Miko |
決着をつけに来たのか |
Did you come to settle things? |
Mamizou |
面霊気の件を聞きに この熱気…… |
I came to ask about This heat... |
Miko |
そうだ |
Indeed, |
BGM: 聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator |
BGM: Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
究極道士、向かうところ敵無し |
Ultimate Taoist is Unrivaled | |
Miko |
もうじき |
In time, this festive atmosphere |
Toyosatomimi no Miko DEFEATED | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
狸グッズ(河童製)が大ブーム! |
Tanuki Merchandise (Kappa-Made) is a Big Hit! | |
Miko |
面霊気の話か 私が希望の面を作ったから |
About the Menreiki, huh? It's all okay now, |
Mamizou |
そうかのう |
Is that so? |
Miko |
何か引っかかる事でもあるのか? |
Does something trouble you? |
Mamizou |
面霊気の奴 |
It seems the Menreiki |
Miko |
何? |
Eh, what? |
Mamizou |
お面に希望が回復するまでの |
Would that be because there's a period of time |
Miko |
そう……だろうな |
I... suppose so. |
Stage 5
狸につままれたよう |
As If Deceived by a Tanuki | |
BGM: 人気のある場所 |
BGM: Popular Location | |
Mamizou |
此奴にも聞いてみるか 一応宗教家だった筈じゃな |
Might as well ask her too. She's supposed to be religious, I guess. |
Reimu Hakurei APPEARS | ||
八百万の代弁者 |
The Advocate of the Myriad Gods | |
Reimu |
何? こころだったら |
What? Kokoro drops by the shrine |
Mamizou |
ほう |
Oh? |
Reimu |
ああもう 静かにさせるから 今日は決闘する気はー! |
Aw, geez, Hold on a second I don't feel like having a duel today--! |
Mamizou |
ちょっとまて |
Hang on. |
Reimu |
何? |
What? |
Mamizou |
ふぉっふぉっふぉ 決闘する気 |
Hoh hoh hoh, Of course we're going |
BGM: 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path |
BGM: Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path | |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
やっぱり最強の宗教は神道か |
Shinto Stands as Strongest Religion After All? | |
Reimu |
こころだったら |
If you're looking for Kokoro, |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Mamizou |
手加減せんなぁ 他の人はみんな形だけの |
You didn't hold back, did you? Everyone else just pretended |
Reimu |
そう? |
Really? |
Mamizou |
で |
So, |
Reimu |
そうそう 希望の面を探しに |
Yeah, yeah, So she can look for the Mask of Hope. |
Mamizou |
なんじゃと? どういうことじゃ? |
What was that? What could this mean? |
Reimu |
あ ほら今日も来ているわ テキ屋のお面に混じって |
Ah, look, she came today too. Checking to see if it's mixed in |
Stage 6
妖怪は生まれ変われるか? |
Can Youkai be Born Again? | |
BGM: 丑三つ時の里 |
BGM: The Village in the Dead of Night | |
Hata no Kokoro APPEARS | ||
Mamizou |
丁度良かった お初にお目にかかるのう |
Perfect timing. This is the first time I've had the chance |
??? [Womanly Mask] |
誰? |
Who're you? |
Mamizou |
佐渡の二ッ岩じゃ |
Nice to meetcha. |
表情豊かなポーカーフェイス |
The Expressive Poker Face | |
Kokoro [Laughing Mask] |
こちらともよろしゅう |
Nice to meetcha, too. |
Mamizou |
聞くところによるとお前さんは |
From what I've heard, |
Kokoro [Surprised Mask] |
よく知ってるわね |
You sure know a lot. |
Mamizou |
なのに何をしているんじゃ? |
So, given that, what are you doing? |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
希望の面を探しているの 何処にあるのかなぁ |
I'm looking for the Mask of Hope. Where could it be...? |
Mamizou |
おかしな事いう奴じゃ 新しい希望の面が |
You say some strange things. Was the new mask |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
違う 確かに希望の面だが…… |
No, It was certainly a Mask of Hope, but... |
Mamizou |
何か悩んでるようじゃのう |
You sound like you're worried about something. |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
あの希望の面は完璧すぎる |
That Mask of Hope was too perfect. |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
道具として完璧な |
It was perfect as a tool. |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
あのままでは我々は |
With that, we'd lose |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
ただのお面に戻るだろう |
We'd return to being regular masks. |
Kokoro [Hannya Mask] |
我々にはただの物言わぬ道具に |
Should we accept returning to being |
Mamizou |
なる程 折角妖怪としての自我に 自我が失われていくのを |
I understand. You finally managed to awaken so you couldn't just sit back |
Kokoro [Hyottoko Mask] |
お面に頼らないで独立する |
We've looked for a way |
Kokoro [Old Woman Mask] |
元のお面を取り戻す事も |
and we've tried our best |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
しかしどれが正しい道なのか |
but we still haven't been able to tell |
Mamizou |
我々……か |
"We"...? |
Music stops | ||
Mamizou |
安心せい 付喪神のたぐいなぞにも |
Don't worry. I know a lot about |
Kokoro [Surprised Mask] |
ほんとか!? |
Really!? |
Mamizou |
だから安心して |
So, just don't worry |
Kokoro [Womanly Mask] |
何故そうなる? |
Why should I do that? |
Mamizou |
周りを見てみい? |
You see all those people around us? |
BGM: 亡失のエモーション |
BGM: The Lost Emotion | |
Mamizou |
こんなにワクワクした観客を |
Could you really ignore |
Kokoro [Surprised Mask] |
こんな楽しそうな人間を |
It's been such a long time |
Mamizou |
お前さんの自我の為じゃ |
For the sake of your sense of self, |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
それはこっちの台詞だ! 新生面霊気の |
That's my line! Behold the elegant Noh play |
If player loses | ||
BGM: 本日の一面記事 |
BGM: Today's Front-Page Headline | |
化け狸、詰めに甘さが目立つ |
Bake-Danuki is Outstandingly Unthorough | |
Kokoro [Fox Mask] |
よーし |
All right! |
Hata no Kokoro DEFEATED | ||
Mamizou Ending |
- ↑ A play on a Japanese proverb that has a similar meaning to the English "goslings lead the geese to water".
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