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Immaterial and Missing Power/Story/Alice's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Stage 1
人任せの魔法 Magical Light 1st Day 14:00 魔法の森 |
Irresponsible Magic Magical Light 1st Day 14:00 Forest of Magic | |
BGM: 幽境 |
BGM: Solitary Place | |
Alice |
まったくもう。 こういう「妖怪退治」は、人間がやる物でしょう? |
What a waste of time. Shouldn't humans be the ones worrying about "youkai incidents" like this? |
Marisa |
なんだ、妖怪。なんか用か? |
Oh, it's a youkai. What's up?[1] |
普通の魔法使い 霧雨 魔理沙 |
Ordinary Magician | |
Alice |
私が言うのもなんだけどー、 何で今回の異変を放っておくのよ。 |
It's strange to be the one saying this, but ... Why don't you do something about this case? |
Marisa |
あー? 異変って、何だ? |
Huh? What do you mean, "case"? |
Alice |
何言ってるのよ、見れば判るでしょ? |
What are you talking about? Isn't it obvious? |
Marisa |
確かに最近暑いけど、この位の夏もあるぜ。 |
Well, it's pretty hot lately, but it's summer, so that's normal. |
Alice |
暑さなんて関係無い! 妖気よ妖気、あと宴会。 |
I'm not talking about the heat! I mean this strange mist, and all these festivals. |
Marisa |
妖気?宴会? ああ、両方最近多いな。 |
Mist? Festivals? Yeah, we've had a lot of both lately. |
Alice |
いい度胸ね。貴方がやらなきゃ、 |
Well, you've got guts. If you won't take care of it, |
BGM: 恋色マジック |
BGM: Love-Coloured Magic | |
Marisa DEFEATED | ||
Alice |
ったく、で? なんか、この妖気について情報は持っていないの? |
Phew, so? Don't you know anything about this mist? |
Marisa |
持ってたら私がやってるぜ。 |
If I did, I'd have taken care of it already. |
Alice |
でしょうね。仕様が無い。 |
I suppose. Looks like I have no choice. |
Marisa |
あいつか? あいつも何か知っていたら自分でやってると思うぜ |
Her? I think she'd take care of it, too, if she knew anything. |
Alice |
なら、あいつが犯人かも知れないでしょ? |
Or maybe she's the one behind all of this. |
Stage 2
直感の巫女 Sixth Sense 1st Day 21:00 博麗神社 |
Shrine Maiden of Intuition Sixth Sense 1st Day 21:00 Hakurei Shrine | |
BGM: 禍機 |
BGM: Bad Omen | |
Alice |
霊夢なら何か知っている筈。 曲がりなりにも妖怪退治を生業としている筈の、 |
Reimu ought to know something. She is a shrine maiden, so it's her job to at least |
Reimu |
あれ? こんな時間に何の用かしら? |
Hmm? What could you want at this hour? |
楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢 |
Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise | |
Alice |
何で私が乞食の様な真似をしなきゃいけないのよ。 |
Who do you think I am, a beggar? |
Reimu |
森に住んだり、夜、神社に忍び込むのは大抵、 |
People who live in the forest and sneak into the shrine |
Alice |
それはおいておいて、霊夢。 この幻想郷を包む妖気の事なんだけど……。 |
Enough of that, Reimu. About this strange mist that's all over Gensokyo ... |
Reimu |
ん? 妖気? |
Mm? The mist? |
Alice |
何で放っておくのかなぁと思って……。 |
I've been wondering why it appeared ... |
Reimu |
妖気……? ってこれが何か危険な事でも? |
The mist ... ? Is there something dangerous about it? |
Alice |
いつもだったら大騒ぎするあんたが、何故今回は動 |
Well, I was wondering why you're usually so concerned whenever |
Reimu |
だって、困った事が起きていないから。 まぁ、宴会が多すぎるのには困ってるけど。 |
Because nothing bad has been happening. Well, it's a pain that there are so many feasts ... |
Alice |
怪しいわ。これほど怪しい霊夢は、たまにしか見か |
It's suspicious. And it's strange to see you |
BGM: 少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio | |
Reimu DEFEATED | ||
Alice |
で? 本当に何か情報は持っていないの? |
So? Do you really have no information at all? |
Reimu |
本当よぉ。だって大して危険も感じていないし。 |
Yes. And I sense no danger in this. |
Alice |
うーん。妖怪退治って殆どしないから、何処が妖気 |
Ummmm. I don't really do much youkai hunting, so I have |
Reimu |
妖怪退治って……そりゃあんた、 でもこの妖気の発生源ねぇ。 |
Youkai hunting ... well, that's because Hmm, where does this mist come from? Even I have no idea. I wonder why? |
Alice |
霊夢から勘を取ったら何が残るって言うの? 全く、サボってばっかりいるから勘が鈍るのよ。 |
Hm, not much left if you take away your intuition, eh? Really, your sixth sense will dull if you goof off and never use it. |
Stage 3
瞬間∞ Infinity 2nd Day 13:30 時計台 |
Moment of ∞ Infinity 2nd Day 13:30 Clock Tower | |
BGM: 遍参 |
BGM: Wanderings | |
完全で瀟洒な従者 十六夜 咲夜 |
Perfect and Elegant Servant | |
Sakuya |
で、困って私の処に来たって訳? |
Well, you got in trouble, so you came to see me? |
Alice |
もう殆ど当てが無くてねぇ。 |
There's not much left to investigate. |
Sakuya |
今はそれどころじゃないわ。最近宴会が多いから、 |
I can't really worry about that right now. All the feasts |
Alice |
そのお嬢様が何か悪さしているとか。 |
I wonder if the mistress is doing something bad. |
Sakuya |
でも、そんなことは無いわよ。ほんとに。きっと。 |
But I don't think so. Really. Surely. |
Alice |
うーん、そうでしょうねぇ。きっと。 |
Right, I'm sure she probably isn't. |
Sakuya |
そう、うちにはそういうのに詳しい方がいますわ。 |
Well, there is somebody with extensive knowledge here. |
Alice |
そう? じゃぁその人の所に行こうかしら。 |
Is that so? Then, I should visit her. |
Sakuya |
でも、勿論会わせたりはしません。 |
But, I won't let you pass, of course. |
Alice |
じゃあ、最初から言わなければ良いのに。 |
Then, what was the point of mentioning it? |
Sakuya |
だって……。 |
Well ... |
BGM: メイドと血と懐中時計 |
BGM: The Maid And The Pocket Watch Of Blood | |
Sakuya |
私もちょっと位休まないと、こっちのテンションが |
If I don't take a little break, my stress levels |
Alice |
貴方はそれでもメイドなの? もっとも、これが休みになるとも思えないけどね。 |
How can a maid say that? Though I don't believe this is going to be terribly restful. |
Sakuya DEFEATED | ||
Alice |
さぁ、その詳しい人のいる処に連れて行ってもらい |
So, why don't you take me to this person with |
Sakuya |
も~、仕様が無いわね。 |
Hm, I suppose I have no choice. |
Alice |
でも、その人は何で、異変の事が判っているのに |
But, if this person knows something about this incident, |
Sakuya |
いつも、ああですよ。よっぽどの事が無い限り自分 |
She's always been like that. She never makes a move |
Alice |
アームチェアディテクティブね。 |
An armchair detective. |
Stage 4
知識の墓 Knowledge Box 2nd Day 21:00 図書館 |
Graveyard of Knowledge Knowledge Box 2nd Day 21:00 Library | |
BGM: 珍客 |
BGM: Unexpected Visitor | |
Patchouli |
幻想郷を包んでいるこの妖気の発生源? |
The source of the mist enveloping Gensokyo? |
Alice |
そう、貴方なら誰の仕業なのか判るって聞いたわ? |
Yes, I heard you might know who's doing this. |
動かない大図書館 パチュリー・ノーレッジ |
The Unmoving Great Library | |
Patchouli |
そんなもの気にした事無いわ。 でも、簡単じゃない。 |
I haven't thought much about it. But, isn't it obvious? |
Alice |
判るの? |
Can you tell me? |
Patchouli |
これは妖気ではないわ。 |
It's not really a ghostly mist. |
Alice |
どういう事よ。 |
What do you mean? |
Patchouli |
どちらかと言うと、気みたいな物そのものが発生源 |
To put it another way, don't you think the mist-like thing |
Alice |
よく判らないけど……。それで? |
I don't really understand ... so? |
Patchouli |
漠然とした質問は返答しようが無いわ。 |
Your question is too vague to answer. |
Alice |
判らないわね。どうして幻想郷にはこう回りくどい |
I don't understand. Why does everyone in Gensokyo |
BGM: ヴワル魔法図書館 |
BGM: Voile, the Magic Library | |
Patchouli |
直截戦うのは回りくどくないでしょ? |
Well, a direct battle is straightforward, isn't it? |
Alice |
ふん、言うじゃない。 |
Quite a reply, huh. |
Patchouli DEFEATED | ||
Alice |
で? この妖気はどうすればいいの? |
So? What should I do about this mist? |
Patchouli |
妖気じゃないけど、大して危険じゃ無さそうよ。 |
It's not a mist, and it doesn't appear to be dangerous. |
Alice |
それだけぇ? |
Is that all? |
Patchouli |
そうねぇ。この妖気みたいなのと直截…… |
I suppose. In that case ... Why don't you try having |
Alice |
……難しそうね。 |
... That sounds difficult. |
Stage 5 Masquerade
幽霊の温度 Compatible Ghost Feast Day 12:00 冥界 |
Temperature of a Phantom Compatible Ghost Feast Day 12:00 Netherworld | |
BGM: 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple |
BGM: Eastern Ghostly Dream ~ Ancient Temple | |
Youmu |
で、幽霊と話が出来る様になりたい、と? |
So, you want to be able to speak with a phantom? |
Alice |
そう、実体が無くて、それでいて意思が有って…… といったら幽霊位しか思いつかなくて。 |
Sure. "What doesn't have substance, but has intent..." The answer is a phantom, I guess. |
半分幻の庭師 魂魄 妖夢 |
The Half-fantasy Gardener | |
Youmu |
幽霊って言ったってねぇ。 生前がどんな生き物でどんな生き方を送っていたか で、どんな幽霊と話がしたいって言うの? |
A phantom, you say ... Well, how to communicate with it depends on what it So, what kind of phantom do you want to talk to? |
Alice |
うーん。それがねぇ……。 物凄く大きくて、幻想郷を包み込む位の幽霊。 |
Yes ... well, it's ... A phantom so big it could envelope all of Gensokyo. |
Youmu |
あー? 幽霊を馬鹿にしてるのか? |
Huh? Are you trying to make fun of phantoms? |
Alice |
こっちは大まじめよ。なんか判らないの? |
I'm completely serious. What don't you understand? |
Youmu |
そんなに大きな幽霊なら、生前もそのくらいの大き 街か国家の幽霊じゃないのか? |
It would have to be that big in life to be that Wouldn't that make it the phantom of a city or a country? |
BGM: Demystify Feast |
BGM: Demystify Feast | |
Alice |
それね! って、最近何か大きな国か何か死んだの? |
Maybe! ... so, have any big countries died recently? |
Youmu |
皮肉で言ったの位判ってよ。 そんなのと会話出来るわけが無いでしょ? |
Come on, I wasn't being serious. You couldn't talk to something like that. |
Alice |
とにかく、幽霊との意思疎通の方法は教えて頂くわ |
Why don't you just show me how to see what a phantom wants? |
Youmu |
良いけどね。ただ、もうすぐ宴会よ? |
Okay, but isn't a feast about to start somewhere? |
Alice |
宴会までに身に付ければ、宴会芸にもなるわね。 |
If you teach me before then, I could use it as a party trick. |
Youmu DEFEATED | ||
| ||
''Ending No. 23 (Alice Bad Ending)'' | ||
| ||
Alice |
幽霊の見分けは簡単ね。 -14.7℃程度の幽霊は、生前お金を貸したまま死ん |
It's easy to tell phantoms apart. A -14.7℃ phantom is left over from the regret of |
Youmu |
で? 大きな幽霊って何よ。 |
So what about a really big phantom? |
Alice |
うーん。なんだかどんどんと、幽霊じゃ無いような |
Yes ... well, I'm starting to think that maybe |
Youmu |
そりゃそうでしょ。幻想郷を包み込む位の霊って、 |
Of course not. A phantom big enough to surround all of Gensokyo |
Alice |
仕様が無い。宴会会場で仕掛けるしか無さそうね。 |
I guess I'll just have to wait at the meeting place for the feast. |
Border Line
アリスの妖怪退治 Invisible Magic Feast Day 17:00 博麗神社 |
Alice's Youkai Hunting Invisible Magic Feast Day 17:00 Hakurei Shrine | |
BGM: 魔所 |
BGM: Demonic Place | |
Reimu |
あれからどうなったのよ。妖気とか騒いで。 |
So what happened with that mist you were worried about? |
Alice |
妖気じゃ無いらしいのよ。よく判らないけど。 |
It appears to be ... not mist. I don't really understand it ... |
Reimu |
で、結局ここに戻ってきたと。 |
So you decided to come back here. |
Alice |
本戦はこれからよ。 |
The real battle begins now. |
??? |
そんな険悪そうな面して宴会かしら? |
What's with the serious face at a feast? |
BGM: 仰空 |
BGM: Skygazer | |
場面転換:博麗神社(境界) |
Scene Change: Hakurei Shrine (Border) | |
Yukari |
さぁ、これから楽しい宴会でしょう? |
This is going to be another exciting feast, right? |
Alice |
呼ばれて無いのに出てきたって事は、悪い奴という |
It makes you look like a bad guy if you're always |
幻想の境界 八雲 紫 |
Border of Phantasm | |
Yukari |
呼んでくれない方が意地の悪い奴。 |
The not-inviting just has a bad attitude. |
Alice |
その腹いせかしら? |
Is this revenge? |
Yukari |
腹いせ? 何にも悪い事してないわよ? まだ。 |
Revenge? I haven't done anything wrong. Yet. |
Alice |
まだ? まぁ確かに妖気みたいなのが充満しても、 |
Yet? Well, aside from this mist-like stuff being everywhere, |
Yukari |
妖気みたいの? |
Mist-like stuff? |
Alice |
そう、この幻想郷を包む妖気みたいの。 |
Yes, this mist-like thing enveloping Gensokyo. |
Yukari |
ああ、これは私は関係無いわよ。 |
Oh, I don't have anything to do with that. |
Alice |
こいつ? そっちには誰も居ないでしょ? |
"Her"? But there's no-one there. |
Yukari |
困った娘ではあるけど、何にも悪気は無いわ。 |
There's a troubled child, but she has no ill intentions. |
Alice |
良いから、そいつは何処にいるの? |
Okay, so where is she? |
Yukari |
貴方は目が見えないの? 目の前にいるでしょう? |
Oh, can't you see her? She's right in front of you. |
Alice |
まぁ、確かに目の前に困った奴が居るけど……。 |
Well, there is a troubled soul in front of me ... |
Yukari |
それよ、それ! |
Yes! It's her! |
BGM: 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star |
BGM: Night Falls ~ Evening Star | |
Yukari DEFEATED | ||
| ||
''Ending No. 15 (Alice Bad Ending2)'' | ||
| ||
Alice |
もうそろそろ、頭がおかしくなりそうよ! |
What's with that funny look on your face? |
Yukari |
最初からおかしかったわよぉ。 |
It was there from the start. |
Alice |
いい? この妖気みたいのは一体なんなのよ! |
Very well, then what is this mist-like thing? |
Yukari |
うーん。湖に血を一滴たらすとどうなると思う? |
Yeeees ... what do you think happens if you spread a |
Alice |
魚が集まる? |
... the fish will gather around it? |
Yukari |
当たってるけどハズレ、その湖には魚が居ないの。 さぁ、その一滴の血を元の体に戻すわよ。 |
Right, but wrong. There are no fish in this lake. Well, let's restore the drop of blood to its original form. |
Immaterial and Missing Power
萃まる夢、想い Pandemoniac Land Feast Day 19:00 幻想郷 |
Forgathering Dreams and Thoughts Pandemoniac Land Feast Day 19:00 Gensokyo | |
BGM: 砕月 |
BGM: Broken Moon | |
Suika |
あ、あれ? |
Wh, what? |
Alice |
はぁ?一体何が……。 |
What? What is this ... |
Suika |
あらどーも。 |
Oh, hi~ |
萃まる夢、幻、そして百鬼夜行 伊吹 萃香 |
Forgathering Dreams and Illusions, and the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons | |
Suika |
ずっとあなたの動向を見守ってきたけど…… 見当違いな行動を取って…… |
I've been watching you for a while now ... Your investigation was a little misdirected ... |
Alice |
どこで見ていたのよ。この出歯亀め。 |
Where were you watching from, you little voyeur? |
Suika |
もう判るでしょう? 私が大きな幽霊よ、幻想郷を包むくらいの。 |
Don't you get it yet? I'm a really big phantom, big enough to surround Gensokyo. |
Alice |
そう言えば、妖気が消えた? |
Hmm, actually, hasn't the mist disappeared? |
Suika |
最初から妖気じゃないわよぉ。 |
There was no mist to begin with. |
Alice |
貴方にはそんな事が出来るの? |
... you mean you can do that? |
Suika |
あなた達、魔族とは違うのよ、私は。 |
I'm different from you magicians, you know? |
Alice |
そうなの? 大差無い様に見えるけどねぇ。 で、何が目的なのよ? |
Oh, really? You don't look it. In any case, what are you after? |
Suika |
あら、目的はとっくに達成できているわよ。 |
Oh, I already got it a long time ago. |
Alice |
何ですってー。 |
What's that? |
Suika |
あんた達は宴会していたじゃない? 結局私の萃める力に逆らえる者はいなかったわね。 強いていえば紫くらいかしら? |
You've all been feasting up a storm, haven't you? Nobody was able to resist my attractive force. Well, except maybe Yukari? |
Alice |
そう? 何なら私が逆らって見せようかしら? |
Oh? Why don't I try resisting you now, then? |
BGM: 御伽の国の鬼が島 ~ Missing Power |
BGM: The Fabled Land of Onigashima ~ Missing Power[2] | |
Suika |
ふん。 ここにいる時点で私の術中に嵌っているじゃないの あんたらが気が付かないうちに、自らが百鬼夜行の |
Hmph. You've fallen into my trap just by being here. You've never even noticed that you became part of my |
Alice |
百鬼夜行……って、失礼ね。 |
Hundr- ... how rude, |
Suika |
って、あんたも化け物でしょ? あんたの様な魔法使い風情が―― 我々、誇り高き種族である鬼に逆らおうとは、 |
Well, maybe you're a ghost? After all, a magic user like you - Must be greener than the grass to try to |
Final Battle | ||
Suika DEFEATED | ||
''Ending No. 07 (Alice Good Ending) |
< | Prologue | Translation |
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