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Immaterial and Missing Power/Story/Remilia's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Stage 1
光速より速く Over C 2nd Day 23:15 時計台 |
Faster Than Light Over C 2nd Day 23:15 Clock Tower | |
BGM: あゆのかぜ |
BGM: Eastern Wind | |
Sakuya |
こんな所に呼び出して、どうしました? |
You called for me. What's the matter? |
Remilia |
ちょっと、出掛けてくるよ。 |
I'll be out for a while. |
完全で瀟洒な従者 十六夜 咲夜 |
Perfect and Elegant Servant | |
Sakuya |
こんな時間にですか? |
This late in the day? |
Remilia |
そんな訳で、留守番宜しくね。 |
That's the story. Look after the mansion. |
Sakuya |
何言ってるんですか、お供しますって。 |
What are you talking about? I'll follow you. It's dangerous in the night. |
Remilia |
誰に物を言ってるのよ。 |
Who are you talking to? |
Sakuya |
なら、私にお任せください。 |
If so, leave it to me. |
Remilia |
私が急がないといけない用なの。 |
This is my own business. |
Sakuya |
……何かあったんでしょうか? |
...Did anything happen? |
Remilia |
何かあったの。 |
Something happened. |
BGM: メイドと血の懐中時計 |
BGM: The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood | |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Remilia |
それじゃぁ、お留守番お願いね。 |
Now, look after the mansion. |
Sakuya |
判りましたよぅ。 |
I got it... |
Remilia |
あ、そうか。一応日傘を持っていくわ。 |
I just remembered. I'll take a parasol for my safety. |
Sakuya |
日が昇るまでに帰ってこないつもりですか? |
Won't you come back by sunrise? |
Remilia |
転ばぬ先にアレが必要。 |
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. |
Stage 2
夜の王 Greater Demon 2nd Day 25:00 魔法の森 |
Lord of the Night Greater Demon 2nd Day 25:00 Forest of Magic | |
BGM: 紅夜 |
BGM: Scarlet Night | |
Remilia |
この森は夜が似合うわ。 |
The night certainly suits this forest. |
Marisa |
なんだ? こんな夜中に珍しいな。 |
What's up? It's rare for you to be here so late. |
普通の魔法使い 霧雨 魔理沙 |
Ordinary Magician | |
Marisa |
って、お前がここに居る事が珍しいのであって、 |
Well, what's rare is that you're here; |
Remilia |
ちょっと、明日の朝までに幻想郷巡りでもしようと |
I'm traveling around Gensokyo before the morning. |
Marisa |
あー? |
Ah~? |
Remilia |
そう、だから貴方を倒して、すぐに次に行かなきゃ |
Quite. |
Marisa |
それにしても、よくここが分かったな。 |
Anyway, I'd never thought you'd come here. |
BGM: 魔女達の舞踏会 |
BGM: The Witches' Ball | |
Remilia |
夜中だからよ。私をなめるとこういう目にあうって |
It's because it's this late. Remember that if you underestimate me, you'll be in severe pain. |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
で、結局用はなんだったんだよ。 |
...So what's your business here, anyway? |
Remilia |
明日の宴会は私が主役。覚えておきなさい。 |
I'll be a star in the tomorrow's feast. Do remember. |
Marisa |
そんなこと言いに来たのか? |
Did you just come here to tell me that? |
Remilia |
訳の判らない実体の無い様な奴に、絶対に主導権は |
I shall never give my initiative to such a suspicious and mysterious character. |
Stage 3
死に急げ Hurry Up! 2nd Day 26:30 博麗神社 |
Hurry to the Death! Hurry Up! 2nd Day 26:30 Hakurei Shrine | |
BGM: 紅夜 |
BGM: Scarlet Night | |
Remilia |
丑三つ時の神社、か、でも巫女は眠らない。 |
A shrine around 2:00 a.m.... |
楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢 |
Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise | |
Reimu |
あんたが私を起こしたんでしょ? |
It was you that woke me up, OK? |
Remilia |
ちょっと、先を急いでるの。 |
I'm in a bit of a hurry. |
Reimu |
急いでるんなら無視して行ってくれれば良いのに。 |
If that's the case, I wish you'd have ignored me and left. |
Remilia |
明日までに、ちょっとみんなの力を奪っておこうと |
I'll steal everyone's power by tomorrow. |
Reimu |
あー? |
Ah~? |
Remilia |
だから倒して急ぐの。いや、急いで倒す? |
That's why I'll defeat you and hurry up. |
Reimu |
はーあ。丑三つ時に出る妖怪には、やっぱりろくな |
Mm. Youkai showing up at the witching hour can't be good. |
Remilia |
さぁ、大人しく。 |
Now, be obedient. |
BGM: 少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio | |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Remilia |
次は、死んで見ようかしら。 |
Next, I'll try to die. |
Reimu |
夜中に起こされて攻撃されて……。 |
I was woken up late at night and attacked... |
Remilia |
明日は私が主導権を握る。大人しくするのよ。 |
I take the initiative tomorrow, so listen to me. |
Reimu |
はいはい。あんたが大将ですよ。 |
OK, OK. You're supreme. |
Remilia |
それでは、ちょっと死んでくるね。 |
Now, I'll go die for a while. |
Stage 4
不可侵の国 Sacred World 2nd Day 27:30 墓地 |
Forbidden Land Sacred World 2nd Day 27:30 Graveyard | |
BGM: 遍参 |
BGM: Wanderings | |
Remilia |
死後の世界なんて、中々来れないわね。 |
I can hardly go to the Netherworld. |
Youmu |
もう夜が明けるというのに…… |
It's about time the day breaks... |
Remilia |
用は貴方を倒す事。OK? |
My business is defeating you. OK? |
半分幻の庭師 魂魄 妖夢 |
Half-fantasy Gardener | |
Youmu |
早いな。 |
That was quick. |
Remilia |
朝になる前に大体倒したいからねぇ。 |
I wanna defeat most of them before the morning. |
Youmu |
まぁ落ち着け。 |
Just relax. |
Remilia |
貴方が倒れる事よ。それ以外に貴方に何があるって |
For you to lose to me. What's my other business to you? |
Youmu |
うわ、色々とみじか! |
Gee, that doesn't tell me enough! |
Remilia |
さぁ、大人しく。 |
Now, be obedient. |
BGM: 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When? |
BGM: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? | |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Remilia |
時間的にあと一人位。 |
I could defeat, at most, one more considering the time. |
Youmu |
はいはい、倒れました。これでいいんでしょ? |
I see, I see. I got down as you said. Are you satisfied? |
Remilia |
よく分かってるわね。それで、いいのよ。 |
You did well. As you said, I'm happy. |
Youmu |
理不尽な用件には慣れてます。 |
I'm used to unreasonable orders. |
Remilia |
そう、その従順さ。やっぱり、うちのメイドにも |
Such wonderful obedience. I've got to retrain my maid. |
Stage 5 Masquerade
夜明けの亡霊 Morning Star 2nd Day 28:15 白玉楼 |
Ghost in Dawn Morning Star 2nd Day 28:15 Hakugyokurou[2] | |
BGM: 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜~Border of Life |
BGM: Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossom ~ Border of Life | |
Yuyuko |
あらあら、おはようございます。 |
Oh, good morning. |
天衣無縫の亡霊 西行寺 幽々子 |
Ghost of Flawless Immaculate Beauty | |
Yuyuko |
随分とお早いですね。 |
You're up early. |
Remilia |
まだ4時ちょっと過ぎよ。 |
It's just past 4 o'clock. |
Yuyuko |
お爺さんだって、こんな朝早く他人の家を訪ねたり |
Even old men won't drop by my house this early in the morning. |
Remilia |
今の時間は、私にとってはもうすぐ寝る時間。 |
To me, this is bedtime. |
Yuyuko |
で? 何かしら。一人でこんな所まで来るなんて。 |
So, what's your business? I wonder why you came here alone. |
Remilia |
明日の宴会は、私に任せて貰おうかと思ってね。 |
I ask you to leave tomorrow's feast to me. |
Yuyuko |
明日じゃなくて今夜だけど……。 |
Not tomorrow, but tonight... |
Remilia |
大丈夫、明日は今までに無い宴会になるわ。 |
Never mind. Tomorrow's feast will be one like you've never experienced. |
Yuyuko |
貴方に任せたら、そりゃなるかもねぇ。 |
If I leave it to you, I'm sure it will be. |
Remilia |
もう日の出の時間よ。 |
It's dawn. |
Yuyuko |
あなたの付き人の代わりに、日が昇るまで遊んであ |
Shall I play with you instead of your servant ’till daybreak? |
Remilia |
さぁ、大人しく二度寝でも楽しむ事よ。 |
Now, shut up and enjoy a dirt nap. |
Yuyuko Saigyouji DEFEATED | ||
| ||
''Ending No. 25 (Remilia Bad Ending)'' | ||
| ||
Remilia |
朝だわ。もうすぐ日が昇る……。 |
It's morning. The sun is about to rise... |
Yuyuko |
判ったわ。明日、というか今夜だけど。 |
I got it. Tomorrow, no, tonight, |
Remilia |
最近、得体の知れない奴に主導権を握られっぱなし |
Recently my initiative has always been taken by some strange being. |
Yuyuko |
あら、気が付いていたの? |
Ah, haven't you realized? |
Remilia |
今夜、いや明日の夜は楽しくなるよ。 |
Tonight, no, tomorrow's night will be fun. |
Border Line
神社の有るべき姿 Border Land Feast Day 17:00 博麗神社 |
Required Appearance for the Shrine Border Land Feast Day 17:00 Hakurei Shrine | |
BGM: 遍参 |
BGM: Wanderings | |
Reimu |
早いわねぇ。まぁ、今日は幹事なんでしょう? |
You're early. Well, I guess it's because you're in charge of tonight's feast? |
Remilia |
今まで、宴会を誰が牛耳っていたのか判る? |
Do you know who has been controlling these feasts up to now? |
Reimu |
今までは……、幹事の魔理沙かな? |
Up to now... I guess it's Marisa, the arranger. |
Remilia |
そんな奴なら良かったわ。 |
I'd be relieved if it was just her. |
??? |
あらあら。 |
Oh, dear. |
BGM: 戦迅 |
BGM: Swift Battle | |
場面転換:博麗神社(境界) |
Scene Change: Hakurei Shrine (Border) | |
Yukari |
霊夢にそんな無理言っちゃ駄目よ。 |
Don't tell Reimu things that will bother her. |
Remilia |
あれ、宴会に呼んでもいない奴が出てきた。 |
Ah? The one who was never invited just showed up. |
Yukari |
あなたが何を企んでいるのかわからないけど。 |
I don't know what you're plotting. |
Remilia |
企んでいる? |
What I'm plotting? |
幻想の境界 八雲 紫 |
Border of Phantasm | |
Yukari |
ふふふ。 |
Huhuhu. |
Remilia |
その方が何企んでるんだか判らないでしょ? |
This idea makes me much wonder what you plot, doesn't it? |
BGM: 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star |
BGM: Night Falls ~ Evening Star | |
Yukari |
こんなに、面白そうな面子、誰にも渡さないわよ。 |
Such jolly paticipants are all mine. |
Remilia |
あら奇遇ね。それは私も同じ考えよ。 |
What a coincidence that I thought the same idea. |
Yukari |
じゃぁ、何も言わずにも判るわよね。 |
If so, you could tell without any words. |
Remilia |
……さぁ、大人しく。 |
...Now, be obedient. |
Yukari |
あら、最初から大人しいってば~。 |
My, I'm obedient from the beginning~. |
Yukari Yakumo DEFEATED | ||
| ||
''Ending No. 17 (Remilia Bad Ending2)'' | ||
| ||
Remilia |
そろそろ真実を言いなさい。 |
It's about time you say the truth. |
Yukari |
まぁ良いわ。 |
OK. |
Remilia |
素直ねぇ。感心するよ。 |
It's impressive for you to be obedient. |
Yukari |
最初から素直よ。 |
I'm obedient from the beginning. |
Immaterial and Missing Power
小さな軍隊 Pandemoniac Land Feast Day 19:00 幻想郷 |
Small Army Pandemoniac Land Feast Day 19:00 Gensokyo | |
BGM: 砕月 |
BGM: Broken Moon | |
Remilia |
遊びはお終いね。 |
Your playtime is over. |
Suika |
あれ~? |
Huh~? |
Remilia |
もう十分遊んだでしょう? |
Haven't you already played long enough? |
Suika |
まぁいいか。 |
Well, it's OK. |
萃まる夢、幻、そして百鬼夜行 伊吹 萃香 |
Forgathering Dream, Illusion, and the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons | |
Suika |
最後に大きな遊びが出来そうだし。 |
I guess I can have a great playtime at the end. |
Remilia |
出来るよ。 |
You can. |
Suika |
でも……、遊びになれば良いけどねぇ。 |
But... I wish it were the one. |
Remilia |
敵うも何も…… |
Defeating or blah blah blah... |
BGM: 御伽の国の鬼が島 ~ Missing Power |
BGM: The Fabled Land of Onigashima ~ Missing Power[3] | |
Suika |
その格の違い、試してみる? |
Shall we make sure the comparison? |
Remilia |
そうね。格の違いを見てみるのも良いわね。 |
Yeah. It's good to do it. |
Suika |
あ、そっか、あんたは鬼を見たことが無いんだ。 |
Um? Now I remember. You've never seen any oni. |
Remilia |
何言ってるのよ。 |
What are you saying? ["吸血鬼" (Kyuuketsuki) means "vampire". The last character "鬼" can be read not only "oni" but "ki". Remilia implied she was also the "oni" like Suika.] |
Suika |
なら判るでしょう? 鬼は強いものの代名詞。 |
If you're so, you'll understand. Oni represents the strength. |
Final Battle | ||
Suika DEFEATED | ||
''Ending No. 09 (Remilia Good Ending) |
- ↑ approximately from 2:00 to 2:30 a.m. (丑三刻 ushi-mitsu-doki) was supposed to be time when ghosts/monsters appears. Also see time of this dialog.
- ↑ It is overwhelming that Remilia moves between Graveyard and Hakugyokurou in a shorter time than 1 hour, while Sakuya and Patchouli fly in the same course in 5.5 hours.
- ↑ 鬼が島 (Onigashima) is an island where many oni live. It's the destination of Momotaro.
< | Prologue | Translation |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |