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Immaterial and Missing Power/Story/Yuyuko's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Stage 1
幽明境内 Dead Easily 2nd Day 14:00 墓地 |
The Area of Brightness and Darkness Dead Easily 1st Day 14:00 Cemetery | |
BGM: 幽境 |
BGM: Solitary Place | |
Youmu |
あれ? お出掛けですか? |
Oh? Are you going out? |
Yuyuko |
そうよ、こんなにお天気も良いんだから、 |
Yes, the weather is so nice; |
半分幻の庭師 魂魄 妖夢 |
Half-fantasy Gardener | |
Youmu |
最初から私は外で働いてますよ。 |
I work outside, all the time. |
Yuyuko |
そういえば、妖夢の職務は何でしたっけ? |
By the way, what is your duty, anyway? |
Youmu |
え? ええ。判ってますよ、お供しますって。 |
Huh? Oh ... I see. I guess I'll come with you. |
Yuyuko |
はずれ。妖夢は見張りでしょう? |
Wrong. You're the guard, aren't you? |
Youmu |
まぁ、見張りも兼ねていますけど…… |
Uhh yes, my duty includes that... |
Yuyuko |
本当の見張りは…… |
A real sentinel... |
BGM: 広有射怪鳥事~Till When? |
BGM: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When? | |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
それじゃ、お留守番よろしくね。 |
Well, keep up the hard work. |
Youmu |
判ってますって。もう。 |
Okay, okay, I see. Geeez. |
Yuyuko |
見張りがそんなんじゃ、ちょっと不安ね。 |
Such less dependable attitude, I'm worried. |
Youmu |
大丈夫。何人たりとも通しませんから。 |
Don't worry my lady. I won't let anyone pass here. |
Yuyuko |
あら、私が帰るのにちょっと苦労しそうだわ。 |
Hmm, maybe I should have hard time when I return here. |
Stage 2
人魔戦 Magical Battle 2nd Day 15:00 博麗神社 |
Battle of Human and Magic Magical Battle 2nd Day 15:00 Hakurei Shrine | |
BGM: 禍機 |
BGM: Bad Omen | |
Marisa |
おお?どうした? こんな所に。 |
Huh? What are you doing around here? |
Yuyuko |
わざわざこんな所に来たんだから…… |
Well, I did come here on purpose ... |
普通の魔法使い 霧雨 魔理沙 |
Ordinary Magician | |
Marisa |
アレねぇ。 それにしても、昼間の神社に亡霊か。 |
Oh, that. Even so, it's unusual for ghosts to show up here in broad daylight. |
Yuyuko |
貴方の事? それとも巫女の事かしら? |
Who, you? Or the shrine maiden? |
Marisa |
お前と巫女の事だ。 |
You and her. |
Yuyuko |
正解。 |
Correct. |
Marisa |
夜の神社なら出てもおかしくは無いんだがな。 |
It wouldn't be so weird if it were night. |
Yuyuko |
あら亡霊だって、昼間も居ますよ。 |
There are ghosts during the day, too, you know. |
BGM: 魔女達の舞踏会 |
BGM: The Witches' Ball | |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
で、もう一人の呑気な人は? |
So, where's the other reckless person? |
Marisa |
さぁな、その辺でお茶を飲む準備をしているか、 |
Well, she ought to be making tea over there somewhere, |
Yuyuko |
妙な選択肢ね。 |
Such strange choices. |
Marisa |
そうか? |
Oh, really? |
Yuyuko |
そうよ。特に後半。 |
Yes. Especially the second one. |
Stage 3
境のお茶 Shinto Shrine 2nd Day 16:00 博麗神社 |
Tea of Border Shinto Shrine 2nd Day 16:00 Hakurei Shrine | |
BGM: 遍参 |
BGM: Wanderings | |
Reimu |
こら。折角掃除したのに散らかして! |
Geez, you come through here and make a mess just after I swept! |
Yuyuko |
あら、闘い易いように掃除してるのかと思ったわ。 |
Oh, I thought you cleaned up so it would be easier to fight. |
楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢 |
Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise | |
Reimu |
ところで魔理沙は? |
Anyway, where's Marisa? |
Yuyuko |
その辺でお茶を淹れているか、 |
Over there pouring tea, |
Reimu |
へぇ。 |
Hmm. |
Yuyuko |
で、次はあなたがお茶を飲む番。 |
In any case, it's your turn for tea time. |
Reimu |
それはまぁ、飲むけど。 |
Well, I guess I'll have some, then. |
BGM: 少女綺想曲 |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio | |
Yuyuko |
その前にアレの時間だわ。 |
But first, it's time for ... you-know-what. |
Reimu |
アレ? アレね。 |
Huh? Oh, that. |
Yuyuko |
そうよ、アレよ。 |
Yes, that. |
Reimu |
血の気の旺盛な亡霊よねぇ。 |
You sure are pretty spirited for a ghost. |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
お茶は神社に限るってね。 |
You should really only have tea in the shrine. |
Reimu |
まるで、秋刀魚は目黒に限る、みたいな勘違いね。 |
Don't you mean, you can only have saury of Meguro, or something ... ?[1] |
Yuyuko |
あ、でも今日は急がないといけないんだった。 |
Ah, but I have to be on my way quickly today. |
Reimu |
いつも呑気だからねぇ、私以上に。 |
You're always so carefree, even more so than I. |
Yuyuko |
茶腹も一時よ。 |
It's just a tea break. |
Stage 4
幽霊学の死 Deathplace 2nd Day 21:00 時計台 |
Death of Phantomic Arts Deathplace 2nd Day 21:00 Clock tower | |
BGM: あゆのかぜ |
BGM: Eastern Wind | |
Sakuya |
何となく目の前にお化けが見える気がする……。 私ってそんなに霊感強かったっけ? |
It seems that a ghost has appeared before me ... Am I that much of an inspiration? |
Yuyuko |
さぁ、アレよ。 |
So, it's time for that. |
完全で瀟洒な従者 十六夜 咲夜 |
Perfect and Elegant Servant | |
Sakuya |
アレ? そう言えば、あなたは足があるの? |
That? By the way, don't you have feet?[2] |
Yuyuko |
ほら、右足の隣に左足があるわ。 |
Why, I've got a left foot next to a right foot. |
Sakuya |
で、こんな所に何の用? |
So, what are you doing in a place like this? |
Yuyuko |
だから、アレだって言ってるじゃないの。ほら。 |
Hmm. Didn't I already say I came for you-know-what? |
Sakuya |
アレって……成仏? |
You mean ... nirvana? |
Yuyuko |
そう、成仏。 |
Yes, nirvana. |
Sakuya |
なんか返してくれないと返答に困る。 |
If you don't give it back you may not like my response. |
Yuyuko |
まぁ、神社の巫女でも無理だったのに、 |
Well, the shrine maiden couldn't put up a fight either, |
Sakuya |
それは……成仏を巫女に頼むと言う事自体、 |
You know ... there's something wrong about asking a |
Yuyuko |
って、誰が成仏したいなんていったのかしら。 |
Just who said they wanted to achieve nirvana, I wonder? |
BGM: メイドと血の懐中時計 |
BGM: The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood | |
Sakuya |
貴方の話には何かが足りなくない? |
Don't you think you need to say more? |
Yuyuko |
足りなく見えるのはね、長い部分と短い部分を両方 そうすると常人には話が見えなくなるのよ。 |
If it seems so, that's because you've got both In such a case, it seems like there's nothing there to a normal person. |
Sakuya |
私は常人ですからね。 |
And I suppose I am an ordinary person. |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Yuyuko |
あら、動きが見える見えないは、勝敗には関係ない |
Well, it looks like I can win whether or not |
Sakuya |
もぉなんか、目的意識のない奴に負けると悔しい。 |
Ahh, it feels horrible to lose to someone with no real aim. |
Yuyuko |
目的だったらあるわよ。 |
Well, there is something I'm trying to do. |
Sakuya |
無いでしょ? |
I doubt that. |
Yuyuko |
姿が見えない敵はね。 |
It's an invisible enemy. |
Stage 5 Masquerade
可視化の儀式 Visionary Night 2nd Day 26:00 紅魔館 |
Visualisation Ceremony[4] Visionary Night 2nd Day 26:00 Scarlet Devil Mansion | |
BGM: 魔所 |
BGM: Demonic Place | |
Remilia |
どうしたって言うの? |
What is happening? |
Yuyuko |
これだけ動けば、明日は楽しくなるわ。きっと。 |
Tomorrow should be fun, as I worked so hard. I'm sure of it. |
永遠に赤い幼き月 レミリア・スカーレット |
Eternally Young Scarlet Moon | |
Remilia |
能動的な亡霊。 |
Such an active ghost. |
Yuyuko |
みんな、自分の意思のつもりで動いていても、今は だから今日は、自分の意思を持たせない様に自由に このまま行けば、明日には面白い物が見えるかもし |
Everyone thinks they have their free will, but they don't realize they're being manipulated. So, today I moved freely to make everyone cannot have their free will. If everything goes well, maybe we can see something interesting tomorrow. |
Remilia |
そんな事は訊いていないけど…… |
Hm, that's not what I asked, but ... |
Yuyuko |
面白い物? 何の事かしら。 |
Something interesting? I wonder what it could be. |
Remilia |
それは随分と……。 なるほどね、そうやって黒幕の意思をごまかしてい |
Well, that's quite ... I see. That's your way to disturb the puppet master's intent. |
BGM: Demystify Feast |
BGM: Demystify Feast | |
Yuyuko |
そう言えば、新しいお茶が手に入ったのよ。 |
By the way, I've found a new tea (Atarashii Ocha). |
Remilia |
へぇ、略して新茶ね。どこのお茶? |
Hm, or "shincha", for short. Where is this from?[5] |
Yuyuko |
神社。 |
The shrine.[6] |
Remilia |
本当に新茶なのかしら? |
Is this really new? |
Yuyuko |
神の新しい茶、略してこう茶。 |
It's the god's new tea, or "koucha" for short.[7] |
Remilia |
嫌な符号……。[8] |
I don't like that jargon ... |
Remilia Scarlet DEFEATED | ||
| ||
''Ending No. 26 (Yuyuko Bad Ending)'' | ||
| ||
Yuyuko |
この位で、予定されていた明日は変わるかしら? |
I wonder, can the predetermined tomorrow be changed by this? |
Remilia |
やっぱり回りくどいわね。 |
You sure are roundabout. |
Yuyuko |
あら、急がば回れって言葉知ってる? |
Hm, haven't you heard the phrase, "more haste, less speed"? |
Remilia |
時は金属製なり、よ。 |
"Time is precious-metal-whatsoever", you know.[10] |
Yuyuko |
銀のナイフね。 でも本当はね、銀のコップの方が時を止める性質を |
A silver knife. But you know, a silver cup has the property of |
Border Line
旧知の友 Open a can of worms Feast Day 17:00 博麗神社 |
An Old Friend Open a can of worms Feast Day 17:00 Hakurei Shrine | |
BGM: 遍参 |
BGM: Wanderings | |
Yuyuko |
おはようございます。 |
Good morning. |
Reimu |
こんばんは。でも、早いわね。 |
Good evening. But, you're early, you know. |
Yuyuko |
最近なんか、変な事とか面白い事とか起きてない? |
Has anything strange or interesting happened lately? |
Reimu |
そうねぇ…… |
Well ... |
??? |
そんなんじゃあ駄目よ。 |
That's no good. |
BGM: 仰空 |
BGM: Skygazer | |
場面転換:博麗神社(境界) |
Scene Change: Hakurei Shrine (Border) | |
Yukari |
意思をかき乱す事で、操られる事を防ぐ。 |
To protect against being manipulated, you jumble up your own intentions. |
幻想の境界 八雲 紫 |
Boundary of Phantasm | |
Yukari |
幽々子のやり方はいつもぬるいわねぇ。 |
You always do things so half-heartedly. |
Yuyuko |
そうかしら? |
Oh, really? But look, you showing up wasn't part of the plan. |
Yukari |
まぁ、友人がけなげに頑張ってる姿をみたらねぇ。 |
Well, when I see a friend gallantly trying her best, you know. |
Yuyuko |
からかってみたくなるんでしょ? |
You want to tease her? Since we're talking about you here. |
Yukari |
いいえ、潰してみたくなるのよ。 |
No, I want to crush her. |
BGM: 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star |
BGM: Night Falls ~ Evening Star | |
Yuyuko |
そう言えば、新しいお茶が手に入ったわ。 |
Oh, by the way, I found a new tea. |
Yukari |
あら奇遇。私もよ。 |
Oh, what a surprise. Me too. |
Yuyuko |
そうなの? じゃあ、お茶の新鮮な香りって、何で時間とともに |
Is that so? Then do you know about how the fresh scent of tea |
Yukari |
残念。私のお茶は香りが落ちないから判らないわ。 |
That's too bad. I don't, since my tea's scent doesn't fade. |
Yukari Yakumo DEFEATED | ||
| ||
''Ending No. 18 (Yuyuko Bad Ending2)'' | ||
| ||
Yuyuko |
正解はね…… お茶の香りは広がって薄まってるだけよ、決して無 |
In fact ... The scent of fresh tea just spreads out and gets weaker, it |
Yukari |
回りくどいわねぇ、そういう事ね。 |
How indirect. |
Yuyuko |
そこで、一度広がってしまった香りを、 つまり、大きく囲んだ境界を一気に小さくすればい |
So, there's a way to gather back all the That is, to make a big boundary surrounding it |
Yukari |
しょうがないわね。 |
I guess I have no choice. |
Immaterial and Missing Power
萃夢幻想 Pandemoniac Land Feast Day 19:00 幻想郷 |
Illusion of Forgathering Dream Pandemoniac Land Feast Day 19:00 Gensokyo | |
BGM: 砕月 |
BGM: Broken Moon | |
Suika |
あ~あ、見つかっちゃった。 |
Ah, you found me. |
Yuyuko |
あらやだ。やっとの思いで見つけたと思ったら |
Oh my. Just when I thought I'd finally found those |
萃まる夢、幻、そして百鬼夜行 伊吹 萃香 |
Forgathering Dream, Illusion, and the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons | |
Suika |
もう少し遊べると思ったんだけどなぁ。 あんたみたいな変な亡霊が出てくるなんて…… |
And I thought I'd be able to play a little more. I didn't think that a strange ghost like you would |
Yuyuko |
……鬼なんて、香りもへったくれも無さそうね。 |
...Oni wouldn't have any fragrance or anything. |
Suika |
失礼ね。 |
How rude. |
Yuyuko |
栴檀(せんだん)は双葉より芳し。 |
A white cedar is more fragrant than its buds.[13] |
Suika |
文字通り私の褒め言葉でしょう? 私は萃まる香り。 |
Is that supposed to be a compliment? This scent I've gathered. |
Yuyuko |
子供には判らなくていいのよ。 |
It's okay if kids like you don't understand. |
Suika |
鬼を子供扱いかぁ。なかなかの勇気の持ち主だね。 それとも、勇気じゃなくて幽気? |
Treating an oni like a kid, huh... You sure've got some guts, don't ya. Or is it just that you're already dead?[14] |
Yuyuko |
そう言えば、新しいお茶が手に入ったわ。 |
Now that you mention it, it seems I've found a new tea. |
Suika |
ってぇ、私もここに居るし、もう話題をそらす意味 ……もしかしてわざとじゃなくて、天然かぁ? |
... you know, I am here, so there's no point in Hmm, was it really something natural, and not on purpose? |
Yuyuko |
そりゃ勿論、天然物よ。 |
Of course it's all-natural. |
Suika |
それに神社のお茶が天然の訳が無いし。 |
There's no way shrine tea could be natural. |
BGM: 御伽の国の鬼が島 ~ Missing Power |
BGM: The Fabled Land of Onigashima ~ Missing Power[15] | |
Suika |
つまり貴方は、その神社のお茶と私と、どちらが |
So, you want to compare which has the better scent, |
Yuyuko |
あれ? 凄いわね。 |
Hmm? Amazing. |
Suika |
凄いのはこれからこれから。 |
Oh, the amazing part is coming right up. |
Yuyuko |
私の台詞を当てられたのはここまで来て初めてよ。 |
Actually, I was talking about starting now. |
Suika |
私だって……天然物の鬼よ。 私の天然の鬼の力。 |
I'm ... a natural demon. So my powers ... |
Suika Ibuki DEFEATED | ||
''Ending No. 10 (Yuyuko Good Ending) |
- ↑ "Saury of Meguro" is a story seen in Rakugo. The plot is like this: A certain lord sighed sauries served in Meguro is the tastiest. By the way, Meguro is the place near Shibuya.
- ↑ Japanese people assumes that ghosts normally have no legs, the tradition of which is said to be from Edo period.
- ↑ In Japan there are the two most basic religions — Buddhism and Shintoism. The differences of their stances about death. Buddhists take it highly because the obsession of life is the most hardest obstacle, so nirvana is in the Buddhist range. On the other hand, Shitoists hate it and avoid of even talking about it since it is "defilements".
- ↑ You can know it on the stage 6, but Yuyuko is stopping the actions of other characters till this stage in order to interfere Suika controlling them for the next party. This is the preparation of her next step - visualizing the source of the incident, i.e., dragging it out in the visible form in Yukari's help.
- ↑ "new tea" or "tea bought newly" (新しいお茶 atarashii ocha) and "fresh tea made from the first harvest of the season" (新茶 shincha). 新 can be read not only "shin" but "atarashii" (They means the same).
- ↑ Yuyuko has beaten Reimu on the stage 3.
- ↑ Japanese word "koucha" is understood as "black tea" (紅茶), but in this case Yuyuko is making a little awkward pun; "god's tea" (神茶), a new portmanteau of "god" (神) and "tea" (茶). To make "koucha" interpreted in both ways, the original word isn't spelled in kanji but in hiragana.
- ↑ Possibly this word is a typo of 符丁/符牒.
- ↑ In original text, Yuyuko offers "god's tea" (こう茶/神茶 koucha) for Remilia. Remilia's response to her is that she only drinks "black tea" (紅茶 koucha). Remember that the kanji "神 links to "Shinto (神道)" (the word related to Reimu, or possibly a Japanesque girl Yuyuko) while the kanji "紅" means "scarlet" (the word related to Remilia).
- ↑ Obvious pun of 'time is gold'.
- ↑ The whole dialogue obviously refers to Suika (the scent) being scattered as thin mist. Yuyuko is asking Yukari to manipulate boundaries and force Suika to show her real form, which Yukari obliges.
- ↑ Suika's spelling of kanji is 萃香. To read it as in the ancient system of Chinese into Japanese, it is "to gather fragrance" (香りを萃める kaori wo atsumeru). Suika mentions that "gathering back all the tea scent that's spread out" in Yuyuko's dialogue of the previous stage is the metaphor of "gathering fragrance" or "Suika herself". From the view, we can realize her intention of frequent topic about "new tea"; she notices vaguely that she newly gets scent of Suika's control (both in literal and idiomatic usage).
- ↑ You must catch the sense of it, but the meaning of this idiom is "an admirable figure was also great in his/her childhood".
- ↑ ZUN creates a neologism "ghostly spirit/mind (幽気 yuuki), which is the same sound of a basic word "courage" (勇気).
- ↑ 鬼が島 (Onigashima) is an island where many oni live. It's the destination of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momotaro Momotaro.
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