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Imperishable Night/Story/Netherworld Team's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
Stage 1
蛍火の行方 |
Where the Fireflies Fly | |
蛍の灯りはいつもより激しく見えたのは気の所為か。 |
Are the fireflies brighter than usual, or is it just your imagination? | |
BGM: 幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes |
BGM: Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes | |
Youmu |
さあ、出て来い! |
You, show yourself! |
Yuyuko |
妖夢、おいてかないでよー… |
Youmu, don't leave me behind here... |
Youmu |
何言ってるんですか、夜は短いのですよ! 早く敵を見つけて斬り潰すのです。 |
What are you saying? The night is very short! We have to find the villains quickly, and cut them into mash. |
Yuyuko |
いや、そうじゃなくて……。 |
No, I didn't mean... |
??? |
斬り潰すって…… |
"Cut them into mash"... |
Wriggle Nightbug ENTERS | ||
闇に蠢く光の蟲 |
A Bug of Light Wriggling in the Dark | |
Wriggle |
斬るか潰すかどっちかにしてよ! |
Are you cutting them or mashing them? Make up your mind! |
Youmu |
さぁ、斬られる前か潰される前に、 |
Now, before you get cut or mashed, |
Yuyuko |
妖夢のそれは、夜明けのテンションよ。 おいてかないで、って言ったじゃない。 |
Youmu, save the excitement for when dawn is nearing! I told you not to leave me behind, didn't I? |
Wriggle |
なんなのよ、こいつら。 |
What is with these two? |
Yuyuko |
あれ? |
Oh? |
Youmu |
気付いて無かったのですか…… |
Did you not notice her yet...? |
Yuyuko |
蛍見も良いわね。 |
Firefly watching is quite nice, too. |
Youmu |
今のどこにそんな時間があるのです! |
Do we really have time for that now!? |
Wriggle |
そうやって話している時間が一番長い! 蛍様が出て喜ばない奴なんて、 |
You're spending the most time just talking like this! It's been such a long time since I've seen anyone |
BGM: 蠢々秋月 ~ Mooned Insect |
BGM: Wriggling Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect | |
Wriggle Nightbug DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
幽々子さまは、狙いを定めないから |
Lady Yuyuko, it takes a while for you to defeat |
Yuyuko |
あら、急がば回れ、って言葉知ってる? |
My, haven't you ever heard the saying, "haste makes waste"? |
Youmu |
あぁ、急いでるんでしたね。 |
Ah, yes, we are in a hurry. |
Yuyuko |
どう? |
Well? |
Youmu |
そんなんでいいんですか……。 って、そんなに傾けてたら、手を放す前に |
Is that really okay...? Wait, with the way you're holding that, |
Yuyuko |
くるくるくる~、っと。 |
Round and round and round it goes~ |
Stage 2
人間の消える道 |
The Path that Humans Vanish From | |
人間の通り道も、真夜中に出歩くものは獣か妖怪位。 |
Beasts and youkai are what stroll at midnight, even on the humans' roads. | |
BGM: 夜雀の歌声 ~ Night Bird |
BGM: Song of the Night Sparrow ~ Night Bird | |
Mystia Lorelei ENTERS | ||
Mystia Lorelei PAUSES | ||
??? |
ちょ、ちょっと待って~! |
Wait, waaaait! |
Youmu |
あんた邪魔だって。 |
You're in the way. |
??? |
あなた達には私の歌声が届かないのかしら? |
The two of you aren't hearing my song, are you? |
夜雀の怪 |
Night Sparrow Apparition | |
Mystia |
もしかして人間じゃ無いの? |
Perhaps you're not human? |
Yuyuko |
夜だというのに、雀の鳴き声がするわ。妖夢。 |
It's nighttime, but I hear a sparrow calling. Youmu? |
Youmu |
幽々子さま。 これは夜雀の鳴き声。 |
Lady Yuyuko, That's the cry of a night sparrow. |
Mystia |
不吉なんて失礼ね。 それに、幽霊が出る音よりはなんぼか |
Accursed? How rude of you. At the very least, my singing is better than the sound of |
Yuyuko |
ええそうねぇ、比べ物になりませんわ。 |
Yes, indeed. It's no contest at all. |
Youmu |
否定して下さいよ~。 |
Please don't agree with her... |
Yuyuko |
妖夢ほら、鳴き声がまた強くなってきたわ。 |
Youmu, listen! The cries got louder again. |
Mystia |
ああもう、人間でも人間だった奴でもいいや。 これから、楽しい妖怪祭りが始まるよ。 |
Geeze. Whether you are human or you were human, it doesn't matter to me. Now, the fun youkai festival begins. |
Yuyuko |
さぁ妖夢、先を急ぎましょうか。 |
Okay, Youmu. Shall we hurry along? |
Youmu |
え?えぇ、そうですね。そうですけど。 |
Huh? Er, yes. I suppose we should, yes. |
Yuyuko |
雀は小骨が多くて嫌いなの。 |
I don't like sparrows. They're too bony. |
Mystia |
通すもんか! |
You shall not pass! |
BGM: もう歌しか聞こえない |
BGM: Deaf to All but the Song | |
Mystia Lorelei DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
夜雀が出たって事は、じきに妖怪か何か その前にここを去りましょう。 |
That night sparrow's appearance is going to attract Let's move on before that happens. |
Yuyuko |
ちょっと待って。小骨が…… |
Hang on. Got a bone in my throat... |
Youmu |
さっき、嫌いって言ってたじゃないですか。 |
Didn't you just say you didn't like sparrows? |
Yuyuko |
妖夢、好き嫌いは良くないわ。 |
It's not good to be a picky eater, Youmu. |
Stage 3
歴史喰いの懐郷 |
Memories of the History-Eater's Home | |
一本道の先には人間達が住む小さな里がある。 |
At the end of a straight road, there was a small village where humans lived. | |
BGM: 懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World |
BGM: Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World | |
Keine Kamishirasawa ENTERS | ||
??? |
お前達か。 |
Is it you? |
Yuyuko |
あれ? |
Oh? |
Youmu |
ここは何処でしょう……? |
Yeah, where are we...? |
??? |
迷子の振りしても無駄だ。 |
There's no point in plating innocent. |
Keine Kamishirasawa PAUSES | ||
??/ |
くそ! |
Crap! |
Yuyuko |
酷いわね。 |
Oh, how cruel. |
Keine Kamishirasawa EXITS | ||
Keine Kamishirasawa ENTERS | ||
??? |
こんな所まで何の用だ? |
What business do you have in some place like this? |
Yuyuko |
さっき、攻撃してきたでしょ? |
You attacked us before, right? |
知識と歴史の半獣 |
Half Beast of Knowledge and History | |
Keine |
ここには何も無い。 |
There is nothing here. |
Youmu |
といっても、実は目的地が分かって |
It's easy to say that, but we really |
Keine |
当ても無くふらふらしているのか? |
Are you just wandering around with no goal? |
Yuyuko |
いやいや、妖夢。 ちゃんと目的地に向っているわ。 |
No, no, Youmu. We're certainly heading in the right direction. |
Keine |
お前達の目的とは何だ? |
What is your purpose? |
Youmu |
この異常な月を元に戻す事。 |
To restore this abnormal moon to normal. |
Yuyuko |
いやいや、妖夢。 |
No, no, Youmu. |
Youmu |
!? |
!? |
Yuyuko |
素敵でお腹いっぱいな夜の観光旅行。 |
We're having our fill of a wonderful nighttime sightseeing tour. |
Keine |
なんだか物凄く怪しい奴等だな。 ただでさえ幽霊は怪しいのに。 |
You two are really way too suspicious. Although phantoms are suspicious at the best of times. |
Youmu |
まて、それは聞き捨てならないな。 |
Wait, I can't just let you say that. |
Yuyuko |
いやいや。 |
No, no— |
Youmu |
うるさい。 |
Shut up. |
Keine |
……やはり、お前達は危険そうだな。 よく分からん奴らだが。 |
...you two really do seem dangerous. Although I don't quite get what you're doing. |
Yuyuko |
ねぇねぇ妖夢。 今日は、虫、鳥、と来て次は獣よ。 |
Hey, hey, Youmu. So far, we've had a bug, a bird, and now a beast. |
Youmu |
何が言いたいのですか。 |
What are you trying to say? |
Keine |
ふん、お前達の歴史は全て頂く! |
Hmph. I'll help myself to all of your history! |
BGM: プレインエイジア |
BGM: Plain Asia | |
Keine |
お前達が幽霊になる前も、全てだ。 |
Every last bit. Even from before you became phantoms. |
Yuyuko |
次は龍かしらね。 |
I wonder if a dragon's up next.[2] |
Youmu |
幽々子さま。次の事考える前に |
Lady Yuyuko. Please concentrate on what's happening now, |
Keine Kamishirasawa DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
獣、って人間を獣扱いしないで下さいよ。 |
"Beast"? Please, milady, you shouldn't treat humans like beasts. |
Yuyuko |
いやいや、妖夢。 この娘は今は人間の姿をしているけど、 もっとも、人間も獣だと思うので足して |
No, no, Youmu. This girl appears human right now, Although, I think humans are beasts too, |
Keine |
くそ、月が不完全じゃなければ |
Damnit. If the moon hadn't been incomplete, |
Youmu |
そうそうそう。 |
Oh, yes, yes. |
Yuyuko |
さぁ、次は龍料理ね。 |
Now, next up is a dragon dish. |
Youmu |
幽々子さま、目的地は分かっているって なんか不安になってきましたよ。 |
Lady Yuyuko, you said you knew where our Somehow, I feel kind of concerned. |
Yuyuko |
でも、龍は鱗が多そうね。 |
A dragon would have lots of scales, though. |
Stage 4 Powerful
魔力を含む土の下 |
Beneath the Soil that Holds Magic Power | |
力強い竹の下には、さらに力強い根が張り巡らされて |
Beneath the sturdy bamboo, even sturdier roots spread out. | |
BGM: 永夜の報い ~ Imperishable Night |
BGM: Retribution for the Eternal Night ~ Imperishable Night | |
??? |
動くと撃つ! |
Move and I'll shoot! |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
間違えた。 |
I messed up. |
Youmu |
何? |
What? |
普通の黒魔法少女 |
Ordinary Black-Magic Girl | |
Marisa |
さぁな。私はいつも通り、迷惑な妖怪を退治 |
Well, eh, I'm just hunting some troublesome youkai, |
Youmu |
迷惑って、誰がこんなことしたか知ってるの? |
Disturbing? Do you know who's doing all this, then? |
Yuyuko |
だからー、普通は判るわ。 |
I'm telling you, even ordinary people could understand that. |
Marisa |
そりゃ判るぜ。 明日は待ちにまったお月見の日だ。 |
Well, then, I understand. Tomorrow's the harvest moon-viewing that we've been waiting for. |
Yuyuko |
あら、判って無さそうね。 夜を止めているのは私達。 |
Oh, you don't seem to understand. We're the ones who are stopping the night. |
Marisa |
お前達だろ? だからやっつけに来たんじゃないか。 |
Yeah, and? That's why I came here to kick your butts, ain't it? |
Youmu |
そこの黒いの。 |
Hey, you. The black-clothed one. |
Marisa |
もう見飽きたって言っただろ? |
Didn't I just say I got bored of lookin' at it? |
BGM: 恋色マスタースパーク |
BGM: Love-Colored Master Spark | |
Youmu |
現実に目を背けるな。 こうしている間にもあの歪な月は沈む。 放っておけば大変な事になるのが |
You can't look away from reality. While we're arguing like this, that moon is sinking lower. Don't you understand that things will get really bad |
Marisa |
ー?夜が終らない方が大変だぜ。 竹だって、一日が終らなければ永遠に成長 するかも知れない。 それこそ月まで、でもな。 |
Ehh? An endless night will cause far more trouble for sure. For instance, the bamboo here will grow eternally if the night lasts too long. Might even reach the moon, perhaps. |
Yuyuko |
出る杭は打たれるの。 |
The nail that sticks out gets struck down. |
Marisa |
ああ、動くぜ。 |
Yeah, I'll move, all right. |
Marisa Kirisame EXITS | ||
幽々子さま、逃げましたよ。 |
Lady Yuyuko, she's fled. | |
Yuyuko |
困ったわね。 |
What a bother. |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa Kirisame PAUSES | ||
Marisa |
撃ったから動いた。 |
Okay. You shot, I moved. |
Youmu |
まだやるのか? |
You're still up for this? |
Marisa |
ふん。 |
Hmph. |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
とんだ無駄な時間を過ごしてしまった。 |
That was such an awful waste of time. |
Yuyuko |
幽霊に無駄な時間なんて無いの。 |
For phantoms, there's no such thing as wasted time. |
Marisa |
くそ。 |
Damnit. |
Yuyuko |
一瞬も全て。全ても一瞬。 |
An instant is everything. Everything is but an instant. |
Youmu |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Yuyuko |
妖夢。 そこに居るわよ。 |
Youmu. Inside there... |
Stage 5
穢き世の美しき檻 |
A Pure Cage in the Filthy World | |
「穢き所に、いかでか久しくおはせん。」 |
"Why have you lingered so long in such a filthy place?" | |
BGM: シンデレラケージ ~ Kagome-Kagome |
BGM: Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome | |
Tewi Inaba ENTERS | ||
Tewi Inaba DEFEATED | ||
??? |
遅かったわね。 |
You're too late. |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
??? |
全ての扉は封印したわ。 |
I've sealed all the doors. |
Youmu |
漸く見つかりましたね。犯人が。 |
Looks like we've finally found the culprit. |
Yuyuko |
これは宇宙鳥。 |
This is just a space bird.[7] |
狂気の月の兎 |
Lunatic Moon Rabbit | |
Reisen |
なんだ、幽霊か。 用が無いなら帰ってよ。 |
Huh, some phantoms? If you've got no business here, leave. |
Youmu |
そうはいかない。 そうなら斬る。 |
No way. If so, I'll slash you. |
Reisen |
月の異変? |
Moon incident? |
Yuyuko |
そうよ。 即刻やめてもらいます。 |
Right. We'll have you put a stop to it this instant. |
Youmu |
え、えぇ、行きますよ? |
Um, er, here I go? |
Reisen |
荒っぽい幽霊ね。 |
What rowdy phantoms. |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
あら、お迎えかと思ったら、幽霊? まぁ、お迎えが来れる筈が無いけど。 |
My, I thought we had guests, but it's just some phantoms? Well, there shouldn't be any guests arriving anyway. |
Yuyuko |
妖夢、二人目よ。 |
Youmu, there's another one. |
Youmu |
え、えぇ?行きます、の? |
H-huh? Should I go? |
Eirin |
ほら、そんなに苛めちゃ可哀相じゃない。 月の件は、私の術よ。 幽霊とはいえ、この位の優しさが無いと |
Oh, look, you shouldn't tease the poor girl like that. The business with the moon is due to my spell. Even phantoms ought to have at least |
Youmu |
お前が犯人か。 |
So you're the culprit? |
Eirin |
うーん、でも焦っちゃ駄目。 |
Mmm, but don't get all worked up yet. |
Eirin Yagokoro EXITS | ||
Reisen |
お任せください。斬られはしないけど、 |
Leave it to me. There's no slashing going on, |
Youmu |
(なんだ、幽々子さまと大差ないじゃ |
(Huh, there isn't there much difference |
Yuyuko |
脳が逃げて、鳥が残る。 |
The brain has left, and the bird remains. |
Youmu |
え? えぇ、斬りますってば。 |
Huh? Er, slashing. Will do. |
BGM: 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon |
BGM: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Reisen |
ふふふ。 既に私の罠に嵌っている事に気が付いて |
Heh heh heh. Don't you see that you've already |
Youmu |
!? |
!? |
Reisen |
貴方の方向は狂い始めている。 |
Your sense of direction is starting to go insane. |
Youmu |
そういえば、幽々子さま、なんで |
Speaking of which, Lady Yuyuko, |
Yuyuko |
兎は、皮をはいで食べると、 |
When skinned and eaten, they're the same thing.[8] |
Reisen |
嘘を教えるな。 私の目を見ても、まだ正気で居られると |
Hey, don't tell lies. I doubt you'll be able to remain sane |
Reisen Udongein Inaba DEFEATED | ||
幽々子さまの言う通りに進む(FinalA) |
Go where Lady Yuyuko says (Final A) | |
If it is player's first time defeating Reisen, player has used a continue, or player chooses Final A | ||
Youmu |
うう。目が廻る。 |
Ohh, my head is spinning. |
Yuyuko |
あらあら、これだけ揺られたから、 まぁ、安心しなさい。 |
My, my, your human half got sick Well, don't fret. |
Reisen |
なんていうこと。 |
I can't believe this. |
Yuyuko |
次は薬膳よ。しかも最後なの。 龍じゃないのが残念だけど。 |
Next up, herbal dishes. And that's the end of it, too. Unfortunately, it's not a dragon after all, though. |
Youmu |
幽々子さま。 |
Lady Yuyuko. |
Yuyuko |
全然。 |
Not at all. |
NEXT STAGE: Final A | ||
If player chooses Final B | ||
Youmu |
うう。目が廻る。 |
Ohh, my head is spinning. |
Yuyuko |
あらあら、これだけ揺られたから、 あそこに見える扉の奥で |
My, my, your human half got sick How about we go through that door over there |
Reisen |
ああ、しまった。 |
Ahh, crap. |
Youmu |
大丈夫、ですよ。 |
No, I'm okay. |
Yuyuko |
いいの。 きっとそこには最後の料理が待っているわ。 まぁ、休憩にはならないかもしれない |
You sure? Our final course is surely waiting for us in there. Well, it might not be much of a respite, |
Final Stage A
姫を隠す夜空の珠 |
The Orb in the Night Sky, Hiding the Princess | |
永い永い廊下。この廊下は何者かが見せる狂像か。 |
A long, long corridor. Is it a lunatic illusion being shown by someone? | |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1969 |
BGM: Voyage 1969 | |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
ふふふ。 無事ついて来てるようね。 |
Hahaha. Good, so you're following me. |
Yuyuko |
追いついた。 |
We've caught up with you. |
Youmu |
ええ、逃しませんとも。 |
Yes, you won't be escaping. |
Eirin Yagokoro EXITS | ||
Youmu |
えぇーと。 |
Ummm. |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
ここ、ここ。 さすが半人前ね。 |
Here, here. You really are half-baked. |
Yuyuko |
何やってるのよ。 |
What are you doing?
Youmu |
尾行の為じゃ無いですよ。 |
Not for chasing people, surely. |
月の頭脳 |
Brain of the Moon | |
Eirin |
まぁ、ここは私が作った偽の通路。 貴方達が見失うのも無理は無いわ。 |
Well, this is a false pathway I created. So it's no wonder that you lost track of me. |
Youmu |
偽の通路? |
False pathway? |
Yuyuko |
偽の月に偽の星空。 ほんと、手の込んだ事をしたものね。 |
A false moon in a false sky. You're really overdoing it with this. |
Eirin |
あら、よく分かったわね。 |
Ah, impressive. |
Yuyuko |
大昔の月よ、あれは。 |
That's a very old moon. |
Youmu |
昔ですか? |
Old? |
Yuyuko |
古臭い、黴の生えた月。 今の月には兎はいないものねぇ。 |
A terribly old-fashioned moon, with mold growing on it. The moon these days has no rabbits on its surface. |
Eirin |
あいにく、今でも兎はいるわ。 月の民も兎も、月の裏でひっそりと 結界を張ってひっそりと……。 |
Well, no, there are rabbits there even now. The people and rabbits of the moon have been Unseen, protected by a barrier... |
Youmu |
月の幻想郷? |
A Gensokyo on the moon? |
Eirin |
そしてこの幻影の月は、月の記憶。 古臭く見えるのはその為よ。 |
And so, this illusory moon is a memory of the past moon. That's why it looks so old-fashioned. |
Youmu |
で、そんな黴臭い月を持ち出して |
So, what are you trying to do |
Eirin |
用事ならもう済んでいるわ。 満月は月と地上を結ぶ唯一の鍵。 これさえ無くせば、追手も月から 今頃、偽の地上に辿りついている |
My task is already coming to an end. The full moon is the one key that links the moon to the earth. Just by removing that, no pursuers can reach Even now, they're pursuing us to a fake Earth. |
Yuyuko |
あなたは、犯罪者なのね。 何かから逃げる者は罪を犯した者。 身を隠そうとする者は罪を認めた者。 そして、罪を認めた犯罪者は |
In short, you are a criminal. Those who try to escape from something are those who've committed a crime. Those who try to hide themselves are those who've admitted their crime. And criminals who've admitted to a crime |
Youmu |
……。 |
...... |
Eirin |
いや別に。 あんまりにもここが居心地が良かったから、 安心していいわ。 |
No, it's not like that. This may be a bit unreasonable, but I simply didn't want There's no need to worry. |
Youmu |
幽々子さま、私に何かご指示を。 |
Lady Yuyuko, give me some instructions. |
Yuyuko |
あら、今頃になって私の言ってたことが じゃあ、まずは私の盾になりなさい。 |
Oh, have you understood what I was saying Well then, first, please become my shield. |
Youmu |
お任せください。 |
Leave it to me. |
Yuyuko |
気が向いたら援護してあげるから。 |
Seeing as I'll back you up if I feel like it. |
Eirin |
あはははは。 盾は外からの力を防ぐ力しか持たない。 我ら月の民は内なる力に作用させる あなたが硬い盾になっている内に、中の そう、そっちの能天気なお嬢さんからね。 |
Ahahaha. A shield can only stop something from the outside. We of the moon have the ability to use While you're becoming a hard shield, Yes, you carefree girl over there. |
Yuyuko |
妖夢、安心して。 |
Don't worry, Youmu. |
Youmu |
判ってますよ。 でも、腐っていてもお守りするのが |
I understand. But rotten or not, it's the Konpaku |
Yuyuko |
腐らないってば。 |
I said I can't rot. |
Eirin |
いつまでその余裕が持つかしらね。 留処なく溢れる月の記憶。 これを浴びた地上人で狂わなかった |
I wonder how long that attitude of yours will last. This ceaselessly overflowing memory of the moon... Amongst the Earthlings bathed in it, there are none |
Yuyuko |
仕様が無いわね。妖夢、狂わないように |
Looks like there's no helping it. |
Eirin |
ああ、人じゃなくて幽霊ね。 |
Ah, you're a phantom and not a human. |
Yuyuko |
腐りかけが一番美味しいの。 |
Things are most delicious when they're about to rot. |
Youmu |
今それを教えられても……。 |
Why are you telling me that now...? |
Eirin |
言うわね。 |
Well said. |
BGM: 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon |
BGM: Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon | |
Eirin |
貴方達亡霊は神も見捨てたって事よ! |
You ghosts, unable to rot, have been forsaken even by the gods! |
Eirin Yagokoro DEFEATED | ||
??? |
何遊んでるのよ! |
What are you playing at!? |
Kaguya Houraisan ENTERS | ||
??? |
永琳、私の力でもう一度だけチャンスをあげる。 これで負けたらその時は……。 そこの亡霊! 私の力で作られた薬と永琳の本当の力、 |
Eirin, I grant you one more chance with my power. If you lose this time... You ghosts there! With the medicine made by my power, and Eirin's true strength, |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1970 |
BGM: Voyage 1970 | |
Eirin Yagokoro REVIVES | ||
Eirin Yagokoro DEFEATED | ||
If the imperishable night ever reaches 5:00 am | ||
BAD ENDING No. 12 | ||
If the imperishable night ends before 5:00 am | ||
Final Stage B
五つの難題 |
Five Impossible Requests | |
解決不能な五つの難題。 |
There were five impossible requests that nobody could solve. | |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1969 |
BGM: Voyage 1969 | |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
ああもう。 こっちに来させちゃ駄目だって言ってるのに。 |
Geez. I told her not to let them come this way. |
Yuyuko |
妖夢。 |
Youmu. |
Youmu |
ええ、行きますとも。 |
Yes. Pressing on now. |
Eirin Yagokoro DEFEATED | ||
Youmu |
幽々子さま。 |
Lady Yuyuko, look. |
Kaguya Houraisan ENTERS | ||
??? |
これが本当の満月。 貴方達は人間でも妖怪でもないみたいね。 何でこんな所に迷い込んできたのかしら。 |
This is the true full moon. It seems that you two are neither human nor youkai. I wonder why you've wandered into such a place as this? |
Yuyuko |
妖夢。 あの月の顔を見るのは忌まわしい事よ。 今すぐに見るのをやめなさい。 |
Youmu. Looking at that moon is a fearful thing. Stop looking at it, right away. |
Youmu |
え、えぇ、そうなのですか? |
Er, wha, is it really? |
永遠と須臾の罪人 |
Sinner of Eternity and the Instantaneous | |
Kaguya |
本当の月は忌まわしいもの。 地上人はその事を忘れて久しい。 貴方は懐かしい人ね。 いや、人だった者かな? |
The true moon is fearful, indeed. That's something that the Earthlings have long since forgotten. You must be quite the nostalgic human. Or rather, ex-human? |
Yuyuko |
まだまだ人のつもりだけど。 でもね、この娘はまだ半分人なの。 半分だけでもおかしくなったら困るわ。 |
Every now and then I still think of myself that way. This girl is still half-human, though. It'd be quite bad if half of her went insane. |
Youmu |
幽々子さま。 |
Lady Yuyuko. |
Yuyuko |
心の目で見るのよ。 その大きな半幽霊は何の為に付いているの? |
Look at her with your mind's eye. What's that big phantom half of yours there for? |
Youmu |
心眼の為ではないですよ。 |
Not for using any inner eyes, surely. |
Kaguya |
楽しいわね。 穢い人間でも妖怪でもない者か。 見ていて気持ちのいい位、何にもないのね。 |
What fun. You're neither impure humans, nor youkai. You truly have nothing, it's quite enjoyable to look at. |
Youmu |
幽々子さま、大変です。 |
Oh no, Lady Yuyuko! |
Kaguya |
少しくらいこの満月みて狂った方が |
Wouldn't it be okay to look at this full moon |
Yuyuko |
見えなくても刀は物を斬れるでしょう? |
You can still slash things without looking at them, can't you? |
Kaguya |
で、今日はどうしたの? |
So, what are you doing here tonight? |
Yuyuko |
珠はね、少しでも欠けると価値は無くなるの。 それは、永遠に丸のままではいられないからよ。 でもね、その傷が付いた珠も、転がしている そういうことでしょう? |
If even a little bit of a sphere is missing, it loses its value. That's because it can't stay round forever. But, as that flawed sphere is rolled around a bit, That's what this is about, isn't it? |
Youmu |
あー、急に目を開けると眩しさに目が眩む。 |
Ahh, when I open my eyes all of a sudden, the light is blinding me. |
Kaguya |
そう、永遠とはそういうこと。 実は私、永遠を操る事が出来るの。 |
Yes, that is indeed what eternity is about. Actually, I'm able to manipulate eternity. |
Yuyuko |
ってことは、今夜を止めていたのも |
—so, does that mean you're the one |
Youmu |
え? |
Huh? |
Kaguya |
そんな酷い事をするのは私じゃないわ。 これは信じていいわよ。 |
I could never do something so cruel. Trust me on that one. |
Yuyuko |
まぁ、どうでもいいわそんなこと。 私は、幻想郷に満月が戻ればそれでいいの。 朝にはそのうちなるでしょうし。 |
Well, that doesn't matter to me anyway. I'll be satisfied if we can return the full moon to Gensokyo. Morning will still come in the meantime. |
Youmu |
良く言いますね。 |
Well said. |
Yuyuko |
妖夢、これは最後の命令よ。 目の前の永遠を斬りなさい。 |
Youmu, this is your final order. Slash the eternity before your eyes. |
Kaguya |
あら、永遠は傷が付いても永遠よ。 |
Oh, eternity is still eternity, even with pieces missing. |
Youmu |
だから斬るんですよね! |
Okay, so I'll slash her |
Yuyuko |
さっきはああ言ってたけど、夜を止め |
I said this just a minute ago, but she has to |
Youmu |
いや、それは違うと……。 |
No, um, I think that's... |
Kaguya |
違うって言ってるでしょ? まぁいいわ。 今まで、何人もの人間が敗れ去って |
Wrong. I said that, didn't I? Well, whatever. My five requests that so many humans |
BGM: 竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic Princess |
BGM: Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess | |
Kaguya |
貴方達に幾つ解けるかしら? |
How many of them can you fulfill? |
Kaguya Houraisan DEFEATED | ||
Kaguya |
なんて事! そう、夜を止めていたのは……、 貴方達だったのね。 |
What the!? I see. The ones who are stopping the night... It's you two, isn't it. |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ1970 |
BGM: Voyage 1970 | |
Kaguya Houraisan REVIVES | ||
Kaguya |
貴方達が作った半端な永遠の夜なんて…… 私の永遠を操る術で全て破って見せる。 夜明けはすぐそこにあるはずよ。 どう? |
This half-finished eternal night that you have made... With my spell to manipulate eternity, I'll tear it all away. The dawn shall be upon us soon. How's that? |
Kaguya Houraisan DEFEATED | ||
If player runs out of lives during this stage | ||
BAD ENDING No. 12 | ||
Otherwise | ||
- ↑ Youmu is complaining again what she said in part 4 of Prologue.
- ↑ It might be Four Symbols: Black Turtle; Vermillion Bird; White Tiger; and Azure Dragon. In Ancient China, a snake and turtle was seen as a man and wife of a kind of bugs.
- ↑ Quoted from a manga 夢幻紳士.
- ↑ To strike (打つ) and to shoot (撃つ) are both pronounced "Utsu."
- ↑ Possibly a veiled reference to Kaguya Houraisan. 籠, the kanji for "cage" (which is featured heavily in the coming stages), is a combination of the kanji for "bamboo" (竹) and "dragon" (龍) - "dragon" dish in the middle of the "bamboo" forest.
- ↑ Quoted from Kaguya hime, the core of this game. In this scene, Kaguya-hime was called from the mission of Moon and some mysterious power made the strong securities unlocked, her somehow gettting out. So this quotation implies that Reimu and Yukari are unlocking the security which locks or guards a noble princess.
- ↑ There was a Japanese taboo of eating meat or flesh before Meiji Restoration (Modern Revolution of Japan). But people decided that rabbits were the exception to see them a kind of birds. Concrete explanation is below.
- ↑ There are some ways of explaining how the taboo of eating flesh as an old rule of Japanese Buddhism. But they are on the same pattern to put rabbits as one type of birds. You might know that rabbits are still counted on the same unit system as birds are; "one wing" (一羽 ichi wa). The most famous theory is: in the past, monks weren't allowed to eat animal meat, but bird meat was an exception. So some of them pretended that rabbit meat was bird meat, to skirt this rule, associating the figure of a pair of rabbit's ears with that of bird's wings. Another theory is: Emperor Tenmu the promoter of Buddhism prohibitted meat of five animals (bulls, horses, dogs, monkeys, chickens), which is recoreded on chapter 29 of Nihon Shoki. The people avoided the taboo to eat rabbit ― they saw them a type of birds to associate the sound "usagi" with "sagi" (egret).
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