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Infinite Blade Pavilion/Characters

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Most of the characters in Infinite Blade Pavilion are original and non-existent in the Touhou Project. The following three are, however, officially part of the Touhou Project and are playable characters in Infinite Blade Pavilion. The rest below are original characters.

Reimu Hakurei
Exorcising Arrow-like Shrine Maiden

Reimu Hakurei
Playable Character





Species: Human

Ability: Flying in the sky

The ubiquitous youkai exterminator and shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine.

The changes in the mountains' fall leaves are ultimately as transient as all other things. At times, they change early, and at other times late.
...And so forth. Which is why she's not paying any particular attention to the signs of the incident.
But once she realized that the cause was most likely underground, the shrine maiden ventured
beneath the earth, despite having a somewhat bad feeling about what was to come.
After all, every youkai living underground was a terrible ne'er-do-well.
Something bad was bound to happen down there.

Marisa Kirisame
Contradiction-Fighting Magician

Marisa Kirisame
Playable Character





Species: Human

Ability: Using magic

The magician living in the forest.

She's not particularly concerned about the cause behind Gensokyo's autumn being stolen, nor the mountain leaves along with it.
If anything, she's far more interested in the perpetrator's motive--
especially if that perpetrator is underground.
She discovered quite a few interesting things on her last trip underground
during the geyser-and-earth-spirits incident, so she's certain that something
interesting will happen this time too. She's more or less in a 'sightseeing' mood.

Youmu Konpaku
Gardener of the Life-Saving Sword

Youmu Konpaku
Playable Character





Species: Half-human half-phantom

Ability: Handling sword techniques

The half-human half-phantom gardener.

She took notice of the "autumn"-stealing incident fairly quickly, as it resembled
the "spring-stealing incident" that her mistress Yuyuko had once caused in the past.
Which was all well and good, but for some reason, Yuyuko ordered her to go repair her swords
(and test them out along the way). Thus, she's been saddled with a trip to the underground.
She can hardly ever tell what her mistress is really thinking when giving such orders,
so she's somewhat uneasy about it, but perhaps Yuyuko's true aim really does lie underground...
Well, that's what she believes for now. More or less.

Ariwara no Miyabiko

在原 (ありわら) 雅子 (みやびこ)
Ariwara no Miyabiko
Ariwara no Miyabiko in Infinite Blade Pavilion
The Poetry Immortal Singing of Autumn Leaves
More Character Titles

Vengeful spirit


Reciting waka

Music Themes

古の六歌仙 ~ Love letter from ?

Ariwara no Miyabiko (在原 雅子) is the stage 1 midboss and boss.


Ariwara no Miyabiko is based off of Ariwara no Narihira, one of the six poetry immortals.


Her first name Miyabiko (雅子) roughly means "elegant child".
Her last name Ariwara (在原) contains kanji meaning "existence" and "field", and is derived from "Ariwara no Narihira".


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Spell Cards

Spell Cards
Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 13
静流「千早ぶる竜田川」 Quiet Stream "Ferocious Tatsuta River" [1] IBP St. 1: E/N
激流「荒ぶる竜田川」 Rapid Stream "Raging Tatsuta River" [2] IBP St. 1: H
超流「バリアブル竜田川」 Super Stream "Variable Tatsuta River" [2] IBP St. 1: L
鬼奏「青葉の笛の音」 Oni Performance "Sound of the Green-Leaf Flute" [3] IBP St. 1: E/N
鬼神楽「鬼神の嘆き笛の音」 Oni Kagura "The Kishin's Lamentations and the Sound of the Flute" [3] IBP St. 1: H
鬼葬「荒倉山のレクイエム」 Oni Burial "Mt. Arakura Requiem" [3] IBP St. 1: L
神代「メェプルシュトローム」 Gods' Era "Maple-strom" [4] IBP St. 1: E/N
神代「カーマインデリュージュ」 Gods' Era "Carmine Deluge" IBP St. 1: H
神代「カーディナルフルメン」 Gods' Era "Cardinal Fulmen" [5] IBP St. 1: L
春心「桜無き世」 Spring Heart "World Without Sakura" [6] IBP St. 1: E/N
呪歌「桜散り、老いの来る道」 Curse Poem "Fluttering Sakura, and the Road of Old Age's Approach" [7] IBP St. 1: H
浮世「咲くも花なら散るも花」 Floating World "If Flowers are to Bloom, So Too are They to Wither" IBP St. 1: L
「風雅に染まれ、恋染の椛」 "Be Tinted Elegantly, Love-Dyed Maple Leaves" [8] IBP Overdrive

Official Profiles

Infinite Blade Pavilion - Ariwara no Miyabiko's Profile
○1面中ボス&ボス もみぢ葉歌う六歌仙

 在原 雅子(ありわらの みやびこ)
 Ariwara no Miyabiko








Stage 1 Midboss and Boss - The Poetry Immortal Singing of Autumn Leaves

Ariwara no Miyabiko

Species: Vengeful spirit
Ability: Reciting waka

A vengeful spirit who floated over to the tunnel leading underground, attracted by the beauty of the fall leaves blowing up from it.
She's a bunrei ("divided spirit") of a once-famous human poet.

Her poems were said to be on par with those of Ono no Komachi, filled with extraordinary linguistic power, capable of moving Heaven and Earth, bringing sorrow even to ferocious kishin, even able to loosen the bonds between man and woman.
Despite such power, there was one woman who she was ultimately forced to give up upon, the fact of which she still curses to this day. Thus unable to rest in peace, she spends every day floating around as a vengeful spirit.

During the events of the story, she's unjustly accused of relation to the incident due to a poem she composed while alive, and is challenged with a danmaku fight.

It seems that in life, she was widely notorious for being the most unabashed womanizer of the Heian era.
She hasn't changed her ways one bit as of today.

Much like one Miss Tenjin (apparently her friend(?) since their mortal days. Also they often teamed up to solve bizarre mysteries that plagued the city of Heiankyo but that's a story for another time,) who previously caused the Life-Guiding Tree Incident, she's taken a page out of Ki no Tsurayuki's book and adopted a female form.

According to her, "I decided that the best way to understand a woman's heart was to become a woman myself".

Ren & Ten Hitotachi

一太刀 (ひとたち) (れん) 一太刀 (ひとたち) (てん)
Ren Hitotachi & Ten Hitotachi
Ren (left) and Ten (right) Hitotachi in Infinite Blade Pavilion
Gale Slashers
More Character Titles

Youkai (kamaitachi)


Causing whirlwinds

Music Themes


Ren Hitotachi (一太刀 鎌) and Ten Hitotachi (一太刀 鼬) are the stage 2 bosses. Ren also appears as the stage 2 midboss.


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Their names Ren (鎌) and Ten (鼬) are the kanji that comprise Kamaitachi (鎌鼬).

Their surname Hitotachi (一太刀) means "one longsword" and can also be read as itachi, the second half of their species.


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Spell Cards

Spell Cards
Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 13
烈風「目眩風」 Fierce Wind "Dizzying Wind" IBP St. 2: E/N
旋風「無頼の風切り刃」 Whirlwind "Scoundrel's Wind-Slicing Blade" IBP St. 2: H
疾風「ワイルドワールウインド」 Swift Wind "Wild Whirlwind" IBP St. 2: L
鎌風「辻斬りサイクロン」 Scythe Wind "Tsujigiri Cyclone" IBP St. 2: E/N
颶風「辻斬りテンペスト」 Swirling Wind "Tsujigiri Tempest" IBP St. 2: H
衝風「カデギダソニックブーム」 Blast of Wind "Kataigida Sonic Boom" [9] IBP St. 2: L
凶風「変異抜刀かまい太刀」 Perilous Wind "Apparition's Quick-Draw: Kamai-dachi" [10] [11] IBP St. 2: E/N
四凶「窮奇のデスサイズ」 Four Perils "Qiongqi's Death Scythe" [12] [13] IBP St. 2: H
死凶「窮奇のデスサイズ地獄変」 Deadly Peril "Qiongqi's Death Scythe Hell Screen" [12] [13] [14] IBP St. 2: L
「八乙女オロシ」 "Yaotome Mountain Gale" [15] IBP St. 2: E/N
「八ヶ岳オロシ」 "Yatsugatake Mountain Gale" IBP St. 2: H
「地獄のヤマミサキ」 "Hell's Yama-misaki" IBP St. 2: L
「マキシマムバスタータイフォアン」 "Maximum Buster Typhoon" [16] IBP Overdrive

Official Profiles

Infinite Blade Pavilion - Ren Hitotachi & Ten Hitotachi's Profile
○2面中ボス&ボス 疾風の通り魔

 一太刀 鎌 & 一太刀 鼬(ひとたち れん & ひとたち てん)
 Hitotachi Ren & Hitotachi Ten



Stage 2 Midboss and Boss - Gale Slashers

Ren Hitotachi & Ten Hitotachi

Species: Youkai (kamaitachi)
Ability: Causing whirlwinds

A pair of low-level youkai sisters, whose territory consists of the river flowing across the border between the underground and the surface.
Ren is the older sister, and Ten is the younger.
Their life's work as youkai is to prank humans by knocking them over with whirlwinds, slashing at any exposed skin, then instantly applying ointment so that the wounds only result in faint scratches.
They're quite proud of their speed and dexterity, and decided to have some fun with the human who ventured underground by challenging them to a danmaku battle.
Fast as they may be, they were just low-level youkai in the end. The outcome hardly even needs saying.

Snow Cordie

Snow Cordie
Stage 3
Extra Stage


Stage 3
Extra Stage

Snow Cordie in Infinite Blade Pavilion
Cerasite Fairy
Great Fairy who Burst Into Bloom

More Character Titles



Making stones shine
Making talents blossom

Snow Cordie (スノウコーディア) is the Stage 3 midboss and the Extra Stage midboss.


She is most likely inspired by the "stone cherry blossoms" (石桜) featured in Wild and Horned Hermit chapter 28: cherry blossom-like crystals that coalesce from dead bodies buried under cherry trees, and eventually fall from the cavern ceiling in Former Hell. She also seems to be inspired by the incident in Visionary Fairies in Shrine, in which faeries were trapped in stone cherry crystals.


"Cordie" is derived from cordierite, specifically a pseudomorph known as cerasite. Cerasite appears in attractive, petal-shaped crystals, earning it the name sakuraishi (桜石), or "cherry blossom stone".


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Spell Cards

Spell Cards
Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 7
石符「チルチル桜石」 Stone Sign "Fluttering Stone Cherries" [17] IBP St. 3: E/N
石符「メガダイヤストーム」 Stone Sign "Mega Diamond Storm" [18] IBP St. 3: H
石符「クレイジー金剛石スプラッシュ」 Stone Sign "Crazy Kongouseki Splash" [19] IBP St. 3: L
易題「その辺で拾ったエイジャの赤石」 Easy Request "A Red Stone of Aja I Picked Up Over There" [20] IBP St. Ex
幻石「パライバの電気石」 Illusory Stone "Paraíba's Electric Tourmaline" [21] IBP St. Ex
時価「レッドベリルメガリス」 Current Value "Red Beryl Megalith" IBP St. Ex
「ロンズデーライトテリトリー」 "Lonsdaleite Territory" IBP Overdrive

Official Profiles

Infinite Blade Pavilion - Snow Cordie's Profile (Stage 3 Midboss)
○3面中ボス 桜石の妖精

 Snow Cordie




Stage 3 Midboss - Cerasite Fairy

Snow Cordie

Species: Fairy
Ability: Making stones shine

A stone fairy who dwells beneath the earth. Since she spends most of her time underground,
she's not as active as the above-ground fairies, nor does she crowd together with the others.

Her 'ability to make stones shine' is the ability to perform the chemical reactions that turn minerals into gemstones, but in a very short amount of time.
She'd probably get used as a tool for get-rich-quick schemes if any evil humans found her,
but since her main place of activity is Former Hell, she doesn't worry too much about that, nor does she have to.
During the story, she's just a random passerby fairy.

Infinite Blade Pavilion - Snow Cordie's Profile (Extra Stage Midboss)
 ◯中ボス 開花した大妖精

  Snow Cordie






Extra Stage Midboss - Great Fairy who Burst into Bloom

Snow Cordie

Species: Fairy
Ability: Making stones shine → Making talents blossom

A fairy who, for some reason, had been acting rashly within the underground.
Apparently, she had become active under the influence of a "dragon" that passed through the depths of the earth.

Her ability is to turn minerals into gemstones over a short period of time, but ultimately,
said ability is rooted in her ability to "make talents bloom" and "open up potential".
It would seem that she had used this ability on longmai, ley lines, and even the flow of air currents, causing them to mutate.

She may have awakened to a somewhat cheat-class ability, but rest assured.
Her intelligence is that of a fairy, after all.

Using this ability, she could cause an extinct volcano to erupt if she wanted to,
but she probably won't ever think of that idea or even attempt to do such a thing.

Sekito Umakakeba

馬駈場 (うまかけば)  せきと
Sekito Umakakeba
Sekito Umakakeba in Infinite Blade Pavilion
Former Hell's Great Tormenting Demon
More Character Titles

Oni (mezu-oni)


Running 1000 li in a day

Music Themes


Sekito Umakakeba (馬駈場 せきと) is the stage 3 boss.


Sekito is based on the Red Hare (赤兔馬 lit. "red hare horse"), a famous horse owned by the warlord Lü Bu that lived during the Three Kingdoms era of China.
It was called such because of its red mane and processing the speed of a hare, able to run 1000 li in a day.


Umakakeba (馬駈場) roughly means "horse galloping scene".
Sekito (せきと) is a hiragana rendering of "Red Hare" (赤兎).


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Spell Cards

Spell Cards
Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 13
疾走「バーニングランニング」 Swift Dash "Burning Running" IBP St. 3: E/N
激走「ブレイジングランニング」 Fierce Dash "Blazing Running" IBP St. 3: H
焔走「プロミネンスランニング」 Flaming Dash "Prominence Running" IBP St. 3: L
鬼符「地獄草紙」 Oni Sign "Hell Scroll" [22] IBP St. 3: E/N
鬼符「奈落の地獄草紙」 Oni Sign "Naraka's Hell Scroll" [23] IBP St. 3: H
鬼符「焔甌」 Oni Sign "Homura-Hotogi" [24] IBP St. 3: L
逆剥「アメノフチコマ」 Back-Skinning "Ame no Fuchikoma" [25] [26] IBP St. 3: E/N
一角「逆ギレユニコーン」 Single Horn "Snap-Back Unicorn" [27] IBP St. 3: H
神馬「逆切れスレイプニル」 Divine Horse "Slice-Back Sleipnir" [27] IBP St. 3: L
「赤兎馬無双」 "Unrivaled Red Hare" IBP St. 3: E/N
雲長「関帝無双」 Yunchang "Unrivaled Guan Di" [28] IBP St. 3: H
奉先「天下無双の呂旗」 Fengxian "Flag of , Unrivaled Under Heaven" [29] IBP St. 3: L
「獄卒せきとの六道輪廻」 "Hell Torturer Sekito's Six-Realm Samsara" IBP Overdrive

Official Profiles

Infinite Blade Pavilion - Sekito Umakakeba's Profile
○3面ボス 旧地獄の大獄卒

 馬駈場 せきと(うまかけば せきと)
 Umakakeba Sekito





Stage 3 Boss - Former Hell's Great Tormenting Demon

Sekito Umakakeba

Species: Oni (mezu-oni)
Ability: Running 1000 li in one day

An oni who lives in Former Hell's capital. One of the oni who used to torment dead spirits there.
She's known as a horse-head oni, and boasts some of the fastest speed among her peers.
She was once a famous horse who carried humans across the battlefield in a flash,
but she fell into Hell and wound up turning into an oni there.

Much like her fellow oni, she spends every day drinking and making a commotion,
but she's also a hard worker who never forgoes her daily training regimen.
She dreams of someday escaping from the underground's dingy caverns,
and sprinting as much as she likes across the sunny plains.

Just as she realized that something disquieting was going on at the Palace of the Earth Spirits,
she encountered the human who had come down from above.
Her short-tempered personality then came back to bite her as she picked a fight with them.

Magura Togura

饕喰楽 (とぐら) まぐら
Magura Togura
Magura Togura in Infinite Blade Pavilion
The Four Perils' Devilry-Devouring Fangs
More Character Titles

Majuu (Taotie)


Devouring devilry

Music Themes


Magura Togura (饕喰楽 まぐら) is the stage 4 boss and midboss, as well as stage 5 midboss.


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Spell Cards

Spell Cards
Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 19
餓獣「ハングリースピリット」 Starving Beast "Hungry Spirit" IBP St. 4: E/N
餓獣「ストロングハングリーハート」 Starving Beast "Strong Hungry Heart" IBP St. 4: H
味付「地上最強の調味料」 Seasoning "Mightiest Condiment on Earth" IBP St. 4: L
虎牙「タイガーファング」 Tiger Fangs "Tiger Fang" IBP St. 4: E/N
餓虎「スターヴタイガーファング」 Starving Tiger "Starve Tiger Fang" IBP St. 4: H
餓虎「グリーディータイガーファング」 Starving Tiger "Greedy Tiger Fang" IBP St. 4: L
魔除「エイジアンタリスマン」 Evil-Warding "Asian Talisman" IBP St. 4: E/N
魔除「災禍結界」 Evil-Warding "Disaster Barrier" IBP St. 4: H
魔除「四重災禍結界」 Evil-Warding "Quadruple Disaster Barrier" [30] IBP St. 4: L
饕餮「魔ヲ貪リ食ラウモノ」 Taotie "That Which Devours Devilry" IBP St. 4: E/N
饕餮「カラミティイーター」 Taotie "Calamity Eater" IBP St. 4: H
悪食「オールシングイーター」 Bizarre Diet "All Things Eater" IBP St. 4: L
四凶「トウテツドラゴンビースト」 Four Perils "Toutetsu Dragon Beast" IBP St. 4: E/N
竜生九子「竜ニ成レヌモノ」 Nine Dragon Children "That Which Failed to Become a Dragon" IBP St. 4: H
竜生九子「魔獣フレンズ」 Nine Dragon Children "Majuu Friends" [31] IBP St. 4: L
爪牙「強欲で謙虚な牙」 Claws & Fangs "Fangs of Duality"[32] IBP St. 5: E/N
爪牙「強欲で貧欲な牙」 Claws & Fangs "Fangs of Desires"[33] IBP St. 5: H
爪牙「ユーワンズァオヤー」 Claws & Fangs "Yùwàng Zhǎoyá" [34] IBP St. 5: L
「饕餮の満漢全席」 "Taotie's Manchu-Han Imperial Feast" IBP Overdrive

Official Profiles

Infinite Blade Pavilion - Magura Togura's Profile
 ○4面中ボス&ボス(&5面中ボス) 魔を貪る四凶の牙

  饕喰楽 まぐら
  Togura Magura









Stage 4 Boss & Midboss (& Stage 5 Midboss) - The Four Perils' Devilry-Devouring Fangs

Magura Togura

Species: Majuu (Taotie)
Ability: Devouring devilry

Mastermind #1 this time around.
A demon beast (majuu) who was sealed underground.
An odd-one-out of the demon beasts known as Taoties (in Japanese, "Toutetsu").

She was originally one of several gods worshipped in a particular kingdom in ancient times, but as war brought the kingdom to ruin, both she and her master were buried in the darkness of history as evil gods.

She awoke from the depths of the earth after the Life-Guiding Tree Incident just a little while ago. But upon opening her eyes, she found herself not in the place where she had once been sealed, but in the underground world below Gensokyo.

Despite her confusion, she sensed the presence of her former master's soul somewhere nearby, and hatched a plan to revive her master. Rather fortunately, she gained the cooperation of a vengeful spirit who had revived at the same time, and took over the Palace of the Earth Spirits.

She held the power to devour devilry-- to eat and nourish herself with everything that humans perceived as evil, harmful or disastrous. Rather unfortunately, this meant that the abilities of every youkai living underground and in the Palace had absolutely terrible affinity with her.

After trapping all the underground youkai in their town, she began gathering the source of her master's power-- maple leaves-- into the underground.
As a result, Gensokyo's autumn was stolen along with them, and a youkai extermination specialist came to kick her butt. This was her greatest miscalculation, as she was unfamiliar with Gensokyo.

Also, she might be the same species as the "Toutetsu" mentioned during the Wily Beast Incident by the leader of the Keiga Family, one of the three great organizations that control the Animal Realm. Or she might not.

Kikyou Kabutozukamori

兜塚守 (かぶとづかもり) 桔梗 (ききょう)
Kikyou Kabutozukamori
Kikyo Kabutodsukamori

More Alternative Spellings
Kikyou Kabutozukamori in Infinite Blade Pavilion
Buried Legend of Kubizuka[35]
More Character Titles

Vengeful spirit


Turning her body to steel


Roughly 1100 years?

Music Themes

桔梗塚伝説 ~ Black Ventus

Kikyou Kabutozukamori (兜塚守 桔梗) is the stage 5 boss and stage 6 midboss.
She previously made a cameo appearance in one of the endings of Mystical Power Plant, but only in Infinite Blade Pavilion is she given an official name and profile information.


Kikyou is based on Kikyou no Mae (also known as Kikyouhime(桔梗姫)), the mistress of Taira no Masakado in the legends of Masakado.


Her surname Kabutozukamori (兜塚守) consists of the kanji for "helmet", "mound", and "defend".
Her given name Kikyou (桔梗) is the Japanese term for the Chinese bellflower (Platycodon grandiflorus).


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Spell Cards

Spell Cards
Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 16
刀剣「原初の日本刀」 Bladed Weaponry "Original Japanese Sword" [36] IBP St. 5: E/N
刀剣「サムライソードオリジン」 Bladed Weaponry "Samurai Sword Origin" IBP St. 5: H
真打「ザ・日本刀・零」 Best-Forged "The Nihontou: 0" [37] IBP St. 5: L
影武者「同じ顔の武者七人衆」 Kagemusha "Seven Warriors With the Same Face" [38] IBP St. 5: E/N
7つ子「まさ門さん」 Septuplets "Mr. Masakado" [39] IBP St. 5: H
狂骨「スケルトン・オブ・瀧夜叉」 Mad Bones "Skeleton of Takiyasha" [40] IBP St. 5: L
分離「血の包囲網」 Separation "Encircling Net of Blood" [41] IBP St. 5: E/N
分離「バラバラフェスティバル」 Separation "Dismembered Festival" IBP St. 5: H
分離「ブラッディーシージ」 Separation "Bloody Siege" [41] IBP St. 5: L
大怨霊「八幡大新皇」 Great Vengeful Spirit "Great New Emperor of Yawata" [42] IBP St. 5: E/N
首塚「将門クライシス」 Kubizuka "Masakado Crisis" [43][44] IBP St. 5: H
神田「御霊将門伝説」 Kanda "Legend of Masakado's Spirit" [45] IBP St. 5: L
「ルーインバタフライ」 "Ruin Butterfly" [46] IBP St. 6: E/N
「滅光蝶」 "Light-Extinguishing Butterfly" [47] IBP St. 6: H
「久遠の滅虹蝶」 "Eternal Rainbow-Extinguishing Butterfly" [47] IBP St. 6: L
「血染めの桔梗花」 "Bloodstained Bellflower Blossom" IBP Overdrive

Official Profiles

Infinite Blade Pavilion - Kikyou Kabutozukamori's Profile
 ◯5面ボス(&6面中ボス) 葬られし首塚の伝説

  兜塚守 桔梗
  Kabutodsukamori Kikyo













Stage 5 Boss (& Stage 6 Midboss) - Buried Legend of Kubizuka

Kikyou Kabutozukamori

Species: Vengeful spirit
Ability: Turning her body into steel

Mastermind #2 this time around.
A vengeful spirit who'd been sealed beneath the earth.

During the Heian era, Kikyou was a human who served the leader of a tribe of blacksmiths. These people had lived in an eastern kingdom, in a region that people despised, and had been exploited by the imperial court for a long time.

The steel-forging prowess developed by Kikyou's master-- the leader of the blacksmith people-- was so amazing that the imperial court feared him as having "a body of pure steel".[48] The curved blade that he pioneered the creation of, too, had an edge so keen that it was known as the greatest military force of the time.

The blacksmiths' leader led an uprising against the imperial court for the sake of their homeland's independence, but he was eventually slain, and branded as an enemy of the state.

Kikyou stole one of the leader's body parts that had been put on display, hoping to at least bury him in his homeland. But, alas, she perished of exhaustion while making her escape.

Her regret at being unable to bring their leader's body home fused together with the regrets housed in the other personal effects she'd stolen-- swords, armor-- and she ultimately became an incarnation of those combined vengeful grudges.

Her vengeance was terrible enough to cause natural disasters at the time, but over time she was forgotten, and became a thing of fantasy.

From there, months went by... and immediately after Gensokyo experienced an incident caused by a giant plum tree, Kikyou awakened from the depths of the earth. (See Mystical Power Plant ending)

She then met Magura, the majuu who'd awakened at the same time, and decided to cooperate with the plan to revive her master.

Perhaps because Magura's master came from a similar background as her, being a slain member of a blacksmith tribe, Kikyou became very interested in this master.

She describes herself as a hybrid-esque vengeful spirit, different from the regular sort.
The power she wields is truly horrendous, but there's a stark difference between the "vengeful spirit" side of her and the kind, formerly-human side of her.

Shuuu Yasogami

八蘇神 (やそがみ) 秋雨 (しゅうう)
Shuuu Yasogami
Syuu Yasogami

More Alternative Spellings
Shuuu Yasogami in Infinite Blade Pavilion
The Demon God who Bore the Five Weapons[49]
More Character Titles

Demon god (Chiyou)[50]


Producing weapons

Music Themes

軍神五兵の反逆者 ~ REBELLION God Force

Shuuu Yasogami (八蘇神 秋雨) is the stage 6 boss.


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Shuuu (秋雨) translates to "autumn rain".


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The leader of a tribe of ancient Chinese blacksmiths, who was vanquished at the hands of the Yellow Emperor.
The blood that was spilt from her had become what would be known as maple leaves.

Magura, as a former minion of hers, had plotted to revive her in Gensokyo, and so collaborated with Kikyou
to take over the Palace of the Earth Spirits and gather all of Gensokyo's autumn--the source of Shuuu's power--to revive her master.


Spell Cards

Spell Cards
Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 19
双剣「干将・莫耶」 Twin Swords "Gan Jiang and Mo Ye" IBP St. 6: E/N
鍛剣「闘剣乱舞」 Forged Swords "Wild Dance of Warring Swords" [51] IBP St. 6: H
鍛剣「刀剣利剣刹剣乱舞」 Forged Swords "Wild Dance of Swords Most Keen and Swift" IBP St. 6: L
戦斧「鎖付きトマホークブーメラン」 Battleaxe "Kunai Tomahawk With Chain" [52] IBP St. 6: E/N
呪符「怨念の魑魅魍魎ビット」 Curse Sign "Begrudging Chimimouryou Bit" IBP St. 6: H
霧符「魑魅魍魎の軍勢」 Mist Sign "Army of Chimimouryou" [53] IBP St. 6: L
矛盾「無敵の盾と最強の矛」 Contradiction "An Impenetrable Shield and an Unstoppable Spear" [54] IBP St. 6: E/N
神槍「スピア・ザ・トリシューラ」 Divine Spear "Spear the Trishula" IBP St. 6: H
「天地織り成す創造の矛」 "Spear of Creation that Weaves Heaven and Earth" IBP St. 6: L
光矢「サテライト中華キャノン」 Light Arrow "Satellite Chinese Cannon" [55] IBP St. 6: E/N
魔砲「バスター蚩尤ランチャー」 Magicannon "Buster Chiyou Rancher" [56] IBP St. 6: H
「体に優しいニュークリアミサイル」 "Health-Friendly Nuclear Missiles" IBP St. 6: L
呂布「月牙方天画戟無双」 Lü Bu "Unrivaled Crescent-Fanged Fāngtiān Huàjǐ" [57] IBP St. 6: E/N
「軍神降臨」 "War God's Advent" IBP St. 6: H
「蚩尤鬼神降臨伝」 "Legend of the Demon God Chiyou's Advent" IBP St. 6: L
蘇鉄「無限の刃の博覧会」 Revived Iron "Exhibition of Infinite Blades" IBP St. 6: E/N
「インフィニットブレードパビリオン」 "Infinite Blade Pavilion" IBP St. 6: H
「インフィニットブレードリベリオン」 "Infinite Blade Rebellion" IBP St. 6: L
「天下大乱無限刃」 "Unlimited Blade of a World in Utter Chaos" [58] IBP Overdrive

Official Profiles

Infinite Blade Pavilion - Shuuu Yasogami's Profile
 〇6面ボス 五兵を産みし鬼神

  八蘇神 秋雨
  Yasogami Syuu
















Stage 6 Boss - The Demon God Who Bore the Five Weapons

Shuuu Yasogami

Species: Demon god (Chiyou)
Ability: Producing weapons

The master of a blacksmith tribe that existed in ancient China, described as both Han Chinese and as an inhuman monster.
Her true name is Chiyou (蚩尤).

She had the ability to use human malice and hostility as a medium to produce weapons. She never wanted such a power, but the tribe she ruled over desperately needed that power. As blacksmiths, they were societally weak, and had been dominated by the strong.

Thus, her people led the first rebellion to occur in their country.

The swords, spears, arrows, axes and ji produced during the rebellion later came to be known as the legendary "Five Weapons". (These simple weapons were the only ones she could produce from the primeval malice and hostility held by people of the time.)

Her mysterious power also allowed her to control armies of demons, thick fog, and the like.

But even with her power, she couldn't defeat the then-ruler of the time, who could even control dragons. In the end, she was slain. The blood spilt from her became maple leaves, and dyed the mountains of the region a deep red.[59]

Thousands of years passed...

Magura, a former minion of hers, plotted to revive her in Gensokyo. As Gensokyo's autumn gathered in the form of maple leaves, she could feel it returning to her like the flow of blood, from deep within her slumber.

She prayed that when she awoke, it would be in a world without anyone who bore hostility towards her. When she was alive, she knew full well how human malice could spread, lead to resentment, and become tempered hostility. She predicted that the hostility built up by mankind over several thousand years of history would be utterly horrific, enough to far surpass the weapons she once produced.


She had no way of knowing this while she slept, but the emotions directed at her by the red-white and white-black humans that she would soon face off against were not the "hostility" she was familiar with.

* * * * *
Since the strength of the weapons she produces depends heavily on the strength of her opponent's hostile intent, the only weapons she can produce against her opponent in a danmaku game are weapons specifically designed for danmaku games. She never had a savage personality-- just that of a gentle craftsman-- so it was very fortunate for her that she revived in Gensokyo's underground.

If she had been revived in the Outside World... well. She doesn't bother thinking about that.

Megumu Garyuuen

臥龍円 (がりゅうえん) めぐむ
Megumu Garyuuen
Megumu Garyuen

More Alternative Spellings
Megumu Garyuuen in Infinite Blade Pavilion
The Embodiment of Long Mai Running Across the Earth
More Character Titles

Dragon larva


Swimming through long mai (dragon veins)



Music Themes

子午線を割る逆鱗 ~ Dragon's Dream

Megumu Garyuuen (臥龍円 めぐむ) is the Extra Stage boss.


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Megumu (めぐむ) is a hiragana rendering of the Nanori reading of "ryuu" ( "dragon"). It could also likely be a pun on 芽ぐむ, meaning "to sprout", referring to her status as a newborn dragon.
In terms of her last name, "Garyuuen" (臥龍円) translates to "reclining dragon circle". "Garyuu" (臥龍) is typically used to refer to an unrecognized genius hidden among the crowd.


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The instigator of the incident. While swimming within the underground flow of energy known as "longmai" (dragon veins), her shifting movement had accidentally sent the stratum sealing away Shuuu and Magura into Gensokyo from China.
Her presence was largely unknown until the heroines noticed a massive tunnel underground. She was defeated for her involvement in the incident.


Spell Cards

Spell Cards
Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 11
化石「琥珀の中のDNA」 Fossil "DNA Encased in Amber" IBP St. Ex
恐竜「背中に剣の生えた竜」 Dinosaur "A Lizard with Swords Growing from its Back" [60] IBP St. Ex
進化「竜と龍の境界」 Evolution "Boundary of Lizard & Dragon" IBP St. Ex
焔征竜「ホムラミズチ」 Inferno-Ruling Dragon[61] "Homura Mizuchi"[62] IBP St. Ex
白龍「激おこバーストストリーム」 White Dragon "Super-Ticked-Off Burst Stream" [63] IBP St. Ex
龍域「ドラゴントライアングル」 Dragon Territory[64] "Dragon Triangle" IBP St. Ex
怪獣「核熱吐息」 Kaiju "Atomic Heat Sigh" [65] IBP St. Ex
燭龍「極光の瞬き」 Illuminating Dragon "Glimmer of Polar Lights" IBP St. Ex
命脈「地脈を流れる星の記憶」 Life Vein "Memories of the Planet, Flowing Through the Earth's Veins" IBP St. Ex
「虹の果てより生じ、いつか天に昇る龍」 "A Dragon Born From a Rainbow's End, Fated to One Day Ascend to Heaven" IBP St. Ex
如意宝珠「ブリリアントドラゴンバレット」 Wish-Granting Orb "Brilliant Dragon Bullet" [66] IBP Overdrive

Official Profiles

Infinite Blade Pavilion - Megumu Garyuuen's Profile
  ◯ボス 大地を走る龍脈の具現

  臥龍円 めぐむ
  Garyuen Megumu









Extra Stage Boss - The Embodiment of Long Mai Running Across the Earth

Megumu Garyuuen

Species: Dragon (larval)
Ability: Swimming through long mai

Within the so-called "Qi" of the Underground, which exists both in Gensokyo and the Outside World,
there is a being able to move freely in and out of that current.
Megumu here is a manifestation of what people call "Longmai", so to speak.
(Humans can only describe her as being a "dragon", even though she is still too young to be called such)  

She's partly responsible for things like the sudden diastrophisms and earthquakes that occur in various parts of the Earth,
as well as the excavation of oil fields and river fountainheads.

She usually rushes about through the underground longmai in the Outside World,
feeding off of the memories of the people who sleep in land plots and stratum.
(The stream of ancient peoples' memories that flow into the long mai might be recognized as "history")

However, recently, a small bit of her momentum had moved a portion of China's underground stratum to Gensokyo's underground.
(She had claimed it to be an inevitable outcome as a result of her swimming through long mai; It would appear that she had gotten various other strata and magma got involved as well)

Fortunately (or unfortunately), that particular stratum was the one that Magura and Shuuu had been sealed away in.
As a result, this autumn season had marked the beginning of an incident.
She is still immature, so she lacks the majesty of a full-grown dragon, making her very interested in humans.

The memories of the ancient people she feeds on, which flowed into the long mai...
She felt it was a foolish yet lovely thing that those memories had accumulated to become "history".

Unfortunately for her, she ended up being attacked for causing
this incident while resting in Gensokyo's underground.


Show references
  1. A reference to a famous poem by Ariwara no Narihira about autumn leaves on the Tatsuta River in Ikaruga, the sight of which was unknown even to the "ferocious" (千早ぶる / 'chihayaburu') gods of old.
  2. 2.0 2.1 荒ぶる (araburu, ferocious/raging/etc.) and バリアブル (bariaburu, "variable"): puns on "chihayaburu" from the previous version.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 A reference to the kagura play Aoba no fue (青葉の笛 / lit. "green flute" or "green-leaf flute"), in which Ariwara no Narihira vanquishes an oni on Mt. Arakura (荒倉山) and steals the titular flute from him.
  4. Another reference to Ariwara's poem about Tatsuta River (see above). Pun on "maple" and "maelstrom".
  5. Fulmen: Latin for lightning
  6. A reference to a poem by Ariwara no Narihira ("世の中にたえて桜のなかりせば 春の心はのどけからまし"). The poem ponders whether people's hearts in spring would be lighter if cherry blossoms, which are beautiful but fleeting, didn't exist.
  7. A reference to a poem by Ariwara no Narihira ("桜の花よ曇るばかりに散れ、老いが来るという道が見えなくなるように"), entreating the falling cherry petals to obscure the "road" upon which old age steadily approached him.
  8. A play on Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossoms, the title of Yuyuko Saigyouji's theme song, as well as the romance manga Koisome Momiji (恋染紅葉).
  9. 'Kataigida': Greek for 'thunderstorm'
  10. 変異抜刀 (hen'i battou, lit. "apparition's quick-draw"): a pun on 変移抜刀霞斬り(hen'i battou kasumi-giri, lit. "changing-motion quick-draw: Mist Cutter"), a sword technique used by the protagonist of the series Kamuiden. The user makes subtle back-and-forth movements as they approach with their hands hidden, making it difficult to predict where their blade will strike from.
  11. Kamai-dachi: a pun on "kamaitachi" and "tachi".
  12. 12.0 12.1 Qiongqi (窮奇) is one of the "Four Perils" or "Four Evils" (四凶) in Chinese mythology, taking the form of a giant, tiger-like flying beast.
  13. 13.0 13.1 "Death Scythe": potentially a reference to the XXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe.
  14. "Hell Screen" (地獄変 / jigokuhen, "painting of Hell", "screen depicting Hell", etc.): a reference to Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's short story of the same name, and to the artwork of Hell that the story was named after.
  15. Mt. Yaotome (八乙女山): a mountain located in Nanto, Toyama.
  16. The name of a special move from The Five Star Stories.
  17. A reference to the "stone cherries" depicted in Wild and Horned Hermit chapter 28, which Snow Cordie is a fairy embodiment of.
  18. A reference to the Pokémon Mega Diancie, and its signature move Diamond Storm.
  19. "Kongouseki" (金剛石): Japanese term for diamond. Likely a reference to the Stand "Crazy Diamond" and the technique "Emerald Splash" from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Also possibly a reference to the character Master Kongou from Land of the Lustrous, who can fire shards of artificial diamond in a similar manner to the Emerald Splash.
  20. A reference to Kaguya Houraisan's Spell Card Impossible Request "Red Stone of Aja", as well as to two Spell Cards from previous sister games titled "___ I Picked Up Over There".
  21. 電気石 (denkiseki, lit. "electric stone") is one of several Japanese words for tourmaline, owing to its electricity-producing characteristics.
  22. A reference to the "Hell Scroll" (地獄草紙) held at Nara National Museum, which contains a depiction of Mezu, the horse-headed oni that Sekito is based on.
  23. Pun on "Nara" and "Naraka".
  24. "Homura-hotogi" (焔甌, lit. 'flame pot'): the name of a move used by Iori Yagami in the King of Fighters video game series.
  25. 逆剥 (sakahagi, lit. "back tearing") is one of the Heavenly Sins (天津罪 / amatsutsumi) in Shinto, referring to the practice of skinning a horse starting from its hindquarters. "Sakahagi" (逆剥ぎ) is also the name of a move used by Iori Yagami in the King of Fighters video game series.
  26. "Ame no Fuchikoma": the name of the horse that Susanoo flayed and threw at Amaterasu in Japanese mythology, prompting Amaterasu to hide in Ama no Iwato.
  27. 27.0 27.1 逆ギレ (gyaku-gire, lit. "reverse cut"/"reverse slice"): the act of snapping back angrily at someone who's angry with you already.
  28. 雲長 (Yunchang): the courtesy name of Guan Yu. 関帝 (Guan Di / "emperor Guan"): another of Guan Yu's titles.
  29. 奉先 (Fengxian): the courtesy name of Lü Bu.
  30. A reference to Yukari Yakumo's Spell Card "Quadruple Barrier".
  31. A reference to the franchise Kemono Friends.
  32. A reference to the Yu-Gi-Oh! card Pot of Duality.
  33. A reference to the Yu-Gi-Oh! card Pot of Desires.
  34. Chinese pronunciation of 欲望爪牙 - 'desirous claws & fangs'
  35. 首塚 (kubizuka, lit. 'head mound'): the site of Taira no Masakado's grave
  36. A reference to the curved swords said to have been first invented by Taira no Masakado.
  37. Possibly a reference to the Simple series of video games published by D3, the majority of which have titles in the format "THE (Noun) (Number)".
  38. A kagemusha (影武者, lit. 'shadow warrior') is a political or military body double. Taira no Masakado was said to have seven such doubles.
  39. A reference to the anime series Mr. Osomatsu, wherein the titular character is one of seven identical septuplets.
  40. 狂骨 (kyoukotsu, lit. 'mad bone(s)'): a skeletal youkai depicted by Toriyama Sekien.
  41. 41.0 41.1 A reference to the "Bloody Siege" attack (also rendered as 血の包囲網, lit. 'encircling net of blood' in Japanese) wielded by the Turn X Gundam from the Gundam franchise, in which it divides itself into nine parts.
  42. 新皇 (lit. 'new emperor'): the self-appointed title of Taira no Masakado.
  43. 首塚 (kubizuka, lit. 'head mound'): the site of Taira no Masakado's grave.
  44. A reference to Keine Kamishirasawa's Spell Card "Masakado Crisis".
  45. Most likely taken from the title of QED ~Ventus~: The Spirit of Masakado (QED 〜ventus〜 御霊将門), a historical fantasy mystery novel by Takafumi Takada.
  46. Likely a callback to "Chaos Butterfly", Himemiko's final card in Riverbed Soul Saver.
  47. 47.0 47.1 滅光蝶 ('mekkouchou'): A pun on the "Moonlight Butterfly" system (月光蝶, 'gekkouchou') wielded by the Turn X Gundam from the Gundam franchise.
  48. A reference to the Iron-Body Legend (鉄身伝説), which says Taira no Masakado was born to a giant serpent mother, who licked him all over the body after he was born except at his temple, giving him impenetrable skin made of iron with his temple as the only weakness.
  49. 五兵 ('five weapons', 兵 being derived from 兵器) refers to the five major weapons said to have been created by Chiyou in sources such as the Shiben. The exact weapons vary depending on the source.
  50. Though referred to as a 鬼神 (kishin, lit. 'demon/oni god'), she is a deity of Chinese origin and appears to be distinct from Kishin in the official Touhou series (where the term refers to a position in Hell's occupational hierarchy).
  51. Pun on the title of the game Touken Ranbu (刀剣乱舞, lit. 'wild dance of swords').
  52. A reference to the Yu-Gi-Oh! card "Kunai With Chain," named 鎖付きブーメラン (kusari tsuki buumeran, 'boomerang with chain') in Japanese.
  53. A reference to the mist and hordes of demons said to have been summoned by Chiyou in battle.
  54. 矛盾 (mujun, 'contradiction') is literally spelt with the kanji for 'spear' and 'shield,' derived from the irresistible force paradox.
  55. A combination of the Yu-Gi-Oh! card Satellite Cannon, and the "Chinese cannon" (中華キャノン) memes made at the expense of the robot Xianxingzhe, created in 2000.
  56. A reference to the Yu-Gi-Oh! card Buster Rancher.
  57. 方天画戟 (fāngtiān huàjǐ, 'heavenly decorated ji): a type of halberd famously wielded by Lü Bu.
  58. 無限刃 (mugenjin, "unlimited blade"): a sword from Rurouni Kenshin.
  59. From the Classic of Mountains and Seas: 有木生山上,名曰枫木。枫木,蚩尤所弃其桎梏,是为枫木 (The trees on the mountain are maple trees. When Chiyou discarded its chains, they became maple)
  60. A reference to the stegosaurus, known in Japanese as the "sword dinosaur/dragon" (剣竜, kenryuu).
  61. A reference to the Yu-Gi-Oh! card "Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos" ("焔征竜-ブラスター" in Japanese).
  62. A mizuchi is a water spirit from Japanese mythology, sometimes said to resemble a dragon. "Homura Mizuchi" (lit. "flame mizuchi") is an enemy encountered in Etrian Odyssey IV, known as the "Boiling Lizard" in the English release.
  63. A reference to the Yu-Gi-Oh! cards "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Burst Stream of Destruction".
  64. 龍域 (ryuuiki, "dragon region/territory"): pun on 領域 (ryouiki, "territory")?
  65. A reference to Godzilla and its "atomic heat beam".
  66. A reference to the titular Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball, as well as Kaguya Houraisan's Spell Card of (almost) the same name.