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Labyrinth of Touhou 2/Dungeons/4F

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4F: The Silent Coral Reef that Shines Sapphire


The floor is for the most part straight forward with the exception of two blue gates locked up by a blue switch. These gates block staircases that lead back down to floor 3.

  • The stairs to 5F are in the upper-left corner. Close to it is a FOE (Lamprey Serpent) that can and should be navigated around at this point. When you're about done with 5F, it'll likely be sensible to take it on. The rock near it can only be removed if you have fought 300 or more battles.
  • After you had triggered the 2 previous events with Aya. You'll want to head directly east of the entrance and trigger another event with Aya. You'll be able to recruit her once you have 30+ entries in you monster log. If you've fought every possible boss so far, you should have enough entries after exploring floor 4 for awhile. You should be fighting every random encounter anyway.
  • In the West side of the map, you'll find the Paralytic Insect. After its defeat, be sure to head back to floors 2 and 3 to talk to Eirin and recruit Wriggle respectively.
  • Mokou can be fought in the upper-right corner of the map and is blocking the path to the blue switch. Be sure to go back down to floor 3 through the now unblocked staircases for some decent treasure. She won't appear until you've met Reisen on 3F. That way the barriers can be lifted without having to go through the boss fight.
  • Directly West of where you'll find Mokou is another one of Alice's dolls. Defeat it and you'll be one step closer to recruiting Alice.
  • At the eastern part of the floor, you will find Rin's event which is needed to talk to Satori on Floor 5 and get past the barriers blocking your further progress.
  • The last event with Marisa picking up the Mysterious Scrap of Iron - 3 can be found at the southeast area if you had triggered the 2 previous events.
  • Another event with the Scarlet Mansion residents can be found at the northeast area. Triggering this event and Meiling can then be found at Floor 7.
  • In the center of the floor, there is an event with Chen that will start a series of chain events towards the recruitment of Ran on floors 4 to 9. You need a certain amount of Battle Points with Chen to trigger each of those events. The first event requires 50 BP, and each event afterwards increases the BP requirement by 50. The event disappears if you've met the BP requirement. To gain Battle Points, just use Chen in battle.
  • The blue "water" effect seems to be very resource-heavy and may cause noticeable slowdowns. Patch 1.130 adds an option to remove it, which may help in these cases.


  • Most enemies on this floor are weak to nature. This makes Nitori, Kasen and Minoriko valuable against them, even if they aren't built for damage. Komachi's Death inflicting attacks are also a fast, if unreliable way to dispatch them.
Elemental Affinities Status Resistances
Shadow Cat 12 256 GST ONI × × × × × Concept of Attributes (3.2%), Oni's Panties (3.2%), Ghost's Tail (3.2%), Booster v0.8 (1.0%) Fairly fast. Has high Evasion. Can inflict Paralysis on your party members
Blue Shade 15 480 GST AQA DVN × × × × Hard-To-Melt Ice (3.6%), Divine Feather (3.6%), Ghost's Tail (3.0%), Heater Muffler (1.2%)
Ooze 15 1888 ONI OTH × × × × Worn-out Magic Wand (3.5%), Kedama's Fur Bundle (3.0%), Viscous Liquid (2.5%), Black Sticky Paste (2.5%), Lucky Horseshoe (1.1%) Slow chunk of HP. Can inflict Heavy and Poison and debuff Defence and Mind on your party members
Coral Gem 16 688 AQA INO × × × Evil Spirit's Soul (4.0%), Thorny Seed (3.2%), Aquatic Creature's Scales (3.2%), Symbol of Faith (1.2%) Has very high Defence
Electric Oarfish 17 772 YOU BST AQA × × × × × × × × Wind Sand (4.0%), Charred Ashes (3.2%), Sea of Trees' Fish's Fin (3.2%), Spellbook - High Hurricane (1.0%) Fairly fast. Has high Evasion. Can inflict Paralysis on your party members
Aquamarine Sword Devil 18 800 HUM INO ONI × × × × × Fragment of Refined Metal (4.8%), Hemp Amulet (3.0%), Oni's Long Horn (3.0%), Piece of Magic Armor (1.2%), Blade Cusinart (0.8%) Fairly fast. Has very high Defence and low Mind. Can increase its Defence and Mind or its Attack and hit your entire party fairly hard
Lazulite Sword Devil 24 1440 HUM INO ONI × × × × × × × Chitin Shell (36.0%), Fragment of Double Steel (16.0%), Piece of Magic Armor (3.2%), Biggest Sword Ever (2.4%) Fairly fast. Has very high Defence and low Mind. Can increase its Defence and Mind and hit your entire party fairly hard


Great Tree's Paralysing Wasp

HP Level Recommendation EXP Money Drop
Affinities Resistances
x x
x x x x
12800 15 496 300 Great Tree's Thread - 100%
Cursed Straw Doll - 50%
Nitroglycerin - 33%
Blade Cusinart - 33%

Great Tree's Paralysing Wasp will use Ultraparalysis Needles on your leftmost character on odd turns, this is a powerful single-target Wind attack that can inflict a really powerful Paralysis. On even turns, it'll use normal Attacks, "Row Attack", Storm of Yellow Drive (multi-target Wind spell) or Paralyzing Fog (multi-target Paralysis Wind spell). You should pack some Wind and Paralysis resistance if possible (particularly on your leftmost character, since they'll be taking the brunt of the damage and paralysis). The only real difference between the two insects are their resistances and weaknesses. Great Tree's Paralysing Wasp resists Cold, Wind, Nature, and Mystic attacks, is neutral to Spirit and Dark attacks and is weak against Fire and Physical attacks. It's also even weaker to debuffs than its brethren. The same method you used to deal with the first insect could be used here, just small adjustments based on its weaknesses is all you need.

Alice's Upgraded Remote Doll

HP Level Recommendation EXP Money Drop
Affinities Resistances
8880 14 288 288 Chitin Shell - 100%
Magic Iron Shield - 20%
Beautiful Crystal Piece - 50%
Purple Metallic Armor - 25%

Similar to the last doll, this one is likely to act two times before any of your characters act once. What's worse is that it always uses "Row Attack" which hits your entire party. Fire off Great Hakurei Barrier as soon as possible. If you can get some defensive buffs in after surviving the first two multitarget attacks, the fight should become much easier. You'll be able to shrug off most of the damage just from the one cast. From there, the fight just becomes keeping yourself buffed while wailing at the doll.

It's also not completely immune to instant death. If you're feeling lazy, you can fish for a victory with Komachi. By having Shinigami's Work learned and Ferriage in the Deep Fog at level 2, Komachi has 21% chance of inflicting DTH on it.

Fujiwara no Mokou

HP Level Recommendation EXP Money Drop
Affinities Resistances
x x
18344 17 880 400 Charred Ashes - 100%
Blazing Igneous Rock - 33%
Recovery Armband - 50%
Items Discovery Weekly - 50%

Before you enter the battle, prepare by bringing the right equipment: Fire resistance is helpful, but the only one who really needs it is Komachi. You'll likely have a Love Machine 3322 that you can give her. It's also incredibly helpful to bring 3 characters with you that have very high evasion and boost it even further with equipment. The characters most ideal for this are without doubt Chen and Aya. As for the 3rd one, Marisa has a high evasion, but you might want to pick the next best evader after her instead, as you may not want to risk losing your Master Spark...

The fight itself is very close, but not identical to how it was in Labyrinth of Touhou 1: Every time Mokou gets a turn, she will recover 1100 HP. This makes it essentially a damage-race, as you won't achieve anything if you don't deal considerably more damage than that until Mokou's ATB fills up again. However, Mokou can't heal above her maximum health like this, so it's up to you when to even start this damage race. It's a good idea to buff the groups' defenses first, buff their attacks next and only then start the assault when you feel everyone's prepared. If you're using Wriggle, her Poison can also help offset Mokou's Regeneration.

Mokou's attacks themselves aren't too dangerous while she's still in her first phase: She'll often use Spark Storm for a Fire-elemental spell. Also at her disposal are normal Attacks, "Row Attack", Daze (single-target Fire attack that can inflict Shock) and Azure Arrow (single-target Cold spell). Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix- will hit a single target for a lot of Fire damage, and there's also Earth Shaker which only activates at the 30% HP threshold, a Nature elemental attack that doesn't do a lot of damage, but is very likely to inflict Heavy and Speed debuff your party. Apart from all these, the most dangerous attack during this phase is easily Curse of Tsuki no Iwasaka, which will deal considerable Wind damage and debuffs Attack and Magic by 50. In case your hard-hitters are afflicted, rebuff their offensive stats as soon as possible. Curse of Tsuki no Iwasaka is used only at certain HP-thresholds: The first time when Mokou drops below 75% HP and the second time at below 25% HP. Mokou regenerating over these thresholds after the attack was used doesn't trigger it again.

Before you deal the final blow, make sure that a fully-healed Komachi and your 3 designated evaders are in the active roster. You want all of them there as once Mokou hits 0 HP, she will revive with a small % of her HP and be in her 2nd phase, where she starts with a full timebar and will proceed to only use Fujiyama Volcano every turn. This is once again very reminiscent of Labyrinth of Touhou 1, with the difference that Mokou doesn't heal any debuffs and ailments from herself when she revives, nor does she become immune to them.

Fujiyama Volcano hits so hard that likely only Komachi will withstand it. With the mentioned Fire resistance, she may even survive two in a row. As for everyone else, you'll have to hope that the first use of it misses them. If said evasion-specialists are used, usually at least one of them will be lucky. If Komachi and at least one other member survives, it should be easy to switch in your best attackers and deplete the meager ~3000 HP that Mokou has in this phase before the next Fujiyama Volcano goes off.

Once phase 2 is over, the fight is won and you can activate the switch behind Mokou, unlocking some optional treasure on this floor. Mokou doesn't join now, but if you've also beaten Kaguya on 2F and recruited Wriggle, you can pick up the immortal of your choice near the start of 5F.

Lamprey Serpent

HP Level Recommendation EXP Money Drop
Affinities Resistances
x x
24452 22 500 400 Getitup V - 6.4%
Sirloin - 24%
Scarlet Light - 80%
Lapis Lazuli Light - 20%
Fragment of Double Steel - 40%

The serpent likes to spam Bite, a single-target Cold attack that hits hard unless you have decent Cold resistance, and it will also heal the Serpent by an amount equal to the damage dealt. Once the Serpent drops to the 80%, 50% and 20% HP thresholds, it'll use Swallow, a single target Dark attack that targets your leftmost slot, it ignores Defense and has a chance to inflict Death.

It resists Fire, Cold and Mystic, but is weak to Nature and Spirit. It has higher Defense than Mind. It also doesn't resist Poison and Debuffs so Wriggle and Kaguya can do some heavy damage to it. Komachi is a fantastic tank for this battle, as you can invest in Edokko God of Death and have her deliver 3 powerful and guaranteed counterattacks against Swallow that target one of the Serpent's weaknesses. Kasen is also another MVP for this fight, as Higekiri's Cursed Arm has very accurate ATK/SPD debuffs that will help dull the Serpent's offense, while also bringing Ability to Guide Animals, bolstering the team's damage for this fight. Nitori is also very helpful as a damage dealer, she can boost damage against the Serpent with Kappa's Ecology Observation and hit the boss's Nature weakness with Extending Arm.

Going for a setup that maximizes damage generally works out best, particularly because if you can inflict enough damage each turn, the Serpent will be stuck using only Swallow for 3 consecutive turns, which keeps your damage dealers safe to wail on it (just make sure your leftmost character has enough HP, DRK affinity and DTH resistance to tank Swallow).