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Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom/Story/Marisa's Extra
< | Main Scenario Extra Story |
Story |
Extra Stage
切り札はいつだって悪手 |
The Trump Card is Always a Bad Move | |
夢の世界 |
BGM: 見た事も無い悪夢の世界 |
BGM: A World of Nightmares Never Seen Before | |
Doremy Sweet ENTERS | ||
Doremy |
また来てしまったのですね…… だから言ったでしょう? 夢は現実以上に精神を侵すって |
So you've come here again, hm... I told you, didn't I? Dreams invade your mind more than reality. |
Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Junko ENTERS | ||
Junko |
この答えに辿り着くまで 人間を使うという奇策を打ったのだから |
It took longer than I anticipated Since they came up with the scheme to use a human, |
Marisa |
お、やっぱりお前だったのか 月の民が幻想郷から お前がまだ何かしてるんだろ? |
Huh, so it was you after all. Those moon people still haven't What are you up to this time? |
Junko |
月の民は夢の世界に逃げ込んだ 月の都に居られなくなった月の民は 勿論、私は先手を打った 夢の世界に刺客を さあ出ておいで! |
The people of the moon escaped into the dream world. I foresaw that they would do so, as they were Of course, I took the initiative. I sent an assassin Now, show yourself! |
Hecatia Lapislazuli ENTERS | ||
地獄の女神 |
Goddess of Hell | |
Hecatia |
んもう |
Aw, geeze. |
Marisa |
な、何だ? |
Wait, what? |
Hecatia |
ようやく、嫦娥の奴に復讐出来るのね? |
So we're finally gonna get revenge on Chang'e, huh? |
Junko |
いや、敵は月の民ではなくて |
Ah, no. Your enemy is the human |
Hecatia |
人間? ふーん…… |
Human? Hmm... |
Marisa |
な、何だよ |
W-what's with you? |
Hecatia |
まあ良いでしょう |
Well, all right. |
Junko |
手こずるなんてもんじゃ無い この人間のおかげで |
It wasn't merely a 'hard time'. It's thanks to this human that we |
Hecatia |
ええええ? |
Whaaaat? |
Junko |
月の民は狡猾だわ |
The moon's people were quite cunning, |
Hecatia |
ふーん、面白い |
Hmm, interesting. |
Marisa |
まあ、良く判らんが このまま月の民が夢の世界に お前達の仕業に間違い無い! |
Well, I dunno what's happenin', If you keep the moon people trapped in the That's definitely your doing! |
Hecatia |
夢の世界にいる月の民を あいつ等、夢の中だと無防備 |
Yes, I'm the one keeping the moon's people They're totally defenseless while |
BGM: パンデモニックプラネット |
BGM: Pandemonic Planet | |
Hecatia |
よし決めた! 本来なら、人間など相手に 『貴方は私の友人に楯突いた』 ただそれだけの理由だ! |
Okay, my mind's made up! Usually, I'd rather not fight "You fought back against my friend." For that reason, and no more! |
Hecatia Lapislazuli and Junko DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
二人がかりだなんて卑怯だ! |
Hey, you both attacked! That's playin' dirty! |
Hecatia |
あはは、少し遊んでみただけよ 純狐が言うだけあって こんな素晴らしい人間がいる 月の民達は許しがたいわね |
Hahaha, I was just playing around a bit. You're as amazing a human Honestly, attacking Gensokyo? I'm finding it kinda hard to forgive the moon's people. |
Marisa |
まあ同感だが…… そうしないと幻想郷が危ない |
Well, I hafta agree... If you don't, it'll be dangerous fer' Gensokyo. |
Hecatia |
ねえ、純狐? |
Hey, Junko? |
Junko |
……良いわ この人間に出会えたおかげで |
...it's fine. Thanks to my encounter with this human, |
Hecatia |
オーケーオーケー これであいつ等は幻想郷からも |
Sure thing, sure thing. They ought to pull out |
Marisa |
それにしてもお前達は何者なんだ? 月の民を敵視しているって事は |
That aside, what are you guys anyway? If you're enemies of the moon's people, |
Junko |
私達の敵は嫦娥 彼奴は私の息子の命を |
Our enemy is Chang'e, She is the wife of the man |
Hecatia |
私の星を殺した奴の妻でもあるわ |
And the wife of the guy who killed one of my stars. |
Marisa |
ほう……ガチの復讐って話だったのか 星を殺したってのは良く判らないけど まあ、なんだ 私達の為に復讐を諦めさせて |
Huh. So it's dictionary-definition revenge, then? (Don't quite get that 'killed a star' thing,) But, eh, Now you gotta give up on your revenge for our sake, an' all. |
Junko |
良いのよ、私達にチャンスは そう、この復讐劇も永遠に |
It's all right. Yes, this revenge drama will |
Marisa |
ならいいや 月が絡むと何でも永遠になるもんな |
A'ight then. You get the moon involved, an' just about everything takes forever. |
Hecatia |
ねえ今度貴方の所に これだけの力を身に付けた人間 |
Hey, is it okay if I come over to With even a human this powerful, |
Marisa |
あんた、地獄の女神じゃなかったっけ? |
Uh, aren't you a hell goddess? |
Hecatia |
大丈夫よ、地上では |
Nah, it's fine. As long as I'm on |
Marisa |
そうなのか…… |
That so...? |