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Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom/Story/Reimu's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
Stage 1
浄土の探査機 |
Probe from the Pure Land | |
妖怪の山麓 |
Foot of Youkai Mountain | |
BGM: 忘れがたき、よすがの緑 |
BGM: Unforgettable, the Nostalgic Greenery | |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
Seiran LEAVES | ||
Seiran ENTERS AGAIN | ||
Seiran LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
何これ |
What is this? |
??? |
邪魔しなくても |
Even if you're not in the way, |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
浅葱色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Pale Blue Eagle Ravi | |
Seiran |
『こちら清蘭 『これから浄化活動に入る』 |
This is Seiran. Now proceeding with purification. |
Reimu |
独り言? |
Talking to yourself? |
Seiran |
残念だったな |
Too bad for you, |
BGM: 兎は舞い降りた |
BGM: The Rabbit Has Landed | |
Seiran |
もうすぐ |
Seiran DEFEATED | ||
Seiran |
ぐうう |
Ghhh... |
Reimu |
あんた、もしかして 地上を浄化するって…… あんたらの拠点を教えなさい! |
Wait, are you Purifying the Earth... Tell me where your base is! |
Seiran |
勘弁してください- 山の湖に前線基地があるなんて |
Please, spare me! If I tell you about our forward base on the mountain lake, |
Stage 2
湖上の前線基地 |
Forward Base on the Lake | |
妖怪の山の湖 |
BGM: 湖は浄めの月光を映して |
BGM: The Lake Reflects the Pure Moonlight | |
Ringo ENTERS | ||
Ringo LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
ここがさっきの月の兎の |
So this is the moon rabbit from before's |
??? |
お待ちしておりましたー |
I've been waiting for youー |
Ringo ENTERS | ||
橘色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Orange Eagle Ravi | |
Ringo |
清蘭から話を聞いたわ あれ? |
I heard about you from Seiran. Huh? |
Reimu |
私はあんたなんか知らないわ |
Well, I sure don't know you. |
Ringo |
……昔、月の都に来た事あるでしょ? |
Reimu |
ま、まあね |
I s-suppose. |
BGM: 九月のパンプキン |
BGM: Pumpkin of September | |
Ringo |
そりゃ面白いや 一回の |
This is interesting! Stand in awe of the |
Ringo DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
まだ始まったばかりなのに |
I'm just getting started here! |
Ringo |
ああ、地上にもずいぶんと 食べ物も色々あるし |
Ahh, there are some pretty strong You've got all sorts of food, too. |
Reimu |
えーっと |
Um... |
Ringo |
我々は幻想郷を浄化しに 我々、 |
We've come to purify ...us |
Reimu |
はあ |
Huh. |
Ringo |
行ってみて自分で いざ |
You'll have to go and Now, to |
Stage 3
アポロ経絡 |
Apollo Meridian | |
秘密の連絡通路 |
BGM: 宇宙を飛ぶ不思議な巫女 |
BGM: The Mysterious Shrine Maiden Flying Through Space | |
Doremy Sweet ENTERS | ||
Doremy Sweet LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
月があんなに近くに…… |
The moon is so close... |
??? |
誰かと思いきや |
Well, look who it is. |
Doremy Sweet ENTERS | ||
夢の支配者 |
Ruler of Dreams | |
Doremy |
幻想郷の巫女じゃないの 強い悪夢を見ているのねぇ 生身!? |
If it isn't Gensokyo's shrine maiden. This is quite a powerful nightmare, isn't it? Your physical body!? |
Reimu |
えーっと |
Uh... |
Doremy |
生身でこんな夢の世界へ 何かの罠に嵌められたのかな |
For your physical body to break into ...have you been caught in some kind of trap? |
Reimu |
わ、罠だって? |
T-trap? |
Doremy |
月の都…… |
The Lunar Capital... |
BGM: 永遠の春夢 |
BGM: Eternal Spring Dream | |
Doremy |
良いでしょう 今は眠りなさい |
Very well. Now, sleep. |
Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Doremy |
ここまでの悪夢 肉体を乗っ取りかねない |
I've disposed of You must have a strong will |
Reimu |
あんたは何者なの? |
What are you? |
Doremy |
私は 貴方は月の都に向かうと そこでは今までのとは比べものにならない それは狂夢(ルナティックドリーム)と 十分覚悟せよ |
I am a baku. You said you were heading towards the Lunar Capital? There, a nightmare unlike any you have It is worthy of being called Prepare yourself well, |
Reimu |
……よく判らないけど 夢の世界を介して月の都と幻想郷が |
...I don't really get it, but... ...I guess the Lunar Capital and Gensokyo are connected |
Stage 4
寂びの来ない街 |
A City Free of Sabi[2] | |
月の都 |
The Lunar Capital | |
BGM: 凍り付いた永遠の都 |
BGM: The Frozen Eternal Capital | |
Sagume Kishin ENTERS | ||
Sagume Kishin LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
これが月の都……? 昔に来た時と随分様子が違うわね 何というか都ごと |
Is this the Lunar Capital...? It seems really different than the last time I came here. Almost like the whole city |
Sagume Kishin ENTERS | ||
舌禍をもたらす女神 |
Goddess Who Invites Unfortunate Slips of the Tongue | |
Sagume |
………… |
... |
Reimu |
えーっと |
Uhhh. |
Sagume |
……ほう、人間? …… |
...ah, a human? ... |
Reimu |
しゃべらんのかい! 月の都が何でこうなっているのか どうせあんたが幻想郷への侵略を |
Can you not talk!? Look, I'm not sure what's going on but you're the one conducting the |
Sagume |
ふむ、それはそうだけど…… |
Mm. Well, that's true... |
Reimu |
自白した |
You confessed. |
Sagume |
……貴方の役目は一体? ……おっと …… |
...just what is your role here? ...whoops. ...... |
BGM: 逆転するホイールオブフォーチュン |
BGM: Reversed Wheel of Fortune | |
Reimu |
また黙るのね 異変を解決する為に |
Clamming up again, huh? Time to beat you up |
Sagume Kishin DEFEATED | ||
Sagume |
貴方が送り込まれた理由が きっと八意様の差し金ね そんなに強いんですもの |
I now understand why I'm sure it was on Lady Yagokoro's suggestion. You're terribly strong. |
Reimu |
攻撃したら急に喋るように |
Looks like attacking you |
Sagume |
私はサグメ 言葉で世界を方向変換させる だから上手くいってるときには 口は禍の元ってね |
My name is Sagume. I have the power to change the direction So when things are going well, "Least said, soonest mended," after all. |
Reimu |
へー、でも急に喋り出したって事は |
Huh. Okay, but if you're talking all of a sudden... |
Sagume |
これから破滅的な手段にて 私は貴方に乗るわ |
A new development will surely occur soon, I'm throwing my lot in with you. |
Reimu |
はい? 幻想郷に攻めてきたのは |
Excuse me? You're the ones who were attacking Gensokyo, right? |
Sagume |
本当に侵略を受けているのは それも我々月の民には 全滅を回避する為に もっとも、月の民達はそんなこと |
The Lunar Capital is what's Via a method that renders us people of the moon I was considering migrating to Gensokyo The people of the moon aren't aware |
Reimu |
月の都が侵略されて とんだご都合主義ね |
The Lunar Capital gets invaded, Real opportunistic attitude you've got there. |
Sagume |
ですが、その運命もたった今 幻想郷への移住は その代わり、地上人である貴方が さあ、私が 運命は逆転し始めた |
However, that fate has begun Our migration to Gensokyo In exchange, you, an earthling, I shall now put it into words. Fate has begun to turn over. |
Stage 5
星条旗のピエロ |
Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner | |
静かの海 |
Sea of Tranquility | |
BGM: 遥か38万キロのボヤージュ |
BGM: Faraway Voyage of 380,000 Kilometers | |
Clownpiece ENTERS | ||
??? |
きゃはははは! 妖精達よ、もっとスピード イッツ、ルナティックターイム! |
Kyahahahaha! Hey, fairies! It's lunatic tiiiime! |
Reimu |
随分と荒涼としているところに ところで、私が月の都を救う? それに何だか普段見かけない あいつ等は何処にでもいるのね |
Looks like I wound up That aside, I'm supposed to save the Lunar Capital? The fairies around here are hustling I guess you can find the squirts just about anywhere. |
Clownpiece ENTERS | ||
??? |
それは違うなぁ 本来、 |
Not quiiite. Usually, the |
Reimu |
あ、さっきの奴 |
Oh, you again. |
地獄の妖精 |
Fairy of Hell | |
Clownpiece |
そう、あたいが地獄の妖精 この大地を友人様に戴いてから |
Yes! I'm a fairy from hell, You're the first visitor we've had |
Reimu |
大地を頂いた? |
Gave you the land? |
Clownpiece |
表の月さ、月の都の外側だね |
The surface moon is the outer side of the Lunar Capital. |
Reimu |
そりゃまあ地獄に比べれば |
Well, yeah. Compared to hell, |
Clownpiece |
あ、そうだ 月の都から出てくる奴があったら |
Oh, right. "If anyone comes from the Lunar |
Reimu |
妖精風情の癖に |
What, you? A fairy? |
Clownpiece |
知ーらない |
Noooo idea. |
Reimu |
泣く子も黙る |
I'm the Hakurei shrine maiden |
BGM: 星条旗のピエロ |
BGM: Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner | |
Clownpiece |
あたいが泣くわけないじゃん どちらかって言うと 良いこと思いついたわ |
Well, I'm not gonna cry. If I had to say, I think I'd be the Ooh, I got a good idea just now. |
Clownpiece DEFEATED | ||
Clownpiece |
はあはあはあ |
Hah, hah, hah... |
Reimu |
もう、勝負あった! |
Game set, already! |
Clownpiece |
な、なんで……? 生命の象徴である我々妖精族が 月の民は手も足も出せないって |
W-why...? But I heard that as long as we fairies, the people of the moon wouldn't |
Reimu |
そう言えばさっきの奴も 「月の民には手が出せない方法で」 |
That reminds me. The lady from before... ...mentioned "a method that |
Clownpiece |
あんた…… |
Hey, lady... |
Reimu |
さっきの話聞いてなかったの? |
Didn't you hear me before? |
Reimu |
黙る子も泣く地上人! |
An Earthling who makes silent children cry! |
Clownpiece |
うん覚えた で、その巫女が何をしに来たの? |
Mm. Got it. So, what's a shrine maiden doing here? |
Reimu |
う、それが 幻想郷に侵略に来ていた輩を いつの間にか月の都を救う事に |
Uh, well. I came here looking for whoever's At some point I wound up having to save the Lunar Capital. |
Clownpiece |
やっぱり月の民の仲間なのね! 友人様の敵はご主人様の敵 ……でも、どうすれば良いのかなぁ |
So you are in league with the moon's people! An enemy of honorable friend is an enemy of Master's. ...but, I'm not really sure what to do. |
Reimu |
取り敢えず、その友人?の 私には目的が良く判らなく |
For starters, how about you guide I've sort of lost track |
Stage 6
倶に天を載かずとも |
Though Unable to Dwell Together Under Heaven[3] | |
静かの海(裏) |
Sea of Tranquility (Underside) | |
BGM: 故郷の星が映る海 |
BGM: The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects | |
If playing on Pointdevice Mode (or on Legacy with no misses) | ||
Junko enters | ||
??? |
いかに策を練ろうとも 口惜しや |
No matter how many countermeasures 'Tis a shame. |
Reimu |
貴方が月の都を侵略している |
You're the ringleader of the invasion |
??? |
ひとまず私の負けを認めよう |
For now, I shall admit defeat. |
Reimu |
ああん? |
Wha? |
??? |
まさか月面に地上人を送り込むなんて 僅かな瑕疵でも厭う月の民が 私の読みが甘かった |
For not one moment did I ever expect I'm surprised that the people of the moon, hating even the I underestimated them. |
Reimu |
随分と余裕ね |
You seem real relaxed, even though |
純狐 |
Junko |
私の名は純狐 月の民に仇なす仙霊である 正直、 ここまでやってきた それが礼儀ってものでしょう |
My name is Junko. A sagacious spirit bearing ill will to the citizens of the moon. If I may be frank, my current will to fight has vanished... However, I shall at least show you It is only polite, is it not? |
Reimu |
正直、月の都がどうなろうが 私にここまで手こずらせた鬱憤を それにあんた、何かムカつくし |
To be honest, I don't really care But I've got to at least vent a little Plus, you're sort of annoying somehow. |
BGM: ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処 |
BGM: Pure Furies ~ Whereabouts of the Heart | |
Junko |
見せよ! そして見よ! |
Though she now lives on another heavenly body, Even if we are unable to dwell together under Heaven, Now, show me! And behold! |
If playing on Legacy Mode (with misses) | ||
Junko ENTERS | ||
??? |
いかに策を練ろうとも しかし、その愚策は失敗に |
No matter how many countermeasures However, it seems your foolish |
Reimu |
貴方が月の都を侵略している |
You're the ringleader of the invasion |
??? |
いかにも |
Verily. |
Reimu |
よーし、何か知らんけど |
All right! I dunno what's going on, but I'm |
??? |
月の民を夢の中に避難させ 大胆不敵な策だったけど |
The people of the moon escape into a dream, I thought it to be a daring plan, |
Reimu |
あー? |
Huh...? |
??? |
そんなに死穢の匂いを身に |
A human so completely surrounded by the |
純狐 |
Junko |
私の名は純狐 私の純化の力で無条件に貴方を 貴方はここまで何回ミスを冒して |
My name is Junko. With my power of purification, Just how many mistakes have you |
Reimu |
ぐっ そう言えば永琳は薬を使わないと 副作用が怖いから使わないで |
Guh. (That reminds me. Eirin did say that I couldn't The side effects sounded kinda scary, |
BGM: ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処 |
BGM: Pure Furies ~ Whereabouts of the Heart | |
Junko |
月の民も随分と愚かなミスをした この地上人はお前らが考えるよりも ただ月の民との交戦は硬直状態が続いて 不倶戴天の敵、 |
The moon's people, too, have committed a foolish mistake. It seems this earthling is far My stagnated engagement with the people of the moon My mortal enemy, Chang'e. Are you watching!? |
Additional Information
- ↑ "The Dream of Kaian" (槐安の夢) is a Chinese story in which a man falls asleep by a tree and is whisked away to become ruler of a kingdom, only to wake and discover that the kingdom was an anthill at the base of the tree.
- ↑ Sabi is a part of the term "wabi-sabi" with "sabi" referring to the old, faded, and obtrusive.
- ↑ A Chinese and Japanese idiom, meaning to hate someone so much that you cannot even stand the two of you existing together under the same heaven (i.e. living in the same world). Usually meaning wishing that the other person was dead.
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
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