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Lotus Land Story/Music

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ZUN's comments from the in-game music rooms and the .txt files included with the trial version of the game and the arranged MIDI versions for the SC-88Pro from his old music page.

High quality recordings of these MIDI files made with a real SC-88Pro can be found here

Music List

Title screen theme
幻想郷 ~ Lotus Land Story
Gensokyo ~ Lotus Land Story

まぁ、それ(絵と合わないこと)こそが、このシリーズの味なのかも(^^; (そんなことない)

It's the usual. And we've just about had them enough already (^^;;
I wonder what makes a song Japanese-styled.
Hm, well, I do like the song itself quite a bit, but...
Not much else, aside from the fact that it doesn't really match the title screen (^^;;;
Well, I suppose even that (not matching the title picture) is a trademark of this series (^^; (Not really)

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Reimu's Stage 1 theme
Witching Dream Witching Dream

う~ん。ちょっとかっこよさげな曲になりましたね。 でも、ちょっと暗すぎかな。

Weeell. This song turned out kind of a pretty cool one. But, it might be a little too dark.
There's that drum pattern in the second half that's almost out of desperation. Just a little.
Yep. Ah, well.

th4_02.txt from here


 東方Priject第4弾 東方幻想郷より【 Witching Dream 】です。  実はこの曲、一番自分的に霊夢のイメージに合っていたので、アレンジでは自分なりの  東方イメージを爆発させてみました(笑)かなりアレンジしてあるので、元曲とは別物  として聴いていただいても、よろしくってよ(^^;。

 個人的には、巫女さんにぴったりな曲にしあがったんじゃないかと思っています。  でも、それにうなずいてくれる人がどれだけいるかって言うと(笑)  最低でも、霊夢っぽさは出てるかと、特に変な所とか(^^;;

 で、元曲とかなりイメージが違うかもしれないけど、どっちかって言うと、元曲の方が  イメージが違ったと言えます(なんだそりゃ)  そんなわけで、お気に入りですんでBGMのないゲームのBGMにでも(笑)

 ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is "Witching Dream" from Touhou 4: Lotus Land Story.
In actuality, this music was fitted with my number one personal image of Reimu in mind, and the arrangement is my own special way of exploding the image of Touhou (haha) and since it was considerably arranged, I hear it as something different from the original tune, and so, best regards (^^;.

Individually, I think, I probably made it a tune closely matched with the shrine maiden.
But, to say, to what extent are there people who would nod in agreement (haha)
It is the lowest, but if a Reimu-like one was done, it would be a particularly strange place (^^;;

So, perhaps the image might be considerably different from the original music, but either way, it could be said that the image given by the original music was more different (sure it is)
For this kind of reason, since it's a favorite, it is even alright as a BGM in a game without BGM (haha)

th4_02pmd.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 Witching Dream 】オリジナル版です。

STG1面なのに、ちょっぴり暗すぎるような気もします。 でも、東方某ってなぜかこういう曲ばっかだったりする(個人的な好み)

霊夢も、私が曲を創ったばっかりにまるで巫女さんっぽくない曲になっちゃいましたね(笑) この曲はその代表の様なものかも。

ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is the original version of "Witching Dream" from Lotus Land Story.

I think it is a little too dark for the first stage. But I don't know why Touhou songs are always like this (personal preference).

Reimu also doesn't sound like a shrine maiden because I created this song (laugh)
This song may be a representative of that.

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Marisa's Stage 1 theme
Selene's light Selene's light

魔法使いの少女っぽい、っていうのは、こんなの? (う~ん。ぜったいちがうと思う)


This is a pretty cute song, isn't it?
I guess the kind of cute that you'd say fits a witch girl? (No way, it's definitely not.)
I always write my songs pretty haphazardly, so I never really have any idea how they'll turn out.

I do seriously put some thought into the theme, but...
(By the way, this is a pretty cute song (^^;)

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 1 Boss - Orange's theme
装飾戦 ~ Decoration Battle
Decoration Battle


The first boss song is pretty hard. It's popular for boss music nowadays to be dignified, but as you can see, most of the bosses in this series are cute girls, so I try to make their songs cool.
So, why are the first boss songs hard, well, it's actually pretty easy for me to make a cool (sounding) song most of the time (I think). But, if the first stage boss theme is really cool, I don't have anything left over for the rest of the songs, and end up making something really weird - that's my pattern.
So, it's a pretty serious problem. Well, what do you think of this song? (^^;;

Notes: "Decoration Battle" is a translation of 装飾戦 (そうしょくせん).
Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 2 theme
Break the Sabbath Break the Sabbath


The patterns in this song are similar to those from last time.
It starts bit-by-bit and goes pah-pa pah-pa (mysterious)
It was actually pretty easy to make, so it didn't leave a strong impression (^^;

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 2 Boss - Kurumi's theme
紅響曲 ~ Scarlet Phoneme
Scarlet Symphony ~ Scarlet Phoneme

ボスの曲は、基本的に短い曲です。 長くても、最後まで聞けないかもしんないからです(楽だから?(^^;

My boss songs are basically short. If they're long, you might not be able to hear the whole thing. (^^;
I was going for a song that would evoke the image of a westernized demon, but... ?
Well, it has a nice feel (^^

Notes: "Scarlet Phenome" is rough translation of 紅響曲 (こうきょうきょく scarlet symphony). The title is wordplay on 交響曲 (こうきょうきょく symphony).
Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 3 theme
Bad Apple!! Bad Apple!!


This song feels like my older songs.
Well, since it started turning out weird, I did try to make it at least sound like something I might have written long ago ...
It's nice to have something this rhythmical(?). And, it's very 3rd-stage-ish(??)...

Notes: Written as "BAD Apple!!" at the beginning of Stage 3.
Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 3 Boss - Elly's theme
霊戦 ~ Perdition crisis
Spirit Battle ~ Perdition crisis

ちょっと、おきにいりだったりする。 3面のボス、ちょっと強い。曲もそんな感じ。 つよそうだけど、絶対勝ちそうなボスっぽい曲だよね(?)

I kind of like this song.
The stage 3 boss is kind of strong. The song has the same feel to it.
She may look strong, but the song gives you the feeling you'll definitely win(?)

th4_08.txt from here


 東方Priject第4弾 東方幻想郷より【 霊戦 ~ Perdition Crisis 】です。

 当初の予定では、ギターバリバリのハードロック調にする予定でしたが、個人的に  ギターをうまく使えないので(汗)、結局、ロック調にするのはやめました。


 ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is "Spirit Battle ~ Perdition crisis" from Touhou 4: Lotus Land Story.

I've arranged it so it'd be fantastic.
The original plan was to make it hard rock style with guitars going loud, but personally I'm not good with guitars (sweat), so I decided not to make it rock style.
As a result though, I think it turned out good because of the stylish atmosphere it got.

Maybe it can be used in the game as it is. Of course in shoot 'em ups (^^;;

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

th4_08pmd.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 霊戦 ~ Perdition Crisis 】オリジナル版です。

エリーは、死神のイメージで作成しました。 曲もそれなりの迫力をもたせてあります。

第2段階はじめの、右から扇形弾連弾+遅れて左から扇形弾連弾はランクが上がると、一見 避けようがないようにみえます。でも実は、最初の右から来る扇形弾は全て、撃たれたときの 場所から動かなければ当たりません(知ってました?)

ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is the original version of "Spirit Battle ~ Perdition crisis" from Lotus Land Story.

Elly was created with the image of a god of death. The music has a certain intensity to it.

At the beginning of the second stage, a series of fan-shaped bullets from the right + a series of fan-shaped bullets from the left after a delay, which at first glance looks unavoidable as the rank goes up. But actually, all the first fan-shaped bullets from the right will not hit you unless you move from where you were when they hit you (did you know that?).
By the way, if you don't do that, there is no way to avoid the attack from the left (laugh).

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 4 theme
Arisu maesutera
Alice Maestra

この曲は、かっこいい洋館をイメージして、結局わけのわからん曲になった曲です(^^; でも、他の曲とちょっと違った雰囲気があると思うんだけど・・・ (いっしょかも(^^;;;)

I imagined a cool-looking Western-style mansion while making this song, and it ended up turning into something I really don't understand (^^;
But, I think it has an altogether different atmosphere from the the other songs...
(Or maybe it's the same (^^;;;)

th4_10.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 アリスマエステラ 】です。


当初の予定では、すっきりした雰囲気に仕上げるつもりでしたが、できあがってみると 全然違う(^^;;;



ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is "Alice Maestra" from Lotus Land Story.
I tried to arrange in the style of West. Well, the original was already western-style (^^;

This song is a personal favorite. (Most favorite actually (^^;;)

In the original plan, I was going to have a clean finish to the atmosphere, but when I finished it wasn't at all (^^;;;

Indeed, it's the Alice system, well, it is a good melody in its specialty.

Anyway, as usual, it is a game-like melody. Of course, that's I'm aiming for.
And incidentally, it is girly (^^;

Well then, let us meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

th4_10pmd.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 アリスマエステラ 】オリジナル版です。

西洋屋敷は、一度やってみたかったのでやってみました。幻想郷の制作中にエスプが発売されたので 後からアリスを付け加えました。それも大量に(笑)



ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is the original version of "Alice Maestra" from Lotus Land Story.

I wanted to do a western mansion once, so I did it. I added Alice later on because ESP was released while I was working on Lotus Land Story. I added a lot of Alice later.

But compared to the other songs in Lotus Land Story, the melody of the chorus of this song is really Japanese.
If you create it in Japanese style with this melody, it is truly Touhou (^^;;

The dissonance in the intro is my favorite (laugh)

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 4 Boss A - Reimu's theme
少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio
Shoujo kisoukyoku
Maiden's Capriccio ~ Cappriccio


Yeah. I really like this song.
The biggest problem, is no matter who listens, it's just not a shrine maiden song at all (^^;
But, I think this song best expresses the atmosphere of this game.
It's a little cute, too.

th4_09.txt from here


東方Priject第4弾 東方幻想郷より「少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio」です。


ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is "Maiden's Capriccio ~ Cappriccio" from Touhou 4: Lotus Land Story.
I have arranged this as a test. Very hard task actually(^^;;
The melody might be a difficult to listen to if you were using a software synthesizer.

Then in fact, this is a theme of a shrine maiden(^^;;

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

th4_09pmd.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 少女綺想曲 】オリジナル版です。



4面ボス、霊夢、魔理沙の攻撃は、霊夢は完全パターン攻撃、一方魔理沙は完全ランダム攻撃、と キャラ付けをしました。

ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is the original version of "Maiden's Capriccio ~ Cappriccio" from Lotus Land Story.

I think I did a good job of bringing out the FM sound quality of the song(^^;;

I don't know why, but when I create Reimu's theme, it suddenly becomes less and less Touhou-like.
So, I ended up with a fantastic shrine maiden.

The bosses on the 4th stage, Reimu and Marisa, are characterized as having completely patterned attacks, while Marisa's attacks are completely random.
Which boss was easier to avoid?

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 4 Boss B - Marisa's theme
星の器 ~ Casket of Star
Hoshi no utsuwa
Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star


It's hard to make weirder songs than this.
The intro has a kind of boss-ish feel to it.
It has a bit of a somber feel to it.
(Hm, I wonder, yeah)

th4_11.txt from here


 東方Priject第4弾 東方幻想郷より【 星の器 ~ Casket of Star 】です。
 まぁこれもかっこいいかもね(^^;でも、恐らく1,2回聴いただけでは展開についていけ  ないかも。よろしければ何度か聴いてやってくださいね。

 実は、もともと幻想郷の4面ボス(霊夢、魔理沙)は曲を分けるつもりは無かったの  ですが、時間が余って2つに分けたのでした。その時、霊夢の方は東方っぽく、魔理沙  の方は西洋っぽくするつもりだったんだけど・・・

 それにしても、ものすごく偏った曲ばっか作ってますけど、聴く皆様の守備範囲外だった  りすれば、私の曲は全てダメなんだろうな~(^^;;;

 ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is "Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star" from Touhou 4: Lotus Land Story.
Th-this song is going crazy in every sense. (laugh)
Especially the drums, tempo and the chorus change at rapid speed making you want to say "what's the matter with you?".
Well this could be cool too (^^; But I think you can't catch up how the song goes by only listening it to once or twice. If it's okay, please listen for it several times.

To tell the truth, I wasn't originally intending to split the fourth boss's theme (Reimu, Marisa) of Lotus Land Story, but I ended up doing it because I had time to do it. And at the time, I was planning to make Reimu's Eastern-like and Marisa's Western-like but....
Anyway, I've arranged it wildly so that it wouldn't ruin the overflowing wildness of the original song.

Setting those aside, I've been making really unorthodox music, so if they were out of the listeners' taste, I suppose my songs are all no good (^^;;;
I wish that these song (even part of them) would be accepted by the people. (laugh)

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

th4_11pmd.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 星の器 ~ Casket of Star 】オリジナル版です。

魔理沙も主人公格キャラなので意表をついた曲を創ろう、と意気込んで創りました。 STGボスとしては不思議な高揚感が出ていると様な気がします。



 ・4つのビットは、よーく見るとそれぞれ別の宗教のマークになっている(笑) て、感じ。

ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is the original version of "Casket of Star" from Lotus Land Story.

Marisa is also a main character, so I was determined to create a surprising song. I think it has a mysterious uplifting feeling as a stage boss.

Marisa is the only special boss in Touhou that has no rules, and her attacks do not change even if she changes boss stages.

There are many mysterious attacks, but Marisa's system is not well known~ (laugh)

  • The boss's defense is as high as the number of bits.
  • The durability of each bit is different.
  • When 4 bits are destroyed, the boss will go crazy for the rest of the turn and the next turn.
  • After the four bits are destroyed, the boss attacks with a frenzy for the remainder of the turn and the next turn.
  • The number of turns is somewhat random.
  • The four bits, if you look closely, are the symbols of different religions.

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 5 theme
Lotus Love Lotus Love


I had no idea what this was when I made it, but it's grown on me now.
Once you get used to it, you can see how it's quite cool, and how it has quite a nice feel. Quite.
The stage is short, too, so in-game the song only loops once. Poor thing.

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Stage 5 Boss - Yuuka's theme 1
眠れる恐怖 ~ Sleeping Terror
Nemureru kyoufu
Sleeping Terror


I'm usually pretty haphazard in my song writing, but this time I pretty much had the thing all planned out (in my head) before I got started.
I don't think I use this type of bass pattern very often, though.
But, I didn't have many voices in the 26 version, so it didn't come out all that well (;_;

th4_12.txt from here


お待たせいたしましたm(_ _)m 東方幻想郷より【 眠れる恐怖 ~ Sleeping Terror 】です。 アレンジ自体は、ほとんど施していません。元の曲と同じ展開です。

東方のボス曲の中ではちょっと異形な曲(だと思っている)です。 それは何故かっていうと、幻想郷立ち上げ時のイメージで、5面ボスは絶対に 睡眠中(ねぐりじぇ姿)のラスボスにしよう、と決まっていたからです(関係ない?(^^;;) (ほんとは、背景を寝室にしてベットを置いて本格的にしたかったですが、 VRAM の空きや人物のスケールからきつかったんであきらめましたが)


曲は、かわいげのある風な曲だったので、そこら辺を強調した曲をめざしました。 たぶんかわいいかと (かわいいのか?(^^;;)

ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

Have I kept you waiting? m(_ _)m
This is "Sleeping Terror" from Lotus Land Story.
It's not much of an arrangement. It develops the same as the original tune.

This is a little atypical among Touhou boss music (I think).
As for why this is, I decided from the start of Lotus Land Story's development that the Stage 5 boss would be the final boss, but half-asleep (and in a negligee). (How is this relevant? (^^;;)
(In truth, I originally wanted the background to be her bedroom, with a bed placed in there and everything, but I gave up because of VRAM limitations and odd character scaling.)

Due to this and that, the slightly weird Yuuka was born.

Since the song originally had a charming mood to it, I aimed at emphasizing that area.
It turned out cute, maybe? (Did it really? (^^;;)

Well then, let us meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

th4_12pmd.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 眠れる恐怖 ~ Sleeping Terror 】オリジナル版です。



ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is the original version of "Sleeping Terror" from Lotus Land Story.

I've been creating music for stages as I like.
I'm creating whatever I want to(^^;;

The game was set up so that the player would not be able to proceed to the final stage if he or she lost the game, so the attacks were relatively easy.
I tried the almost screen large pole laser because I wanted to try it someday.
I hope you got hit at least once (laugh)

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

Notes: "Sleeping Terror" is a translation of 眠れる恐怖.
Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Final Stage theme
Dream Land Dream Land


This is a very short song (^^;
I think it came out very lonely-sounding, too (^^;;;
Well, in any case, is it, I wonder?
Kind of. Uja~

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Final Boss - Yuuka's theme 2
幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream
Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream


The last boss theme. It has a very final feel to it.
I think it came out pretty cool somehow~
Nobody really knows if Yuuka herself is cool.
Personally, I think I rather like her.

th4_15.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream 】です。 久しぶりのアレンジ作品でなかなか楽しかったです。

幽香のテーマ1【 眠れる恐怖 】のバトル版という雰囲気を目指しました。 ラスボスにしては重厚さの欠片もないあたりが私っぽい。 意図的にテクノ調にしています。 最後はクラシック調のゲームって多いもんね。(ハードロックも)

それにしても、不思議な曲。 サビより通常部分の方が印象的だったので、そこら辺をインスパイアしたアレンジを してみたんだけど・・・

ところで、Inanimate Dream とは反アニメイトの夢?(^^;

ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is "Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream" from Lotus Land Story.
It was an arrangement work that I hadn't done in a quite time, and it was pretty fun to do.

I aimed it to get the feeling of the battle version of Yuuka's first theme "Sleeping Terror".
How it not having a glimpse of profoundness for a final boss, makes it sound like my doing.
I have made it in techno style in purpose.
There sure are many games that have classical style in the last, aren't there? (Hard rocks too)

Setting that aside, it's a mysterious song.
The verse part was more impressive than the chorus, so I arranged it getting inspiration from that....

By the way, does "Inanimate Dream" mean anti-Animate dreams? (^^;

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

th4_15pmd.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream 】オリジナル版です。


ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is the original version of "Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream" from Lotus Land Story.

It's pretty good, but... there isn't much variety to it, to be honest(^^;
It sure sounds like a song fitting for the last boss, doesn't it?
...I might've gone overboard with the inflections(^^;

Well then, let us meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Extra Stage theme
Kinji zaruwoenai yuugi
The Inevitably Forbidden Game


I made this one fairly rhythmical (not)
The main part is pretty simple, so it feels nice. I get the feeling listening to it that this is how my songs are most of the time.
I like songs like this, but sometimes I want to write something with a different atmosphere.

th4_16.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 禁じざるをえない遊戯 】です。
この曲は、私の曲の一番基本となる部分を集めたものです。つまり、なにも考えずに 創ったってことですね(汗)


それにしても不思議な世界観の曲です。現代風とも古風とも、多国籍とも無国籍とも、 言い難いかんじ。でも、東方とは言い難いね(笑)

ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is "The Inevitably Forbidden Game" from Lotus Land Story.
I've arranged it ordinarily in my opinion.
This song is made up by gathering the most basic parts of my songs. In other words, I made it without thinking anything (sweat).
So I believe it was arranged as it was to my extent.

Arrangements of these type of songs looks easy but not quite (tears).
But I think it worked out this time (I always think it does (^^;;)

Anyway this is a song with a mysteries perspective. It's indefinable, not modern-like nor ancient-like, multinational or non-national. But it not definable as Touhou. (laugh)

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

th4_16pmd.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 禁じざるをえない遊戯 】オリジナル版です。

分かりやすいサビは、非常にかっこいいものになったと思います。アレンジもその格好良さ、 わかりやすさを壊さないようにアレンジされてますので、そちらも是非(^^;;


ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is the original version of "The Inevitably Forbidden Game" from Lotus Land Story.

I honestly typed out the tune that comes to mind when I create a song.
I think the easy to understand chorus turned out to be very cool. The arrangement is also that cool, I hope you enjoy the arrangement as well(^^;;

I think that the white bullet before the boss battle was very difficult to produce.
It might be difficult to get over the boss with only one bomb, so it might be tough if you don't know the pattern.
In fact, there is a perfect rule for how to shoot, so it is possible to make a pattern. Since the bombs are omni-directional and aimed at the target's own ship, they will not hit the target if it is moving.
If you are moving, you won't be hit, but the bullets will be fired suddenly from an empty space, and at the end, the point of firing will come at your ship.
The pattern is necessary because the bullets are fired suddenly from an empty space and the firing point is aimed at the ship at the end. But I can't explain the pattern in writing (laugh)

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Extra Stage boss #1 - Mugetsu's theme
メイド幻想 ~ Icemilk Magic
Meido gensou
Illusion of a Maid ~ Icemilk Magic


The younger sister, Mugetsu's, theme. Somehow, she looks like a maid.
This is a pretty cool song, isn't it? Even though it's short. (Because it's short?)
Well, in any case, it turned out to be a pretend-maid song like this.

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Extra Stage boss #2 - Gengetsu's theme
かわいい悪魔 ~ Innocence
Kawaii akuma
Cute Devil ~ Innocence

最凶最悪のボス、姉の幻月のテーマ。 出来るだけ西洋風に仕上げたかったのですが・・・?

The theme for the older sister Gengetsu, the most terrible, most fearful boss. I wanted for it to have a real Western feel to it, but ... ?
I was aiming for a song that was pretty similar to Mugetsu's theme.
Rather, I was really hoping to come up with a Mr. Dracula sort of song ... (;_;

th4_18pmd.txt from here


東方幻想郷より【 かわいい悪魔 ~ Innocence 】オリジナル版です。


ちょうど、サビ?あたりでは、最大の難関と言われる 雨とショートレーザーばらまきの段階に来ます。

ではまた次の曲で逢いましょうか ZUN

Thank you for downloading this song.

This is the original version of "Cute Devil ~ Innocence" from Lotus Land Story.

This song is the most difficult in the Touhou series, and the boss is said to be the most difficult in the series.
It is a long song with a long loop.

The song is actually a long song, even the loop is long. It takes some skill to listen to the last melody in the game.
Just around the chorus, I was told that it is the most difficult part. It is said to be the most difficult part of the game.
Are you able to avoid the attack there? (laugh)

Well then, let's meet again in the next song, shall we? ZUN

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Bad ending
Days Days


Hmm. It's a song that feels like there's no reason for hopes or dreams.
At least when I know I can't make bright songs, the bad end song will come out well.
Except the good end feels like a bad end, too.

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Good ending
Peaceful Peaceful


Huh, it feels kind of peaceful.
Maybe ... a little bright?

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Staff roll
Arcadian Dream Arcadian Dream


Well, the staff roll is kind of cool, after all. (Is that all you can say? (^^;)
It seems like a very simple song, but it might actually be a very simple song.
Well, there's very little staff, so I don't really need a long staff roll song (^^)
For some reason, it's a lot like a boss song (^^;;;

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Name registration
Gensou no juunin
Those Who Live in Illusions


Seems like there should be a game over song, too.
Yeah. Maybe a little too energetic.

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1

Unused (From Mystic Square's Music Room)
Lotus Road Lotus Road


I was going to use this as the stage 1 theme.
But, I thought it was a little too light, so I didn't use it...

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Unused (From Mystic Square's Music Room)
Dreamy pilot Dreamy pilot


I was going to use this as the stage 4 theme.
I thought it was kind of air-headed, though, so I threw it out.
But, maybe it's not that bad?

Lotus Land Story trial version "_MUSIC.TXT" (contained in the archive file "東方幻想.郷")



Stage 4's Theme

Isn't this the the single best work?
Well, it's a song with an uninteresting progression on a fixed rhythm.
Wait, I wonder if there's a melody hidden here...hm.
What is it with this song?

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Unused (From Mystic Square's Music Room)
Incomplete Plot Incomplete Plot


I was going to use this as the stage 5 theme.
But for some reason I threw it out. (laugh)
It's pretty nice, too ...

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Unused (From Mystic Square's Music Room)
Border Land Border Land


I was going to use this as the stage 6 theme.
I thought the last stage theme should be a bit more mellow, though, so I threw it out.

Lotus Land Story trial version "_MUSIC.TXT" (contained in the archive file "東方幻想.郷")


これは、短い曲ですね(^^;;;; いわゆる、せっぱずまった感を出したかったんですよ。

Final Stage's Theme

This is a short tune (^^;;;;
As they say, giving the feeling of being at wit's end, or something like that. But, the melody (what is it?)
is like a staff roll in a dream sky kind of feeling...
(But, that's my tune, I'm done. (^^;)

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Unused (From Mystic Square's Music Room)
Magic Shop of Raspberry Magic Shop of Raspberry


I was going to use this as the extra stage theme.
But I thought the extra stage song should be a little lighter, so I cried and cried and threw it out.

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1
Unused (From Mystic Square's Music Room)
Crescent Dream Crescent Dream


I was going to use this for the staff roll.
It's not STG-esque, though, so I threw it out.

Lotus Land Story trial version "_MUSIC.TXT" (contained in the archive file "東方幻想.郷")



Staff Roll Song

The staff roll is cool (is that all you can say?), but I think this song is quite Japanese style(^^;)
Well, I don't know what Japanese style is, but...
(But of course, I am not aiming for something like the song of Samurai Spirit.)

Also featured in: 幺樂団の歴史1 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score vol.1

See also

External links