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Lyrics: アシンメトリー

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Asymmetry by hatsunetsumiko's
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Original Romanized Translation

midnight 彷徨う闇 モノクロの世界 shooting star bright 夜空に舞う シルクの流星

midnight samayou yami monokuro no sekai shooting star bright yozora ni mau shiruku no ryuusei

Midnight, wandering darkness, monochrome world Shooting star bright, a silk shooting star dances down the night sky

のばした手と手が 触れる君と 失くした一粒の 涙見つけた二人

nobashita te to te ga fureru kimi to nakushita hito tsubu no namida mitsuketa futari

Our outstretched hands touch each other We found our lost drop of tears

背中合わせのステップ 歌声は揺れるシンドローム 矛盾だらけの誰かと 踊り明かす アシンメトリーな夜

senaka awase no suteppu utagoe wa yureru shindoroomu mujun darake no dareka to odoriakasu ashinmetorii na yoru

We take a step, our backs turned at each other A syndrome of our shaking singing voices I shall dance this asymmetric night away With a certain someone who's filled contradictions


yoake made

Till the morning comes

night flight 寄り添う影 星空の散歩 shadow and light 輝きだす 二つの宝石

night flight yorisou kage hoshizora no sanpo shadow and light kagayakidasu futatsu no houseki

Night flight, two shadows nestle close in a stroll through the starry sky Shadow and light, those two jewels shine brightly

見つめる瞳は 絡みあって 壊した ひとカケラ 拾い集めた二人

mitsumeru hitomi wa karamiatte kowashita hito kakera hiroiatsumeta futari

I'm entangled in those eyes I stare into Let's pick up the broken pieces together

時計じかけのランデヴー ぐるぐると廻るメランコリー 姿見せない誰かと 踊り明かす 止められない気持ちは

tokei jikake no randebuu guruguru to mawaru merankorii sugata misenai dareka to odoriakasu tomerarenai kimochi wa

A clockwork rendezvous​ Melancholy that spins round and round I can't stop those feelings, I shall dance the night away With a certain someone who can't show themselves to me

深く吸い込んだ 呼吸も孤独も 翡翠に染まる夜空は 闇 隠す

fukaku suikonda kokyuu mo kodoku mo hisui ni somaru yozora wa yami kakusu

I breathe in deeply, and together with my breath comes in loneliness Jade-colored night sky hides the darkness

時計じかけのランデヴー ぐるぐると廻るメランコリー 姿見せない誰かと 踊り明かす 止められない気持ちは

tokei jikake no randebuu guruguru to mawaru merankorii sugata misenai dareka to odoriakasu tomerarenai kimochi wa

A clockwork rendezvous​ Melancholy that spins round and round I can't stop those feelings, I shall dance the night away With a certain someone who can't show themselves to me

背中合わせのステップ 歌声は揺れるシンドローム 矛盾だらけの誰かと 踊り明かす アシンメトリーな夜

senaka awase no suteppu utagoe wa yureru shindoroomu mujun darake no dareka to odoriakasu ashinmetorii na yoru

We take a step, our backs turned at each other A syndrome of our shaking singing voices I shall dance this asymmetric night away With a certain someone who's filled contradictions


yoake made

Till the morning comes

Lyrics source: Translation by Nazohato