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Lyrics: ルナ・ダイアル

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Luna Dial by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets
Original Romanized Translation

赤い霧と一夜の夢 醒めないように踊っていたい

akai kiri to ichiya no yume samenai you ni odotte itai

Red mist, and my dream. I want to dance so I won’t wake up.

人間らしい事をいわれても生憎必要としていない 月が綺麗な夜だけが正しいと感じるから

ningen rashii koto wo iwaretemo ainiku hitsuyou to shite inai tsuki ga kirei na yoru dake ga tadashii to kanjiru kara

Even if humane things are said to me, there’s no need Because I feel that only nights in which the moon is beautiful are correct.

時間を止めるように 銀の閃光が奔る 特に貴方の後悔には 何も感じない この世界に対して いいたいことくらいはあるでしょう? 一度くらいなら聞いてあげる

jikan wo tomeru you ni gin no senkou ga hashiru toku ni anata no koukai ni wa nani mo kanjinai kono sekai ni taishite iitai koto kurai wa aru deshou? ichido kurai nara kiite ageru

So I can stop time, my silver glint takes flight. I feel nothing in your remorse. Surely there must be something relating to this world that you wish to say? I’ll ask you at least once…

赤い月に魅入られるように 醒める事は望んでいない

akai tsuki ni miirareru you ni sameru koto wa nozonde inai

So I may be entranced by the red moon, I do not wish to wake up.

暴力的で扇情的な冷静と狂騒の狭間で 月が綺麗な夜に最高の瞬間を作る

bouryoku-teki de senjou-teki na reisei to kyousou no hazama de tsuki ga kirei na yoru ni saikou no shunkan wo tsukuru

I create the climax of this night, in which the moon is beautiful, In the threshold between violent, suggestive calmness and mania.

未来を狂わせるように 銀の閃光が揺らぐ 特に貴方の人生とか 知りたくはない この世界に対して信じることくらいはあるでしょう? 1つくらいなら聞いてあげる

mirai wo kuruwaseru you ni gin no senkou ga yuragu toku ni anata no jinsei toka shiritaku wa nai kono sekai ni taishite shinjiru koto kurai wa aru deshou? hitotsu kurai nara kiite ageru

So I can drive the future mad, my silver glint trembles. I don’t really want to know about your life. Surely there must be something relating to this world that you believe in? I’ll listen to at least one…

時間を止めるように 銀の閃光が奔る 特に貴方の感性には 期待していない この世界に対して祈るべきことくらいはあるでしょう? それくらいは待ってあげる 多分これで最後だから

jikan wo tomeru you ni gin no senkou ga hashiru toku ni anata no kansei ni wa kitai shite inai kono sekai ni taishite inoru beki koto kurai wa aru deshou? sore kurai wa matte ageru tabun kore de saigo dakara

So I can stop time, my silver glint takes flight. I expect nothing from your sensitivity. Surely there must be something relating to this world that must be prayed for? I’ll wait for that, at least Because this will probably be the last time.

Lyrics source: Translation by Releska