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Lyrics: 廃獄ララバイ~Subfusc Mix
Lullaby of Deserted Hell ~ Subfusc Mix by Hachimitsu-Lemon | |
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Original | Translation |
忘れられてく時に流され 今何を必死に求める 手を伸ばして触れるモノなんて 何も要らないわ |
Swept along into times long forgotten, what is it I am desperately searching for? I don't need anything I can reach out and touch. |
もういつの間にか途絶えた唄は 誰の為に送るメロディ? 例え届かない子守唄でも 唄えばいい |
This melody that has long since ceased, who was it for? If it was a children's lullaby, why not sing it? |
朽ち果て消えるモノは多くて 思い出すら例外なく 暗き闇の底だから眩しく 輝いて見える |
There are many things that rot away, and memories are no exception, but Here in the depths of deepest darkness they can be seen, shining brilliantly. |
誰かが不意に落とした涙 瞬く星にならずとも いつかまた訪れる旅人の 道しるべに |
This tear someone dropped suddenly, even though it will never become a twinkling star, It will be a signpost when travellers come again. |
忘れられてく時に流され 今何を必死に求める? 手を伸ばして触れるもの全てが 愛しく思えた |
Swept along into times long forgotten, what is it I am desperately searching for? All of these things I can reach out and touch, I hold them all dearly... |
もう いつの間にか途絶えた唄は 誰の為に送るメロディ? 既に届かないレクイエムでも 叫べばいい |
This melody that has long since ceased, who was it for? If it were a requiem that will no longer reach anyone, when why not scream it? |