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Lyrics: 感情と忘却の咆哮

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Roar of Emotion and Oblivion by Kairo
Additional Info
  • An instrumental piano arrangement was also released in 現夢 (disc 2 track 8).
Original Romanized Translation

空に浮かぶ ひかりの 照らし出す 不知火 ゆらりゆれるカタチは あの日見てた情景で

sora ni ukabu hikari no terashidasu shiranui yurari yureru katachi wa ano hi miteta joukei de

The shiranui is an illuminating light floating in the sky. Its figure, wavering to and fro’, is the marvel I saw that day.

ずっとずっと怖かった 繋いだ指が解けること いつでも ずっとずっと怯えてた 追いかけてくる 抗えない 条理

zutto zutto kowakatta tsunaida yubi ga hodokeru koto itsu demo zutto zutto obieteta oi kakete kuru aragaenai jouri

I was afraid all along of the fingers connected to mine parting. I was frightened all along of the unopposable reason that pursued me.

瞳閉じて 想い描く 幾重の記憶 醒めない 可惜夜の夢 いつまでも 象りつづけ 消えないように 祈ってた

hitomi tojite omoi egaku ikue no kioku samenai atara yoru no yume itsu made mo katadori tsudzuke kienai you ni inotteta

I close my eyes and picture countless memories. I will not awaken from this splendid dream. I prayed that it would not vanish, that it would keep its shape forever.

涙の海を越えて 漕ぎ出した方舟 永遠に 辿り着かない 岸に別れを告げ

namida no umi o koete kogidashita hakobune towa ni tadori tsukenai kishi ni wakare o tsuge

Passing through the sea of tears, I began to row my ark. I will never arrive. I bid farewell to the shore.

答えのないセカイに 一つの答え求めて 偽りに 染まった 細い腕を 差し伸べて 微笑んでいた

kotae no nai sekai ni hitotsu no kotae motomete itsuwari ni somatta hosoi ude o sashinobete hohoende ita

In a world devoid of answers I sought one. Stained with falsehoods, I held out my slender arm and smiled.

君の待つ まほろばを仰ぎ 華は朽ち果ててゆく

kimi no matsu mahoroba o aogi hana wa kuchi hatete yuku

I look up at the splendid land you awaited. The flowers are rotting away.

瞳閉じて 空に描く 幾重の記憶 明けない 可惜夜の夢 今も 象り ただ 消えないように 祈ってる

hitomi tojite sora ni egaku ikue no kioku akenai atarayo no yume ima mo katadori tada kienai you ni inotteru

I close my eyes and picture countless memories in the sky. This splendid dream will not see its dawn. Even now, I pray that it will not vanish, that it will keep its shape.

愛し 痛みは なお 君を想い 刻まれてく

itoshi itami wa nao kimi o omoi kizamareteku

This dear pain is carved ever deeper as I think of you.