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Lyrics: 昔話わんだーらんど

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Legendary Wonderland by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets
Original Romanized Translation

言葉で言い切ってしまえば現実って案外そうなるらしいけど 自分に照らし合わせてみれば正直疑わしいと考えている

kotoba de iikitte shimaeba genjitsu tte angaisou sou naru rashii kedo jibun ni terashi awasete mireba shoujiki utagawashii to kangaete iru

It seems that, when you put it into words, reality is unexpected, But when I compare it with myself, I think that’s honestly quite doubtful.


nandatte sou dakedo sa jikan ga sugiru hodo dou demo yoku naru yo ne

I guess that’s right, but the more time passes, the more meaningless things will become.

一体何を言っているのか 自分でも分からないが 目的よりも大事なことなんて案外とありふれている

ittai nani wo itte iru no ka jibun demo wakaranai ga mokuteki yori mo daiji na koto nante angai to arifurete iru

Even I don’t know what I’m saying, But things more important than goals are unexpectedly common.

昔話は意味を成さない 重要なことは今にしかない 記憶はすぐになくしてしまうから 刹那的なジョークで塗りつぶせばいい

mukashibanashi wa imi wo nasanai juuyou na koto wa ima ni shika nai kioku wa sugu ni naku shite shimau kara setsuna-teki na jooku de nuritsubuseba ii

Legends are meaningless. Important things are only in the here and now. My memories will soon disappear, so I’ll cover them up with transient jokes.

昔話は消えてしまうよ 理由があったら強くはなれない 細かいルールは決めなくていい 矛盾を愛して生きていたい

mukashibanashi wa kiete shimau yo riyuu ga attara tsuyoku wa narenai komakakai ruuru wa kimenakute ii mujun wo aishite ikite itai

Legends will fade away. If I embrace reason, I can’t become stronger… There’s no need to work out detailed rules. I want to live whilst loving contradictions!

昔話と御伽噺に さしたる違いはあんまりないよね

mukashibanashi to otogibanashi ni sashitaru chigai wa anmari nai yo ne

There aren’t many differences between legends and fairy tales!

Lyrics source: Translation by Releska