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Lyrics: 紅霧闊歩
Scarlet Mist Swagger by Kotonoha Genso Tantpuchi | ||
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Original | Romanized | Translation |
意気揚々とは行かない様相 挨拶代わりの弾幕ぶっぱ 初回から登場 突如として表層を埋める 紅い霧現象 楽勝と笑い飛ばし 楽しようとしている 巫女と魔女 |
ikiyouyou to wa ikanai yousou aisatsu gawari no danmaku buppa saisho kara toujou totsujo toshite hyousou o umeru akai kiri genshou rakushou to warai tobashi raku shiyou to shiteiru miko to majo |
Signs say we won’t proceed with high spirits, letting off a wave of bullets instead of a greeting, we’ve been on stage since the beginning All of a sudden, the surface is filled with a scarlet mist phenomenon – Laughing it off as an easy win, we’re just a witch and a shrine maiden trying to take it easy |
今夜はどうした 紅い月? いつもの調子じゃがなり過ぎ? 舞台相方は揃い踏み さっさと帰って酒見月 ノーミス華麗に通り抜け 効率ゲー なんだよ「凍りつけ!」? それはでっかい館のダサい趣味 待ち受けてるのは破壊好き |
konya wa doushita akai tsuki? itsu mo no choushi ja ganari sugi? butai aikata wa soroibumi sassato kaette sakamidzuki noo misu karei ni toori nuke kouritsu gee nanda yo「koori tsuke!」? sore wa dekkai yakata no dasai shumi machi uketeru no wa hakai zuki |
What’s going on tonight? The moon’s red? Yelling too much in our usual tone? My partner steps into the ring – Let’s get this done quickly and drink, moon gazing Passing through with glamour in a breeze, no mistakes – it’s a game of efficiency , what do you mean “freeze!”? It’s the giant mansion, they got bad taste – Waiting for us, they love to lay waste |
時と共に飛ぶNIGHTBIRD SIXSENSEに頼るが瞬きの刹那 見失う先行きは不安定 それでも2人で突き進むだけ 妖は邪魔するんじゃねぇぜ |
toki to tomo ni tobu NIGHTBIRD SIXSENSE ni tayoru ga mabataki no setsuna mi ushinau saki wa fuantei sore demo futari de tsuki susumu dake ayakashi wa jama suru n janee ze |
Time flies together with the NIGHTBIRD, I rely on my SIXTH SENSE but it’s over in the blink of an eye Losing sight of the future, it’s volatile, but we’ll just charge in together The supernatural better not get in our way |
暗がりを紅く濡らす霧を払い 殿と奮い紅い月を背に 皆の思いもこの胸に抱き 悪霊成敗 暗く日も暮れない 望むSUNの火の如く 漲るPOWERは無限大 運命の音 まるで銃声 飛び立った時点で決まる趨勢 あんたは届かない残り数センチ スコアだって零さずいくぜ! |
kuragari o akaku nurasu kiri o harai shingari to furui akai tsuki o se ni minna no omoi mo kono mune ni daki akuryou seibai kuraku hi mo kurenai nozomu SUN no hi no gotoku minagiru POWER wa mugendai unmei no oto mare de juusei tobi datta jiten de kimaru suusei anta wa todokanai nokori suu senchi sukoa datte kobosazu iku ze! |
Clearing away the mist that soaked the darkness scarlet Getting hyped up with the rear guard, our backs to the scarlet moon Everyone’s thoughts we hold in our hearts, punishing evil so dark that even the sun won’t set Like the fire of the sun, which we desire, the POWER surging up is infinite The sound of fate, as if it was a gunshot – How things go is decided from the moment we take off You’re a few centimeters from reaching me, let’s go, without even dropping my score |
異変とかはマジでだりーから 面倒起こすやつはまとめて 問答無用のスペル夢想封印 手打ちのイーブンとか後腐れ ありそうなので今回もナシで 残念だけど「そーなのよ」 ここで食い下がろうならば まとめて全部祓う迄よ |
ihen toka wa maji de darii kara mendou okosu yatsu wa matomete montou muyou no superu musou fuuin teuchi no iibun toka ato kusare arisou nano de konkai mo nashi de zannen dakedo「soo nano yo」 koko de kui sagarou naraba matomete zenbu harau made yo |
Incidents are a major pain, round up all the trouble makers My spell Fantasy Seal asks no questions – Calling it even and making peace seems like it’d lead to further trouble, so we’ll go without – Sorry to say, but “that is so” If you try to hold on to us here we’ll just exorcise you all at once |
本気でやるからこうしてタッグの 調子出ちゃうのさ もう逃げな 誰だって強いさ おうちでは 常時選ぶ黄 箒で舞う 空、隣にも浮かんだ赤 湖畔に咲く寒そうな花 不満な顔が似ていたから 今夜も月が綺麗だから |
honki de yaru kara kou shite taggu no choushi dechau no sa mou nigena dare datte tsuyoi sa ouchi de wa jouji erabu ki houki de mau sora, tonari no mo ukanda aka kohan ni saku samusou na hana fuman na kao ga niteita kara konya mo tsuki ga kirei dakara |
We’re serious, so here we are getting into gear as a tag team, there’s no escape now Everyone’s strong at my place – I always choose yellow, flying on my broomstick In the sky floating nearby is red, a cold looking flower blooms on the lake shore That discontented face looked familiar after all – The moon is pretty tonight too after all |… ABILITY MAXな主役補正なMENBER 夜行性ENEMY TO BE CONTINUED 引っ込んでろよお前ら 弾幕戦なら百戦錬磨 咲いては散るREFRAIN 前世の記憶 強くてNEW GAME 輪廻転生すればMOONLIGHTのRAY 照らされる勝利の印だぜ |
ichi juu hyaku sen man ABILITY MAX na shuuyaku hosei na MENBER yakousei ENEMY TO BE CONTINUED hikkondero yo omaera danmakusen nara hyakusen renma saite wa chiru REFRAIN zense no kioku tsuyokute NEW GAME rinne tensei sureba MOONLIGHT no RAY terasareru shouri no shirushi da ze |… ABILITY MAX, a plot armor wearing MEMBER A nocturnal ENEMY, TO BE CONTINUED – get lost, all of you We’re veterans of danmaku warfare Blooming and scattering, the REFRAIN – Memories from my past life going strong, NEW GAME When I reincarnate, it’s the MOONLIGHT RAY shining on me, the mark of victory |
暗がりを紅く濡らす霧を払い 殿と奮い紅い月を背に 皆の思いもこの胸に抱き 悪霊成敗 暗く日も暮れない 望むSUNの火の如く 漲るPOWERは無限大 運命の音 まるで銃声 飛び立った時点で決まる趨勢 あんたは届かない残り数センチ スコアだって零さずいくぜ! |
kuragari o akaku nurasu kiri o harai shingari to furui akai tsuki o se ni minna no omoi mo kono mune ni daki akuryou seibai kuraku hi mo kurenai nozomu SUN no hi no gotoku minagiru POWER wa mugendai unmei no oto mare de juusei tobi datta jiten de kimaru suusei anta wa todokanai nokori suu senchi sukoa datte kobosazu iku ze! |
Clearing away the mist that soaked the darkness scarlet Getting hyped up with the rear guard, our backs to the scarlet moon Everyone’s thoughts we hold in our hearts, punishing evil so dark that even the sun won’t set Like the fire of the sun, which we desire, the POWER surging up is infinite The sound of fate, as if it was a gunshot – How things go is decided from the moment we take off You’re a few centimeters from reaching me, let’s go, without even dropping my score |
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