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Lyrics: 鍵山雛の幸福論
Hina Kagiyama's Theory of Happiness by kimino-museum | |
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Original | Translation |
忌み嫌われても構わない |
I don't care if I'm hated or despised. |
そうして訪れる誰かの幸せを 見守る幸せもあるだろう |
If that way I can protect the happiness of those who come to me, Isn't that itself, happiness? |
また消えてく それぞれの憂いを背負い 海の彼方 いつからだろう 終わると思っていた 役目結ばれず |
I'm disappearing again... With others' grief on my shoulders, I stand by the sea far away When I wonder did I start to think I should end it all And free myself from this role? |
ただ流れ着く場所で与えられた意味に 従い生き抜くその中で喜びを探して |
Following whatever will may take me I simply fulfill the purpose given me Scraping by and searching for happiness |
回り回る人の世は今日も忙しく 吐き出すわだかまりの中 決して止まりはしない 消えぬ淀みが回るなら私も回ろう 情無い浮世は少しは きっと救われるだろう |
Today again will be busy in this spinning human world With all of the ill will going around There's sure to be no end If this everlasting grime will turn then so will I Then I might make this miserable world Just a little bit better |
皆、他人の持つ幸せに 微笑むことが出来るのなら あと少しは優しくなれるのだろう 溜息漏れてゆく |
Everyone, if you could smile In the face of others' happiness Wouldn't you all feel a little bit better? I sigh |
無償の思い遣りを信じられないなら 姿を見せることさえもせずに 与えてゆこう 今も |
If you don't believe I could care without wanting something in return Then I won't even show myself, But I'll keep caring, even now |
巡り巡る災厄の辿り付く場所 そこには必ず私が ずっと佇み続け 忌み嫌われる役目さえ 必要ならば受け入れ 変わらぬ現世を ここで眺め続けてゆこう |
In places where calamity gathers I will surely be there Standing Even if in this role I must be hated I'll take it on Ever watching Reality unchanging |
廻り廻る幸せが誰かに訪れ 気づかぬ様な遠くから それを見守り続け 影を背負い込む孤独さえ 笑顔のために寄り添う そんな幸せも きっとあるはずだろう |
When happiness finds its way to another I'll be there watching From afar Even if I must keep to the shadows If I can see their smiles I think that is a sort of happiness In and of itself |
Lyrics' source: kafka-fuura | |