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Lyrics: re:uni-BIRTH

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re:uni-BIRTH by Conagusuri
Original Romanized Translation

さよならを通過待ちのstation 今キミは傷ついたふりしてる 微笑んで見逃してあげるのは わたしたちお互い様だからね

Sayonara o tsuuka machi no station Ima kimi wa kizutsui ta furi shiteru Hohoen de minogashi te ageru no wa Watashi tachi otagaisama da kara ne

At the station, waiting for our farewells to fly through You’re acting all hurt now, But it’s not just me who’ll Overlook all of this with a smile

so kiss me kiss me kiss me 星を散りばめた くちびるには 引力よりも 運命よりも 引き寄せる魔力が宿る

So kiss me, kiss me, kiss me! Hoshi o chiribame ta kuchibiru ni wa Inryoku yori mo unmei yori mo Hikiyoseru maryoku ga yadoru

So kiss me, kiss me, kiss me! These lips inlaid with stars More than gravity, more than fate Have magic to draw you in

Breakin’ now Get it down Makin’ love ah 欲しいでしょ 光を集め解き放つの 何度も

Breakin’ now Get it down Makin’ love ah! Hoshii desho Hikari o atsumetokihanatsu no nan do mo

Breakin’ now, Get it down, Makin’ love ah! You want it don’t you? To gather up light and release it again and again

後悔も 惑いも 過ちさえ 未来を呼び出すパスワードだわ 指と指の隙間を不意にあて 時が流れて汗は砂に還る

Koukai mo madoi mo ayamachi sae Mirai o yobidasu pasuwado da wa Yubi to yubi no sukima o fui ni Toki ga nagare te ase wa suna ni kaeru

Regret and hesitation, even mistakes Are just passwords to unlock the future Touching the space between your fingers Time flows and sweat returns to sand

ねぇ 二人きりは独りと同じなの? キミの隣で彷徨ってる 気付いて

Ne futari kiri wa hitori to onaji na no? Kimi no tonari de samayotteru kizui te

Hey, is us being together the same as being alone? I’m lost here by your side, notice me

束縛や 憂いや 裏切りなら 記憶を消し去るスクリプトだわ 何も聞こえない闇の中 嘘に怯えて愛はゼロに還る

Sokubaku ya ui ya uragiri nara Kioku o keshi saru sukuriputo da wa Nani mo kikoe nai yami no naka Uso ni obie te ai wa zero ni kaeru

Shackles, grief – betrayal Are all scripts that erase memories In this soundless darkness Fearing lies, love returns to zero

後悔も 惑いも 過ちさえ 未来を呼び出すパスワードだわ 束縛や 憂いや 裏切りなら 記憶を消し去るスクリプトだわ

Koukai mo madoi mo ayamachi sae Mirai o yobidasu pasuwado da wa Sokubaku ya ui ya uragiri nara Kioku o keshi saru sukuriputo da wa

Regret and hesitation, even mistakes Are just passwords to unlock the future Shackles, grief – betrayal Are all scripts that erase memories

キミとキミの知らないわたし 映り込む影が真実のわたし キミとキミの知らないふたり どうしてそんなに悲しい瞳するの…

Kimi to kimi no shira nai watashi Utsurikomu kage ga honto no watashi Kimi to kimi no shira nai futari Doushite sonnani kanashii hitomi suru no...

You, and the me you don’t know These reaching shadows are the true me You, and the us you don’t know Why are you giving me such sad eyes…

さよならを通過待ちのstation 今キミは傷ついたふりしてる 微笑んで見逃してあげるのは わたしたちお互い様だからね

Sayonara o tsuuka machi no station Ima kimi wa kizutsui ta furi shiteru Hohoen de minogashi te ageru no wa Watashi tachi otagaisama da kara ne

At the station, waiting for our farewells to fly through You’re acting all hurt now, But it’s not just me who’ll Overlook all of this with a smile

so kiss me kiss me kiss me 星を散りばめた くちびるには 引力よりも 運命よりも 引き寄せる魔力が宿る

So kiss me, kiss me, kiss me! Hoshi o chiribame ta kuchibiru ni wa Inryoku yori mo unmei yori mo Hikiyoseru maryoku ga yadoru

So kiss me, kiss me, kiss me! These lips inlaid with stars More than gravity, more than fate Have magic to draw you in

Translated by Kafka-Fuura