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Mountain of Faith/Story/Marisa's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
Stage 1
八百万の秋の神 |
Myriads of Autumn Gods | |
妖怪の山の麓 |
At the Foot of Youkai Mountain | |
BGM: 人恋し神様 ~ Romantic Fall |
BGM: A God That Misses People ~ Romantic Fall | |
Shizuha Aki ENTERS | ||
Shizuha Aki DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
何だろう いきなり強い奴とか出てきてくれないかねぇ |
Aw, man... Sure would be nice if someone strong would show up... |
??? |
随分と余裕だ事 |
You say that as if it were nothing at all. |
Minoriko Aki ENTERS | ||
??? |
妖怪に怯えながら行動する人間の癖に |
But you're a human, and humans are supposed to be afraid of youkai! |
豊かさと稔りの象徴 |
Symbol of Abundance and Harvest | |
Marisa |
妖怪以外にも怯えるぜ |
I'm afraid of other things, too. |
Minoriko |
あんたが向かおうとしている場所にいる |
Where you're trying to go, the youkai are |
Marisa |
それは楽しみだな |
That sounds like fun. |
Minoriko |
私はただの八百万分の一の神 |
I'm just one amongst the multitudes of gods. |
BGM: 稲田姫様に叱られるから |
BGM: Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me | |
Minoriko Aki DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
こいつみたいな奴がごろごろしているのか 余り期待できないな |
Just more of the same after all, huh? Guess I can't expect much. |
Stage 2
神々の疵痕 |
Scars of the Gods | |
妖怪の樹海 |
BGM: 厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road |
BGM: The Road of the Misfortune God ~ Dark Road | |
Hina Kagiyama ENTERS | ||
Hina Kagiyama LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
こうやって闘いながら進むと 山に辿り着く前に円周率を暗唱出来そうだ |
If I have to keep fighting like this, I could recite all the digits of pi before I got there. |
??? |
あらあらまだ居たの? |
Oh, are you still here? |
Hina Kagiyama ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
産医師異国に向こう...... |
"How I like a drink, alcoholic of course, |
??? |
何の呪文よ |
Is that some sort of spell? |
Marisa |
誰だ? |
Ah, a new face. |
??? |
さっきも会ったけど |
I'm sure we've met before, but I'm |
秘神流し雛 |
The Hidden God Nagashi-bina[2] | |
Marisa |
それはえんがちょだな |
Hm, better keep my fingers crossed then. |
Hina |
えんがちょの向こう側に私が居るから 山は人間の立ち入る所じゃない |
It's because I cross my fingers for you The mountain is no place for mortals. |
Marisa |
これから盛大に盛り上がってくる所だぜ |
Oh, but it's just starting to get good. |
Hina |
あらゆる災厄が降りかかるわよ |
Every disaster will befall you. |
BGM: 運命のダークサイド |
BGM: Dark Side of Fate | |
Hina Kagiyama DEFEATED | ||
Hina |
うーん |
Oof... |
Marisa |
......御社に蟲さんざん...... |
"...after the light skirmish involving danmaku exchanges..." |
Hina |
何言ってるのか判らないわよ |
I don't understand what you're saying. |
Marisa |
神社が蟲だらけになって...... 故に人間だぜ |
How I'd like a drink... Therefore, I'm human. |
Stage 3
瑕疵無き要塞 |
The Flawless Fortress | |
未踏の渓谷 |
BGM: 神々が恋した幻想郷 |
BGM: The Gensokyo the Gods Loved | |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
??? |
げげ、人間!? |
Ack, a human!? |
Nitori Kawashiro LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
おお? |
Huh? |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
??? |
あーあ、私の光学迷彩スーツが壊れちゃった |
Awww, my optical camouflage suit broke! |
Marisa |
壊したんだよ |
You mean, I broke it. |
??? |
人間の癖に私の姿がよく見えたわね |
You're a human, but you picked me out pretty well from the camo. |
Marisa |
全然隠れてなかったぜ |
You weren't hidden at all. |
??? |
じゃあねー人間 |
See you, human! |
Nitori Kawashiro LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
人の話を聞けよ |
Listen when people talk to you. |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
??? |
お、さっきの人間 |
Hey, it's that human from before. |
Marisa |
何なんだ? |
Aw geez. |
??? |
ごめんごめん 新作の光学迷彩スーツの実験を |
Sorry about that, it's just been I just wanted to give my new |
Marisa |
実験台にしようったあ、光栄だ |
You want to make me a test subject? What an honour. |
??? |
それと、これ以上山には入るのは 悪いこたぁ言わない |
Well, anyway, the mountain gets dangerous from Let me tell you straight up... |
超妖怪弾頭 |
Super Youkai Warhead | |
Marisa |
引き返せって言われたら進みたくなるな お前だって、立ち入り禁止の立て札を |
Saying that just makes me want to go on all the more. Doesn't a big "KEEP OUT" sign just |
BGM: 芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend |
BGM: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend [3] | |
Nitori |
ならないよ |
No, it doesn't. |
Marisa |
みんなで追い返そうとするんだもんな |
Seems like everyone's just trying to chase me away. |
Nitori Kawashiro DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
つ、強い…… |
S-strong... |
Marisa |
さあ行くぜ |
Now, |
Nitori |
元気な人間よ。河童と人間は古来からの |
You're an energetic human. Kappa and humans have been sworn friends |
Marisa |
負けた奴が盟友とか言うのはちゃんちゃら |
For the loser to claim to be a sworn friend |
Nitori |
最近、山の上に不穏な神が居着いている そのお陰で、我々河童も天狗様も |
Recently, a threatening god has taken up residence at the top of the mountain. Thanks to that, us kappa and tengu |
Marisa |
それは何か? |
What are you saying? |
Nitori |
おっと、話しすぎたね |
Ah, I've said too much, |
Marisa |
ふん。滝が見えてきたな |
Hmm. From this waterfall |
Stage 4
要塞の山[4] |
The Mountain Fortress | |
九天の滝 |
BGM: フォールオブフォール ~ 秋めく滝 |
BGM: Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall | |
Momiji Inubashiri ENTERS | ||
Momiji Inubashiri DEFEATED | ||
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
??? |
あやややや |
Ayayayaya... |
里に最も近い天狗 |
Tengu Closest to the Village | |
Aya |
侵入者の報告で来てみれば |
I came to check on that intruder report, |
Marisa |
お、いつぞやの天狗 |
Oh, hey, it's the tengu from back then. |
Aya |
残念、私は侵入者を追い返しに来たのよ そもそも、何処に案内すれば良いのやら |
Too bad for you, I came to chase the intruder away. I wonder where you wanted me to take you anyway. |
Marisa |
聞いたぜ、山の上に変な神様が住み始めたん 私はそいつを倒しに来た勇者だ |
I've heard a rumor. A strange god came to live on I'm the hero that's come to beat her. |
Aya |
ほう、そんな話、誰から聞いたのかしら? |
Ho, I wonder who you heard that from? |
Marisa |
誰からだったかな、もう忘れたが...... |
Hm, I wonder, I already forgot who it was... |
Aya |
うふふ |
Heheh, |
BGM: 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain |
BGM: Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain | |
Aya |
でも、私は貴女を通す訳に行かないの 私があっさり通しちゃったら |
But there's no way I can let you through. The tengu patrollers won't stand for it |
Marisa |
何でだよ |
Why not? |
Aya |
私は上司の命令でここを通すなと 組織に属するってのは さあ、手加減してあげるから、 |
I have orders from the boss Belonging to a group means that sometimes, Now, I'll go easy on you, |
Marisa |
手加減なんてしけた事言わなくても良いぜ |
Hey, no need to talk about going easy on me. |
Aya Shameimaru DEFEATED | ||
Aya |
まじめに戦った事って殆ど無かったけど これなら、あの厄介な神様も倒せるかもね |
Hardly ever have I had a serious match, With that power, maybe you could even beat that pain of a god. |
Marisa |
ああ、お前らの代わりに倒してきてやるよ でも、その神様は何をして |
Don't worry, I'll take care of her for you. But what is that god doing that's gotten all |
Aya |
......河童? 簡単に言うと、山を自分の物にしようと |
...Kappa? To put it simply, she acts like the mountain is hers, which |
Marisa |
何だよ、お前ら天狗だって勝手に山を そのお陰で人間が近づけないしさ |
What are you talking about? Aren't you tengu the ones Humans don't go near the mountain thanks to you. |
Aya |
それでも、新しく入ってきても天狗に敬意も |
Even so, can't the newcomer |
Marisa |
なんだかなぁ。ま、良いぜ、とりあえず |
Yeah, maybe. Well, whatever. Now, |
Stage 5
霊山に風が吹く |
A Wind Blows on the Sacred Mountain | |
守矢の神社 |
The Moriya Shrine | |
BGM: 少女が見た日本の原風景 |
BGM: The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw | |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
Sanae Kochiya LEAVES | ||
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
??? |
神社に来て暴れるとは何事なの! |
What's the meaning of you storming into my shrine like this! |
Marisa |
神社だって!? こんな山の上に? |
A shrine!? On top of the mountain? |
??? |
ここは守矢の神社 外の世界から神社と湖ごと幻想郷に |
This is the Moriya Shrine, It was moved into Gensokyo from the outside world |
Marisa |
あんた、誰? |
Who are you? |
祀られる風の人間 |
Deified Human of the Wind | |
Sanae |
私は風祝 (かぜはふり) の早苗 まぁ巫女といえば巫女みたいなもんね |
I'm Sanae, a wind priestess, descendent of a Well, I guess you could call me something like a shrine maiden. |
Marisa |
そうか、巫女って職業みたいなもんだったな |
Oh, so "shrine maiden" is actually the name of a job... |
Sanae |
それで、貴方は何者ですか? |
So then, who are you? |
Marisa |
私は魔法使いの魔理沙 河童や天狗達も纏めて懲らしめる |
I'm the magician, Marisa. We also take care of kappa and tengu. |
Sanae |
麓には変は人間がいた物ね |
There sure are strange people at the foot of the mountain. |
BGM: 信仰は儚き人間の為に |
BGM: Faith is for the Transient People | |
Marisa |
懲らしめるぜ |
I sure am. |
Sanae |
いいわ |
Well, that's okay. |
Marisa |
私はあんたを懲らしめるんだぜ? |
What are you talking about? I'm punishing you. |
Sanae |
貴方に決まってるじゃない 奇跡を起こす神の力で! |
Why, you, of course. With the divine power to cause miracles! |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
強い...... 何でも屋なんて油断させておいて |
You're strong... Your "anything goes shop" act really threw me. |
Marisa |
だから、何でも屋だぜ |
I told you, we're an anything-goes shop. |
Sanae |
私はただ、山の神様である八坂様に それが、この地に棲む妖怪や人間にとって |
All I wanted was for people to revere this mountain I thought that the humans and youkai that lived here |
Marisa |
そんなことぁ無いから、さ、最後の親玉に |
They don't, so go on, |
Sanae |
え!? |
What!? |
Marisa |
悪い事する神様を懲らしめないとな |
You've got to scold a god when they act up. |
Stage 6
あゝ風の神よ神湖の地に |
Ah, the God of Wind on the Grounds of the Divine Lake | |
風神の湖 |
BGM: 御柱の墓場 ~ Grave of Being |
BGM: Cemetery of Onbashira ~ Grave of Being | |
Marisa |
山の上にこんな大きな湖とはな...... 出てきな |
Who'd have thought there'd be such a huge lake on top of the mountain? Come on out, |
Kanako Yasaka ENTERS | ||
??? |
我を呼ぶのは何処の人ぞ |
Who doth call for mine presence? |
Marisa |
お前か? 山を我が物にしようとしたり 懲らしめに来たぜ |
Is it you? That god who acts like the mountain's hers, I came to punish you. |
??? |
...... へぇ、面白いわね |
...... Heh, how interesting. |
Marisa |
そんな訳で、山に居座るには天狗や河童達 誰かが困るんだ! |
So, you see, if you don't try hard to get along with Somebody'll get in trouble! |
??? |
山は私自身であり 幻想郷にはめぼしい山がここしか無かった この山に住んでいる者が私を信仰しないの |
The mountain itself is me. After all, this is the only such magnificent I can't help it if those who live here |
Marisa |
お、幻想郷から立ち退く気か? |
Oh, thinking about leaving Gensokyo? |
山坂と湖の権化 |
The Avatar of Mountains and Lakes | |
BGM: 神さびた古戦場 ~ Suwa Foughten Field |
BGM: The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field | |
Kanako |
神の信仰に邪魔する者は |
A god must eliminate all who oppose |
Marisa |
そこまでして信仰に拘るのは 今の幻想郷に神様なんて必要ないぜ |
Why are you so worried about Gensokyo doesn't need any gods these days. |
Kanako |
信仰が失われると、幻想郷は混沌と 信仰の意味は、信仰していない人には |
Were Gensokyo to completely lose its faith, surely The faithless can never |
Marisa |
神社なら毎日の様に行ってるがな |
I go to a shrine every day, you know. |
Kanako |
信仰が失われた神社はただの小屋 貴方は毎日の様に小屋に通っているだけ 神の荒ぶる御魂を味わうと良い! |
A shrine that loses its faith is nothing but a simple shack. Now, you, who goes to Experience this once the raging soul of a god! |
Kanako Yasaka DEFEATED | ||
If player is playing on Easy or has continued | ||
Ending No. 10, 11 or 12 (depending on the shottype choosen: A, B, C) | ||
If player has not continued and is playing on Normal or higher | ||
Ending No. 4, 5 or 6 (depending on the shottype choosen: A, B, C) |
- ↑ The original Japanese text is a common mnemonic for pi, which when read loosely, sounds like "three one four one five nine (etc)". The literal translation is "An obstetrician goes abroad... The shrine's full of bugs". The translation here is a slight corruption of a famous English mnemonic, which actually ends "...after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics."
- ↑ 流し雛 (Nagashi-bina) refers to the paper and straw dolls floated down rivers to carry away curses and bad luck.
- ↑ Akutagawa Ryuunosuke — 1892-1927, an active and influential Japanese author considered the "father of the Japanese short story". Kappa is an outstanding work in his later life.
- ↑ 要塞の山, Yōsai no yama (Mountain Fortress) is a pun on 妖怪の山, Yōkai no yama (Youkai Mountain)
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
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