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Mountain of Faith/Story/Reimu's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Scenario Extra Story |
> |
Stage 1
八百万の秋の神 |
Myriads of Autumn Gods | |
妖怪の山の麓 |
At the Foot of Youkai Mountain | |
BGM: 人恋し神様 ~ Romantic Fall |
BGM: A God That Misses People ~ Romantic Fall | |
Shizuha Aki ENTERS | ||
Shizuha Aki DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
落ち葉で視界が良くないわね あれ? |
I can't really see through all the falling leaves... Huh? |
Minoriko Aki ENTERS | ||
??? |
巫女の癖に神を食べようだなんて 笑止千万、不届き千万! |
Even though you're a shrine maiden, you want to eat a god? How ridiculous! What insolence! |
Reimu |
誰が食べるって言ったのよ |
Who said I was going to eat you? |
豊かさと稔りの象徴 |
Symbol of Abundance and Harvest | |
Minoriko |
神様たる物、身に纏う香りも気を付けないと |
Gods always put a great deal of care into their odor. |
Reimu |
うーん、生焼き芋の香り |
Mmmm, so that's why you smell like half-baked sweet potatoes. |
Minoriko |
収穫したてのお芋は私の香水 |
Freshly-harvested sweet potatoes make up my perfume. |
BGM: 稲田姫様に叱られるから |
BGM: Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me | |
Minoriko Aki DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
いやいや、神様はピンキリねぇ。うちの神は おっと、こんな所で芋焼いている 先を急ごうっと |
That was pretty weak, for a god. I wonder Well, this is no time for baking sweet potatoes. Better hurry on ahead. |
Stage 2
神々の疵痕 |
Scars of the Gods | |
妖怪の樹海 |
BGM: 厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road |
BGM: The Road of the Misfortune God ~ Dark Road | |
Hina Kagiyama ENTERS | ||
Hina Kagiyama LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
しょっぱなから気持ち悪いなぁ ここら辺の空気が重い...... |
I've been feeling awful all this while... The atmosphere is so heavy... |
??? |
あらあらまだ居たの? |
Oh, are you still there? |
Hina Kagiyama ENTERS | ||
??? |
さっき追い返したつもりだったのに |
And I was trying to chase you away just now... |
Reimu |
いつ? |
When? |
??? |
まぁいつだって良いんだけどー |
Oh, never mind, it doesn't matter. |
秘神流し雛 |
The Hidden God Nagashi-bina[1] | |
Reimu |
迷い込んではいないわよ |
But I'm not lost. |
Hina |
人間が山に入ってどうするのよ |
What are you going to do there? |
Reimu |
邪魔をするなら敵と見なすわよ |
If you get in my way, I'll treat you like an enemy. |
Hina |
私は人間の味方 なんなら、 |
I'm a friend of humans. If you like, |
Reimu |
妖怪は私の敵 |
Youkai are my enemies. |
Hina |
あっ、そう! |
Oh, really! |
BGM: 運命のダークサイド |
BGM: Dark Side of Fate | |
Hina Kagiyama DEFEATED | ||
Hina |
私は親切に追い返そうとしただけなのに...... |
I was just trying to be nice and chase you away... |
Reimu |
追い返されること自体が親切じゃないのよ |
Chasing me away really isn't that nice. |
Hina |
これから先は神々の住む世界 後悔するよ |
From here on is the world where the gods live. You'll regret this. |
Reimu |
あっそう |
Oh, good. |
Stage 3
瑕疵無き要塞 |
The Flawless Fortress | |
未踏の渓谷 |
BGM: 神々が恋した幻想郷 |
BGM: The Gensokyo the Gods Loved | |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
??? |
げげ、人間!? |
Ack, a human!? |
Nitori Kawashiro LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
あ、あれ? |
H-huh? |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
??? |
あーあ、私の光学迷彩スーツが壊れちゃった |
Awww, my optical camouflage suit broke! |
Reimu |
何よそれ |
What's that? |
??? |
人間の癖に私の姿がよく見えたわね |
You're a human, but you picked me out pretty well from the camo. |
Reimu |
目が良いからね |
That's because my eyes are really good. |
??? |
じゃあねー人間 |
See you, human! |
Nitori Kawashiro LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
これ以上行くけどね |
I'll still be going, anyway. |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
??? |
お、さっきの人間 |
Hey, it's that human from before. |
Reimu |
さっきはよくも邪魔してくれたわね |
You really got in my way back there. |
??? |
邪魔? 邪魔なんて出来る訳がないな |
Did I? How can I get in your way? |
Reimu |
私は山の上に住む神様に緊急の用事があるの |
I have urgent business with the god that lives on top of the mountain. |
??? |
山の上の神様だって? 悪いこたぁ言わない |
The god on top of the mountain? Let me tell you straight up ... |
超妖怪弾頭 |
Super Youkai Warhead | |
Nitori |
私は河城にとり さあさあ、里へ帰った帰った |
I'm Nitori Kawashiro. Go on now, better get back to the village. |
Reimu |
そんなの判ってるわ |
Oh, I know that. |
Nitori |
あらあら、久しぶりに盟友である 仕方がない、これ以上山に入るというなら |
Oh my, it's been so long since I met a human, Oh well, if you really want to get into the mountain, |
BGM: 芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend |
BGM: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend[2] | |
Nitori Kawashiro DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
つ、強い、私の兵器で倒せないなんて...... |
You're, you're strong, I can't believe my weapons couldn't beat you ... |
Reimu |
さあ、先に進むわよ |
Well, time to move on. |
Nitori |
人間よ。河童と人間は古来からの盟友だから |
Hey human. Kappa and humans have been sworn friends |
Reimu |
盟友? 古来からの宿敵の間違いじゃない? |
Sworn friends? Are you sure you haven't mistaken an old enemy for a friend? |
Nitori |
最近、山の上に不穏な神が居着いたのは事実 貴方はそれを倒しに行くんだろ? |
It's true that there's been a restless god on top of the mountain lately. Are you going to go beat her? |
Reimu |
おっと、思わぬ所で情報得たわ |
Well, what an unexpected place to get such great information. |
Nitori |
ああ、頼りない。人間は頼りない まぁ、この辺の河童には伝えておくから |
I can't believe it. Humans are so flaky. Well, I'll tell the kappa around here about you, |
Reimu |
滝が見えてきた...... |
I can see a waterfall up ahead ... |
Stage 4
要塞の山[3] |
The Mountain Fortress | |
九天の滝 |
BGM: フォールオブフォール ~ 秋めく滝 |
BGM: Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall | |
Momiji Inubashiri ENTERS | ||
Momiji Inubashiri DEFEATED | ||
Aya Shameimaru ENTERS | ||
??? |
あやややや |
Ayayayaya... |
里に最も近い天狗 |
Tengu Closest to the Village | |
Aya |
侵入者の報告で来てみれば |
I came to check on that intruder report, |
Reimu |
別にあんたら天狗に用事がある訳じゃないわ |
I don't have any business with any of you tengu. |
Aya |
侵入者の報告を受けて 私はただの新聞記者なのにねぇ |
We received an intruder alert, I'm just a simple newspaper reporter... |
Reimu |
何が言いたいの? |
What are you trying to say? |
Aya |
貴方の事を一番良く知っているのが 貴方の相談事にも乗れるかもしれないって |
It's because I'm the one that knows the Maybe it would be best if I could talk you out of it. |
Reimu |
さっきも言ったけど天狗には用事はないわ |
I told you before, I don't have any business with the tengu. |
Aya |
山の神様? はは~んさてはあの神様の事かな? |
The god of the mountain? Aha~ So, you mean that god? |
Reimu |
何か知ってるの? |
Do you know something about her? |
Aya |
最近、天狗も手を焼く神様が住み着いたのよ どんどんと山を自分の物にしようとするし…… 最近は麓にまで降りて信仰を集めようと |
Lately, there's a god that's been giving even us some trouble. She keeps acting like this mountain is hers... And she's even come down to the foot of the mountain lately |
Reimu |
……信仰を集めている きっと、そいつだわ |
...So she's gathering faith. That's got to be her. |
Aya |
調子に乗るようだったら、天狗達が倒すつもり |
If she really got out of hand, we tengu were going to go |
Reimu |
折角ここまで来たんだから、良いじゃないの |
Oh, come on, I've come all this way. |
Aya |
でも、私は貴方を通す訳に行かないの |
But there's no way I can let you through. |
BGM: 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain |
BGM: Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain | |
Aya |
私があっさり通しちゃったら |
The tengu patrollers won't stand for it |
Reimu |
面倒な種族ね |
Geez. |
Aya |
組織に属するってのは さあ、手加減してあげるから |
Belonging to a group means that sometimes, Now, I'll go easy on you, |
Reimu |
手加減はありがたいけど…… |
Thanks for going easy on me, but... |
Aya Shameimaru DEFEATED | ||
Aya |
まじめに戦った事って殆ど無かったけど これなら、あの厄介な神様も倒せるかもね |
Hardly ever have I had a serious match, With that power, maybe you could even beat that pain of a god. |
Reimu |
さあ、その神様の所まで案内して! |
Now, take me to where she is already! |
Aya |
その神様は、少し前に神社と湖ごと この先に新しい神社が出来ているのよ |
That god showed up here not too long ago with There's a new shrine up the way a bit. |
Reimu |
山の上に神社? |
A shrine on top of the mountain? |
Stage 5
霊山に風が吹く |
A Wind Blows on the Sacred Mountain | |
守矢の神社 |
The Moriya Shrine | |
BGM: 少女が見た日本の原風景 |
BGM: The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw | |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
Sanae Kochiya LEAVES | ||
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
??? |
巫女の貴方の方から山に入るとは…… 今すぐうちの神様を勧請したいのかしら |
If a shrine maiden like you is coming up the mountain... Maybe you want to join up with us right away? |
Reimu |
ここは神社みたいだけど…… |
Well, this sure looks like a shrine... |
??? |
ここは守矢の神社 外の世界から神社と湖ごと幻想郷に |
This is the Moriya Shrine, It was moved into Gensokyo from the outside world |
Reimu |
神社と湖ごと移動って |
You moved a shrine and a lake? |
??? |
ここの山は私と私の神様が頂くわ 幻想郷の信仰心は、全て私達の物…… |
My god and I will be taking over this mountain now. All of Gensokyo's faith will be ours... |
Reimu |
そんな事したら、幻想郷におわす八百万の神が |
If you do that, Gensokyo's eight million gods |
??? |
これは幻想郷の為でもあるのですよ 今の信仰心が失われた状態が続けば、 奇跡を起こす力を失うのです |
This is also for Gensokyo's good. Gensokyo will become weak if it continues in its We'll lose the power to cause miracles. |
Reimu |
冗談じゃない |
You've gotta be kidding. |
祀られる風の人間 |
Deified Human of the Wind | |
BGM: 信仰は儚き人間の為に |
BGM: Faith is for the Transient People | |
Sanae |
私は風祝(かぜはふり)の早苗 神を祀る人間が祀られる事もある 貴方にはそのぐらいの覚悟が出来て |
I'm Sanae, a wind priestess, descendent of a Sometimes, humans that revere a god are themselves revered. Since you're a shrine maiden, are you prepared for |
Reimu |
別に神になってもならなくても関係ないわ やるって言ったら、やる時もまぁまぁあるの! |
I don't care if I become a god or not. But if you say you want a fight, you'd better be ready for one! |
Sanae |
そう 奇跡を起こす神の力を! |
I see. The divine power to cause miracles! |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
強い…… こんなに力があるのに |
You're strong... If you're this powerful, |
Reimu |
それは私が知りたい |
I'd like to know that myself. |
Sanae |
私の神様の分社を置いておくだけでも |
I think you'd probably get a great deal of faith |
Reimu |
うーん、それは考えておくけど |
Hmmm, I'll think it over, |
Sanae |
え!? |
What!? |
Reimu |
悪い事する神様を懲らしめるのよ |
To go punish a god that's doing bad things. |
Stage 6
あゝ風の神よ神湖の地に |
Ah, the God of Wind on the Grounds of the Divine Lake | |
風神の湖 |
BGM: 御柱の墓場 ~ Grave of Being |
BGM: Cemetery of Onbashira ~ Grave of Being | |
Reimu |
湖に着いたわ 何だろう、この気持ち悪い柱の山は…… |
I've made it to the lake. What is it with all these ominous pillars on this mountain? |
Kanako Yasaka ENTERS | ||
??? |
我を呼ぶのは何処の人ぞ おや? 私に何か用? |
Who calls for My presence? Oh? What is your business here? |
Reimu |
随分とフランクな神様ね |
Quite a frank god, aren't you? |
??? |
最近は、厳かな雰囲気を見せるよりも |
These days it's easier to win faith with |
Reimu |
まあいいや、うちの神社を乗っ取ろうと |
Whatever, it'd be a problem you tried to |
??? |
乗っ取ろうとなんてしていないわよ 私は貴方の神社を助けたいだけ 貴方の神社に人が集まるようにしたいだけ |
I don't wish to take over your shrine! I wish to save it. I wish to bring more people to it. |
Reimu |
余計なお世話よ 大体ねぇ、例えあんたを祀っても信仰が |
It's really none of your business. Besides, even if we did set you up in my shrine, |
山坂と湖の権化 |
The Avatar of Mountains and Lakes | |
BGM: 神さびた古戦場 ~ Suwa Foughten Field |
BGM: The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field | |
Kanako |
信仰は0よりも減ることは有り得ない 幻想郷に足りない物は 巫女の貴方なら判るでしょう? |
It's not as if your faith can go below zero. What Gensokyo lacks... A shrine maiden like you should understand that, yes? |
Reimu |
私だって、神社に参拝客が来たらいいなあと でも、それは私の力で何とかするから…… |
I think it would be nice if more But I can do something about it on my own... |
Kanako |
神社は巫女の為にあるのではない 神社は神の宿る場所 神社の意味を真剣に考え直す時期よ! |
A shrine does not exist for its maiden. A shrine is a home for a god. It is time for you to seriously rethink the purpose of a shrine! |
Kanako Yasaka DEFEATED | ||
If player is playing on Easy or has continued | ||
Ending No. 7, 8 or 9 (depending on the shottype choosen: A, B, C) | ||
If player has not continued and is playing on Normal or higher | ||
Ending No. 1, 2 or 3 (depending on the shottype choosen: A, B, C) |
- ↑ 流し雛 (Nagashi-bina) refers to the paper and straw dolls floated down rivers to carry away curses and bad luck.
- ↑ Akutagawa Ryuunosuke — 1892-1927, an active and influential Japanese author considered the "father of the Japanese short story". Kappa is an outstanding work in his later life.
- ↑ 要塞の山, Yōsai no yama (Mountain Fortress) is a pun on 妖怪の山, Yōkai no yama (Youkai Mountain)
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