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Mystic Square/Story/Reimu's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Reimu's Extra | > |
Stage 1
万物神気 |
The Energy Composing All Things | |
Materialization |
Materialization | |
BGM: Dream Express |
BGM: Dream Express | |
Reimu |
えぇっと~ |
Let's see... |
?? (Sara) |
ちょっとまって!! |
Hold it right there!! |
Reimu |
!? |
!? |
Sara ENTERS | ||
Sara |
魔界に行こうってのかしら |
Trying to go to Makai, are you? |
Reimu |
そうだけど・・ |
Yes, but... |
Sara |
もちろん、通さないわ☆ |
Of course, I won't let you. ☆ |
Reimu |
そうですか。 |
Oh. |
Sara |
・・・(怒) |
... (angry) |
Reimu |
まさか~、あなたを倒せば いいんでしょ♪ |
Not at all! I just have to beat you up. ♪ |
Sara |
誰が、そんなこといったの |
Who said anything |
Reimu |
あんたもすきね~(汗) |
You wanted to fight too! (sweat) |
Sara |
さぁ、やりましょうか |
Now then, let's begin. |
Reimu |
勝てば、ちゃんと魔界にい |
I wonder if I can actually get to Makai |
BGM: 魔法陣 ~ Magic Square |
BGM: Magic Square | |
Sara DEFEATED | ||
Sara |
闘ったのは楽しかったけど |
The battle was fun, |
Reimu |
まぁ、そりゃそうだね。 |
Well, of course not. |
Stage 2
魔空間 |
Magical Space | |
Border Space |
Border Space | |
BGM: 夢想時空 |
BGM: Dimension of Reverie | |
Reimu |
さぁ、いよいよかしらね |
Any moment now. |
?? (Louise) |
あらめずらしいわ♪ |
My, how unusual! ♪ |
Louise ENTERS | ||
Louise |
まさか、人間? |
Are you possibly a human? |
Reimu |
そうよ! |
Yes, I am! |
Louise |
いや、私は構わないわ♪ |
No, I don't mind at all! ♪ |
Reimu |
そうですね(汗) |
Right. (sweat) |
Louise |
まぁ、魔界はいいとこな |
Well, Makai is a nice place, |
Reimu |
ちょっとまって・・・ |
Wait a second... |
Louise |
はい? |
Yes? |
Reimu |
あなたは、人間界へ行こう |
You're trying to go to |
Louise |
まさか・・・(汗) |
Perish the thought! (sweat) |
Reimu |
ついでだから、あなたも |
Since you're right here anyway, |
Louise |
それはひどいですわ!! |
Why must you be so cruel!? |
Reimu |
問答無用です♥ |
There's no talking your way out of this. ♥ |
Louise |
う~ん(汗) |
Urgh... (sweat) |
BGM: Spiritual Heaven |
BGM: Spiritual Heaven | |
Louise DEFEATED | ||
Louise |
くやしー、人間界にいき |
How vexing! I so |
Reimu |
じゃ~ね~☆ |
See ya! ☆ |
Stage 3
魔界 |
Makai | |
Devil's World |
Devil's World | |
BGM: Romantic Children |
BGM: Romantic Children | |
Reimu |
一体何処に行けば良いのか |
Where am I supposed to go now? (sweat) |
?? (Alice) |
そこまでよ! |
You've gone far enough! |
Alice Margatroid ENTERS | ||
BGM: プラスチックマインド |
BGM: Plastic Mind | |
Alice |
あなた、少しやりすぎよ |
You're overdoing it a bit! |
Reimu |
私が一方的に攻撃受けてる |
I'm the one who's being |
Alice |
人間がここにきたってこ |
A human like you coming here |
Reimu |
まぁ、出来てるような(汗) |
Well, I guess I am. (sweat) |
Alice |
なによ、その気の抜けた |
What's with that lethargic |
Reimu |
負ける覚悟は出来てないっ |
It means that I'm not prepared to lose. ♥ |
Alice |
その自信は何処から来る |
I wonder where your confidence |
Alice Margatroid DEFEATED | ||
If playing the Trial Version | ||
Alice |
残念だけど、わたしを倒 |
Unfortunately, even though |
Reimu |
なによそれ |
What’s with that? |
Alice |
体験版ですもの。 |
This is only the trial version. |
Reimu |
いやまぁその |
Jeez, no way. |
If playing the Full Version | ||
Alice |
なにものよ、あなた・・ |
Who in the world are you...? |
Reimu |
次はどこかしら♥ |
Where to next? ♥ |
Stage 4
凍てつく世界で |
In the Frozen World | |
Ice Dream |
Ice Dream | |
BGM: メイプルワイズ |
BGM: Maple Wise | |
Reimu |
ん、あやしげな感じ・・・ |
Hm, something's fishy here... |
?? (Yuki) |
やっと、きたわね! |
I see you've finally made it here! |
Yuki ENTERS | ||
BGM: 禁断の魔法 ~ Forbidden Magic |
BGM: Forbidden Magic | |
Yuki |
待ってたわ。 |
We've been waiting, |
Mai ENTERS | ||
Mai |
・・・・・・? |
......? |
Yuki |
わたしたちが、あなたの相 |
You'll be playing with |
Reimu |
なんの(汗) |
Playing what? (sweat) |
Mai |
・・・とにかく、ここは通 |
...In any case, you will |
Reimu |
ふ~ん、この先になんかあ |
Ah, so that means there's something |
Yuki |
わたしたち二人を倒せると |
Do you think you can actually |
Mai |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
Reimu |
どうやったら、負けれるの |
I wonder how I would lose in |
Yuki |
むかつく~(怒) |
Now you've said it! (angry) |
Mai |
・・・・・♥ |
..... ♥ |
If Mai is defeated first | ||
Yuki |
きさま~! |
Why you little! |
BGM: 真紅の少女 ~ Crimson Dead!! |
BGM: Crimson Maiden ~ Crimson Dead!! | |
Yuki |
きさま、よくもやったな!! |
Now you've done it!! |
Yuki DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
二人がかりでもまだまだね |
Two-on-one and you still fell short. |
Yuki |
めちゃくちゃ悔しい(泣) |
How mortifying... (tears) |
Reimu |
さて、この先を案内しても |
Now then, would you mind showing |
Yuki |
うぇ~ん(泣) |
Waaaah! (tears) |
If Yuki is defeated first | ||
Mai |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
BGM: 裏切りの少女 ~ Judas Kiss |
BGM: Treacherous Maiden ~ Judas Kiss | |
Reimu |
!? |
!? |
Mai |
足手まといがいなくなって |
Now that she's not dragging me down, |
Reimu |
ま、どのみち勝負にならな |
Looks like it would've been |
Mai |
なんなのよ、その強さは(泣) |
Why are you so strong? (tears) |
Reimu |
次は、魔界のなかで偉い奴 |
I'd really like to meet the head honcho |
Mai |
案内します~(泣) |
I'll show you the way... (tears) |
Stage 5
最後の審判 |
The Final Judgement | |
Judgement Day |
Judgement Day | |
BGM: the Last Judgement |
BGM: the Last Judgement | |
?? (Shinki) |
やっと来たわね。 |
So, you've finally arrived. |
Reimu |
誰!? |
Who's there!? |
Shinki ENTERS | ||
BGM: 悲しき人形 ~ Doll of Misery |
BGM: Doll's Story ~ Doll of Misery | |
Shinki |
あなたが来ることは分かっ |
I knew you would |
Reimu |
結構、当てもなく移動して |
I was actually just flying all over |
Shinki |
で、目的は何かしら? |
So, what might you be here for? |
Reimu |
そうよ! |
Right! |
Shinki |
う~ん、それは民間の旅行 |
Hmm.... That's because of |
Reimu |
なんなのよ、それ(汗) |
What the heck? (sweat) |
Shinki |
それは・・・ |
I am... |
?? (Yumeko) |
神綺様! |
Lady Shinki! |
Yumeko ENTERS | ||
Yumeko |
こんな奴の言うことなんか |
There's no need for you to talk |
Reimu |
こんな奴って(汗) |
Like "that"? (sweat) |
Yumeko |
私が軽く始末しておきます |
I shall deal with her promptly, |
Shinki |
夢子ちゃんが出るまでも無 |
I feel like this isn't important enough |
Yumeko |
・・・ |
... |
Shinki |
ま、お任せするわ。 |
Well, I suppose I'll leave it to you. |
Yumeko |
はい! |
Yes, ma'am! |
Reimu |
言いたい放題言ってくれる |
Can't I get a word in |
Yumeko |
さて、どうしてやろうかね |
Now then, how shall I deal with you? |
Reimu |
やるなら、やるわ! |
If you're looking for a fight, I'm game! |
Yumeko |
ふふふ♥ |
Heeheehee. ♥ |
Shinki EXITS | ||
Yumeko DEFEATED | ||
Yumeko |
神綺様~(泣) |
Lady Shinki! (tears) |
Reimu |
さて、次はあいつね! |
She's up next! |
Yumeko |
しくしくしく(泣) |
*sob* *sob* (tears) |
Final Stage
神戦 |
War of Gods | |
Dream Battle |
Dream Battle | |
BGM: 世界の果て ~ World's End |
BGM: World's End | |
Shinki |
あら?夢子ちゃんが負ける |
Oh my, I can't believe my |
Reimu |
さ、でてきなさい! |
Show yourself! |
Shinki ENTERS | ||
Shinki |
夢子ちゃんは私がつくった |
Out of everything I've created, |
Reimu |
さっきから、私が造ったと |
You keep saying you |
Shinki |
申し遅れましたね。 |
Oh, please pardon my late introduction. |
魔界の神 |
The God of Makai | |
Shinki |
そうよ、私が神よ。 |
That is correct - I am a god. |
Reimu |
そ、そうなの(汗) |
Oh, I see. (sweat) |
Shinki |
何を? |
What? |
Reimu |
あんまり、人間界にやって |
To not come to the |
Shinki |
分かったわ。 |
I understand. |
Reimu |
後じゃなくて、今すぐに! |
Not later, now! |
Shinki |
いますぐになるかも知れな |
Well, it might end up being |
Reimu |
!? |
!? |
Shinki |
あなたが消えたあとにいっ |
I'll tell them after you've |
Reimu |
やるつもり!? |
You want to fight!? |
Shinki |
私の世界で暴れた罪は大き |
The price for disturbing my world |
Reimu |
分かったわ。 |
All right. |
Shinki |
私を倒す?生意気に!! |
Defeat me? How ridiculous!! |
Reimu |
まぁその(汗) |
Well, er... (sweat) |
Shinki |
いくよ!! |
Here I come!! |
BGM: 神話幻想 ~ Infinite Being |
BGM: Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being | |
Shinki DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
BAD END1 | ||
If player has not continued | ||
< | Prologue | Story | Reimu's Extra | > |
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