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Mystical Power Plant/Story/Marisa and Byakuren's Bad Ending
< | Marisa and Byakuren's Scenario | Story | Marisa and Byakuren's Good Ending | > |
導命樹の激戦から辛くも逃げ延びた魔理沙と白蓮の元に、 |
The Forest of Magic.
The fairies of the forest go to and fro in front of Marisa and Byakuren, | |
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妖精達が魔理沙の元に持ち込んでいるのは、 小さく分かれた状態の八重咲杏を縛り付けたものである。 |
The people who the fairies tied up and brought to Marisa are small parts of An Yaezaki. | |
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妖精達と繋がりを持つ自分ならではの見事な計略。 そう思っていた時期が魔理沙にもありました。 しかし、あまりに非道な行いに、 魔理沙と白蓮のリベンジは、 |
It was a splendid plan to use their connections with fairies. There was a time when even Marisa thought this. But it goes without saying that the voltage of Mitama's anger will heighten Certainly the revenge of Marisa and Byakuren | |
(On regular mode:)
Ending No.03 妖精vs木霊 次はノーコンティニューを目指そう! |
(On regular mode:)
Ending No.03 Fairy vs Kodama Next, let's shoot for no continues! | |
(On Hidden mode:)
Ending No.03 妖精vs木霊 ノーコンティニューの準備はよろしいか? |
(On Hidden mode:)
Ending No.03 Fairy vs Kodama Are you prepared for no continues? |
< | Marisa and Byakuren's Scenario | Story | Marisa and Byakuren's Good Ending | > |