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Mystical Power Plant/Story/Sanae and Kanako's Bad Ending
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天神・禍原命廟の圧倒的な力を目の当たりにした早苗と神奈子の表情は暗い。 ついでに言えば、雷光で焦がされて服も黒い。 |
The Moriya Shrine.
Sanae and Kanako wore dark, gloomy expressions having faced the overwhelming might of the heavenly god, Mitama Magahara. In addition, their clothes were also dark from being scorched by lightning. | |
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視線を移す早苗。唐傘お化けの姿が視界に入ったものの すぐさま逃げ去ってしまった。 守矢の面々が戦おうとしている神様の強さは、 |
When Sanae glanced away, the shape of a Karakasa monster briefly appeared in her field of view and promptly vanished. The weaker youkai understood perfectly clearly, the strength of the god who's now ready to beat down anyone who gets in her way. | |
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――翌朝、博麗神社。 | The next morning, the Hakurei Shrine. | |
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天神退治の偉業を成す事が出来たなら、 |
No matter how desolate it may be, the Hakurei Shrine springs to mind when shrines in Gensokyo are brought up.
But if Sanae and Kanako are able to exterminate Mitama, | |
(On regular mode:)
Ending No.05 幻想郷に神社が二つ 次はノーコンティニューを目指そう! |
(On regular mode:)
Ending No.05 There are two Shinto shrines in Gensokyo Next, let's shoot for no continues! | |
(On Hidden mode:)
Ending No.05 幻想郷に神社が二つ ノーコンティニューの準備はよろしいか? |
(On Hidden mode:)
Ending No.05 There are two Shinto shrines in Gensokyo Are you prepared for no continues? |
< | Sanae and Kanako's Scenario | Story | Sanae and Kanako's Good Ending | > |