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Perfect Cherry Blossom/English patch
This patch translates the full or trial version of Perfect Cherry Blossom to English, using the translations from this wiki. It works on the full version 1.00b and trial version 0.11 of the game.
Latest version is 1.0, using translations from 2005-09-01. Download English patch here.
English custom config executable, from 2014-03-30. Download here.
If you have an older version of Perfect Cherry Blossom, you'll need to upgrade before installing the patch. The upgrade patch and the trial version of the game can be found on the official homepage.
Upgrading your game from an earlier version will erase your old scores and replays. Installing this patch when you already have the latest version of the game will not.
There are two ways to patch the game on non-Japanese windows.
1. Go to [Control Panel] -> [Regional and Language Settings] -> [Advanced] then change the Unicode setting to Japanese -> Reboot.
2. Download 'AppLocale' from Microsoft homepage (Which requires validated version of Windows) or by looking up 'applocale.msi' on search engines and use it to run the patching program.
Patch resources: