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Perfect Cherry Blossom/Story/Reimu's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
Stage 1
白銀の春 |
The Spring of Silvery Snow | |
Cherry petals must have fallen like snowflakes... However, it was still silvery snow. |
Cherry petals should have fallen like snowflakes... Yet it was still silver with snow. | |
BGM: 無何有の郷 ~ Deep Mountain |
BGM: Paradise ~ Deep Mountain[1] | |
Reimu |
さむ~ いい加減にして欲しいわ いつもならもう眠る季節だって言うのに |
It's so cold... When will this be over? This is supposed to be the season for sleeping. |
Letty Whiterock ENTERS | ||
??? |
春眠暁を覚えず、 |
"In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn," |
冬の忘れ物 |
What Winter Left Behind | |
Reimu |
どっちかつーと、あんたらの永眠かな? |
If I had to guess, I'd say it is time for your kind's eternal sleep.[3] |
Letty |
ところで、人間は冬眠しないの? |
Don't humans sleep during winter? |
Reimu |
する人もいるけど、私はしないの |
Some people do, but I don't. |
Letty |
私が眠らせてあげるわ。 |
Then I'll help you go to sleep. |
Reimu |
あ~ぁ、春眠ももっと暖かく |
Oh, but for a nice deep sleep, |
Letty |
暖かくなると眠るんなら、私達と同じだね |
If you sleep when it's warm, then you're just like us, aren't you? |
BGM: クリスタライズシルバー |
BGM: Crystallized Silver | |
Reimu |
うるさい、あんたみたいのが眠ればちったぁ暖かくなるのよ! |
Shut up! If your kind would just go to sleep, it would warm up already! |
Letty Whiterock DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
あんま、暖かくならないわね もう少し、激しい攻撃でもよかったのに |
That didn't warm me up very much. She could have at least attacked a bit more fiercly. |
Stage 2
マヨヒガの黒猫 |
Black Cat of Mayohiga | |
It wavered in the village in which people are not. "MAYOIGA"(apparitional village) refused human always. |
''It wavered in the village where people are not. The ghostly village of Mayohiga always refused humans.'' | |
BGM: 遠野幻想物語 |
BGM: The Fantastic Tales from Tono | |
Reimu |
はて こんなところに家があったっけ? |
Hold on, did there use to be houses here? |
Chen ENTERS | ||
??? |
ここに迷い込んだら最後! |
Straying into here means the end! |
凶兆の黒猫 |
Black Cat of Bad Omens | |
Reimu |
最後? |
The end? |
Chen |
それはさておき、迷い家にようこそ |
Anyway, welcome to Mayohiga! |
Reimu |
で、何が最後? |
The end of what? |
Chen |
迷い込んだら最後、2度と戻れないわ |
Once you wander in, you can never return. |
Reimu |
そうですか で、たしか、迷い家って ここにあるもの |
I see. Well, I'm certain I've heard that items from Mayohiga |
Chen |
なれるわよ |
They will. |
Reimu |
じゃぁ、略奪開始ー |
Well then, the plundering starts nー |
Chen |
なんだって? |
What!? |
BGM: ティアオイエツォン(withered leaf) |
BGM: Diao Ye Zong (withered leaf) | |
Chen |
ここは、私達の里よ |
This is our home. |
Reimu |
迷い込んだら、2度と戻れないわ |
Whatever happened to |
Chen DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
とりあえず 軽くて身近な日常品を探さないと |
First of all, I'll look around for some easy-to-carry everday necessities. |
Stage 3
人形租界の夜 |
One Night in the Settlement of the Dolls | |
Is that it is snowing only this paradise? The paradise was already Alice's playground. |
Is it snowing even in this paradise? The paradise that is already Alice's playground. | |
BGM: ブクレシュティの人形師 |
BGM: The Dollmaker of Bucuresti | |
Alice Margatroid ENTERS | ||
Alice Margatroid LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
夜は冷えるわね 視界も最悪だし |
It's really cold out tonight... And I can't see a thing. |
Alice Margatroid ENTERS | ||
??? |
冷えるのは、あなたの春度が足りないから |
Is your level of spring insufficient even to push away this cold? |
七色の人形使い |
Seven-Colored Puppeteer | |
Reimu |
いや、足りないかも知れないけど |
Well, that might be true. |
Alice |
しばらくぶりね |
Long time no see.[6] |
Reimu |
さっき遭ったばかりだってば |
We've only just met. |
Alice |
いや、そういう意味じゃなくて |
No, that's not what I meant. |
Reimu |
しばらく巨人? |
Long time no visibility?[7] |
Alice |
私のこと覚えてないの? |
Don't you remember me? |
Reimu |
それはともかく、春度って何? |
Setting that aside, what did you mean by "level of spring"? |
Alice |
どれだけ、あなたの頭が春なのかの度合いよ |
I was referring to the springtime in your head.[8] |
Reimu |
あんまり、高くても嫌だなぁ でも、どうしてこんなに冬が長くなったのよ? |
I hope mine's not too high. Still, why has this winter been so long? |
Alice |
春度を集めてる奴が居るからよ |
There's someone who's gathering the spring. |
Reimu |
あんたは関係無いわけ? |
And you have nothing to do with it? |
Alice |
あるわけ無いわ |
Of course not. |
Reimu |
じゃ |
Bye. |
Alice |
ちょっと! |
Hey! |
BGM: 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女 |
BGM: Doll Judgement ~ The Girl who Played with People's Shapes | |
Alice |
折角、旧友と出あったと言うのに |
And we've only just met after so long, old friend. |
Reimu |
誰があんたみたいな七色魔法莫迦と旧友なのよ |
And why am I being called "old friend" by this seven-colored magical moron? |
Alice |
所詮、巫女は二色 その力は私の二割八分六厘にも満たない |
In the end, shrine maidens are two colors. Your power is only twenty-eight-point-five-seven-one-four percent as powerful as mine.[10] |
Alice Margatroid DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
春度っていうのは この桜の花びらのことかしら? |
By "spring", were you referring to these cherry petals? |
Alice |
判ってて集めてたんじゃないの? |
You were gathering them without knowing it? |
Reimu |
いや、まぁ、うん |
No, I mean, uh... yes. |
Stage 4
雲の上の桜花結界 |
The Cherry Blossom Barrier from Above the Clouds | |
Cherry petal has been coming down from over the cloud. Does "Reisyouden"(Legendary place) exist really? |
Cherry petals have been falling from above the clouds. Does "Reishouden", the legendary place, really exist? | |
BGM: 天空の花の都 |
BGM: The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky | |
Reimu |
それにしても 雲の上まで桜が舞ってるのは何故? ・・・ ・・・ いつもだったらここで、誰かが答えて |
So anyhow... Why are cherry blossoms fluttering up above the clouds? ... ... Doesn't someone usually pop out with a response |
Lunasa Prismriver ENTERS | ||
??? |
ああ、分ったよ |
Yeah, ok. |
騒霊ヴァイオリスト |
Poltergeist Violinist | |
Lunasa |
ほら、それはアレだ この辺はこの季節になると気圧が・・・ 下がる |
See, it's that. Around here when the season changes the atmospheric pressure... lowers. |
Reimu |
なんかテンションも下がりそうね |
It looks like our excitement is about to lower as well. |
Lunasa |
・・・ |
... |
Reimu |
おっと、用が無いわけじゃないので帰らないわよ |
Hey, I have business here. I'm not going home yet. |
Lunasa |
誰もそんなこと言おうとしていない 上昇気流と言いたかっただけ |
Nobody's telling you to. I just meant that there are ascending air currents, you see. |
Reimu |
ともかく、どう見てもこの門の先が目的地っぽいんだけど |
I mean, it just seems that my destination lies behind this gate. |
??? |
姉さんってば早いって |
You're hurrying too much, sister. |
Merlin Prismriver ENTERS | ||
Lyrica Prismriver ENTERS | ||
騒霊トランペッター |
Poltergeist Trumpeter | |
Merlin |
それ、誰? |
And who is that? |
Lunasa |
上昇気流 |
An ascending air current. |
騒霊キーボーディスト |
Poltergeist Keyboardist | |
Lyrica |
私達の天敵ねー |
Our natural enemyー |
Reimu |
おそらく、それは違う で、あんたら何者? |
Perhaps not. So, what the hell are you people? |
BGM: 幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble |
BGM: Phantom Band ~ Phantom Ensemble | |
Lyrica |
私達は騒霊演奏隊~ |
We are the Poltergeist Musical Performance Ensemble~ |
Merlin |
これからお屋敷でお花見よ |
There will be a cherry blossom viewing at the mansion. |
Lunasa |
でも、あなたは演奏できない |
You, however, can't perform. |
Reimu |
私もお花見したいわ |
But I wanna go flower-viewing, too. |
Merlin |
あなたはお呼びでない |
You have not been invited. |
Reimu |
幽霊にお呼ばれ、ねぇ |
Invited by phantoms? |
Lunasa |
雑音は、始末するまで |
Unwanted noise should be drowned out. |
Lyrica |
がんばってね~ |
Good luck~ |
Lunasa |
手助け歓迎中よ |
Any assistance will be welcome. |
Prismriver Sisters DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
やった、お花見権確保! |
Alright! I can attend the flower-view event! |
Sisters |
で、目的はお花見ジャック? |
So, is your purpose "Hijacking the flower-view event"? |
Reimu |
何か違った気もする・・・ |
I feel like something is wrong... |
Stage 5
白玉楼階段の幻闘 |
Spirit Battle on the Staircase of Hakugyokurou | |
The girl lived in the world after death. They were a half of a phantom and human... |
The girl lived in the world after death. She was half-phantom and half-human... | |
花の下にて |
beneath the blossoms | |
BGM: 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple |
BGM: Eastern Ghostly Dream ~ Ancient Temple | |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
??? |
あなた、人間ね ちょうどいい あなたの持ってるなけなしの春を すべて頂くわ! |
You're a human, I see. Just what I needed. I shall drain every drop of the spring from you! |
Youmu Konpaku LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
この不吉な感じ あんまり喜ばしくないわね |
This ominous feeling... doesn't make me happy at all. |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
??? |
みんなが騒がしいと思ったら |
So this is why everyone here is noisy... |
半分幻の庭師 |
Half-fantasy Gardener | |
Youmu |
生きた人間だったのね |
...it must be because of a living human. |
Reimu |
・・・まさかと思ったけど |
...Don't tell me |
Youmu |
昔は生きていた者が住む処よ |
This is the place where the used-to-be-living reside. |
Reimu |
あの世? |
The world of the dead? |
Youmu |
あなたは、まだお呼びではない |
You have not yet been invited. |
Reimu |
それにしても こんな普通に、普通の人間があの世に入れたら、危ないじゃないの |
In any case... How can a normal person enter the world of the dead so easily? |
Youmu |
あんたが、結界を破って入ってきたんでしょ! |
You broke the barrier on the way here, didn't you!? |
Reimu |
あんな結界、普通に破れたわよ |
That one opened right up. |
Youmu |
入ってくるな、の意思表示に結界が張ってあったわけでしょ 「のぼるな危険」の鉄塔にのぼる子供じゃないんだから 勝手に結界を破って、勝手に危険とか言ってるんじゃないよ |
That barrier was a "Do not enter" sign... You're like a kid climbing a pole that says "Don't climb". Selfishly tearing it, then saying "That's just too dangerous"? |
Reimu |
良く喋る幽霊だ |
You're quite a talkative phantom. |
Youmu |
私は半分は幽霊ではない! |
I'm half non-phantom! |
Reimu |
そっちを訂正するの? |
That's what needed correction? |
Youmu |
ともかく、あとほんの僅かの春が集まれば この西行妖(さいぎょうあやかし)が満開になる あなたが持ってきたなけなしの春が 満開まであと一押しするってものよ |
At any rate, with just a little more spring, the Saigyou Ayakashi will soon reach full bloom. The small trace of spring that you've brought here... will give us the last step needed. |
Reimu |
良く喋る半分は幽霊 |
You're quite a talkative half-phantom. |
Youmu |
話を聞いてた? あなたはここで斬られておしまいなのよ |
Were you listening to me? I'm going to cut you down here, and you'll meet your end. |
Reimu |
あの世で死んでも、あの世に逝くのかしら |
If I die in the world of the dead, would I still be sent to the world of the dead? |
Youmu |
あんたは地獄逝き |
You will be sent to hell. |
Reimu |
あ、ここは地獄じゃないの? |
Oh, so this place is not hell is it? |
BGM: 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till when? |
BGM: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When?[12] | |
Youmu |
・・・妖怪が鍛えたこの楼観剣に 斬れぬものなど、あんまり無い! |
The things that cannot be cut by my Roukanken, forged by youkai... are next to none! |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
ここはもう十分に春じゃない これ以上に何をしようっていうの? |
There's enough spring in this place already. What else are you trying to do? |
Youmu |
お嬢様が今年こそは桜を満開にするって・・・ 西行妖が満開になるにはこの程度の春では・・・ |
The young mistress would like to see perfect cherry blossoms this year. This level of spring is not enough for the Saigyou Ayakashi to bloom fully... |
Reimu |
満開になると良い事あるのかしら |
And is a full bloom a... good thing? |
Stage 6
厭離穢士 欣求浄土 |
Loathing this unclean world Seeking rebirth in the Pure Land | |
彼の世に嬢の亡骸 |
A Maiden's Remains in the Other World | |
ほとけには桜の花をたてまつれ 我が後の世を人とぶらはば |
Please offer cherry blossoms to the Buddha Should you wish to mourn for me in the other world[13] | |
BGM: アルティメットトゥルース |
BGM: Ultimate Truth | |
Youmu Konpaku ENTERS | ||
Youmu |
これ以上踏み込んで お嬢様に殺されても知らないわよ! |
Don't step any further! Believe me, the young mistress will not hesitate to kill! |
Reimu |
殺されるのはあんたじゃなくて? |
Kill who, exactly? You? |
Youmu Konpaku DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
ああもう! 死霊ばっかでうんざりよ |
Geez! I'm so fed up with all these phantoms. |
??? |
勝手に人の庭に乗り込んできて 文句ばっか言ってるなんて |
Selfishly stepping into someone's garden only to speak complaints. |
Reimu |
!? |
!? |
Yuyuko Saigyouji ENTERS | ||
??? |
どうかしてるわ |
That's not normal. |
幽冥楼閣の亡霊少女 |
Ghost Girl in the Netherworld Tower | |
Yuyuko |
まぁ、うちは死霊ばっかですけど |
Sure, my home is full of phantoms, yes. |
Reimu |
さて、用件はなんだっけ? |
Now, what was my business here again? |
Yuyuko |
お花見かしら? 割と場所は空いてるわよ |
Did you come for cherry blossom viewing? We do have a few empty places. |
Reimu |
あ、そう? |
Oh, really? |
Yuyuko |
でも、あなたはお呼びではない |
You still are not invited, dear. |
Reimu |
そうそう、思い出した |
Ah, yes, yes, I remember. |
Yuyuko |
何かしら? |
Remember what? |
Reimu |
私はうちの神社の桜で花見をするのよ |
I'd rather have a flower-viewing event at my shrine. |
Yuyuko |
・・・ |
... |
Reimu |
そんなわけで、見事な桜だけど 集めた春を返してくれる? |
While it's true the flowers here are beautiful, would you kindly return the spring you stole? |
Yuyuko |
もう少しなのよ もう少しで、西行妖(さいぎょうあやかし) |
Just a little longer. A little longer and the Saigyou Ayakashi will be in full bloom... |
Reimu |
なんなのよ、西行妖って |
Just what is this Saigyou Ayakashi? |
Yuyuko |
うちの妖怪桜 この程度の春じゃ、この桜の封印が解けないのよ |
Our youkai cherry tree. We still don't have enough spring to break the seal on its blossom. |
Reimu |
わざわざ封印してあるんだから それは、解かない方がいいんじゃないの? なんの封印だか判らんし |
It's been intentionally sealed up, so it's probably better not to mess with it, right? Besides, we don't know what's sealed in it. |
Yuyuko |
結界乗り越えてきたあんたが言う事かしら |
How can you say that after breaching through our barrier? |
Reimu |
まぁいいや、封印解くとどうなるっていうの? |
Yeah, whatever. So, what happens if you break this seal? |
Yuyuko |
すごく満開になる |
A perfect bloom will occur. |
Reimu |
・・・ |
... |
Yuyuko |
と同時に、何者かが復活するらしいの |
And at that time, a certain someone will be revived. |
Reimu |
興味本位で復活させちゃダメでしょ |
Reviving people just for curiosity isn't good. |
Yuyuko |
あら、私は興味本位で人も妖怪も死に誘えるわよ |
Oh, I can invite humans and youkai to their deaths just for curiosity. |
Reimu |
反魂と死を同じに考えちゃダメでしょ 面倒なものが復活したらどうするのよ |
Being able to bring death doesn't mean you know anything about bringing life. What if you revive something really nasty? |
Yuyuko |
試して見ないと判らないわ なんにしても、お呼ばれしてないあなたが ここにいる時点で死んだも同然 というか、ここに居る事自体が死んだと言うことよ |
We can't know before we try. And in any case, uninvited girl, being here at this point in time is same as being dead. Or more precisely, being here means you have died. |
Reimu |
私は死んでもお花見が出来るのね |
Even if I'm dead, I can go flower-viewing. |
Yuyuko |
あなたが持っているなけなしの春があれば 本当の桜が見れるわ |
If I could just have that bit of spring that you carry within you... I could see real cherry blossoms... |
Reimu |
さて、冗談はそこまでにして 幻想郷の春を返して貰おうかしら |
Alright, enough joking around. I will now take back Gensokyo's spring. |
BGM: 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life |
BGM: Bloom Nobly, Ink-black Cherry Blossom ~ Border of Life[14] | |
Yuyuko |
最初からそう言えばいいのに |
You should have said so from the start. |
Reimu |
最初から2番目位に言った |
It was the second thing I said from the beginning. |
Yuyuko |
最後の詰めが肝心なのよ |
The conclusion is the most important part. |
Reimu |
花の下に還るがいいわ、春の亡霊! |
Return beneath the flowers, ghost of spring! |
Yuyuko Saigyouji DEFEATED | ||
身のうさを思ひしらでややみなまし そむくならひのなき世なりせば |
My life might have ended knowing nothing of my misery were this a world without the custom of priestly retreat [15] | |
Yuyuko Saigyouji REVIVES | ||
BGM: ボーダーオブライフ |
BGM: Border of Life | |
Yuyuko Saigyouji DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
Bad Ending No. 01 | ||
If player has not continued and is using Reimu-A | ||
Ending No. 04 | ||
If player has not continued and is using Reimu-B | ||
Ending No. 05 |
- ↑ Mukau no kyou (無何有の郷) is Zhuangzi's utopia, where its inhabitants live free and easy, all in accordance to the doctrine of effortless action. It is translated here as "Paradise" but its literal translation is "Village of Not-Even-Anything")
- ↑ The first line of the well-known Chinese poem by Meng Haoran, "A Spring Morning"
- ↑ Reimu is referring to Letty being a spirit of winter, and how these spirits are only awake during the season of their name, and sleep during other seasons.
- ↑ The character for "deep" in "deep sleep" is also the character for spring.
- ↑ Asebi: an evergreen shrub that blooms in early spring with a lot of sphere-like flowers.
- ↑ Alice was the Stage 3 and Extra boss of Mystic Square.
- ↑ Shibaraku kyojin (しばらく巨人) is making a pun of the arcade game "Gauntlet Dark Legacy". In Japanese version of that game, an Enlarging Item originally called "Growth" was translated to shibaraku kyojin (しばらく巨人, lit. "Giant for a while")", which sounded a bit silly and that made the game popular in a funny way. Other translations done in a similar manner include ones such as "Levitation" to shibaraku fuyuu (しばらく浮遊, lit. "float for a while") and "Invulnerability" to shibaraku muteki (しばらく無敵, lit. "invincibility for a while"). As it's hard to translate this pun, this translation only gets the essence of Reimu trying to reinterpret Alice's secondmost previous line.
- ↑ In Japanese, calling a person "his/her head is in spring" means that he/she is a bit mental.
- ↑ Could be a reference to Alice's title in Mystic Square, which was "Witch of Death".
- ↑ As you can probably guess, 2/7 = 28.5714%...
- ↑ 願はくは花の下にて春死なむその如月の望月のころ: well-known waka poem of Saigyō, who was a Buddhist in the 12th century. In that poem, "Kisaragi" means the second month of the lunar calendar which was used in Japan a couple centuries ago, and probably was a season of cherry blossoms. "Full moon day" means the 15th, and it was the day that Buddha died. Saigyo actually died on 16 Feb. 1190, as he had wished.
- ↑ "Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird" is the title of a section within chapter 12 of the Taikeiki (太平記)", a Japanese war epic written in the 14th century.
- ↑ 仏には桜の花を奉れわが後の世を人とぶらはば: waka by Saigyō, written 1181 AD, continuing the waka in stage 5. It is ambiguous whether hotoke (ほとけ, alternatively 仏) refers to the deceased, or to Buddha.
- ↑ Sumizome is also the name of the spirit in a cherry tree in the Japanese play, "Seki no To".
- ↑ 身の憂さを思ひしらでややみなまし 背く習ひの無き世なりせば: another waka by Saigyō, as a variation on a poem by the monk Jouken (静賢). 世を背く means "to forsake the world", and refers to entering Buddhist priesthood, as do other similar phrases.
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
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