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Perfect Memento in Strict Sense/Bamboo Forest of the Lost
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迷いの竹林 | Bamboo Forest of the Lost | |
危険度: 中 | Threat level: Medium | |
遭遇する妖怪: 妖獣、他 | Encounterable youkai: Beasts, others | |
人間の里から見て、妖怪の山とは正反対の位置に広がるのが迷いの竹林だ。 | Looking out from the human village, in the opposite direction from Youkai Mountain lies the expanse of the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. | |
竹林は目印になる様な物が少なく、さらに竹の成長が早いお陰で景色がすぐに変わり、確実に迷う。 | This bamboo forest has very little in the way of landmarks; furthermore, the bamboo grows so quickly that scenery is constantly changing. Thus, it is certain that one will become lost there. | |
広いだけでなく地面に僅かな傾斜があり、竹が斜めに生長していたりと平衡感覚を狂わせ、真っ直ぐ歩いているつもりでもいつの間にか元の位置に戻ってきてしまうという。 | Not only is it vast, but the ground has a slight slope, so combined with the diagonally growing bamboo it tends to disrupt one's sense of balance. It's said that even if you attempt to walk in a perfectly straight line, before you know it you'll have returned to where you started. | |
さらに、この竹林は妖怪となった獣が好んで棲み着き、普通の人間が行く様な場所ではない(*11)。 | In addition, the bamboo forest is a favorite haunt of beasts who have become youkai. It is certainly not a place normal humans should visit (*11). | |
ただ、この竹林には様々な物が隠されていると言われる。 | However, it is said that there are many things hidden within this bamboo forest. | |
まず、確実にあるのが永遠亭と呼ばれる静かなお屋敷。 | First of all, a peaceful mansion called Eientei has been confirmed to be here. | |
このお屋敷には、非常に謎が多い人間と兎が暮らしているという。 | Within this mansion live extremely enigmatic humans and rabbits. | |
他にも、怪しく光る竹を見つけた者や、小さな雀のお宿、六十年に一度しか咲かない竹の花畑、竹の根の下にある地下妖怪世界を見たと言う報告もある(*12)。 | Additionally, there have been claims of things like a person who discovered some suspiciously shimmering bamboo, a birdhouse for a small sparrow, a bamboo garden with flowers that only bloom once every 60 years, and an underground youkai world beneath the roots of bamboo plants (*12). | |
なんにせよ、この竹林は熟練の筍取り以外は足を踏み入れない方がいいだろう。 | Even with these offerings, it would be best for anyone other than skilled bamboo harvesters to avoid setting foot in this bamboo forest. | |
*11 しかし筍は美味しい。 | 11: Though the bamboo shoots there are delicious. | |
*12 信憑性は低いが、何しろ確認しようがない。 | 12: There's very little credibility and, in any case, no way to confirm this. |
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