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Perfect Memento in Strict Sense/Celestials
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< | Kappa | Encyclopedia: Unidentified | Hermits | > |
最も暢気な人間 | The Most Carefree Humans | |
天人 | Celestials | |
主な危険度: 極低 | Usual threat level: Very low | |
遭遇頻度: 極低 | Frequency of encounters: Very low | |
多様性: 普段 | Variety: Normal | |
主な遭遇場所: 不明 | Places likely to be encountered: Unknown | |
主な遭遇時間: 不明 | Times likely to be encountered: Unknown | |
特徴 | Characteristics | |
天界に住む人間。 | Humans that live in Heaven. | |
俗世間に完全に別れを告げ、輪廻転生の輪からも外れ、永遠に天界に住む。 | They live forever in Heaven, separated from the world of daily cares, and even from the circle of transmigration. | |
暢気で明るく、歌や踊りや釣りが好きで、毎日音楽を聴いたり、魚釣りをしたり、碁を打ったりしながら暮らしているという。 | As they are bright and carefree, and love song, dance and fishing, they spend their days on activities such as listening to music, fishing and playing go. | |
天人は修行を積んだ仙人が、不老不死を得て生きたまま天界に行った天人(*5)と、死後、成仏して天界に行った天人が居る。 | Celestials are hermits who have long pursued ascetic knowledge, but they can be divided into those who have achieved immortality and ascended to heaven (*5), and those who have attained enlightenment and entered Nirvana after death. | |
前者は、肉体を持っている為、地上に姿を現わす事が出来るが、後者は誰かの肉体を借りないと地上に降りてくる事は出来ない。 | The former have physical bodies, so they can appear on earth with ease, but the latter cannot descend from Heaven without borrowing somebody's body. | |
時折、地上に降り立っては、トンチンカンな事を言って人間を困らせ天に帰って行く。 | Sometimes they descend to earth, say absurd things that confound normal humans, and return to Heaven. | |
天人の肉は妖怪には毒で、妖怪に襲われる事はまず無い為、地上では恐れる物は無い。 | A celestial's body is like poison to youkai, and as a result, youkai almost never attack celestials, so they have nothing to fear on earth. | |
獰猛な獣さえも、手を翳すだけでいとも簡単に懐いてしまう。 | Even the most ferocious of beasts would be tamed if they only held out their hand. | |
さらに雲に乗る事が出来、その姿は恐ろしいまでに神々らしい。 | They are also able to ride on clouds, and the divine appearance this gives them is almost frightening. | |
天人の条件 | Conditions for Becoming a Celestial | |
毎日、音楽を聴き、釣りをしたり、碁をしたりと仕事もせずにのんびりと暮らし、常に最上級の食事を取る事が出来る。 | Celestials spend their days listening to music, fishing, and playing go, never bothered with the need to do work, and always able to eat the highest quality food. | |
そんな夢の様な生活に憧れる人間も少なくない(*6)。 | Certainly, no small number of people would like to live their dream-like lifestyle (*6). | |
だが、天人になる人間はまずは欲を断たないといけない。 | However, to become a celestial, humans must free themselves of worldly desires. | |
つまり第一条件として、そういう生活に憧れない人間である必要がある。 | In other words, the first requirement is certainly to not be the sort of person who would yearn for such a life. | |
大抵の人間は、その段階で弾かれてしまうだろう。 | Likely, most people would not meet this requirement. | |
天人の世界 | The World of the Celestials | |
天界は雲の上に存在すると言われるが、本当はそうではない。 | Heaven is said to exist above the clouds, but in reality this is not the case. | |
冥界の中に存在し、冥界の遥か空の上に存在するのである。 | It actually exists in the sky far above the Netherworld. | |
本来は死んだ人間が行く場所だが、死んでいない人間が天人に成る事もある。 | The dead are naturally able to go there, but it's also possible for living people to visit. | |
それは、欲を捨てるという事は、生きる欲も捨てる事でもあり、生きながらにして死者と変わらない状態に成る事をも意味するからである。 | This is because throwing away all desires includes freeing oneself of the desire to live, in which case one essentially becomes a living dead. | |
*5 早くて数百年~数千年は修行を積む必要があると言う。 | 5: It's said one would need to pursue enlightenment for hundreds, or thousands, of years. | |
*6 勿論私も憧れる。 | 6: Of course, I'd like to, as well. |
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