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Perfect Memento in Strict Sense/Human Village

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PMiSS humanvillage.jpg
人間の里 Human Village
危険度: 低 Threat level: Low
遭遇する妖怪: 獣人、妖精、幽霊他 Encounterable youkai: Were-beasts, fairies, phantoms, etc.
幻想郷の中で最も多くの人間が住む場所。 The place where most of the humans in Gensokyo live.
妖怪が利用する店も多くあるので様々な妖怪が街を訪れるが、ここで暴れる妖怪は殆ど無く、割とのんびりとした場所である(*1)。 Although various youkai visit the village for the many shops that cater towards them, they are rarely violent, so it is a relatively relaxed place (*1).
人間の生活に必要な物は、全てここで揃える事が出来る。 Everything necessary for human life is supplied here.
また、妖怪退治を仕事とする人間も住んでおり、安全な生活を送る事が出来る。 Moreover, as there are also humans who work as youkai exterminators, it is possible to lead a safe life here.
何故、人間の里は襲われる事が無いのかと言うと、実は妖怪の賢者によって保護されているのである(*2)。 As for why there are no attacks on the human village, the truth is that it is under the protection of the youkai sages. (*2).
ここから外に出ない限り、大きな被害を受ける事はない。 As long as the humans don't leave the village, they won't meet any harm.
もし、里の中で妖怪と出会ったとしても、目上の者に接する様に(*3)恭しく挨拶をしよう。 Even if you were to meet a youkai in the village, you should greet them respectfully as if they were your elder (*3).
また、意外と夜遅くまで開いている店が多いが、夜は妖怪専用店として別に営業している事もある。 Moreover, while many shops are kept open surprisingly late at night, that is often when they are for the exclusive use of youkai.
妖怪の活動が夜である事が多い為だが、お店はその分繁盛する。 Since many youkai are active at night, such stores are quite prosperous.
妖怪の方がいいお客様と言える。 It is said that youkai are good customers.
特にお酒が飲める店に関しては、妖怪、人間共に一緒に盛り上がる事も日常茶飯事である。 It is also a common occurrence for humans and youkai to enjoy meals together, particularly in places that serve alcohol.
*1 稗田家がある場所も、勿論人間の里。 1: Of course, the Hieda family lives here as well.
*2 幻想郷の人間が滅ぶと妖怪も困るから。 2: If the humans of Gensokyo perished, the youkai would also be in trouble.
*3 高確率で目上の者。 3: There is a high probability that they are your seniors.

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 Dangerous Area Guide   Hakurei Shrine >